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Strange Lake Falls Volume 1 (Strange Lake Falls Series)

Page 11

by KD Jones

  “You can think again, mister. You are going to marry me and then take me on a fantastic honeymoon.”

  He chuckled, “Well, if I have to.”

  “Yes you do.” Jackie laughed when he claimed her for a kiss that quickly escalated.

  “I’ll do whatever it takes to keep you.”

  Jackie smiled, “There is no where else I would rather be than here with you. You’re stuck with me.”

  “Come, let’s get you cleaned up.” Adrian carried her to the bathroom.


  Ric stood with his wolf pack on the Copley Farm watching as the vampire wedding took place. The sun had already set and there were torches everywhere lighting up the clearing.

  The farmhouse wasn’t completely rebuilt yet, but it was halfway done. Jackie gave his wolf pack half of the Copley land and the older abandoned farmhouse that her great grandfather had built. It was run down but with the whole wolf pack working together to rebuild it, it would soon be a home.

  He tried to refuse the land but Jackie had insisted. She told him that they wanted the wolf pack close so that Samantha could spend time with them. He also knew that since the lone wolf Carter was still out there, Samantha would continue to need protection.

  He looked over at Samantha, the newest member of his pack as she flirted with the Baker brothers making the big vampire Brock glare at her. Ric sighed. She would be going to the local college soon, but he had a feeling that she wouldn’t be mating anyone in the pack. It was a shame because female werewolves were rare, but he couldn’t force the mating.

  His eyes traveled over to the matron of honor, Mary. She was leaning against the horse coral. What was it about the woman that had his wolf howling with need? She was human, older, a widow with a stubborn streak unlike any he had ever seen before. She made him feel restless. That wasn’t good. He had to keep control over his emotions and especially over his wolf. He was the Alpha, not some young pup.

  Ric smiled as the newly married couple kissed after being announced as husband and wife. He hoped his new friends had a long happy life. For Ric, his life had just been long and lonely.

  He turned away and walked towards the corral. He leaned against the fence and remained silent. He inhaled her scent and fought not to growl with need.

  “They look happy together,” Mary said, watching as her best friend danced with her new husband. “I hope it lasts.”

  “It will. There are some people that are just meant to be together.”

  “And there are some that were never meant to be together at all.”

  “Speaking from experience?” Ric glanced down at the small woman.

  “Yes.” She said sadly. She looked away hoping Ric didn’t see the tears in her eyes. Men hated seeing women cry.

  Ric wanted to take away the sad look on Mary’s face. “Would you like to dance?”

  Mary looked up at him. There was no way she could let him touch her. She would simply melt on the spot. She had to keep her distance. “Not with you.” She walked off fighting the urge to return to him and beg him to take her in his arms. The man made her crazy.

  Ric’s eyes followed her the whole way. She went to her son and made the young man dance with her. Damn that woman made him crazy. He was going to have to keep his distance from her, but that was easier said than done.


  Carter watched as the stupid vampires, humans, and werewolves danced. His mate was there flirting with other males. She would pay for that. He would make sure they all paid for keeping him from what was his.

  “Soon mate. I’ll be watching you.”


  The ground opened up. Slowly the female’s body rose from her resting place. The moon light was so bright it hurt Lila’s eyes. She had been in the ground for centuries. It would take time for her to adjust.

  The first thing she needed was to feed. It would take a lot to satisfy her nearly starved body. But after she revived herself, she would seek out Adrian. She needed his help if she was to find her mate and save his life. This world was much different from the one she had once lived it. She only hoped she wouldn’t be too late.

  Strange Lake Falls Werewolf

  Book 2 in Strange Lake Falls Series


  KD Jones

  Published by KD Jones at Smashwords

  Copyright 2014 KD Jones

  Previously Published under DJ Cruz

  All cover art and logo © Copyright Cruz Publishing

  All rights reserved.

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  This literary work may not be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, including electronic or photographic reproduction, in whole or in part, without express written permission All characters, places, and events in this book are fictitious or have been used fictitiously and are not to be construed as real. Any resemblance to actual persons living or dead, actual events, locale, or organizations are strictly coincidental.

