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Piper Dreams: Make It Happen (Dream Series Book 2)

Page 13

by Amélie S. Duncan

  “You have vision, and you’re enthusiastic. Plus, I was hoping you could continue with your filming.” Her eyebrows disappeared into her hairline.

  “Oh, I’d love to do that. In fact Brody and I.…” I covered my big mouth. “Ooops.”

  “Brody and you are doing what?” she asked.

  “It’s a surprise.”

  “You’re lucky, I love surprises.” She lowered her eyelids a touch. “I think you being here early is also good for Cole. He needs to see how madly in love, Brody is with you.”

  I sat back in my seat and looked at my hands. “I don’t know what to say.”

  “I know. Me telling you that doesn’t hold much weight. Especially after what happened at the hospital when I asked Brody to stay with me. I thought Cole was gone. I was scared to be alone,” she stammered.

  I glimpsed her. “It’s okay.”

  “No, it isn’t. I’ve wanted to speak with you about that and how sorry—”

  The driver’s door suddenly opened with Cole climbing inside.

  “No. I understood. Let’s not—” I said.

  “We’ll talk about it later,” Seren replied. “But I wanted you to know that much now.”

  I nodded at her, and she sighed and trailed her hand down Cole’s arm soothingly.

  “I’m fine,” she said in a loud whisper.

  Brody slid in next to me and eyed me questioningly.

  “Everything’s fine.” I whispered, and we all set off for their home.

  “So, Aunt Luna called and told me she sent me wedding goodies?” Seren asked.

  My insides warmed. Aunt. Aunt Luna had been great about everything with Seren and about me leaving early with Brody. Actually, she was more than agreeable. I’d like to think it had little to do with her visitor coming out for a weekend visit. Nevertheless, I had my laptop and a small bag of things I borrowed to keep working on until she picked them up from me at the wedding. And a special suitcase full of things for Seren whom she had grown fond of by phone. “Yes. You have enough clothing and potions to last weeks.”

  “She’s giving me a wedding day massage too,” Seren enthused.

  “Oh really?” I would say don’t count on it since she stiffed me on mine, but was sure she would come through for Seren.

  “It’s a treat.”

  “Yeah. She’s giving me one too,” Cole said.

  I glanced at Brody, and we burst out laughing.

  “What?” Cole asked.

  “Nothing.” Brody wiped his eyes.

  “Sure sounds like more than nothing,” Cole said. “Oh. My friend Miles will be her wedding escort.”

  “Thank you. She hates going solo to weddings.”

  Seren turned on the radio and started singing to Adele’s “Hello” and I couldn’t help but admire the beauty of her voice. “I swear you should go for a music deal.”

  “The music business has never been my dream, but I do like to sing occasionally.”

  “Every day. Early in the morning,” Cole pointed out.

  “You love it,” she said.

  “I do. I love everything about you.” He paused a little longer at the light just to kiss her.

  Brody put his arm around me. “What do you think?” He gestured out the window, and I took a look outside at Colorado Springs.

  “It’s great.” And that was an understatement. Wow! I was in love with the mountainous terrain we drove through on the highway for a while before Cole drove deeper into a wooded area. I glanced over at Brody and found him staring at me. He casually placed his hand on my thigh, and my breath hitched. “What are you doing?”

  His hand moved higher up my dress. So high, I placed my hand over his to stop its progress.

  “What does it feel like I’m doing,” he said in a deep tone. His fingers right at the apex of my thigh.

  It was obvious enough that he was touching me intimately, that I didn’t need to reply. We had moved beyond kisses again—at least for me. He had got me off with his fingers. (Highly skilled fingers). My body heated up at just the memory. I was ready for us to be together sexually again and had hoped we would after our date last night. However, when we got back, Luna met us with a list of chores she wanted done before we left that we just fell into bed and slept.

  And now my clit was throbbing. I was hot and wet enough that more touches by him would make me too turned on to stop him. Yes, I did have an exhibitionist streak in me, that he uncovered, but what kind of an impression would this leave on Cole? Not to mention embarrassing me, no end, with Seren? Brody was oblivious, kissing and breathing on my neck making everything worse. Oh, so good, but worse.

