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Piper Dreams: Make It Happen (Dream Series Book 2)

Page 19

by Amélie S. Duncan

  “I suppose that’s true,” Brody said. “I only notice when I’m anxious to get somewhere.”

  “Honestly, I’m not. I wish I could stay,” I said quietly. The traffic stopped on the highway, and in that space, he leaned over and kissed my lips. “I wish you could too, but you’ll visit, and I’ll visit next month on or close to my birthday.”

  “I’ll get the best present,” I said.

  “And what might that be?” he fished.

  “You. Duh,” I said.

  “Duh.” He chuckled and took the exit and parked in short term. After collecting my bags, we went inside and after checking in, headed for the departure gate. This had been most of my summer. Back and forth, all over the United States. Mostly with Brody. My mind conjured up all the good that happened during our times at the farm and his home. The way he laughed and joked with me. He teased me and held me. He shared the deepest parts of himself with me. I was happy and free with him. I belonged with him. The thoughts weighed heavily on me. When we approached the security line, I faltered.

  “Brody. I don’t think.…”

  My words were incoherent, but he knew how I was feeling. He moved me over to one of the rows of chairs and placed me in his lap while I cried against him. I was making a downright scene, but I couldn’t hide my feelings. I couldn’t leave without knowing if he’d felt the impact of how much being with him meant to me.

  Brody rubbed my back and replaced my tears with kisses over my face and top of my head. “I’ll see you soon, Sprite. I’ll come as soon as I can. I’m going to miss you. I feel the same way. I love you.” He repeated the words over and again. A message planted deep in my heart from him to carry away with me. He stilled and lifted my chin. “You need to go now.” He kissed my trembling lips. “Call me or I’ll call you tonight.”

  I kissed his wet cheek and lips. And with a last wave, I headed off to my gate for my flight home. And boy was this flight going down as the worst. My crying headache was massively making everything about this flight annoying. The person crinkling their paper in the seat next to me, the child whining for another package of cinnamon cookies. I was two seconds away from throwing my bag at the child when my stomach lurched. That was the only warning I had before I scrambled to grab the paper bag and emptied the contents from my stomach. There went my peach pancakes. I happily took the bottled water handed to me by the flight attendant. I wasn’t offended when the person next to me moved seats. I had to use more than one bag, making this day one I couldn’t wait to see the back of. After what seemed like too many hours, we finally landed at Logan airport, I was off to the bathroom to rinse my mouth and then to meet Jorge and Nora at arrivals. I hadn’t been in much contact with Jorge since Luna’s farm and even less with Nora. However, they still were buzzed with excitement the second we spotted each other in arrivals. They were hand in hand on approach though Jorge immediately let go of her once he was in front of me.

  His brows were knitted. “You came back sick. He placed his hand on my forehead. “You’re warm.”

  “I’ll be okay. Thanks.” I turned toward Nora. “It’s good to see you. Thank you both for picking me up.”

  Nora gave me a quick hug and released me. “I hope you’re not sick, according to Matt you have a full class load. Have you had a chance to speak with him today?”

  “No. Well, I had my phone off,” I reached into my pocket and turned it back on.

  “He said he had been trying to get in touch with you and asked if I’d pass the message on,” she said with a slight turn of her lips.

  “Let’s get her settled,” Jorge clipped. He took my bag.

  “Of course. Sorry,” she muttered.

  “Don’t be. He’s my partner for global journalism program this year.” I replied.

  “Well, if you are sick, I have medicine you can take, back at our apartment.”

  I smiled at her. “I appreciate that, thank you.”

  I followed them out of the airport and over to his car. Once in the backseat, I checked my phone and found a text message from Matt waiting for me. I frowned. None from Brody, Seren or Cole. Then again, I had told them I wouldn’t be home until the evening.

