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Back at the Ranch

Page 3

by Back at theRanch (lit)

  Garrett made his way to the bunkhouse. The cool Wyoming air sent a shiver down his spine and his mind reeled back to the last orgasm Clayton had given him. Leaving that man lying there beneath the sheets alone should’ve been a crime.

  He gave a courtesy knock and opened the door of the bunkhouse. The finest looking bunch of cowboys anybody had ever laid eyes on sat in distressed leather club chairs in the common area and at the bar, coffee mugs in hand. Most of the guests arrived in the afternoon. The first few would be at the ranch within the hour. Garrett poured himself a cup of coffee from the counter behind the gleaming mahogany bar and let his eyes wander around the saloon-inspired room.

  The mechanical bull sat motionless. The pool table was set and ready for the next game. The jukebox, silent. The place didn’t hold a single piece of evidence of the rambunctious party they’d undoubtedly had the night before. These were his kind of men, and this was the reason he’d designed such a space for them to spend their nights at the ranch in. That and he didn’t want them leaving the ranch to carouse in town and showing up late for work the next morning. The cowboys worked shifts, one week on and one week off. Most of them had places out in town. Some commuted from as far as Los Angeles. They were actors and models by trade, and outside Fantasy Ranch there wasn’t a whole lot this small Wyoming town could offer.

  “Morning, boss,” Grier said. “Who put that gleam in your eye? And why wasn’t it me?”

  Garrett gave the man a quick once over. He was used to the flirtation. Grier flirted the way most men breathed. Effortlessly, thoughtlessly and naturally. Before he could answer, the door to the bunkhouse opened and Clayton stepped in. His eyes landed on Garrett immediately.

  “Gavin told me I could find you here.” He crossed the room, but nothing in his manner gave away what they had going on. “Can I talk to you for a minute?” He glanced around at the other men. “It’s a personal thing.”

  “We can head back to the office. I’m almost finished here.”

  Clayton shook his head. “Gavin and Rebecca are in there.” He motioned toward the hall that led to the bunks. “Maybe we can just step back here for a second?”

  The seriousness of his gesture and the faint line that creased his brow set off warning bells in Garrett’s head. His heart started a slow, steady pound. He nodded once and quickly filled Grier in on his guest’s medical condition before he followed Clayton down the hall.

  The bunkhouse was original to the property, but it had been completely remodeled. Instead of a long open room with a more modern addition of bathroom facilities at one end, the front half now housed the common area, and three bunkrooms with four beds in each took up the back. The whole place had the upscale, rustic charm of a five-star resort, and Garrett was willing to bet it was nicer housing than most of the men had when they were at their own places. His eyes spanned Clayton’s toned shoulders and drifted down to the tight ass moving beneath his jeans. Blood pulsed in his cock and his balls tightened. He’d never get enough of that ass.

  Clayton stopped outside the door of the room he used on the weeks he worked at the ranch and glanced down the hall toward the lounge area. “If you don’t want me half as bad as I want you, you’d better not follow me in here,” he said in a low, sexy voice that shook Garrett to the core.

  Garrett stepped inside, heart pounding. Clayton reached around him to close the door and then pressed his body close. He slipped his hand between them and flattened his palm against Garrett’s crotch, then leaned closer, stroking the edge of Garrett’s ear with his tongue.

  “I have to have you. I have to suck you, feel your big cock in my hand, taste your cum. I have to. Don’t tell me no.”

  Garrett swallowed hard. “The men...” He made a half-hearted attempt to tilt his head in the direction of the lounge area, but he couldn’t tear himself away from Clayton’s touch or the warmth of his breath.

  “They won’t come back here, and I only need a minute.” Clayton chuckled softly. “This is just going to be a little something to make you want more.”

  “I already want more.”

  “You’re going to get more. A lot more.” He rubbed Garrett’s cock through the denim and pressed himself closer.

  “I want to fuck you.”

  Clayton shook his head and dipped low to place a kiss on Garrett’s throat. “Not this time, cowboy. I’m going to suck you until you come in my mouth. You can fuck me later.”

  Garrett groaned. His cock had stretched to a burn. He pumped his hips against Clayton’s hand. “Suck me now.”