  “When we’re alone.” Even that would have gone over better if my voice didn’t sound so breathy.

  I squirmed and tightened my thighs making his fingers work a little harder as they wiggled against my panties. He groaned into my neck, and it was like a jolt right to my clit. A moan escaped my lips.

  “Behave back there. Don’t make me pull over,” Cole called out.

  “Don’t mind us,” Seren giggled.

  “Brody,” I whined.

  He mercifully removed his hand and grasped mine, lifting it up to kiss the back of it. “I’m happy you came,” he said quietly.

  I placed my head on his shoulder. “I’m happy to be here.”

  He pressed his lips against my forehead and placed his arm around me. I closed my eyes and drifted.

  When the car slowed down, I opened my eyes again to find we had stopped at a stone and wooden house surrounded by trees. Seren was right, it was a lodge but modern.

  “It’s beautiful,” I gushed as Brody helped me out of the car. We carried everything inside the house where it looked like a wedding planner had exploded. Every inch of the leather modular couch and coffee table was covered with swatches, magazines, and sample reception centerpieces. “Um wow.”

  “Surprise,” Seren said holding her hands out. “It looks worse than it is. But we have settled on the wedding in the backyard and a trip up to the top of Pikes Peak for photos and then the reception, back at the house. Fiona’s going to cater. Riley is doing our makeup. Aunt Luna the bridesmaid’s dresses. Doc’s giving me away. The men will wear tuxedos. Oh, and come upstairs. I want to show you my dress!”

  Brody videographer.

  I smiled to myself. Seren went to lift the bag at the stairs, but I was quicker, taking it out of her hands.

  “Not you too,” Seren complained. “Cole is practically waiting on me hand and foot.” She motioned to the bedroom at the top of the stairs, and I walked in. It had a beautiful oak king-sized bed, dresser, and oval mirror.

  “I love your room,” I said putting the suitcase by one of the two fabric chairs.

  “Me too. It’s really too girly, but the second Cole showed it to me, and I got excited, he bought it. He spoils me.”

  I picked up on irritation in her tone, and that had me looking up at her. “Isn’t that a good thing?”

  “It is some of the time, but since the doctor told them that I have cancer again, he’s been treating me like a porcelain doll.” She went into the closet and brought out a garment bag and laid it across the bed. “I’m actually feeling much better since he’s been here, but he doesn’t believe me.”

  “He can’t help it. He loves you and is probably scared.…” I said and bit my lip. “Sorry.”

  She waved her hands. “Please don’t be. I’m happy you said that. I know he loves me and is scared I’ll get sicker. I was too, at first. Now, I’m not going to let cancer rule or ruin my life. I’m feeling good right now.” She glanced at me. “I’ll go back for more treatment, and everything will be good. So please don’t worry.”

  “That can’t be helped I’m afraid. I’m a worrier. But If I can be a part of helping with whatever you need, please let me.”

  “You already are,” she took out the dress and twirled around with it. “So?”

  “Wow. It’s beautiful!” It was. Her wedding dress was a white lace and chiffo
n; princess cut dress with a jewel-encrusted bodice—not that I was a wedding dress expert. Admittedly, I had looked at a few wedding magazines in a doctor’s waiting area. Speaking of doctors, I went to my handbag and quickly took out my birth control pills.

  “The wedding prompts you to pull out your contraception pills,” Seren snickered.

  My cheeks warmed. “I’m not. I just have been a bit scatter-brained. And I’m not having kids right now.”

  She went to the bathroom and came back with a cup of water for me and I took a sip.

  “I know Brody would make a good baby daddy. He went all out when that witch was pregnant. He was ready for dad jeans and socks with sandals. I don’t know. I’m no expert on cute families like Cole. You do want kids in the future right?”

  “Yes, I do in the future,” I said.

  Her shoulders dropped. “Good. Cole and I talked about adopting, but with my health and his job, who would give us a kid?” Her voice faltered.