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  Warning: For Mature Adult Audiences. Contains language and actions some may deem offensive. M/F

  Mary Mags McGregor is an ordinary woman who married her high-school sweetheart, and stayed at home to raise her son. After losing her husband to cancer, and her son to college life, she did a short stint in the working world trying to keep busy. It didn’t take her long to find herself unemployed, lonely, and nursing an unhealthy fascination with the local werewolf Alpha.

  As one of the oldest pureblood Alpha werewolves left, Alpha Eric Nelson has an obligation to ensure that his lineage continues by mating a female werewolf. Unfortunately he faces two big obstacles; female werewolves are extremely rare and therefore hard to find, and his wolf has grown attached to a human female.

  While fighting their attraction to each other, Mary and Ric become entangled in a political tug-of-war. Face to face with the very real possibility of losing Ric forever, will Mary be able to leave her comfort zone and admit her feelings, or will she hide behind Ric’s familial duties? And when he’s forced to choose between Mary, and his pack, how will Ric prioritize for his future? Together they will find out if true love really does conquer all.


  Five hundred years ago, in what is now Canada…

  Eric Nelson stood on the shores watching the ship as it approached land. He had stood there awhile. The cool autumn wind blew across his skin bringing with it the scents of the ocean and of the wild lands all around them. His pack’s Beta sat in wolf form next to him growling deep within his throat in warning against the possible threat to their people.

  “I know my friend; more strangers are invading our beautiful land. They seek out our gold or other precious jewels, whilst they spoil our hunting grounds, and rape and kill our females. I pray that we may have to relocate the pack once more to a far safer distance.”

  Ever since the foreign explorer Cartier attempted to find a western passage to Asia, Eric’s people have had to uproot their homes multiple times. As werewolves they had to protect their secret that although they may appear to be human; they weren’t. They were more animalistic in nature. For as long as he’d known, his people had kept their distance not mingling with the rest of the world, but it looked as if the rest of the world was about to mingle with them whether they wanted it or not. Eric’s thoughts were interrupted when his father approached.

  “Eric, will you be attending the mating ceremony this evening?”

  “I intend to wholly avoid it. I shall keep an eye on these new strangers.” He didn’t want to go and watch his best friend mate with the female he’d wan
ted for himself. It would hurt too much and his pride was already injured.

  “Eric, I beseech you. As the future Alpha of this pack, you are expected to make an appearance at every pack member’s mating. It shows others within the pack you support for their choice.”

  Eric growled. “I don’t support Elise’s choice.”

  His father growled back at him with frustration. “I concede that her picking Thomas over you was a mistake, but it was her mistake to make. I am sorely disappointed that she went outside the pack; it’s just not done, not even for an Alpha from another pack…but by you attending their mating ceremony, even for a short while, will show both packs that her choice didn’t defeat you.” His father told him with his authoritative voice.

  “Fine, I shall attend briefly before I go scout out these new comers arriving on their ships.”

  “That’s all I ask, son. Maybe you will meet someone there that your wolf will take a liking to. I hear the Jaspers will be in attendance.”

  He snorted. He father had always wanted him to mate with the Alaskan Alpha’s daughter. Even though she was outside his pack, she had blood lines that connected to almost every pack in existence. She was practically a princess, but Ric had always thought of her like a little sister.

  He shook his head. “Don’t push father. I seek a true mating like you and mother have.”

  “I understand, and I would love for you to have such happiness…” His father paused for a moment as he looked at the approaching ships. “I know you thought that Elise might be your true mate because your wolf accepted her, but the fact that she could turn her back on you is proof that she’s not. True mates cannot stand to be apart from one another. How I feel about your mother—she is my everything—and I would give up my life for her happiness. I wish that for you too, but we cannot let our line die out. It’s too important.”

  “I heard that the council was debating on approving official mating’s with humans.”

  His father shook his head sadly. “If the human is not compatible they could die during transition. It has happened a few times and it is devastating to all. Stick with your own and find a mate you wolf will accept.”

  “I will try.”

  Chapter 1

  “Come on Jackie, it’s the girl’s eighteenth birthday party. She should have a say in who’s invited.” Mary sat on the couch watching her best friend Jackie pace back and forth.

