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One Night with the Bridesmaid

Page 2

by Sara Daniel


  The façade had gone on too long, and Rob intended to end it. He slanted his lips across hers. In a moment, she would shove him away and announce she wanted Blake, not him, confirming everything he’d accused her of. The sooner, the better because he hadn’t predicted the wave of physical attraction making him itch to explore her lush body and claim her as his own.

  She shivered beneath him but didn’t break the contact. Instead, she moaned, curling her hands around the back of his neck. Her sweet taste and eager touch threw him off his game. She disguised her calculations so well, he couldn’t anticipate her next move.

  He backed her against the wall, not taking his lips off hers. If she tested him on how far he would take this, she would lose. The more he kissed her, the more he wanted to immerse himself in her amazing curves and powder fresh scent while dumping his grand plan to strip her down to her intentions.

  He slid her dress strap from her left shoulder and rubbed his palm over her full breast. Her nipple tightened, and her breathing hitched with each stroke of his fingers. Hell, he was hard and throbbing, as if this was a real seduction.

  He tore his lips away from hers before he forgot the reason he’d chosen to meet her. “How dare you break up my brother’s wedding, trick him into a one-night stand with you, and then kiss me like I’m the only man who matters to you right now.”

  “You are. I came here to be with you, Rob, not Blake.” She pulled his hand off her breast and yanked her strap back up, crossing her arms over her chest.

  “You came here to meet me?” The possibility hadn’t entered his mind. Now the fantasy bloomed to life. He wanted nothing more than to peel the yellow dress off her, run his hands over her light brown skin, and bury his face in her curves. But his only goal was to warn her away from his hurting, vulnerable brother.

  “Yes, but not to let you bully and belittle me,” Sabrina said. “If you’re going to treat me that way, you can leave.”

  “I can leave?” Was this another tactic to throw him off? If so, it was definitely working. People took orders from him, not the other way around.

  “Yes, you.” Her voice rang with authority. “I thought Madame Eve vetted her clients and their intentions, but she slipped up on your file. If you believe I’m here to take advantage of Blake, why are you kissing me? As punishment? Warning?”

  “Something like that.” He was no longer sure. She made him feel ashamed of his noble and righteous actions.

  “My fault, I suppose.” She gave a humorless laugh, the sparkle in her brown eyes extinguished. “I put too much emphasis on adventure and excitement on my application when I should have stressed how important trust, honesty, and straightforwardness mean to me. Will you please leave, so I can salvage the evening enjoying room service at a place I’ll never be able to afford on my teaching salary?”

  She was kicking him out. Rob stood rooted to the floor. If she wasn’t looking to take advantage of his brother, then she deserved to have her request granted. But he didn’t want to leave.

  “Please,” she said again. “Blake told me who you are. Even if he hadn’t, I’d have recognized you from the celebrity magazines. I know you have the money to enjoy a hotel like this any time you want. I can’t.”

  She knew who he was. Yet she wasn’t throwing herself at him, trying to get some of that money and fame to rub off on her. A niggle of suspicion raised its head. “How do I know you’re not kicking me out just to convince my brother to join you?”

  A defeated sigh escaped her lips. She dug into her purse and extracted a folded piece of paper. “I don’t know why you think your brother should be here instead of you, but read this. Maybe then you’ll believe I expected to spend the night with you, no one else. Again, I’m sorry about the mix-up.”

  At a loss for words, Rob took the paper but continued to stare at Sabrina. She opened the hotel door behind her and waved him through. Having no reason to stay, he took a step toward both her and the exit.

  She hooked an arm around his neck and pulled him toward her. Her full, soft lips slammed against his. Her tongue thrust into his mouth. The force of unsophisticated passion stunned him. Arousal strummed through him, demanding he claim her for himself.

  Before he could lift a hand to draw her closer or push her away, she pulled back. With both hands, she shoved him out the door, then shut it in his face.

