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Binding Fire: Paranormal Romance (Bad Boys of the Underworld Book 3)

Page 18

by Crowe, Mallory

  Muriel turned to Jared, a mortified look on her face. “Would you please stop talking! Someone could hear you.”

  They were alone for the moment in the little makeshift gym, but people came in and out all day long. Besides that, Jared had just pointed out how strong a vampire’s hearing could be, and Muriel figured that a werewolf’s would be just as strong.

  “Just tell me who it was and I’ll leave you alone.”

  Nosy vampires could mean trouble. There were ten of them on the base and any one of them could hear Kier sneaking in and out of her room, let alone what they would be doing together. It wouldn’t look good for her to be caught fraternizing with the enemy. “I don’t think Hell has frozen over yet. Once the demons are lining up to buy ice skates, we can have a nice, long discussion about my love life. Until then, keep your ears to yourself.”

  “Yeah, because I was bored and thought to myself, ‘Hey! Let’s go spy on Muriel on the off chance she’s having hot angel sex!’” Jared gave her a look that told her exactly how little he cared about her extracurricular activities.

  “Then I’m sure you can live with the suspense of not knowing then.” She turned her back and walked away. She would just have to hope that he truly didn’t care.

  “If you’re not careful, you’re going to get your heart broken,” he called from behind her.

  Muriel frowned. First Kier and now Jared. Why was everyone so hung up on her heart getting broken?

  She shook her head and walked down the hallway to her room. It was too early for her to be going to bed, but she couldn’t go to the common area to socialize right now. She normally really enjoyed the relaxing moments spent with the various species that currently called the base their home.

  The vampires tended to be quiet and pensive creatures, but once they opened up, the entire school would fill with their laughter. Nine of the ten vampires on campus were men. In general, there were more male than female vampires, but no one really knew why.

  All vampires that came over from their original realm were male, but Muriel didn’t know why. All she had been told was that they invaded and their impact needed to be kept to a minimum. No questions asked.

  Humans could be turned, though they were different from the purebreds who were born as vampires. Turned humans fed off other vampires to survive, and they lacked the ability of mind control. Jared and two of the other male vampires were purebreds who were descended from the original invaders. The other seven were all turned.

  The werewolves were always loud. They came from large families and were used to shouting to get attention. The eleven of them on base had all come from different parts of the world, but one could never tell from the way they interacted. They joked and laughed among one another as though they’d been best friends for life.

  The other eleven members of Samuel’s small army were from various backgrounds. Esmeralda was their resident sorceress, a few of Samuel’s old army buddies were taking up residence, Ava was human but had centuries of knowledge about various supernatural beings, and one siren was on staff as a living alarm. The newest addition was the shape shifter.

  No one knew much about shifters and, to be honest, Muriel hadn’t even believed they existed before Jacob came knocking on Samuel’s door. He could change his face to look like any humanoid being he wanted to look like. Something about that bothered her. At least with a demon or rogue vampire, you knew what you were dealing with. How could you fight a threat that could look exactly like your best friend or lover?

  In the two weeks since Jacob had taken up residence at the base, he had more than proved himself as a useful soldier. He rarely used his ability. He claimed that the transformation was painful and took a fair amount of concentration. Even without shifting, he was almost as strong as a vampire and could take one hell of a beating. He didn’t heal as fast as a vampire, but he was practically impossible to kill.

  He would be a useful asset when Muriel finally did storm the gates of Hell.

  It was difficult for the mortals living at the base. With the exception of Ava, all the mortals were used to being the most physically intimidating presence in a room. Now they were surrounded by beings that were only supposed to exist in nightmares and Hollywood.

  For the most part, they handled themselves well, but every once in a while, a fight would break out that Samuel had to break up. Luckily, no one seemed to hold grudges. Fights were a given when so many different species intermingled.

  Muriel’s ears caught the sound of Samuel’s deep voice from around the corner. She stopped in her tracks and flattened her body against the doorway immediately on her right, breathing as quietly as possible.

  She’d been trying to get back to her room all day, but excuses were slim when you were part of a supernatural militia. She couldn’t say she was feeling ill, considering she didn’t get sick. She couldn’t use family or friends as an excuse because everyone she knew was living at the base.

  After their morning workout, Samuel had her going through drills with the vampires. It was important to train with a diverse group because each species had different fighting tactics and strengths.

  Vampires were the most ruthless adversaries to face. They were stronger and faster than any other species but could be killed just like all the immortal beings: destroy the heart, cut off the head, or burn them. Vampires were a bit easier to burn because prolonged exposure to sunlight set them ablaze, but they were pretty skilled at avoiding unwanted tans.

  Werewolves could not move as fast as vampires nor were they as strong, but their senses and instincts made them just as deadly, if not more so.

  They could turn furry whenever they wanted, but they usually only fought each other on four legs. It was easier to face off against a demon or vampire with two arms and legs.

  As Samuel’s footsteps passed, she let out the breath she had been holding. Finally.

  When the coast was clear, Muriel had a chance to make it to her room without being seen. She ran past all the anti-demon symbols inscribed on the walls of the base. Symbols that apparently had no effect on her demon.

