Freedom Saga 2: Freedom's Bell
Page 7
“If this makes you uncomfortable I won’t force you to participate,” Seles said.
“I will,” Grigon said. “Dreka and I are fighting to free our people from this madness.”
“Alright,” Seles said. “Mira, Jesela, hold down the ship while we’re gone.”
“We’ll be waiting,” Mira said.
* * *
Veda, Valis, Esra, El Kar, Kivi, Seles, Myden, Grigon, and Dreka met in the command center a few minutes later. Veda put the Malcovin fleet formations on the holographic display table so everyone could view them.
“I’m sure all of you had a chance to review our enemy’s decision,” Veda said.
“Not one of us liked it,” Kivi said.
“Fools do foolish things,” Esra said.
“And they are fools,” Dreka said before cawing.
“They may be fools, but they have a lot of ships,” El Kar said.
Valis called up her attack plan. It showed the forces of the Columbia base separate into three units. The first consisted of the Freedom and Vomada in the front attack position. On one side the Avoni and Raulno attacked a different base. On the other side the Reinkar and Daevoni attacked a third location with the Columbia base as support.
“That’s a bold plan,” Veda said.
“Everything about it screams Valis,” Esra added.
Valis smiled. “I had a feeling you’d like this.” She sent the details to their ships. “You’ll find in this plan each of our attacks should take less than ten minutes. Because our enemy has a numerical advantage we need to strike quickly and precisely.”
“Should we use our special systems?” Seles asked.
Valis nodded. “It’ll be critical for our victory Seles. You should use the arrow system to take them out as quickly as possible.” She looked at Kivi. “Hold back on using yours.”
“I’ll do my best,” Kivi said.
“Are we to show mercy?” Esra asked.
“Only if they surrender,” Valis said. “That includes disarming themselves.”
“We don’t want them trying anything funny,” Veda said. “And the plan looks excellent as usual.”
“Thanks,” Valis said.
Chapter 14 - Piercing the Line
The Columbia base gravity jumped into a system on the outer reaches of Odairan space and headed for a blue colored gas giant. The three bases set as their targets included a pair of asteroids as well as an orbital military complex. When the base moved within a few thousand ketres of their first target the six ships left with their phase cloaks on. The Freedom and Vomada headed for the orbital base while the others split and went for the asteroid bases. Seles calmly meditated in the cockpit of the Artemis as they approached. When she opened her eyes some text was on the monitor.
Are you feeling alright Seles?
“It took you a little longer than your brother but you’re speaking,” Seles said with a laugh. “And yes, I’m alright.”
Mira appeared on her screen. “Who are you talking to?”
“The Artemis is communicating in text,” Seles said.
“The Siren’s been doing that since the last battle,” Mira said. “Jesela told me it’ll take a few more years for them to talk like Mjolnir does.”
Myden appeared on their monitors. “We’re in position.”
“Alright,” Seles said. “Kyli, Tctie, you’re to follow Myden’s orders.”
“We hear you loud and clear commander,” Kyli responded.
The Artemis and Siren launched with their stealth cloaks activated. As they moved into position Seles glanced at the scanners.
“There are a lot of them,” Mira said.
“Yes there are,” Seles said.
After the two flew into an asteroid field the Artemis turned off its phase cloak and moved its reflector plates into scramble mode. The orbital base detected something and launched its Phase Talons. As they did so the Freedom, the Vomada, and all of their mobile suits attacked the base head on. When the forces of the Malcovin went to meet their attackers the Artemis and Siren fired into the reflector plates. Shot after shot destroyed numerous Talons and ships before they could form their lines. As the chaotic scene continued the Artemis’s reflector plates returned and moved into power position. The two mobile suits flew closer to the battle until they were in range.
“It’s time Mira,” Seles said.
Her eyes began glowing while the drive sped up. The Siren moved behind and held the Artemis as it aimed its cannon at the orbital base. The first arrow blasted through dozens of ships and hundreds of Talons, draining their shields and destroying them. Seles paused before firing the second shot into the base. As its shields were drained explosions filled the area. Hundreds of escape shuttles fled the base as the explosions multiplied. After a few minutes the orbital structure was reduced to scrap metal surrounded by wreckage. The remaining Malcovin ships collected their Talons and gravity jumped away. Seles closed her eyes and ended the berserk.
“Good shooting,” Mira said.
“Thanks,” Seles said. “Hopefully the others will have as much success.”
“I’m sure they will,” Mira said.
“Seles, we’re receiving surrender calls from the Malcovin,” Myden reported.
“Take them in as we can,” Seles said.
“As you wish my lady,” Myden said.
The mobile suits around the Freedom slowly collected the escape shuttles and brought them onboard. Hundreds of Malcovin troops dropped their weapons and were led to the brigs.