  Chapter Three

  From the other side, he heard the safety flip over the lock. His key card wouldn’t get him back in. Either she’d kicked him out because he wasn’t Blake or because he’d acted like a self-righteous ass. Either way, he had to give her kudos for playing her cards so well.

  His cock strained at his zipper. Damn, he wanted her. To distract himself from jerking off in a hotel hallway and from begging through the closed door, both of which the paparazzi would have a field day with, he unfolded the paper she’d given him. A quick glance revealed a series of e-mail exchanges, so he began to read from the bottom up to put them in chronological order.

  Dear Sabrina, I’ve reviewed your application and have matched you up for a one-night stand tonight at the Castillo Hotel San Diego. Sincerely, Madame Eve.

  Dear Madame Eve, Is it possible to change the date? Tonight was supposed to be my friend Blake Wellington’s wedding, and I promised not to leave him alone. Blake has been like a brother to me, and without Caroline’s connection, I’m afraid I will lose his friendship. Sabrina

  Sabrina, My sources tell me Blake feels the same way for you, and your friendship will endure despite his broken engagement. But forgive me for pointing out that a man does not want to spend what should have been his wedding night in the arms of his sister. Tonight is for you to have the romance and excitement sadly lacking in your life, and Rob Wellington is just the man to fulfill your needs. Come to the Castillo Hotel tonight. You won’t regret it. Madame Eve

  Rob Wellington? Blake’s brother? The famous movie director? The guy who has a different woman on his arm every night of the week? My fingers are trembling so much I can barely type. I don’t think I have the nerve to do this.

  Yes, that Rob. No need for nerves. He’ll be as nervous as you are.

  Rob lowered the paper. He did not have a different woman on his arm every night of the week, despite what the tabloids reported. He’d become so cynical and jaded that even a once-a-month date wasn’t worth the effort.

  Sabrina might not have all her facts straight about him, but Madame Eve hit the bull’s eye. He was a jangle of nerves. He had to convince Sabrina to let him return so he could retract the accusations he’d hurtled and make the evening right for her.

  In his haste to defend his brother from female deception, games, and power plays, he hadn’t taken her feelings into consideration. He’d believed the worst about her based on his own prejudices. In his world, everyone wanted something from him, but no one had any intention of telling him straight out what they wanted.

  Sabrina had.

  If he didn’t fix what he’d done, he’d be responsible for making her as cynical as he’d become.

  As much as he’d been attracted to her smooth skin, ripe breasts and generous hips before, knowing she’d been open with him from the beginning made every physical feature infinitely more enticing.

  As he leaned against the wall, debating the best course of action to regain her trust and make the evening as pleasurable as possible for both of them, the elevator opened. A waiter pushing a silver cart emerged. To avoid making eye contact, Rob pulled out his phone and scrolled through his own emails. He paused on the one that had come early this morning.

  Dear Rob, Your requested one-night stand has been set up….

  His requested one-night stand, not Blake’s. Because he hadn’t expected Madame Eve to take his drunken interest in her service as a legitimate request, he’d jumped to conclusions and humiliated Sabrina in the process.

  The waiter stopped in front of her door and knocked. “Room service.”

  The door opened.
Sabrina’s smile for the uniformed man faded as soon as her gaze met his in the background.

  The serviceman glanced at him warily. “I’ll page Security, ma’am.”

  “No, um—” She chewed on her lip. “He just stepped out and must have forgotten his key.”

  Rob couldn’t believe his ears. She was covering for him after she’d kicked him out. By all rights, she should enjoy watching Security and the paparazzi swarm around him. They could take a stalker angle or spurned jealous lover, feeding for days off the possible ways to humiliate him.

  “You can put the food on the table by the kitchenette,” Sabrina instructed the deliveryman, allowing him to enter.

  As she raised her gaze to his, Rob drew a steadying breath, doing his best to rein in his nerves and sound casual as he held up the page of e-mails. “I believe you. Can I come in? I’d like to start over.”