  That was another conversation she wasn’t looking forward to having with Kier. She had met a lot of demons in her days as an angel, but she’d never met one who behaved like Kier. Something had changed him, and it was a drastic change.

  Drastic enough that he was able to transport in and out of the base without any of the anti-demon protection spells working.

  How could she tell him that he was no longer a true demon? It had been hard enough for her to lose her wings. When she first saw him walk into Alexander’s, all she had wanted was for him to suffer as she had, but now that he was changing, it just made her feel guilty.

  She shut the door behind her and went straight to the bathroom. As she let her hair down and ran the sink to wash the sweat off her skin, she felt him. He made no sound, but every fiber of her being knew he was there. Unable to hide her excitement, she turned and ran to him.

  She stopped short as his sour mood filled the room. His hair was disheveled around his face and he wore the casual outfit of loose jeans with a tight black t-shirt and leather jacket. He paced back and forth across the room as he ran his fingers through his hair.

  “Kier?” she asked hesitantly.

  He looked up to her and stared her down with an intense gaze that burned her to the core. She melted from the inside out.

  He reached her in two steps. His hands grasped her rib cage as he pushed her back until she collided with the door. Her heart beat faster and her breath came in heavy pants. The movement drew his gaze to her breasts, and for a moment he just stared in appreciation.

  His desire for her was evidenced by the bulge pressed against her hip, but his distant expression told her something was bothering him. “Tell me what is wrong.” She softly brushed some of his wild black hair out of his face, the brown of his iris so dark his eyes appeared to be large dark pools.

  Kier leaned forward until he was at her neck, softly nipping a
t the delicate skin and then licking away the sting. “I thought about you all day.”

  She held his head to her, encouraging him. “I thought about you too. I think I might be obsessed.”

  He pulled back and looked into her eyes. “This isn’t going to end well for either of us. Do you understand that?”

  Understand it? It was all she could think about. Muriel nodded.

  He continued, “I’m going to keep you safe. You have to believe that I’m going to do everything in my power to make sure you don’t get hurt. I know you have no reason to trust me, but you have to believe this.”

  Muriel rested her hands on his hard chest. “I believe you. What happened today?”

  He shook his head, as if chasing away the troublesome thoughts. “Let’s just say that some of my friends do not approve of you.”

  Her brow furrowed. “Do you have lots of friends?” She’d spent so much time considering what her own people would think of their relationship, she never thought of the dangerous position Kier was in.

  “No. Demons don’t really have friends. Teryn is different, though. I don’t know why. We bonded over the past few years. We’ve gone on a lot of hunts together. I guess he was a friend, though I never labeled it.”

  “He doesn’t think you should be fornicating with a fallen angel?”

  He laughed at her formal language. “The fucking isn’t what bothers him. He just can’t stand the idea of giving up the massive bounty on your head. Hunting never came easy to him. He can use all the help he can get.”

  “He isn’t good at collecting souls?” Muriel tried to imagine a demon who was bad at their sole purpose in life.

  “When he puts his mind to it, he’s the best. He can talk his way into anything, be it panties or high security office buildings. He just isn’t motivated. He always waits until he’s on the brink of starvation to feed. It made him a good hunting buddy to have around when my conscience decided to show up out of nowhere.” Kier shook his head. “Enough about him. I didn’t come here for that.”

  Muriel’s heart picked up the pace. “What did you come here for?”

  His eyes darkened as he looked down at her. His nostrils flared as he inhaled her scent.

  Her breaths deepened in anticipation. “I can’t take that look from you,” she muttered.

  One hot hand crept under the hem of her shirt and caressed the bare skin of her back. It was such a simple touch, but the intimacy of it caused gooseflesh on Muriel’s arms.

  “I have you all to myself,” he whispered. “How am I supposed to decide what to do with you?” His eyes raked over her.

  A soft blush crept up her cheeks. She wished that would stop happening. “I’m sorry. I’m no virgin or anything, but I don’t really know what I’m doing.”

  The two or three times she’d been with another angel had been forgettable and passionless. In contrast, every time Kier was within ten feet of her, she thought that flames might burn a hole right through the floor. Literally.

  “Muriel.” She looked up at him. “I want you naked right now.”

  Her defenses were immediately up as her muscles stiffened. “Just because we’re sleeping together doesn’t mean that you can just order me around.”

  “If you don’t want to, then don’t. But right now, my cock is so hard I feel like I’m going to come all over my pants, and nothing would make me happier than you stripping down to nothing right now.”

  Well, when you put it like that. Muriel’s trembling fingers hooked in the hem of her workout shirt and in seconds the material fell to the floor.

  His appreciative gaze took in her bared skin. “Don’t stop.”

  Muriel kicked her boots off and slid her sweatpants over her curved hips. She wished she was better at this or had some idea of what she was doing. She had seen movies. She knew what experienced women looked like while undressing, and Muriel didn’t look like that.

  Kier didn’t seem to mind. After she pushed her panties down to the floor, she straightened and let him look his fill. This part she was okay with. She knew her body looked good. She had generous breasts and hips, while her frequent trips to the gym as a mortal gave her waist nice definition.