  Clayton’s mouth landed on his in a kiss that took his breath away. His lips were soft and strong. The taste of his tongue sparked a craving so deep in Garrett’s gut, he moaned. There was nothing about this man that didn’t fill him with the need for more. He grabbed Clayton’s hips and pulled him close. Clayton’s hands went to Garrett’s belt buckle and his hard cock ground against Garrett’s erection. The hunger that raged between them left a sheen of sweat on Clayton’s handsome face and brought a flush to his neck that made Garrett want to lay him down and fuck him until they’d both spent everything they had.

  Clayton’s tongue heated Garrett’s neck. His hands quickly gained access to his pants, and in one sweet second his fingers closed around his cock. Clayton’s head came up quickly, his eyes dark with passion. “You’ve got the sweetest cock I ever put in my mouth.”

  Garrett grabbed the back of his head and pulled his mouth back for another taste. He didn’t trust himself to speak. He was dangerously close to saying things he didn’t need to say. Not yet. Clayton drove him wild, physically and emotionally. They’d spent one night together and already Garrett needed him. Needed. Not wanted. Needed.

  He ate at Clayton’s mouth and filled his palm with one sweet cheek of his ass. He held tight, but Clayton pulled free.

  “We don’t have long.” Clayton pushed Garrett’s jeans over his hips and sank to his knees.

  Garrett’s chest burned with the breath he held. The same breath that flew out in a heated gust the instant Clayton’s lips closed around his dick. Clayton cradled his balls and sucked his cock. One talented finger reached back, stroking the sensitive skin between his sac and his ass.

  Garrett speared one hand in Clayton’s hair and gripped the doorknob with the other. He could barely stand. Barely breathe. His body belonged to this man and his soul threatened to fly out and latch onto him, too.

  “Oh, baby.” Breath lay heavy on Garrett’s words. Lights and colors flashed behind his eyes. His thighs burned. His legs shook. He was about to take off like a rocket and there was nothing he could do but hang on for the ride.

  Clayton slipped the tip of a finger into his ass and swallowed his cock. Garrett bit his lip to keep from crying out as he came in Clayton’s mouth. Fucking hell, he’d never been sucked off like this before.

  Clayton stood slowly, his hands traveling up Garrett’s body, planting kisses on his throat and below his ear before making his way back to his mouth. Garrett held his face in his hands and stared deep into his intoxicating blue eyes. “Can I come over tonight?” He felt like a heel. He should be taking him to dinner, flaunting him around town, doing anything Clayton wanted to do. But if they ran into any of the other cowboys from the ranch there’d be too much explaining to do.

  “I’ve got a class at the theater until six. Meet me there.” Clayton didn’t wait for an answer. He pressed his lips to Garrett’s and opened them in a kiss so tender Garrett’s toes curled in his boots. When he stepped away, Garrett pulled him back for more. There wasn’t any such thing as enough. Not with Clayton.

  After the kiss ended, the two of them stood facing one another. Garrett pulled his jeans up. The sound of his zipper broke the silence of the room like a bomb, and a smile crept across Clayton’s face.

  “I could get used to this,” Clayton said in a low voice.

  Garrett swallowed hard. “I swore I’d never get involved with anyone who worked here.”

  “So fire me.” T
he challenge in Clayton’s eyes was tempered by a glint of humor.

  “I’m not going to fire you.” Garrett cradled his neck and pressed his thumb gently into the hollow beneath his throat. “But I don’t want to have to hide you either.”

  “Let’s just see where this takes us. We’ll figure it out along the way.”

  Garrett nodded. The pager on his belt vibrated, breaking the spell between them.

  He checked the screen. John. The message was simple: Call me, baby. Garrett’s back straightened. The “baby” rang in his mind like an alarm. They hadn’t spoken in almost three months. He knew John well enough to know when he was testing the waters for another comeback.

  Chapter 8

  The old movie palace’s glamour easily made it one of the most romantic places in Wyoming, by Garrett’s estimates anyway. Romance was such a forgotten art. If John had realized how important that art could be they’d still be together. Garrett wandered the hall outside the small auditorium Clayton used for his drama class.