  Did you see Russ’s message? We need to meet up when you get back. I’m looking forward to seeing you (since you didn’t Skype with me)

  Nope. And I wouldn’t. Brody had handled the Cole situation well because he was like a brother to him and best friend. He wouldn’t handle me Skyping with a man that was interested in me. And Matt was interested no matter what I told him. I went straight to checking my email where I discovered a new message waiting for me from Professor Gilmore.

  Subject: First Day Assignments

  Dear Ten,

  Attached is the list of books and articles I’d like for you all to be familiar with. Your first assignment is due the first day of class. I’ll be meeting with you and your partner bi-weekly throughout our year. I’d like you to set up a website, blog, and podcast, which you will all be graded on over the course of the semester. We will still be heading over to South America. You will need to complete your medical exams, consent forms, and background clearance information before the end of the semester or you’ll be out of the program.

  Welcome to your Gilmore Year!

  Seize it. Live it. Write it.


  I groaned. I was already behind on my work and the semester hadn’t even started.

  “What’s up?” Jorge asked, and I told him.

  “Well, nothing you can’t handle,” he said.

  I sent Matt a reply.

  Thanks for the heads up. We can meet up tomorrow if you are available.

  He sent back.

  Tomorrow morning at your place. I’ll bring breakfast.

  I hadn’t even unpacked, and he wanted to come over. Did I even have a bed? “Has my bed arrived?”

  “Yes. The mattress was delivered a couple of days ago. We got you a bed in a bag and pillows as a welcome present. I made it up for you. I hope that’s okay?” she said.

  “It is,” I said at the same time as Jorge. “Thank you.” I sent Matt a reply.

  I need to pick up my books in the morning. How about I call you and you come in the afternoon?

  He messaged back.

  *Grumble* Alright. I’ll await your call. See you then.

  “So how was the wedding?” Jorge asked politely as he took the exit.

  “Good. Thanks,” I said.

  “If you’re not too sick, we can order takeout for lunch?” Nora asked.

  “I can cook,” I offered.

  Jorge scoffed. “Since when?”

  “Since now,” I snapped.

  “You’re sick. You’ll unpack and go to bed,” Jorge said.

  I smirked. “Will I?”

  I had forgotten how much I didn’t like the parenting side of Jorge. However, I wasn’t in the mood to argue with him, so I didn’t though I was already missing Brody, Seren, and Cole in Colorado Springs. I imagined they would be making a similar fuss but with the revelation of his interest in me as well as the arguments, I just was confused how to be with him. So I just stared out of the window and listened to Nora speak about all that was happening in Boston and college I’d missed this summer. When the car left the highway and entered the area where the apartment was located, I realized it was familiar. In fact, it was the same street as the frat house we had attended the party earlier this summer. A tree-lined street with rows of old Victorian houses. The one that Jorge parked in front of and Nora identified as ours was a lilac, shingle-gabled one with three rows of sash windows along the front. I was instantly in love with it.

  Nora gave me my new key then touched Jorge’s arm. “I think we should stick with plan A. You come over later and give her a chance to unpack and settle in.”

  “Yeah, but that was before we found out she’s sick. You have nothing to worry about,” he said quietly to her. “I’m just going to make sure Piper’s alright.”

  “I think Nora’s right,
” I said. “I’ve got a billion things to do before the semester starts besides unpack.”

  “Fine. I’ll come back for dinner,” he relented and hugged Nora. She kissed him too.

  He came over to me and squeezed my shoulder. “Can we talk tonight? I haven’t had the chance to talk to you much, and I want us to catch up too.”

  I swiped my damp forehead. “Okay. If I’m awake, yeah.”

  Nora and I went up the steep steps and waited by the front door for her to unlock it.

  “The house was converted into apartments, though the original light fixtures and crown molding remain,” Nora said. I noticed each polished door had a number on the outside of them. “Two apartments on the bottom. Three upstairs. We are in apartment five.”

  I followed her up another flight to the second floor. At the top was a narrow hall that we went down and stopped at the last door. She opened it to a small living and dining room combination. A row of windows was the star of the room with light coming in over a matching fabric couch set.

