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The Shaman Charms the Shifter

Page 8

by Larissa Emerald

  He placed a finger beneath her chin and lifted it, looking into her eyes. “Whatever happens, you’re my true love. Always. We are meant to be together.”

  She gave him a half smile without saying a word because she didn’t want to lie. She swallowed the peach pit-sized lump in her throat, all scratchy and painful. If this didn’t work, then she would leave and allow him to get on with living a whole life.

  Chapter Fourteen

  Bedtime was the most difficult hour of the day. When he would have loved to hold Sasha curled up beside him, sleeping. And when his doubts stung as if he’d been caught in a school of box jellyfish in Hanauma Bay. He shivered at a memory.

  He noticed that the closer they got to Halloween, the more hesitant Sasha became. It was as if she didn’t want to trust too much, perhaps afraid the plan would fall through and she’d be stuck in this life forever.

  He’d tried to reassure her that he wanted her no matter what the outcome. And yet, a barrier remained between them. Every time he mentioned he desired her even in her present state, she’d clammed up.

  Somehow he needed to prove to her they could make a relationship work. That he loved her. He grinned to himself, acknowledging what he felt. Three weeks ago, when he’d accepted Seth’s invite he had no way of knowing the big, wonderful changes heading his way. But at the same time, he knew, it had to be right for her also.

  Now that he’d met Sasha, he didn’t want to think of his life without her.

  He shook his head. No, everything would work out fine. Hadn’t his animal guides told him as much?

  He closed his eyes, and as he slept, he ventured into the world of his shamanic calling.

  * * *

  They pulled into Caroline’s drive on Friday a week later, the day before Lilly’s scheduled arrival. This evening Sasha had requested a meeting with the Nocturne witchy sisters and they had been kind enough to agree. Sasha wanted to make sure she had all her bases covered. She would have only one chance to get everything right during the full moon on Halloween. Otherwise, according to Pandora, it would be another nineteen years before the conditions were right again.

  Holy cats and dogs. She couldn’t withstand a life in limbo for that long. She just couldn’t.

  “Where do you want me to put our things?” Kianso asked, entering the foyer.

  “The guest room is on the left,” Sasha said, pointing the way. Caroline had welcomed them as guests through Halloween, or for as long as they needed. As predicted, all accommodations within forty-five miles were sold out.

  “Thank you for letting us stay here,” Sasha said.

  “Yes. It was very nice of you. Thanks,” Kianso added.

  “Glad to have you,” Caroline replied. “I set bath towels on the bed. Make yourselves at home.”

  “Got it,” Sasha said. “Same as before.”

  They set their things in the bedroom and then prepared to greet Pandora and her sisters. Actually, they weren’t positive who would be stopping by to help them, but she appreciated any and all of their help.

  They had broken their multiweek Friday streak of eating at Mummy’s, but not completely. Tonight they’d stopped on the way into town and grabbed enough takeout for guests. Sasha arranged the food on the dinette table along with some spiced apple cider.

  Kianso scooped dip onto a nacho chip and plopped it into his mouth. He strolled over to Sasha and encircled her with his strong arms. “No matter what happens, I’m here for you.”

  Sasha held tight to the overwhelming feelings sparking through her chest. She was thankful for his support. And there was a part of her that wanted more from him, much more. If only they had a normal relationship.

  The doorbell rang.

  Caroline did the honors of opening the front door. Pandora, Charisma, and Marigold strolled in single file.

  “Thank you so much for meeting with us this evening,” Sasha said.

  “We’re glad to help, child,” Pandora replied.

  Charisma headed straight to the food and plucked a fried mushroom from a tray. “You even have Mummy’s Better-Than-Sex Pie! I like your style, girlie.”

  “Help yourself to some snacks. Then Kianso will fill you in on what’s happening,” Sasha said. “Caroline, you too.” She didn’t want her friend to feel left out, especially since she’d been on her side since she arrived in Nocturne Falls.

  Everyone filled a plate and then found a seat in the living room. Kianso sat beside Sasha on the love seat with his arm around her shoulders. The feeling of support in the room boosted her confidence. She was too nervous to eat, but she sipped on a glass of cider.