  He studied the tapestries on the wall, the soft-hued mural and the ornately carved figures that decorated the arch supports along the barreled corridor. This place oozed art, attention to detail, and romance. A man would have to be blind not to see that. John had been blind as a bat.

  Double doors opened and teenaged thespians spilled out into the hall. Several of them greeted him by name. When the flow stopped, Garrett started for the door.

  Clayton met him in the entryway. “I have a surprise for you.”

  “You’re full of those today.”

  “You ain’t seen nothing yet, cowboy.”

  Garrett’s groin tightened and his pulse quickened as the innuendo of Clayton’s words slipped into his blood like a drug.

  Clayton ushered him inside. The click of the lock sliding into place shot a current down Garrett’s spine.

  At the front of the theater, the dark stage sparkled with hundreds of twinkling lights meant to be stars in the night sky over the garden outside Juliet’s window. The garden where Romeo overheard her declare her love for him. Juliet’s balcony towered above, but it was the garden that took center stage with a soft green carpet of grass and plants. The twinkling stars and pinpoints of erratically appearing lights flashed like fireflies. Garrett stood in awe.

  “You did this?”

  “I had help.” Clayton’s arm circled his waist. “I want to lay you down in the garden, baby.” He pulled him close for a kiss, and Garrett’s heart did a somersault. He felt himself falling and the last thing in the world he wanted to do was stop. This was the kind of romance he’d been waiting for, what John could never give him.

  Clayton led the way to the stage. Garrett used every ounce of control he had not to take him down before they made it anywhere near the garden. Just the promise of a romantic seduction had him raring to go. Damn he was easy.

  They climbed the steps to the stage. Even up close the scenery was breathtaking. The crew had done a tremendous job. Someone had an eye for detail, and nothing sang to Garrett’s heart more.

  Near the tree where Romeo would stand as Juliet waxed on about him, Clayton pulled him in for a slow kiss that planted a spiral of heat and want deep in his soul. His breath burned in his lungs. His hands stroked Clayton’s strong back, and his thoughts were lost in the intoxicating scent of his lover’s cologne and the soft natural musk of his skin.

  Clayton pulled back slowly but held Garrett securely in the circle of his arms. “You should know I planned this. The minute we started designing the set, I had an ulterior motive. I didn’t know if I’d ever get you here, but I damn sure wanted to try.”

  “I’m here.” Garrett’s voice betrayed the effect Clayton had on him. “This is the most romantic thing a man has ever done for me.”

  “Then, darlin’, you’ve been with the wrong men.” Clayton pulled him down onto the grass-green carpet, which was surprisingly soft for a stage prop.

  Garrett lay on his back, staring up at the twinkling stars. Clayton’s fingers brushed his chest as he worked free the button at the top of his shirt.

  “I just noticed the music.” A soft tune drifted from the speakers in the dark auditorium.

  Clayton laughed. “The devil’s in the details, and I’m going to torment us both with this.” He moved to the second button. “We’re going slow. I want this to last and last and last.”

  Garrett groaned. “Where have you been all my life?”

  * * * *

  Clayton’s arms burned with restraint. He needed Garrett naked. Now. He pushed his shirt over his shoulders and bent to tease one flat nipple with his tongue. Garrett’s chest was a dream. Smooth and defined, with just a sparse patch of hair between the rise of his pecs. But heaven lay lower. His abs rose like stepping stones that led to the narrow treasure trail that disappeared beneath his belted jeans.

  Clayton kissed his smooth skin, letting his tongue explore the valleys between muscle, and finally the fine hair low on his belly. Garrett squirmed beneath him. His grip on Clayton’s hair tightened and the stage acoustics amplified the sound of his breathing.

  Clayton made quick work of his belt and rose to his knees. “You’ve got the sweetest cock. Long, pink, thick. I’m in love with your dick.”

  Garrett’s chest heaved. “It’s yours. All of it. But please fuck me first.”

  Clayton nodded. “Oh, I’m gonna fuck you, sweetheart. I’m going to have you yelling so loud security’ll bust the door down.”

