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Fix Me: Men of Sander’s Valley, book 2

Page 7

by Corrigan, Nancy

  Her pleasured sounds enflamed him. He wanted to free his cock and plunge into her. Only knowing where they were stopped him. What they were doing rode the line of inappropriate behavior. At the moment, he didn’t give a shit. He needed her cries more than anything.

  She squirmed over him, adding a rolling drive to his thrusts. He took the hint and countered her, screwing her with his straightened fingers. More heat welcomed his pounding strokes. She rocked over him. Each forward push met more resistance.

  He tore his mouth from hers and pushed her face against his neck. Her shaky pants warmed his wet skin. She clung to him and fucked his hand. Her whimpers shortened. Her muscles quivered. She was close. He wanted her to careen into ecstasy for him. He added a third finger and pushed them as deep as they’d go. She tensed, then bit him, her cry of release muffled against his shoulder.

  Her orgasm sent rippling waves over his fingers. He stroked her, teased her, and kept it going. All the while she gnawed on the spot where shoulder met neck. The pinch of pain drove him wild. He wanted to be joined with her, feel her sex milking his dick, and follow her into release. Tonight, dammit. Tonight he’d fuck her and make the fantasy real.

  Finally, the ripples eased. She turned her face so her lips brushed his neck, and her hands slid from his back to float in the water. “Wyn, that was…that was…”

  “Just a preview of what I’m going to give you tonight.”

  He felt her smile against his skin. “Sorry, but I can’t.”

  “Excuse me?”

  She leaned back. A lazy grin graced her swollen lips. “I figured since you made other plans, then I could.”

  “And those would be?”

  “Dinner with Ronnie and Kyle. We’re going to some pub. Sullivan’s maybe?” She shrugged. “I was going to ask you, but—”

  “I’m coming.”

  “Are you kicking your lady friends out?”

  Lady friends? Who was she…? He chuckled. Jenna and Mandy, the only ex-lovers he still called friends. Iona must’ve seen him talking to them. “Were you jealous? Is that why you decided to come over here and flirt with Eric?”

  She turned away.

  “If that’s the reason, don’t worry. Nobody’s going to steal me away.”

  She faced him. “I didn’t say that I—”

  He pressed his lips to hers. “Shh, darling. I’m here to satisfy you as long as you need me. No strings attached, just like you wanted.” Or until he could convince her otherwise.

  “You don’t want…” She cleared her throat. “I mean you don’t mind…umm, casual encounters only?”

  “Nope. Do you?”

  “Don’t you think it’ll be awkward? I’m going to be around a lot now that Ronnie is…” She caught her lip between her teeth.


  She nodded.

  He adjusted her bikini bottom and retied her top, hiding her tempting nipples. A shame too. He’d wanted to suck on them, but it’d be better if he waited. Any more of Iona’s moans and he’d lose the little bit of control he held on to.

  “It’ll only be awkward if we make it. This is a small town. I see ex-lovers all the time.” He shrugged. “I’m used to it. If you decide to go out with someone else, that’s up to you. I won’t hate you for it.”


  The single word held wonder. What did she find so amazing? If he lost Iona to another guy, it’d be his own damn fault. Wasn’t going to happen, though. He’d make sure of it.

  “Yeah, you’re a big girl. You can decide who you want to spend time with.”

  “Oh, Wyn.”

  She tugged him close for a scorching kiss. Ankles crossed at his lower back, she settled her groin over his trapped cock. A squeeze of her legs, and she rubbed against him, reigniting his lusts. He groaned and ran his palms over her back.

  One kiss and he was ready to throw his discipline aside. Nobody would know if he fucked her. He could keep quiet, move slowly so as not to make too many waves. The thought took hold. He wanted to rock into her, building her pleasure until they crested together.

  He tugged on her bikini bottom. She broke the kiss. A small smile played on her lips. “Are you horny this time?”

  “Yeah.” He squeezed her ass cheeks. “I need you.”

  “I do like the sound of that.” She skimmed her fingertips over his jaw. “But, like I said, we’re not having sex here. You’ll have to wait.”

