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Outlaw | Bad Boy Motorcycle Club Alpha MC Romance

Page 2

by Rose Cody

  Lily blushes, her heart fluttering in her chest as she watches him bring his rough hand up to her cheek before gently brushing over her skin.

  She bites her bottom lip shyly, licking the very tip of her tongue over it before placing her mug down beside his.

  “I like to think I have a good head on my shoulders.” She whispers to him, unable to contain her smile before lifting her head up to look at him. “Why?”

  Jason leans in, lifting up her chin to meet his lips as he presses them against hers.

  She sighs out, slacking her jaw as she feels the tip of his tongue drag across her lower lip before pushing inside of her mouth to explore, his hot muscle engaging hers.

  “Wait…” She whispers, pulling away a little as she feels his hand lower down to her thigh and begin to brush up her skirt. “Let’s go to the bedroom…”

  She stands up, grabbing his hand before pulling him off the couch and parading him out of the living room and down the hallway.

  Lily opens her bedroom door, stepping inside, before walking Jason over to her bed and pushing him down to sit on her mattress.

  She watches as he pulls his sleeveless shirt over his head, his muscles contracting as he tosses it across her room.

  She inhales deeply, her eyes gazing up and down his rippling torso as she slowly pushes him onto his back before climbing on top of him and straddling his hips.

  Lily brushes her fingers across his defined pecs and over his shoulders before leaning down and pressing her lips onto his.

  She lets out a gentle moan as he explores her mouth, their tongues wrestling for dominance as he pulls up the back of her t-shirt to her shoulders.

  “Here…” She whispers, sitting up and pulling the thin shirt over her head and down her arms before letting it fall where ever it may.

  She bites her bottom lip as she watches him reach up to rest her breasts in his palms as he gently massages them before sliding his hands down the sides of her thin waist.

  He pulls her closer, trailing his hands down her back before reaching down her thighs to lift up the bottom of her skirt.

  Jason drags the fabric up over her bum before massaging her cheeks and spreading them apart.

  He reaches down between her legs from behind, brushing his fingers gently over her wanting sex.

  “No panties?” He comments, his voice husk as he brushes over her lower lips.

  “I don’t like panties.” She whispers to him, her face flushing as tingles travel up and down her limbs.

  She sits up, her skirt falling back down around her waist as slides off of him, leaning on her elbow beside him.

  Lily unhooks the button from the waist of Jason’s jeans before slowly pulling down the zipper.

  He grunts, growing impatient as he lifts his butt off the mattress and pushes down the waist of his jeans, his boxers going down along with them as his cock falls to rest against his stomach.

  She smiles, her eyes gazing through hooded lids as she slowly wraps her fingers around the shaft of his cock, feeling it twitch in her hand as it stiffens.

  Lily gently drags the palm of her hand up and down his shaft, stopping at the top to swirl it over his sensitive head before squeezing his stiff shaft on the way back down.

  She giggles as he sits up, pushing her onto her back before pushing her skirt up over her waist.

  Jason pushes her knees apart as he leans forward and brushes his lips against the inside of her thigh before getting between her legs and grabbing her waist, pulling her towards his hips.

  He holds his shaft in his hand, slowly pumping up and down before closing the gap between them, pressing his tip against her.

  Jason rubs his head up and down through her slick lips before resting it against her entrance.

  She gasps, gripping her fingers against the bed spread as she feels him sink himself deeply inside of her before slowly sliding himself out.

  He does it again, sinking inside once more, stretching her a little deeper this time as he lowers himself on top of her, pressing his lips against hers before kissing down her neck, resting his face in the crook of her neck above her shoulder as he begins to rock his hips back and forth.

  Lily moans, feeling Jason’s hot breath on her shoulder as he thrusts his cock in and out of her, the initial roughness subsiding as she gets wetter and wetter.

  She snakes her hand down between them, over her stomach and down between her legs before dipping her fingers between her lips, gently sliding them over the shaft of his cock as she feels her lips grip against it.

  She pulls her soaking fingers back up before swirling her middle finger over her aching pearl, pulling her hood away from it to rub over her most sensitive nerves.

  “Oh…” She moans, listening to him grunt and sigh as she feels her body begin to heat up as she moves swirls her finger in time with his thrusts.

  Lily gasps as she feels the electric pleasure course through her, stiffening her body as her flesh squeezes his, spasming around him as she moans out, her hand traveling back up to his back as her fingers dig into his skin.

  Jason grunts as his hips buck wildly as she holds onto him, his cock twitching inside of her as he cums against her still contracting walls.

  She pants, her chest heaving as she watches him sit up between her legs before slowly pulling his throbbing cock out from inside of her.