  She hesitated then gave a small nod. Despite her agreement, she turned her back on him and went to deal with the food. The waiter spoke to her in furtive tones, shooting him nasty glances. Sabrina shook her head, tipped the man, and escorted him out.

  Rob stepped toward the kitchenette to check out the spread.

  After locking the door again, Sabrina joined him. Her breasts rose as she took a deep breath. “I really thought you’d left. I never considered you might come back. If I had, I would have ordered something besides deluxe nachos and a Corona.”

  He bit back a relieved laugh. Instead of holding a grudge against him for the way he’d treated her or being embarrassed for kissing him earlier, she was self-conscious about the food. He lifted the silver lid from the platter. She had indeed ordered a single bottle of beer and a large plate of nachos drenched in cheese and jalapeños. Thank goodness she wasn’t one of those women who freaked out over the number of calories in a single leaf of lettuce. “You’re going to need more than one beer if you intend to eat all that.”

  Her cheeks flushed. “I’m not a big drinker. I figured I’d better switch to water after I finished the beer.”

  Rob grinned, aching to take her in his arms. But he’d returned to the room on her terms. He wanted her to continue to feel like she had the upper hand. He didn’t intend to screw up the second chance she’d given him. “Are you going invite me to share your beer and nachos, or do I have to watch you eat?”

  “Oh, yeah, I mean, no, you don’t have to watch. Help yourself.” She practically shoved the Corona into his hands.

  He held the bottle he didn’t want. He wanted her, but, as Madame Eve had predicted, nerves had destroyed his ability to risk rejection. “What do you want, Sabrina?”

  She fiddled with the fabric of her dress, but he was pleased the shine had returned to her luminous brown eyes. “I came here to make love to you. I still want that.”

  He dropped the beer.

  She lunged and caught the bottle before it could shatter on the floor. Straightening, she set it on the table and turned to him, her thick, dark hair falling in disheveled waves across her face. “Sorry. I should have rephrased that to sound subtle and enticing.”

  “No. You said it just right.” He adored how she didn’t toy with him but said what she meant. He draped his hand along her neck, pushing her hair over her shoulder. Her pulse jackhammered beneath his thumb. He leaned in and brushed his lips over hers.

  Her fingers quivered as she settled them on his cheek and returned his kiss with a gentle one of her own. The sweetness and sincerity of the gesture blew his mind.

  A new concern took hold. “You have had a one-night stand before, right?”

  The flush that had almost disappeared from her cheeks returned in full force. “Well, no, but a girl has to start somewhere. I mean, I’ve had sex before. I just have to make the first time good with you because I won’t get a second chance.”

  He’d done nothing to deserve the honor of initiating her, but he wouldn’t let her regret that he was the one. “You might be surprised by how many second chances we can cram into a single evening.”

  But even knowing how many condoms they could use in a few hours, he couldn’t shake the certainty that one night wouldn’t be enough for everything he wanted to do to her.

  Chapter Four

  “We better get started so you can show me.” Sabrina hoped her smile radiated confidence. In reality, she was in so far over her head she had no hope of reaching the surface before she drowned. She tugged her dress straps down her arms before she lost her nerve.

  Rob groaned, threading his fingers through hers and halting her awkward attempt at a strip tease. “Let me undress you.”

  “Am I doing it wrong?”

  “Wrong?” Disbelief echoed in his voice. “Of course not, but this should be about your pleasure.” He pressed his lips to her bare shoulder and tasted his way along her collarbone to the opposite side.

  “What about yours?” His kisses left her both vulnerable and treasured in equal measure. She didn’t know how to steer the encounter to give him what he wanted.

  “All my pleasure comes from you. If you like it, I’m hard, and I want more.”

  She tipped her head back, craving the connected arousal he promised. She’d signed up for excitement and new positions, not weakness and a need so great she was ready to beg. But she couldn’t deny what he offered exceeded her own fantasies.