  He turned his head and caught her finger between his lips, sucking and nibbling on it until she offered him a shuddering breath. He eased his gentle bite, and she drew her finger free. “You have a mean streak. Don’t you, Iona?”

  She chuckled. “Maybe. But consider it punishment.”

  “For what?”

  “Making me think I couldn’t hold your attention for even a day.”

  He pushed her wet hair off her shoulders and leaned closer so his mouth brushed her ear. “I don’t think you have to worry about that, darling. You have my entire focus.”

  “Mmmm…I like the sound of that too. Until tonight, then. We leave at five.”

  “All right. I—”

  She pushed him. The move caught him off guard. He tumbled back. Water rushed into his mouth. He hopped up sputtering and turned to face her. She floated several feet away. Her rich laughter teased him.

  “Thank you for the swim. I enjoyed it.” She flipped, kicking water in his face, and swam away. At the overhang of the dock, she glanced over her shoulder. “But you owe me a pair of shoes.”

  “Seems fair. How much were they?”

  “I don’t want your money, Wyn. You can repay me in kisses.”

  With that, she turned and swam across the lake. He followed for a few feet to make sure she wouldn’t have a problem making it to Kyle’s house. The lake was oblong, and their homes sat on opposite ends of the narrowest part of the water. He could cross it easily, but Iona had felt delicate in his hands.

  He watched her a moment more. He’d pegged her wrong. She was stronger than she looked. Her precise strokes were a thing of beauty, much like the rest of her. He gave her one last glance, then made his way to the shore. He stretched out on the grass, gaze locked on to her until she pulled herself onto Kyle’s dock. Water sluiced off her body.

  Levi crouched next to him. “That’s a damn fine-looking woman.”

  “Yeah, she is.” He glanced at his older brother. “And she’s mine.”

  “Figured so. Congrats, kid.”

  “Don’t go announcing it to everyone. She doesn’t want anyone to know about us.”

  Levi snorted. “Maybe she should’ve been a little quieter, then. Jack’s already on the phone with Kyle.”


  Levi held out his cell. “Better call quick before Ronnie finds out.”

  Wyn grabbed the phone and dialed. He needed to run damage control before everything blew up in his face. No way would he screw up his chance with Iona.

  Chapter 8

  Iona sat across from Wyn at Sullivan’s Pub later that night. She’d been surprised to learn his older brothers, Levi and Jack, owned the place. They’d bought it a few years ago but had never changed the name. According to Kyle, they hadn’t been able to agree on one. She’d listened to the story in an effort to keep her mind off her lover, who kept stealing heated glances at her. It didn’t help. She felt the hunger in Wyn’s gaze. It bore into her, demanding she meet his needs.

  Ronnie had picked up on the sexual tension simmering between Iona and Wyn. The giddy grin on her face told Iona how bad a job they were doing at keeping their attraction quiet. She was as much to blame. Her gaze drifted to him as much as his did to her.

  “What do you think of Sander’s Valley so far, Iona?” Kyle asked.

  She blinked and tore her attention from Wyn to focus on an older, rougher version of him. “It’s nice.”

  “Much different than Russia, I’d guess. Ronnie says you lived in some city?”

  “Saint Petersburg. I do enjoy it the
re too. There’s so much to do and see, but there is something to be said about your valley. It’s truly beautiful here.”

  “The lake’s nice too. I heard you got a chance to swim in it with Wyn.”

  She tensed. So did Wyn. The sight of his unease calmed her. It told her he’d followed through with his promise to keep their encounters secret. She couldn’t help but admire the trait. It was one Dmitry couldn’t claim.

  “Yes, it was lovely.”

  Wyn propped his elbows on the table and leaned forward, his gaze on her. “She’s a great swimmer too.”

  A question hovered in Wyn’s eyes.

  She matched his pose, fingertips inches from his. So close but so far. “I swim daily. It’s an excellent exercise.”

  “In a pool? Or lake?” Lust gave his words a low drawl.

  Her breathing quickened. “Pool. It’s inside. I can swim all year.”

  “Must be nice. I miss going for a dip late at night once it gets cool.”