  He moans, biting his bottom lip as he watches his seed slowly drip out from between her lips before he leans back over her, kissing between her breasts, making his way back up her neck before placing his lips against hers once again.

  “There…” She whispers, as she trails her fingers up and down his muscular triceps. “Now we’re even.”

  Chapter 3

  Lily slowly rubs her knuckles over her eyes as she rolls over on top of Jason’s arm. She watches his chest slowly rise and fall as he sleeps beside her.

  She smirks as he shifts as her fingers slowly glide against his tight, waving abs as she drags them against his skin before she watches him shift in his sleep.

  It’s been more than a little while since she’s had any sort of man in her house, never mind one as rough and rugged as Jason. Though they’ve only just met, she feels like she could get used to this.

  Her ears perk up as she hears a low rumble from outside as a pair of headlights brighten up the ceiling of her bedroom before quickly shutting off.

  “I wonder who’s home this late?” She whispers to herself as she sits up, propping herself up on her elbows.

  She rolls out of bed, making her way across the room to the window before standing up on her tippy toes to look out of it.

  She peeks out into the darkness, scanning around her street for lights before her eyes catch a black, shadowy figure hurrying out from under the street lamp, ducking down behind the hedge that leads up her driveway.

  “Oh, my God!” She whispers, her heart racing as she tries to hush herself.

  Her breath shakes as she runs back over to her bed before shaking Jason from his slumber.

  “Jason, please, wake up!” She says, shaking his shoulder before watching him roll over and rub his eyes.

  “What the hell…?” He groans, scratching the stubble on his cheek as he opens his heavy eyes. “Why’d you wake me up?”

  “Jason,” She whispers, kneeling down in front of him. “Jason, there’s someone sneaking around outside…”

  “Sneaking around?” He asks, grunting as he sits up, throwing her covers off of him. “What do you mean sneaking around?”

  Lily hurries back over to the window, standing on her tip toes once again to look back outside.

  “They came from over there,” She points. “Under the light by my neighbours fence and ran into my yard before going behind the fence beside my driveway. I watched their headlights pull up.”

  “It’s not one of your neighbours?” He asks, standing up and stretching his arms over his head as he walks towards her before wrapping his arm around her waist and resting his chin on the top
of her head as he looks out the window into the night.

  “No.” She says, shaking her head as she turns to look up at him. “Most of my neighbours are old people.”

  She jumps as she hears a loud thud, come from her patio door in the kitchen as something bangs against the tempered glass.

  “Oh, my God!” She panics, her body shaking as she covers her mouth with her hand. “Someone’s trying to break into my house!”

  Jason lets out a heavy sigh from his nose, his jaw tightening as the hear another thud.

  “Let me check it out.” He whispers to her, his voice scratchy as he walks towards her doorway.

  He looks down the hall before looking back at her.

  “Lily, stay here.” He says, holding his hand out with his palm forward towards her as he steps out of the bedroom.

  She nods her head, her legs trembling, weak with fear as she rushes towards her bedroom door, following him anyway.

  She walks up behind him, keeping her distance as Jason peeks his head around the corner from the hallway, looking into the kitchen.

  “What the fuck…” She hears him whispers under his breath as she peeks around him herself.

  She gasps, her hand covering her mouth as she backs up down the hall after her eyes gaze upon a leather jacketed man, one of the very men from earlier that night who tried to mug her, as he tries to pry open her patio door.

  “What’s happening!?” She whispers, holding her hands against her chest.

  Jason slowly reaches around the corner, dragging his fingertips against the wall as he searches for the light switch.

  He collides with the cover before taking a deep breath and flicking on the kitchen light, illuminating the whole room from the bowl covered bulb in the center of the ceiling.

  “That fucker!” He says, walking into the kitchen as he watches the man breaking in get spooked from the light before running across the back yard and hopping over the back fence.

  Jason unlocks the patio door, pushing it open as he storms into the backyard, his eyes scanning around for any signs of the man.

  He turns his head, looking out into the darkness on the left as he hears the sound of a rumbling engine close by before it speeds off into the distance.

  Lily walks into the kitchen, letting out a shaking breath as she makes her way over to the patio door before stepping outside into the yard with Jason.

  “Is he gone?” She asks, looking around before looking up at his furrowed eyebrows.

  “Yeah, but I only heard one engine. You’d think they’d be all together.” He says.

  “I think I only heard the one.” She whispers to him, listening to the crickets as she tries to remember.

  “Yeah, it must have been just the one.” He says, following her back into the kitchen.

  She hurries her way over to the phone on the wall beside her fridge, picking it up and putting it to her ear to listen to the dial tone.