  He kissed her exposed neck, exploring the hollow at the base of her throat with his tongue.

  Bolts of desire shot through her body, straight between her legs. Her knees threatened to buckle. If his desire fed off hers like he claimed, he had to be on the verge of coming. Good grief, they were still in the kitchenette, across the sitting room from the bedroom door. She needed to start thinking instead of just feeling. “I left my purse on the couch. I have condoms in there.”

  “I have condoms right here.” He pulled two packets from his pocket to show her. “But we’re not ready for them yet.”

  “We’re not?” Dismay filled her as the foil squares disappeared back into his pocket. Her trembling body couldn’t wait. If he felt the same as her, he wouldn’t want to wait either. Her need for this man already exceeded anything she’d experienced, making her overeager. “I mean, of course not, we’re still dressed.”

  He kissed the swell of her breast at her dress line. “I like how your responsible mind works. But we have a lot of exploring to do without a condom first.”

  “Like what?”

  “Like this.” He ran his hands from her shoulders all the way down to her knees, then back up again, pressing against her breasts and between her thighs. Before she could do more than gasp, his mouth covered her cleavage, heating her with his breath, lapping her with tongue.

  Desire clouded her brain, and she needed something to steady her. She ran her fingers over his hair but couldn’t use this man who dated actresses and directed A-list movies as an anchor. “I can’t keep standing, Rob.”

  “What do you want to do?”

  “Lie down, I guess.” So much for not appearing overeager. She could have suggested leaning against the counter or sitting on the chair. But how would she be able to deliver a satisfying sexual encounter for him from those unfamiliar positions?

  “Your wish is my command.” He slipped an arm under her knees and another behind her back, scooping her into his arms.

  “I’m too heavy,” she whispered, mortified. She’d never allowed a man to lift her before. She wouldn’t have this time if she’d realized his intention.

  “You are not,” he declared without gasping. He also didn’t stumble or stagger, as he strode into the bedroom. He laid her across the bed with the gentle care of one dealing with fragile glass.

  Taking a deep breath, she regained her equilibrium. She cupped his cheeks, pulling his face down until she could kiss him hard enough to convince him she wouldn’t break.

  He kissed her back until she stopped trying to anticipate what she needed to do next. He tugged her dress down, baring her breasts, then covered them with his hands. Desire d
rummed through her, leaving her panting.

  He massaged her breasts, gliding his hands beneath them, supporting their weight, as he scooted down the bed bringing his face level with them. He kissed the swell and along her sternum, abrading her nipples with his whiskers every time he turned his head.

  Sparks shot through her body, and she lifted her back, soaking in the crazy, intense pleasure that still didn’t come close to satisfying her. “Suck me, Rob.”

  She couldn’t believe those wanton words had come from her mouth, but he didn’t question her command as he drew her nipple into his mouth. Every nerve in her body sprang awake, aching for him. She squirmed with needs that threatened to overwhelm her, needs beyond her ability to articulate.

  Rob seemed to understand, stripping her dress down her hips and taking her panties with it. The garments slithered off her ankles to the floor, leaving her naked. Any thoughts of modesty or self-consciousness fled as he glided his palm over her mound.

  She arched her hips. He had to believe she was ready now. Her heat and wetness beckoned him. The urge to scream built like a tsunami wave ready to crash over her and Rob hadn’t even entered her yet.

  He still didn’t. Instead, he removed the marvelous heat of his hand from her pelvis and lavished attention on her breasts, kissing one while massaging the other. When she couldn’t bear another moment, he switched sides, bringing her need to a higher pitch. At last, his hands stroked lower, down to her navel.

  She sucked in her stomach and held her breath, hoping he’d return to her breasts or move down between her legs. Of course, he’d been attracted to her big breasts. What man wasn’t? But a plump, jiggling stomach didn’t hold any of the same enticing qualities.

  He paused, his fingers spread wide across her skin, his chin resting against her belly button. “What’s wrong?”


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