  She licked her lips. He followed the move with his gaze and leaned closer. His fingertips touched hers. “I’ve started to enjoy midnight swims too. It’s a good way to help me settle my mind and wear me out so I can sleep.”

  He tucked his chin and stared at her from under his thick lashes. “Do you have trouble sleeping?”

  She never used to. “It’s a recent thing.”

  He skimmed his fingers over her knuckles, then pulled his hand back. She barely stopped herself from reaching for him. “I imagine you would, considering all that’s happened to you.”

  She sat back and dropped her curled fists onto her lap. He couldn’t know about Dmitry. Only Blaine did. Unless…unless he’d called Ronnie’s house and Wyn took the message. Iona swallowed hard. “What do you mean?”

  “The crazy stunt your mom pulled.”

  She exhaled roughly. “Yes, my mom. I blame myself for what she—”

  “Stop, Iona.” Ronnie covered Iona’s balled hand with her own. “You didn’t know how unstable she was.”

  Iona had completely forgotten about Kyle and Ronnie. Her entire focus had centered on Wyn. “I know that, but the signs were there. I just never paid any attention to them.” Just like she refused to believe Dmitry’s warning signals.

  “You’re not responsible for other people’s actions. If you’d known, you would’ve prevented it,” Wyn said.

  His steady, reassuring voice eased the tightness in her chest. She nodded, comforted by words she’d heard numerous times. None had been from Wyn, though.

  “Thank you. That makes me feel—” Her phone rang. She pulled it out and glanced at the display. Dmitry’s name flashed at her. The vise grip on her chest squeezed tight. “Umm…I’ve got to take this.” Because if she didn’t, he’d call back, and she didn’t want to spend the night worrying about when he’d invade her date with Wyn. And turning off her cell? Well, that would guarantee more calls—just to make sure she was okay, of course.

  She slipped from the booth and hurried to the back of the restaurant. The bar stood to her right. Laughter and voices carried from the patrons gathered around it, but the melodious beat of the jazz band wasn’t as loud in the far corner. Unless she went outside, it’d have to do.

  She answered. “Dmitry?”

  “Hello, beautiful. How are you?”

  Syrup dripped from his cultured voice. It choked her where once she’d melted under his rich tone. “I’m fine. And you?”

  “Lonely. I miss you. When will you be back from your business trip?”

  She’d lied about why she’d come to the States. Her company had a wholly owned subsidiary in Washington. It catered to their American investments and businesses. She’d toured a few sites as part of an annual audit, but she didn’t involve herself in the review proceedings. After her visits and the few lunches she’d attended, she could’ve left. She’d driven to Sander’s Valley instead. Only Blaine knew where she’d gone or why she’d extended her trip.

  “Not sure, but it doesn’t matter.” She tightened her grip on the phone. “I don’t want to see you.”

  “But I have a present for you. Don’t you want it?”

  “No.” She took a deep breath. “Look, I told you that it’s over. Why won’t you accept that?”

  “Because I love you, and I regret the choice I made, taking that escort back to the hotel. I was drunk and—”

  “I don’t care why you were with that woman.”

  “You forgive me?”

  She squeezed her eyes shut. The distance between them gave her courage to tackle the issue she’d never forgive. She’d tried bringing it up a few times during one of their many phone calls, but he’d somehow always turned the conversation around and blamed the incident on her, that she’d made him react the way he had.

  His five years of subtle domination and controlling tactics had their desired effect. She had a hard time standing up to him. The knowledge shamed her, even though she knew it shouldn’t.

  “No. We’re over. Your infidelity means nothing to me any longer.”

  “Don’t say that, princess. Don’t throw away our love.”

  She ground her teeth. “The way you hurt me afterward guarantees—”

  “I was drunk. You knew it and pushed my buttons.”

  “I don’t care what I said to make you angry. I can still feel your fingers wrapped around my neck, and I—”

  “Hey, Iona, what are you doing hiding back here?”

  She gasped and spun at the sound of Eric’s voice. He leaned against the wall next to her.

  “Who’s that? And where are you?” Dmitry’s raised voice carried over the line.