  I went to her and hugged her. “A smart person who wants a baby full of love and care. And yes, I do want kids, but pregnancy is a long way off.”

  “Piper’s pregnant?”

  We turned to the door to find Cole with a shit-eating grin on his face.

  “She’s not, yet,” Seren replied for me.

  “You’re supposed to be on my side. I’m not pregnant.” I lightly swatted her arm.

  “The night is young,” Cole said and grinned harder at the grimace I directed at them.

  He walked further in, and I quickly rushed over to the bed and put the wedding dress away. “You’re not supposed to see it yet.”

  “Oh, I guess that means you shouldn’t have ballroom danced around the house wearing it when we got it, eh Seren?”

  “You didn’t!” I fussed.

  Seren dramatically fidgeted. “Ooops. I was just so excited. I couldn’t help myself.”

  “She did, but I can say she looked beautiful and will look beautiful in it again on the wedding day soon. Now dinner is ready. Go on down.”

  “Yeah, boss.” Seren saluted him, and he pecked her lips. He playfully swatted her butt before she left. I went to follow her, but he waved me back on the bed.

  “We can wait,” he said.

  I scoffed. “Says you. I’m hungry.”

  He shook his head and smiled. “You speak your mind. I like that, but I want to talk to you a minute, so take a seat.” His tone was authoritative, and though I was a little annoyed, I sat back on the bed, and he sat down next to me.

  “I’m not the enemy, Piper, but I’ll admit I was an ass to you on the phone.”

  “Yeah. You were, you didn’t know a thing about me and were pretty nasty to me.”

  “True, but I know Brody. I’ve known him for most of our lives. He’s my family.” He bit his lip. “Do you know about us?”

  “I know his parents kicked him out at eighteen, and he came to stay with you.”

  “That’s part of it. My dad used to say that the Whitehurst’s never wanted kids, and it was something his mother and father bickered about a lot. They weren’t good to him, and that affected him. He was a little kid. Always overdoing things to try to make them happy, but they just didn’t give a damn. I’d bring him home so much my parents called him my brother. He was, and we always looked out for each other. But, Brody has a weakness. A belief that he’s not good enough. Something my parents and I fought to change, and he’s done well in most areas of his life; except for women. He’s let them walk all over him and treat him like shit. He’s better than that. And after what happened with Mia, I’d be damned if I let anyone hurt him again.”

  “I know about Mia, but I’m not her. I truly love Brody and would never treat him like shit.”

  “I can see that you believe that to be true, but I’m still concerned. Brody didn’t just fall apart after Mia, but that’s not for me to tell. Has he agreed to discuss that with you.”

  My lips parted. “He has, but was there more?”

  “That’s for Brody to talk to you about. I believe I have a good reason to be concerned, he loves and cares about you. Did you know he sold his bike to help pay for your school?” his gaze was intense.

  I lowered my head as tears slipped down my face. “No. I would never have agreed to him doing that for me. I didn’t even know he was my buyer….I will pay him back. He told me the bike would sell,” I cried.

  He placed his hand on my shoulder comfortingly. “That’s Brody. He’d do anything for those he cares about. He has a big heart like Seren. He loves her. Everyone does.”

  “Yes,” I agreed. “She’s easy to love.”

  “When Seren got sick, his first words to me were “what are we going to do?” He never once thought to step back. We needed him, and he stayed with us. That’s how good of a man you’re with. He’s done so much for me and Seren. I’ll never be able to repay him.” His voice broke.

  I touched his shoulder. “I believe he feels the same about you and your family. He told me as much.”

  “His family. My family was, and is, his family and will always be.” He met my eyes. “As for you. All I’m asking is that you do us a favor and be sure you want him before committing to him. Commitment is more than just being together. Commitment is work and sacrifice in ways I’m still trying to figure out.” His tone light.

  “The last thing in the world I want to do is hurt Brody,” I swallowed. “I love him. I want to try, and so does he. So give us that chance, is all I ask.”

  “I will; I am. But if you hurt him, we will have a problem.” He held his hand out. “In fact, I’d like to start over with you right here right now. Are you willing to start over with me?”