* * *
After the orbital base exploded the Avoni and Raulno made their appearance over the nearest moon base. Both ships deployed their mobile suits into sphere shaped formations of eleven. The Minerva, Aegis, and Gemini made their way to the base as the Malcovin sent ships and Talons into space. The Gemini flew to the front and used its cannon to carve a line to the base. The Aegis’s shields held up against any incoming attacks while the Minerva flew behind. Kivi fired the Gemini’s cannon a number of times and blasted six ships and three dozen Talons before the Malcovin could put up a semblance of a defensive line. The three mobile suits shook from incoming fire as a mass of Talons surrounded them. Celi amplified the shields a little to compensate.
“I have to say this is different,” Kivi said while blasting away.
Valis aimed the pulse cannon and fired. “We knew this would be much tougher.”
“The shields are holding,” Celi reported. “Why are we letting them surround us like this?”
“There’s a method to the madness Celi, remember that,” Valis said.
“There’s a method to your madness you mean,” Kivi added.
“I hope your plan isn’t going to take much longer then,” Celi said as the incoming fire intensified.
“Meldi will do her part just fine,” Valis said.
* * *
Meldi sat in the cockpit of the Mjolnir while the three mobile suits were surrounded. Myli was on the monitor.
“Looks like trouble is all around them,” Myli said.
“Valis said to wait until this happened,” Meldi said. “Take care of the Avoni, alright?”
“I’ll watch over her,” Myli said.
The Mjolnir moved away from the other mobile suits.
“Mjolnir, move the reflector plates to spread mode,” Meldi ordered.
“Moving into spread mode,” the mobile suit said.
The plates on the outside of the craft flew in front of the main cannon and lengthened the barrel before creating a number of smaller barrels. The pulse cannon charged and fired a series of blasts into the Malcovin fleet. Meldi then shifted the focus to the area around the three mobile suits. From inside the field of fire she noticed the Gemini’s cannon was doing the same as hers.
“I didn’t know the Gemini had spread mode,” Meldi said.
“You should pay more attention,” the Mjolnir said.
“Normally I do but I’ve been focusing on your abilities,” she said.
p; * * *
Valis closed her eyes and focused on the battle around her. I can hear their thoughts and voices screaming all around me. I can see so much I’ve never seen before. It’s as if I’m standing in a thunderstorm and hearing all the rain drops fall one by one. She opened her eyes as the flickered between glowing and not.
“It’s time I give it a try,” she said as her eyes glowed brightly.
The Minerva’s drive sped up and filled the area with light as Valis flew out of the Aegis’s shields and fired at one enemy craft after another. Each time an enemy moved close Valis countered and destroyed them. Each shot or missile fired at the Minerva was dodged as she saw the attack coming before it was fired.
“I didn’t think we’d see that anytime soon,” Celi remarked.
“She’s fighting like Seles does,” Kivi said.
“You want to join in, don’t you?” Celi asked.
“I’ll hold back for now,” Kivi said. “The Gemini’s special system is an ace in the hole we shouldn’t use right now.” She watched the Minerva flying though the enemy and destroying them with ease. “But you’re right Celi.”
After a few more minutes the battle was winding down. The Avoni and Raulno approached the base having taken minimal damage while a few of their mobile suits looked the same. The base on the moon had its shield array activated as a number of the ships fled. Valis calmed herself and returned to the other two.
“I didn’t know you had it in you,” Kivi said.
“I didn’t know myself,” Valis said.
The Mjolnir joined them.
“That was amazing captain,” Meldi said.
“Thanks,” Valis said. ‘But our mission isn’t over.” Valis pointed the Minerva’s pulse cannon at the base below. “Our enemy has yet to surrender.”
“I doubt they will,” Kivi said.
“How many ships have fled the battle so far?” Celi asked.
“Seventy five ships and two hundred or so Talons,” Valis said.
Chapter 15 - Three Pronged Victory
The Columbia base, Reinkar, and Daevoni closed on the second asteroid base. The two ships and their mobile weapons tore into the enemy line while the Columbia base used its cannons and HV missiles to aid in the attack. A mass of ships and Talons were currently putting the Columbia base’s shield array to the test. When she looked at the numbers Reban shook her head.
“Normally I’d ask if we could use our reserves,” she said. “But given our advantage I know I don’t have to.”
“I know the feeling all too well,” Veda said.
The two ships and base slowly were advancing when a number of enemy ships pulled away with their mobile suits and gravity jumped out.
“Looks like the enemy is running away,” Reban observed.
“They’re not putting up enough of a fight,” Veda said. “Our foe chose to test us and form his plan afterwards.”
“Admiral Regelik?” Reban asked.
“Until we can prove it’s him we can’t say for sure,” Veda said. “But this matches his style.”
“I didn’t know you fought him before,” Reban said.
“I haven’t,” Veda said. “It’s because Valis sends over a lot of details in her plans. I have to admit I feel jealous at times.”
“Captain Valis is a genius,” Reban said. “Everyone in the Kalaidian military missed her when she left.”
“I never meant to force it on her,” Veda said. “But our people had little choice at the time.”
“But because of that our people now do have a choice,” Reban said. “Be glad for that.”
“I am,” Veda said.
* * *
The Gemini and Mjolnir battered the moon base’s shields for a few minutes before the other ships and mobile suits joined them. As the seconds passed the energy levels of the shields fluctuated until a signal was received by the Avoni. Zae appeared on the Minerva’s screen.