  “Okay,” Kianso began. “Lilly Reese is in town. We offered her a ‘free’ trip here for Halloween and she accepted. So, half our task is accomplished.”

  “How clever. And you didn’t have to resort to force, because that would have never worked,” Pandora said.

  “Good,” Charisma chimed in. “We need three elements to revoke the spell.” She read from a book. “A remorseful heart, a true love’s start, beneath a magical moon, bears a healing boon.”

  Sasha considered what Charisma had read. “Who has to be remorseful? Lilly?”

  “Yes. The person who cast the spell has to regret what they’d done,” Pandora said.

  “I doubt she’s sorry,” Sasha said.

  “Maybe Lilly simply needs a bit of guidance,” Marigold said. She leaned over and patted the back of Kianso’s hand. “You love her, don’t you?”

  Sasha almost spewed her drink all over the place. She swallowed quickly and coughed to recover from the bit of liquid she’d inhaled.

  Kianso took her hand in his as he stared into her eyes. “Yes, I love her.”

  “Then everything should work out fine,” Marigold chuckled.

  Sasha wondered why the witch hadn’t asked her if she loved him. Could Marigold see her love for Kianso even though Sasha hadn’t been willing to voice it? She sucked the flesh of her cheek in between her teeth and toyed with it. Somewhere deep within she didn’t feel she deserved his love. And she was guarding herself against disappointment.

  As if reading her mind, Pandora waved her hand at Sasha. “We know you love him.”

  Kianso raised a brow and peered at Sasha. “Do you now?”

  She leaned in close enough for her breath to mingle with his. “Yes,” she whispered, and then brushed her lips over his. “Okay, let’s return to the subject of saving my backside.”

  “I do like your backside.”

  Charisma cleared her throat. “On Halloween at seven thirty we’ll all meet at the fountain. We’ll work the spell reversal then.”

  Pandora nodded. “Just make sure Lilly is there with you.”

  Chapter Fifteen

  Kianso had included his phone number and instructions in the acceptance e-mail he’d sent Lilly Reese, so on Saturday, he’d been expecting her call when she arrived in town. He and Sasha had decided it would be best for him to handle the details of her stay and for Sasha to remain on the sideline until Halloween. That way they might be able to gauge the likelihood of Lilly being willing to free her of the curse.

  After filling in the Excelsior staff about the “prize winners,” Kianso greeted Lilly and her male guest at the front door. “Ms. Reese?” he inquired, as she strutted through the double doors the valet and the man were holding open for her.

  “Yes. Hello.”

  “Welcome to Nocturne Falls. I’m Kianso Kane, of the Kane law office.”

  “Pleased to meet you. This is James Gibson.”

  Kianso took in the petite woman with curly, dark-red hair. She was much shorter than Sasha, and had big blue-gray eyes. James sported a dark beard. Tattoos disappeared into the T-shirt sleeves of both arms.

  “I don’t know how I was so lucky to win a trip.” Her laugh came out with a little snort.

  “I have a welcome packet for you.” He held out a folder emblazoned with his law office name and logo, and then opened it for her to see the contents. “Here is
the key to the condo. This elevator will take you to the fourth floor. Plus, you will find gift cards to most of the Nocturne Falls restaurants and a few boutiques. This is a five-thousand-dollar value. All you have to do is enjoy the holiday festivities and stay through November first.”

  “I have to stay over Halloween?” Her voice turned whiny and uncertain.

  “Yes. That’s required in the package,” Kianso said firmly.

  She turned her head to look at James. “That means we’ll miss the big bash at the ranch.” She thrust out her bottom lip and glanced at Kianso. “I really hadn’t decided if we’d stay the entire time.”

  “You won’t find a better Halloween celebration than here in Nocturne Falls.” He figured that was indeed the case since they celebrated the holiday continually. And this year he’d find out firsthand.

  Lilly gave a hesitant nod. “I guess.”

  “Good.” He handed her the electronic key and packet. “Enjoy your stay.”

  As if a switch had been flipped, she turned all bubbly. Stepping toward the elevator, she said, “This is going to be so fun!”