  “What are you doing?” He asks, walking over to her before stopping her hand as she reaches up to the number pad.

  “What are you talking about? I’m calling the fucking police!” She says, pulling her hand away from him. “Someone tried to break into my house!”

  “You can’t do that.” Jason replies, taking the phone from her hand before hanging it back up on the wall.

  “Why not!? I have to!” Lily says, her eyes open and mouth hanging wide as she looks into Jason’s deep, brown eyes.

  “The police can’t do anything for you.” He says, looking back out into the darkness out of the patio door. “It might just get you in trouble.”

  “Why on earth would I get in trouble for someone trying to break into my house?” She asks, following him back over across the kitchen to the patio door as he walks away.

  “Maybe not from the police.” He starts. “But probably from the Serpentines. I recognized his patches.”

  “His patches?” She asks, following him out of the kitchen as he walks into the living room.

  She watches as he walks over to her love seat, picking his jacket up before turning it over and hanging it over the back of the couch, smoothing his hand over the large patch on the lower back of the leather.

  “Yeah, and they probably recognized me, too.” He says, nodding his head as he watches her walk over and run her fingers over the embroidery.

  “Demonios…” She reads slowly before looking up at him. “You’re in a biker gang?”

  He nods his head as he flips over his jacket once again.

  “And the Serpentines…?” She asks, her voice meek.

  “Our rivals.” He replies. “I didn’t realize it at the time, but they were the ones mugging you. They must have recognized me and the followed us back here.”

  She walks over to the couch before sitting down and rubbing her hands over her face.

  “So all this mess is fucking biker gang shit?” She asks, rubbing her eyes. “And now me and my house are in the middle of it. All I wanted to do this weekend was eat my frozen yogurt and maybe have a bubble bath…”

  “I’m really sorry.” He says, walking over to the couch and sitting down beside her, glancing down at the cappuccinos they had long left to sit on the coffee table. “If I would have recognized them, I would have just dropped you off and never stayed. It’s not my intention to fuck shit up for people who have nothing to do with this.”

  “Do you think they’ll come back?” She asks nervously. “I don’t want to be here if they come back.”

  “Then you should come with me.” He says, standing up and holding his hand out for her to grab.

  She grabs it, letting him help her off the couch.

  “It’ll be safer away from here.” He says, walking back over to his jacket before picking it up and sliding his arms through the arm holes to lift it over his back. “At least until the sun comes up.”

  She nods, brushing her fingers through her red curls before rushing over to her front closet.

  Lily opens the slotted wooden door and pulls out a thick, woolen sweater before sliding herself into it. She slips her feet into her flats before reaching down onto the small table beside her front door for her keys.

  “Let’s leave now.” She says. “I don’t want to be here a second more.”

  Jason nods, walking into the front entrance and stepping into his boots.

  “I’ll take you somewhere safe where you can sleep.” He says to her as they step out of the front door.

  Lily locks it before turning around and running down her front path. She watches Jason lift his legs over his bike, straddling it before inserting the key and turning it over, starting the rumbling engine.

  She gets on the back of the bike, sighing as she wraps her arms around his waist before leaning her cheek against his back. Her soft skin brushes against his embroidered patch and she rubs her finger tips again over the lettering as she bites her bottom lip.

  What has she gotten herself into this time?

  Chapter 4

  Lily shields her eyes from the wind behind Jason’s neck as she tightly squeezes his waist, careful not to fall as he swerves his bike around the large puddles in the middle of the street.

  “We’re almost there.” Jason says, lifting his chin and tilting his head back to glance at her quickly.

  She nods her head into his back, the adrenaline still coursing through her body as he slows his bike down, the rumbling of the engine loud and low, before pulling up in front of a lit up house.

  She slides off the bike as he kicks down his kickstand, grabbing a lock of her hair to nervously pull her fingers through as she gazes at the chipped paint and broken plant box hanging on it’s side under the dirty window.

  “Where you been all night?” She hears a scratchy old voice come from a man in a thin, leather vest sitting on the front porch as he blows smoke out into the yard.

  “What are you, my mother?” Jason asks as he gets off his bike before walking up the crumbling sidewalk towards the house.

  She follows clo
sely behind him, hesitating to reach out and hold the back of his jacket for comfort as he stops in front of the stairs.

  “Who’s the girl?” The old biker asks, leaning over on his milk crate to look around behind Jason’s back.

  “She’s going to stay for the rest of the night, if that’s okay with you.” He says, before lowering his voice into a whisper. “She was getting mugged by the Serpentines and I stopped to help her. They followed us back to her house. Scared ‘em off, but better safe than sorry.


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