  “It’s cozy, but I love it,” Nora said, motioning me toward the door off the kitchen that I discovered was to be my new bedroom. The pine bed frame and dresser were there as Jorge had described, with bright pink floral duvet set. Holy tween! It wouldn’t have been my first choice, but I was grateful. “Thanks, Nora.”

  “I’ll leave you to unpack. There are medicines in the bathroom cabinet, cat corner to this bedroom. I’ve got soup you can have.”

  “Wow. I truly appreciate it. Nora thanks for letting me rent from you,” I said. “And about the party.…”

  “Over and done. I know you were both drunk.” She paused, and I agreed.

  “Jorge has apologized, and well, now you have a boyfriend?”

  “Yes,” I said.

  “Good. Then we are fine. Jorge was so worried about you, and now he can get updates from me or come and visit us both.”

  “True.” I looked around the room.

  “I’ll leave you to settle in. If you need anything just ask,” she said and left.

  I walked over to the bed and sat down. Bracing myself for the cheap mattress I’d purchased online. However, to my surprise, I didn’t feel a spring. I lifted up the duvet and sheets to investigate. Pillow top? I smiled. Brody. How did he know? Taking out my phone again, I placed a call to find out and to admittedly hear his voice. Yep. I was crazy in love.

  “I’m here.”

  “Yes, you are,” he said with a lift to his voice.

  “I’m sitting on my new mattress. They seemed to have made a mistake at the shop.”

  “Surprise,” he said.

  “Brody, you can’t be spending—” I admonished.

  “I can do whatever I want for you,” he said speaking over me. “I’m coming to visit, and I’m not leaving with a bad back.”

  I smiled and stretched out on the bed. “Okay, as long as you come.”

  “Nothing can stop me,” he said.

  “Seren and Cole ready for their flight?” I asked.

  “Yeah. They will be leaving later tonight,” he said.

  I frowned. “I hate that you’re alone.” We were quiet for a few heartbeats.

  “I will be busy, don’t you worry about me. In fact, I have some news. We have a buyer,” he said.

  “Oh really?” I sat up.

  “Yeah, but I’m missing the papers that confirm your ownership.”

  My stomach churned. “I’ll check with my mom, Luna, and Hatchet, but the will states he left it to me. Can’t you sell it with what you have?”

  “Normally, but the buyer is persnickety and just covering all bases. If you can go through your papers and send whatever you have, I can return some good news to you, and, believe me, you will want this purchase.”

  “Alright, uhm…” My stomach cramped again. “I’ve got to…I’ll be right back.” I got up and quickly found the bathroom and emptied whatever I had left in my stomach. I did a quick clean up and quickly returned to the phone. “Sorry. I have a cold.”

  “I didn’t know you were sick. If I’d known.…” he said.

  I could hear the worry in his tone and a flutter went through my chest. “What would you do?” I asked shifting on my side.

  “What would I do? I thought you were sick not ready for phone sex,” he mused.

  “Any sex involving you, I’m game, but I just want to know what you would do if you were here, to help me get through the rest of the day?” I said. My voice cracked.

  “I’d strip you down and hold you close to me.” He cooed into the phone.

  “You’d end up sick too,” I said.

  “So. I’d risk it to be next to you,” he said. “I miss you, Sprite.”

  I swallowed hard. “I miss you too.”

  “Get some sleep, now,” he instructed.

  “I’ll take a nap, and then I’ve got homework to do,” I said. “I love you.”

  “I love you too,” he said and hung up.

  My head spun. I had a lot to do, but all would have to wait. I curled into a ball and fell asleep.

  Chapter Nineteen


  I DIDN’T WAKE for dinner. In fact, I slept from the afternoon to early in the morning. When I did wake, I took some medication and heated up the dinner I found left for me with a note with my name on it in the refrigerator. Nora was turning out to be a good roommate so far. So long as I kept my hands off Jorge. She didn’t have to worry about that though I understood why she would be concerned. We were still only friends and hopefully, would have a chance to get our friendship back on track now that I had returned.