  Kianso waved. “See you around.”

  * * *

  In her bird form, Sasha watched from outside the building. She couldn’t hear the conversation, but observed the play of emotions changing on Lilly’s face. Her old friend was a drama queen, for sure. It was a quality that drove Sasha crazy sometimes. That, and Lilly changed opinions like a chameleon changed colors.

  But Lilly’s biggest weakness was men. Sasha had felt a twinge of unease as Kianso conversed with the woman. She reminded herself that Lilly was a witch who couldn’t be trusted. That alone made her nervous.

  Feeling a buzz glide over her feathers, she changed into her human self as Kianso strolled up to her. “That wasn’t the same man she was with when she put the hex on me,” she said, her voice sounding somewhat bitter.

  “You mean I can’t sock him for coming on to you?”

  She grinned. He was trying to lighten her mood and make her relax. It worked. She slid her arms around his waist and gazed up into his eyes. “Everything go okay?”

  “Yes.” There was a hesitation in his voice.

  “But…?” she questioned.

  He shrugged. “I have a hard time reading her.”

  “Now you see how I ended up in this predicament. I thought she was my friend.”

  “Have you spoken to her since she put the spell on you?”


  “Maybe’s she’s sorry.”

  “I don’t know. Perhaps.” She put her cheek on his chest. “Lilly is caught up in her own fantasies. She acts before she thinks. Everything depends on her frame of mind when I ask her to rescind the curse. I figure I have a fifty-fifty chance.”

  “Better than nothing,” he added.

  “Yes, it is. I can hope.”

  He smoothed his hand over her hair to the back of her neck and looked deeply into her eyes. “Have faith.”

  * * *

  Halloween fell on a Tuesday this year. Saturday turned into Sunday. Sunday turned into Monday. They were the longest, most tormenting three days of her life.

  Kianso had taken her out and tried to entertain her, but she constantly looked over her shoulder and kept an eye out in case they crossed paths with Lilly. Part of her was relieved she didn’t see her old friend. Another part wanted to get on with the business of confronting her.

  “It’s not time for us to tip our hand, love.”

  “I know you’re right,” she responded.

  At last, Halloween evening arrived. Sasha paced inside the Hallowed Bean. She wore a Cleopatra costume. She’d chosen it because of the Egyptian ruler’s fondness for leopards. Kianso dressed as Mark Antony. They made a handsome couple. Everyone in the streets tonight would be dressed for Halloween, even the humans. The entire town was charmed by the biggest party she’d ever seen.

  Sasha sipped a steamy caramel macchiato, trying to allow the sweet creamy drink to melt away her worries. After the sun set, the air had turned quite chilly. She sighed as the warm liquid trickled down her throat. But even the delicious drink did little to calm her. She glanced at the clock on the wall, a thought occurring to her. “You haven’t talked to Lilly, have you? How are you going to get her to the meeting place?”

  He held up his phone.

  “You’re relying totally on calling her?”

  “Not exactly. There was a special ticket in her packet to be exchanged tonight by the fountain. I texted her earlier today to remind her of it.” He grinned.

  “Well, put cheese on my taters.” She punched his shoulder, and then fell into his waiting arms. “For a second I panicked.”

  “I know.” He hugged her and kissed the top of her head. “It’s time. We should be leaving.”

  She stepped back, straightening. “I’m ready.”

  Out on the street, Main had been blocked off from traffic. The businesses were set up for trick-or-treaters and children toted special Nocturne Falls trick-or-treat bags. Special effects had been set up with black lights and strobe lighting and fog machines. Places like the Hallowed Bean offered spooky sound effects.

  The vampires and werewolves and different creatures of Nocturne Falls interacted with the spectators, giving them an awesome show. This was Halloween on steroids. Sasha strolled down the street at Kianso’s side, marveling at the creativity.

  They arrived at the fountain early to discover Lilly and James already there.

  Sasha halted abruptly, her feet scraping on the sidewalk.

  Lilly’s head turned.

  For a moment, Sasha’s heart beat in her ears. Then, Lilly let out a happy squeal and ran, closing the distance between them. Sasha blinked her eyes, not quite believing what seemed to be transpiring. Lilly appeared glad to see her.