  “A friend and a restaurant. I’ve got to go. Goodbye.” She hung up and prayed he’d accept her excuse. To be sure, she powered down her phone and shoved it in her back pocket. No doubt she’d turn it on later and have a couple of texts and messages. Not too many and none accusatory.

  Frustration tugged at her. So did uncertainty. Maybe she was reading into his actions. They had dated for five years. Why wouldn’t he be concerned about her?

  She rubbed her neck. No, she was right about him.

  She dropped her hand and forced a smile. “Hi, Eric.”

  “Are you okay? You’re as white as a ghost.”

  “Yes. You just startled me.”

  He studied her with narrowed eyes. “Are you here by yourself?”

  “No, I came with Ronnie, Kyle, and—”

  “Me.” Wyn slid his arm around her waist and pulled her against his solid body. Tension drained from her limbs. She relaxed into his embrace, instinctually seeking his warmth. Head tilted, she glanced at him. “Were you afraid I’d gotten lost?”

  He held Eric’s gaze a moment more. His expression hardened. The sight of it confused her. Before she could consider why, it vanished, and he offered her a warm grin. “Maybe.”

  She matched his smile. It was impossible not to. From the moment they’d met, she’d felt an unexplainable connection to him. “Well, as you can see, I’m fine.”

  “You looked upset. I thought Eric was giving you a hard time.”

  “Don’t be silly. Eric was just making small talk.”

  Brows pinched, Eric rubbed his knuckles under his chin. “Sure, I’m the king of small talk.”

  Wyn chuckled. “You keep thinking that. Maybe it’ll come true.”

  Eric grunted and walked away.

  She glanced into Wyn’s face. “We should get back before Ronnie wonders what happened to us.”

  “Or what we’re doing.” He brushed her hair off her shoulder. “You realize they’ve figured out we’re attracted to each other, right?”

  “Yes.” She laid her palms over his plain white T-shirt. “It’s all your fault too.”

  The corner of his lip quirked. “Is it? How do you figure?”

  “You’re too handsome. I can’t stop staring at you.”

  “And remembering what I looked like naked?”

  Her breath escaped in a rush as the memory of
him crouched over her, his cock a long, straight rod ready to pierce her, returned. She nodded.

  “I can’t wait until I can see you again too.” He slid his hand to the back of her neck. “I’ve been thinking about you all day.”

  “You have?”

  “Uh-huh.” He swiped his thumb back and forth over her throat. Sparks of awareness skipped across her skin. She arched into him, and the evidence of his desire pushed against her belly—hard, thick, and tempting. “I’m hungry, darling. I want to spread your thighs and feast on you.”

  She fisted his shirt. “Oh, Wyn.”

  He nibbled on her earlobe. “Spend the night with me.”

  “Everyone will know we were intimate then.”

  He skimmed a hand down her spine, drawing her closer. “They already do.”

  “No. They know we like each other. That’s it.”

  He pillowed his cheek on the top of her head. “Iona, I don’t understand—”

  “There you are.”

  At the sound of Ronnie’s voice, they jumped apart.

  Ronnie giggled. “I wasn’t interrupting, was I?”

  Iona rubbed her cheek where her skin still tingled from Wyn’s touch. “No. We were just talking.”

  “Good. I’d hate to break anything up.”

  Wyn crossed his arms. “Then why are you?”

  “Because your mom invited us over for dessert and coffee.” Ronnie glanced at her. “Eliza made cheesecake. Chocolate cheesecake. It’s the best I’ve ever had.”

  Iona checked the time displayed on the television behind the bar. “At seven o’clock? I thought we were going to listen to the jazz band perform their new song later?”

  Ronnie worried her bottom lip. “She wants to meet you.”

  Iona had intended to visit the rest of Wyn’s family later in the week. It would’ve given her the chance to plan some safe topics, ones that didn’t involve Wyn. “I thought we were going there for dinner on Friday.”

  “She couldn’t wait, I guess.” Ronnie turned imploring eyes on her. “You don’t mind cutting our evening short, do you?”

  Iona glanced at Wyn. He studied Ronnie with narrowed eyes. Did he suspect the same thing she did? His mother had found out about them.


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