  I smiled and clasped his hand. There was no doubt after our conversation the extent to which their lives were entwined together. Cole’s willingness to start over with me was more than I could have hoped for. Although he had expressed reservations, I was thrilled at the fresh start. Clearly. Our fresh start needed to be with Cole too. “I’d like that.”

  He squeezed my hand. “Now. I’m not opposed to babies. A set of twins if I can put my order in.”

  “I want twins too, but give us a chance to eat dinner first,” I joked back.

  “Good stuff, Firecracker.”

  “Hey! Why on earth do you all have to give me nicknames? I can barely keep up with them.”

  “I’d take it as a compliment. It means you’ve left a good impression on everyone you meet.” He said, sealing our new start.

  I went to the bathroom and splashed water over my face before following him downstairs to the kitchen where Brody and Seren were waiting for us. They were already eating their grilled chicken and vegetables at the dining table. I was still reeling from the revelation about Brody selling his bike for me, but I put it aside to join them.

  Brody touched my face. “Are you okay?” His face was full of concern.

  I nodded and took the hug he gave me.

  “She’s still standing, so we don’t have to tackle you,” Seren said to Cole.

  “Try me. I could take you all on,” Cole bragged and started fixing our plates. I moved to help, but he waved me back. “You’re fine tonight. Tomorrow. You’re on breakfast duty.”

  “Then we’re getting takeout.” Brody kissed me before I could poke him at his jab.

  “Luna didn’t give me a chance to really cook.”

  “Yeah, but those grilled cheese sandwiches.” he made a face and, this time, I did poke him.

  “It was weird fancy cheese from a dairy-free cow.” We all laughed. Okay. There was no such thing.

  “Alright. We’ll give Piper a chance this week,” Cole said.

  “You’re making Piper audition to cook for us?” Seren mused.

  “I’m up for the challenge,” I said with (fake) confidence. Brody reached over and tickled my side, and I laughed and kissed his cheek.

  I ate into the chicken and vegetables. They were delicious enough to make us all quiet for a few minutes. Seren even went in
for seconds to the delight of all of us. “These are good. Almost as good as Fiona’s.” I said when I was finished.

  “After she scarfed everything down in two bites,” Cole mocked. We all laughed. It was true. I would have eaten more if there was anything left.

  Brody poured me half a glass of wine. “That’s all you get. I want you sober.”

  “That’s sex just in case you missed that, Cole,” Seren said. He poured half a glass for her too.

  “Yeah. He’s being a good boy tonight,” Cole said, and Brody joined him in a masculine infused laughed.

  Seren and I groaned loudly.

  “So what’s the plans for the bachelor and bachelorette parties?” I asked changing the subject.

  “Riley’s handling ours and Brody is handling Cole’s,” she replied.

  “Is that so?” I asked Brody’s poker face now.

  “It won’t get too wild. We will be having the wedding a couple of days later,” Cole said and poured a glass of wine for himself. I looked through the window at the backyard. It was spacious, though wooded on the outskirts.

  “It will be small. Most of the people will come to the reception.”

  I barely finished my glass of wine before Brody, scooped me up and tossed me over his shoulder. “Now we got that out of the way. We’re heading upstairs.”

  “Alright, see you later,” Seren called after us as Brody carried me out of the kitchen and into the living room.

  I giggled. “I can walk.”

  “But this is more fun. You like a good role play. I’m taking you back to my cave. Go with it.”

  I laughed and went with it.

  He placed me down on my feet at the top of the stairs. The moon shone through the bay windowed bedroom that was open at the top of the landing. He took my hand and walked us inside, closed the door and turned on the lights. My pulse accelerated as he stopped before the bed and sat down pulling me between his thighs. Before he could speak, I said, “Brody, I know what you did with your bike. If I had known, I never would have allowed it. Are you in financial trouble now because of me?” My voice faltered.

  He pulled me onto his lap and hugged me. “No, and Cole should not have told you that,” He sighed heavily. “I have money, but with my business loan payments, selling the bike made more sense to me. I sold it to one of my contacts from my shop. I’ll get another one. I’m not bothered.”


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