“Captain, their commander would like to surrender,” Zae said.
“Very well,” Valis said. “All vessels are to cease fire.”
The base’s shields gave way as they disarmed their weapons and prepared to surrender. In the distance they noticed a flash of light as the second moon base exploded and knocked the Columbia base back. The Daevoni and Reinkar suffered some damage but were still moving.
“We didn’t plan for that,” Kivi said.
“No,” Valis said. “I planned for it to happen at both the asteroids. Everyone return to base.”
* * *
Veda shook her head after the explosion.
“Is everyone alright?” she asked.
Both Esra and El Kar appeared on the monitor.
“My ship took a little damage,” Esra said. “But the mobile suits got out of the way.”
“It’s the same on my end,” El Kar reported. “No casualties to report.”
“Good,” Veda said.
“I’m glad we were ready for that,” Reban said.
“They evacuated before self-detonating,” Veda said. “It explains why they didn’t put up much of a fight.”
Both of them watched as thousands of Malcovin troops were disarmed and escorted to the detention areas of the base.
“Can we handle that many?” Reban asked.
“We can hold up to five thousand,” Veda said. “Our transports will come by tomorrow to carry them to Dega Jul.”
* * *
Seles and Mira returned to the bridge of the Freedom after the battle. The bridge crew continued with their work while the four droids did likewise.
“It’s good to see both of you fighting so well,” Myden said.
“Thanks,” Mira said.
“I’m glad to hear it Myden,” Seles said.
She went down to the console near the captain’s chair and looked over Valis’s plan again.
“What are we preparing for next?” Mira asked while looking over Seles’s shoulder.
“Valis thinks they’ll set an ambush,” Seles answered. “They’ll strike when we approach the Odairan homeworld.”
“That’s the same strategy the Confederation tried,” Mira said. “It didn’t work very well for them.”
“True,” Seles said. “But for some reason I’m expecting a lot more from the Malcovin. Maybe it’s because their pilots have flown mobile suits for longer than the Confederation forces.”
“Don’t forget they may have tweaked some of them for the better,” Jesela said. “If we’ve done that we can expect our enemies to do the same.”
“They won’t,” Grigon said. “Zaris is a fool through and through. He’ll stick with trying to overwhelm us. He’s always been that way.”
“You don’t speak highly of the king of your people,” Seles said. “Isn’t there a chance your emotions towards him are clouding your judgment?”
“No young lady,” Grigon said. “My emotions are held in check, that’s why I’m good at my job. Zaris is fool who’s leading the people of Malcov toward oblivion. If it weren’t for the four admirals he’d have lost his position by now.”
“I’ll take your word for it,” Seles said.
* * *
Celi scanned Valis carefully in the medical lab of the Avoni.
“Nothing’s changed,” Celi said as she checked the read outs.
“Are you assuming they will?” Valis asked.
“Yes,” Celi said. “It’s hard to believe there wouldn’t be a change given your performance earlier today.”
“I’m following Brian’s advice,” Valis said. “The Minerva and I will become one.”
“You’re doing a good job then,” Celi said. “By the way, Zae and the others would like you on the bridge for a while.”
“They miss me that much?” Valis asked.
“Of course,” Celi said. “You are the captain after all.”
Valis sighed. “I suppose it wouldn’t hurt. I feel like I’m moving more distant from everyone each day.”
“Now stop that,” Celi said. “No going Br
ian on us. I don’t want a loner captain in charge of my life.”
“That’s why I brought you onboard Celi,” Valis said. “You always know what to say to keep me in line.”
“That’s what a friend is supposed to do,” Celi said.
Chapter 16 - Angry Birds
Admiral Regelik sat in his tactical room surrounded by subordinates. He watched the footage of his forces being decimated the day before. The plumed birdman fumed with anger while his advisors stood around with their beaks open.
“What is this?” Regelik asked. “Was this the best the Iron navy was capable of?”
“But sir…”
“Shut up!” Regelik cawed. “You were supposed to stay longer than that! You ran like cowards and now our enemy is emboldened! What do you have to say for yourselves?”
One of the captains calmly stepped forward. “We retreated sooner than ordered because we wanted to preserve our numbers. In order to stake our bets we had to make a calculated decision.”
Regelik stared down all the other officers in the room before nodding his head. “That’s the answer I wanted to hear.” He put his attack plan on the monitor. “Our enemies will reach the target point in two days. I want every ship there to crush them.” He displayed the Columbia base and its six ships. “Our previous targets have been the special model mobile suits they’re deploying. That changes today.” The simulated battle showed the ships and Talons concentrating their fire on the base. “Our mission is to destroy their base. After that their ships are to be surrounded one by one and destroyed. I don’t care if you have to crash into them, we must be victorious!”
* * *
Grigon and Dreka were in the launching bay of the Avoni while the Mjolnir stood silently. The room was devoid of any engineers or pilots at the moment when they started looking things over on their tablets.
“I thought Daes was the most level headed of us,” Dreka said. “Jesela’s normally the one who makes crazy claims like this.”