  He pulled Garrett’s jeans over his hips. The restraint he had shown earlier cracked. He’d promised slow, but he moved fast, breathing heavy, his own cock, hard and putting up a fight against his jeans.

  He tossed Garrett’s boots across the stage and stripped his jeans and underwear off together. Beneath him lay the most gorgeous man he’d ever seen, naked except for the shirt sleeves still covering his arms. He let his eyes roam, taking him all in. His hands rode up Garrett’s muscled thighs, the hair on them coarse beneath his palms. Garrett’s cock bobbed, begging. He spread his legs.

  “God. Please hurry. Please. Fuck me.”

  Clayton made quick work of the top two buttons of his own shirt and grabbed the hem, pulling it over his head and tossing it aside. His boots and jeans were off just as fast. Naked, he crawled over Garrett, letting his cock slide against the inside of Garrett’s thigh, then against his balls, and finally his smooth, throbbing shaft.

  Garrett moaned.

  Clayton lowered himself and spread Garrett’s thighs. He bent low. At the first stroke of his tongue against Garrett’s asshole, Garrett almost hit the roof. His hips came off the floor. His thighs opened wider.

  “You’ve got me strung so tight.” Garrett gripped the carpet and lifted his hips.

  That was all the cue Clayton needed. He went in for more, licking his lover’s tight ass. The soft weight of Garrett’s balls settled against the upper bridge of his nose. His strong thighs pushed against his hands. Everything about this man had Clayton’s heart pounding so loud he couldn’t hear anything else. Garrett trembled and bucked. Clayton reached for his cock, but stopped himself. He’d promised the man a fuck. And he planned to deliver.

  He rose and pried Garrett’s hands from the rug. Raising one, then the other over his head he made his domination clear. Fingers laced together, Clayton aimed his cock for that sweet ass and pushed his way inside. Garrett’s eyes slammed shut.

  “Look at me, baby. Watch me fuck you.”

  Garrett opened his eyes, as green as the carpet they lay on, but filled with passion as dark as the staged sky above them.

  Clayton pushed himself deep, gave one little pump and then warned, “Hold on.”

  Garrett’s grip on his hands tightened.

  Clayton fucked him hard and fast. The sounds of their fucking filled the auditorium, ricocheted off the walls surrounding the stage and pounded in Clayton’s ears like the beat of an addictive song, a beat he had to dance to. There was no stopping. No self-control. Only the driving need to
fuck until they both came completely unglued.

  Clayton came hard, burrowing his face into Garrett’s neck and trembling from head to toe. “Your ass is a dream,” he breathed as he lay on Garrett, their damp chests pressed together. Garrett’s still-hard cock pressed into his belly. He shifted, just to feel that ridge of smooth steel move against his skin.

  Garrett’s arms were wrapped around his back, holding him close. One hand drifted down to his ass and squeezed gently. “You fuck like a machine,” Garrett said with a laugh.

  “Good, because I can’t cook worth a damn.”

  “Just fuck me in the kitchen, and I’ll forget all about eating.”

  Clayton sucked gently on his neck. “I can do that.”

  Chapter 9

  Garrett tapped the corner of the daily envelope on his desk and deleted the newest message from his phone. First the notes. Then Clayton. And now two texts from John. Last week he didn’t have a man on the horizon. Now he felt like a juggler, a reluctant juggler.

  “Another one?” Gavin stepped into the room, his hair still damp from the shower, and baby Ryder in his arms.

  Garrett nodded and tossed the envelope to Gavin’s side of the desk. “You really don’t think I need to be concerned about this?”

  Gavin didn’t bother opening it. “Somebody’s just having a little fun with you. Probably trying to be romantic.”

  “You’re sure?”

  “Some fool’s in love,” Gavin said. “Or lust. Figure out who it is and get yourself laid.” He tilted his head toward the infant. “Ryder told me he thinks you’re getting some lately. You haven’t been half as hard to live with.”

  Garrett reached over to take the envelope back and straightened the letter inside before putting it in a file with the others. “I got a text from John yesterday. And another today.”

  “What’d he want?”

  “My tight ass.”

  Gavin grinned and pressed a kiss to Ryder’s forehead before handing him to Garrett. “You really don’t think you two’ll work it out?”


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