  My illness had left me sluggish, leaving me just enough time to shower, dress, and head across to North campus to confirm my registered courses and pick up my books from the campus bookstore. I purchased as many used books as I could and noted the ones I could read on reserve at the library. A precaution since I was no longer certain of my sale of the bike until I spoke with my mom. I took a deep breath and called her. She answered on the first ring.

  “Piper. You’re back in Boston?”

  My brows rose. She actually sounded happy to hear from me. “Yes. I was hoping we could meet for coffee.”

  “I’d like that. Oh, but Royce and I are out—”

  “Forget it,” I said cutting her off. “I’ll see you, but without him.”

  She sighed heavily. “How about we meet up this afternoon at lunchtime? I’ll be free then.”

  “I have some homework to do first, but after, around four?” She agreed, and I gave her my new address. I paid for my books and headed back to the dorm. My stomach wasn’t as queasy as it had been, and I splurged on a mocha that was available at the shop near my new apartment. When I arrived back, I was surprised to find Matt already inside. He was dressed in one of his fraternity burgundy and gold t-shirts and blue jeans. His blonde hair was back in a ponytail like mine. I reached up and tugged off my hair tie. He was standing there chatting with Nora, but I still couldn’t stop myself from saying, “What are you doing here?”

  Matt was nonplussed. “I’m here for our working lunch and Nora is also a family friend.”

  “Sorry. Matt said you knew he was coming over,” Nora said.

  I pressed my lips together. “I said I’d call you before you came over. Alright. I’ll put my books away, and when it’s time, I’ll come back out for our working lunch.” I walked back to my bedroom and heard footsteps behind me.

  “Okay. I came early to see you too. I thought we had started being friendly toward each other at the beginning of the summer,” Matt said. “Then your friend showed up.”

  “My boyfriend,” I said jutting my chin. “We’re now exclusively together.” We hadn’t said as much, but I thought to nip any ideas in the bud that Matt might still have.

  The corner of his mouth lifted. “He’s still in Colorado Springs?”

  “Yeah,” I said.

  He grinned. “I can handle those odds.”

  “Knock it off,” I grumbled. “Le
t’s just get this stuff done and you can go.”

  “It would be easier if we could print things out,” he motioned toward my desktop computer and printer.

  I scowled, but walked over and turned it on.

  “Why are you mad at me?” he asked sitting down on my bed.

  “Because you are messing with me and I’m unwell,” I replied.

  “You still look beautiful,” he said. I folded my arms. “Alright. I’ll leave you alone for now. My butt is on the line with Professor Gilmore too. So seriously, I came to work.” He reached over and picked up a backpack I hadn’t seen and started removing a stack of papers.

  “Good. Then let’s get to it,” I said.

  “Is that what you say in bed?” he asked laying back on mine.

  I snorted. “Last joke.”

  “You need to loosen up. If he has you that uptight, he’s not doing it right.”

  I flushed but didn’t reply. How good Brody did me was none of his business. I sat at my computer and went over the semester syllabus. Brainstorming ideas on what we could work on and present, from our respective projects as well as current events. Only stopping to eat sandwiches we took from Nora’s food supply that I promised myself I would replenish tonight. By the time we were done, I was confident we had a good start on our work and working partnership for the semester and told him as much.

  “I think so too. This might just impress him,” he said.

  “We can only hope,” I said and smiled.

  “Wow. I earned a Rowe smile. It’s a sight to behold,” he said. “You know I wish you had been around for the summer. We could have worked on both of our projects together here.”

  “I’d like to hear more about your progress.” My phone chimed. I fished it out of my pocket, and my heart skipped a beat. Brody. “I must take this.”

  He smirked, and I turned away from him and answered.

  “I was worried about you all night. How are you feeling?” Brody asked.


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