  Besides, this wasn’t the first time he had seen her naked.

  The silence stretched between them as he continued to stare at her bared body. Muriel sucked her bottom lip in nervousness and that seemed to set him over the edge. His hands pushed her waist as he backed her into the door.

  She gasped at the contrasting feeling of his body heat and the cold wood. His mouth covered hers in a quick kiss that made her head spin before he moved lower. He trailed kisses down her neck as one of his hands kneaded her breast, taking time to tweak and tease the tight nipple.

  Muriel knew that she needed to be quiet, but the small mewing noises were unavoidable. His other hand snuck between her legs, reaching past the tight patch of curls guarding her entrance before a single finger slid into her wet heat.

  He groaned as he felt her. “You are so wet for me,” he gritted out against her breast as he gently moved his fangs over her skin.

  Muriel couldn’t wait any longer for him. She looped a long leg around his waist and pulled him to her.

  In seconds, his clothes were gone and his bare skin was pressed up against her. His hands gripped her under her ass and lifted her until her core rested right against the head of his cock.

  She rubbed herself against him, silently asking for more. He groaned at the sensation. “Do you have any idea what you do to me?”

  “Kiss me,” she answered. He did as she commanded, taking her mouth with his as he slid fully into her. He caught her moan in his mouth as his hands positioned her just where he wanted.

  His rhythm was relentless and brutal, but she didn’t mind. Her nails bit into his shoulders as her hips met his thrust for thrust.

  Muriel couldn’t take it any more as she threw her head back and the orgasm ripped through her body.

  Kier’s arms tightened as he pushed even deeper into her. His muscles all tensed and the cords of his neck stood out as he pumped his seed into her.

  What were the chances that Jared hadn’t heard any of that?


  Muriel took a moment to catch her breath before she disentangled herself from Kier’s body. He reluctantly released his grip on her.

  As he stepped back, he admired her. Her small, self-satisfied grin was one of the sexiest things he’d ever seen.

  “I could get used to that.” She pushed herself away from the door and sauntered over to the bathroom.

  She didn’t try to cover herself. His angel knew she looked good. Kier tried to think of a witty comeback, but his brain wasn’t fully working yet. “I try,” was all he came up with. He frowned. He had been seducing women for centuries and all he could say was “I try”?

  Muriel quickly cleaned up and walked back into the small bedroom and living area. She reached into a drawer for some blue pajama pants and a pastel pink tank top. “We didn’t really get a chance to talk last night.”

  “I was a bit out of it.” He’d been hoping she wouldn’t ask about that, but knew she’d be stupid not to wonder.

  “I would be out of it too if Azazel just broke my jaw. Want to tell me what happened and how you didn’t end up dead?”

  “I don’t really want to get into it.” Was there any way he could get out of this without lying to her or telling her that he was prophesied to break her heart?

  “Did Azazel send you here to spy on me?”

  She kept her face expressionless, but Kier could still feel her within him. He knew she was waiting for him to express outrage at the mere thought of betraying her to Azazel. She wanted him to defend himself.

  “I’m not spying on you,” he gently insisted.

  Her face fell and shoulders slumped at his weak denial. She turned away from him and grabbed her boots. “I need to get out for a minute.”

  “Muriel, you have to believe me. I know you have no reason t
o, but I promise that I’m not betraying you to Azazel.”

  Wasn’t he? By being with her and gaining her trust, he was bending to Azazel’s wishes. Giving the king more time to have Muriel assassinated.

  Kier refused to believe it. He would be with her. He would protect her from any demon threat. Just because his plans correlated with what Azazel wanted did not mean they were working together.

  Muriel turned to face him again, mouth opened as though she was about to say something, but she never got the chance. The earth moved beneath their feet. Muriel fell against the nearest wall; as her drawers fell open, her belongings were scattered across the room.

  The shaking continued for a good two minutes. Kier moved over Muriel, covering her with his body to shield her from any falling debris. Dust was knocked loose from the ceiling, and a few ceiling tiles fell out, but none landed on the pair as they huddled together on the floor.

  After the shaking stopped, heavy silence filled the room. Muriel pushed her disheveled and now dusty hair out of her face. “Have you ever felt an earthquake like that?”

  “Definitely not in New Mexico.” Before he could say anything else, an ear-piercing scream punched through the silence.

  Kier winced at the sound, but Muriel was up in a heartbeat. She strapped her blade holster around her hips and pulled out a sword from behind her desk. “That’s the siren. She’s warning that demons are here.”

  Without another word, Muriel was out the door and ran down the hallway, full speed ahead, without any idea of what she was running into.

  Kier cursed and ran after her. He promised himself he would protect her and he would be damned if her so-called friends’ opinion of him would keep him from doing that.

  He followed a few steps behind Muriel. He would have felt more comfortable leading but was unfamiliar with the layout of the school.

  He heard the fighting before he saw it. They turned down another hallway and a demon ran straight at them. The demon had fresh blood on his shirt, and a vicious smile covered his face at the sight of Muriel.


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