  Lilly clutched Sasha’s hands in hers. “I can’t believe you’re here. I looked for you after…after.”

  It seemed as if Lilly couldn’t quite admit what she’d done. Then she held out her hand and ring finger. “Look. James just asked me to marry him. Isn’t that wonderful?”

  Left somewhat dumbfounded, Sasha peered at the ring on Lilly’s finger. “Yes. Congratulations. That’s fabulous.”

  Lilly inhaled a gigantic breath and stepped back, glancing around as Pandora, Charisma, Marigold, and Caroline joined the group. Comprehension flitted in her eyes that something was going on. Then her gaze shot to Kianso. “What is this?” She reached her hand out for James to take and offer her support. He did.

  Kianso put an arm around Sasha’s shoulders.

  “My life has been a mess, because of the spell you put on me.”

  “I’m sorry. So sorry,” Lilly said. “I tried to find you when I realized what I’d done. But you were gone.”

  “A spell cast in anger needs to be set right,” Pandora said.

  “We’re here to help,” Marigold chimed in.

  “I don’t know how to undo it,” Lilly admitted. “I did some research, but my resources weren’t enough.”

  Charisma lifted the book she held. “We have the answers. Right here.”

  “You just have to be willing to help,” Sasha said.

  Lilly stared at them; her eyes widened and then they dipped with shame. “I am. What do you need me to do?”

  A rush of air escaped Sasha. This just might work. She felt Kianso squeeze her shoulder.

  “Gather in closer, people,” Pandora ordered. “Charisma, the book, please.”

  Sasha was glad the witches took charge. Pandora waved a wand over the book and spoke the same words she did before. “A remorseful heart, a true love’s start, beneath a magical moon, bears a healing boon.”

  Sasha tilted her head back, staring at the huge, orange moon. A once every nineteen years moon. And it was shining on her tonight. Pandora repeated the phrase. “A remorseful heart, a true love’s start, beneath a magical moon, bears a healing boon.”

  Nothing seemed to be happening. Her gaze sliced to Kianso. What d
id that mean? Was he not her true love? Did she not love him? Oh yes, she did. She captured his face between her hands. “I love you,” she told him in a voice so soft, only he could hear.

  “A remorseful heart, a true love’s start, beneath a magical moon, bears a healing boon.”

  On the third repetition, Sasha’s knees buckled. She blacked out.

  * * *

  Kianso caught Sasha before she completely crumpled to the ground. He lifted her, adjusting her weight in his arms. “Sasha. What’s happening?” He appealed to Pandora.

  The hawk spirit guide landed on a lamp post saying, “It’s okay, brother.”

  Kianso allowed air into his lungs, relieved his spirit guides were watching over them.

  “It’s the spell leaving her body. She’ll be fine,” Charisma explained.

  “Sasha.” He leaned over her, checking her breathing. When her chest rose and fell, he relaxed a fraction. Then he turned and sat on the lip of the fountain, so he could better cradle her on his lap. “Sasha. Love. Wake up.”

  She blinked open her eyes. “The moon. Isn’t that the most beautiful thing you’ve ever seen?”

  Kianso didn’t even glance up. “No. You’re the most beautiful thing I’ve ever seen in my life.”

  She drew hands up around his neck. “What time is it?”

  “Eight o-four.”

  A smile spread across her face and danced in her eyes. “The spell is broken.” She pulled him down to kiss her.

  “Come on gals, our job is done,” Pandora said, turning. “And you, missy”—she pointed at Lilly—“I hope you visit Nocturne Falls another time. We all make mistakes. Just don’t let it happen again.” She gave a sharp nod.

  “I’m glad he tricked me into coming.” Lilly stepped closer to Kianso, and shoved his shoulder. “But next time just ask.”

  Kianso sat precariously on the edge of the fountain, supporting Sasha’s weight in his arms. Lilly’s push sent him off kilter. In an effort to keep from falling sideways, he overcompensated and toppled backward into the fountain, still holding Sasha and allowing her to settle on him.


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