  “She wants to invite the humans to come to the same party with werewolves and vampires. It’s not a good idea. Humans are just too risky to mingle with,” Jackie said, putting her hands on her hips.

  Mary raised her eyebrow at her. “Watch it vampire girl; I’m human.”

  “Come on you know what I mean. A fight could break out and the humans would be hurt.”

  “Connor and I will be there to help keep an eye on the humans for you.” Mary reminded her.

  Jackie looked a little relieved. “Is Connor handling everything okay?”

  “Surprisingly, yes, but I’m glad I told him months ago about you turning into a vampire and about Samantha being attacked by that rogue werewolf. He thinks it’s cool to have a best friend who can howl at the moon.” She did a little howl imitation and then folded in on herself as she laughed.

  Jackie chuckled. “I’m glad he’s taking it so well. It means a lot for Samantha to be able to talk to him about what’s happening in her life. He’s always been like a big brother to her. She can’t tell any of her human friends, and I know it puts a separation between them. She’s made friends with some of the teens in the pack, but her friends she grew up with can’t know the truth.”

  “Which is why you need to let her have all of her friends together this one night. She can share some part of her life with them all and have that memory for the rest of her life.” Mary pointed out.

  “Damn, you’re right. Can you believe she’s going to be eighteen? It was just yesterday I was rushing to get to the hospital in labor with her.” Jackie finally sat down on the couch. She leaned her head on Mary’s shoulder.

  “I know. I was the one who drove you to the hospital.” Mary patted her head comfortingly.

  “You were also the one to coach me through labor, because Samantha’s father was drunk, and passed out at the house of the woman he was having an affair with. I wouldn’t have gotten through any of it without you. You’re an amazing friend.”

  Mary felt heat rise in her face. “You were there for me too throughout Christopher’s illness and his death. There were some days I didn’t know if I was coming or going. Thank God you were there to help me.”

  “Well, we are both awesome,” Jackie said, laughing.

  “And Samantha is just as amazing as her mother. She just wants one last day with everyone she cares about. Is that too much to ask for?” Mary asked.

  Jackie sighed, “Fine, but you’re on werewolf duty with Ric.”

  “What? No!” Mary’s breath quickened and she could feel anxious butterflies fill her stomach.. Every time she was around the Alpha he stared at her. She could help but self-conscious about her body and age. He was always making some comment about humans being weak, and it always pissed her off.

  “Yes. I’ll have Connor watch over the humans, Adrian and I will be watching the vampires, and you will help Ric keep an eye on all the werewolves.”

  “Uh…I just remembered that I have other plans.” Mary didn’t look Jackie in the eyes. She shifted in her seat.

  “No you don’t.” Jackie stared her down.

  “Yes I do.” Mary fidgeted.

  “What plans?”

  “I have a hot date.” Mary told her firmly.

  “With who? I know everyone in this town and you haven’t shown any interest in anyone.” Jackie questioned her.

  “A guy I just met. He’s new to this area.”

  “What’s his name?” Jackie asked.

  “Billy,” Mary said.

  “Billy what?”

  “Billy Bob.”

  “Is his last name Thornton?” Jackie asked with a twinkle in her eyes.

  “No it’s…Snow. He’s a truck driver coming through this way for a few days. So you see, I can’t help out with the party. Sorry.”

  Jackie shrugged her shoulders. “Bring him with you. He can be your date for the party.”

  “What? I can’t do…do that.” Mary stuttered.

  “Why not?”

  “Because…I just can’t.” Mary felt flustered. Jackie gave her a firm look, until she finally broke down.

  “Okay, okay. I don’t have a date. Damn you for being so…you!”

  Jackie chuckled, “I tell you what, come and help me set up, and then you can skip out a little early if you want.”

  “Yeah, that might work.” Mary bit her bottom lip. She didn’t like the idea of being around the big Alpha any more than she had to be.

  “You want to tell me why you’re trying to skip my daughter’s big day? You’ve never missed her birthday parties before.”

  Mary looked away not wanting to talk about it. “I don’t know what you mean.”

  “Talk to me Mary, we’re best friends. We share everything, good or bad.”

  “Got some whiskey handy?” Mary was going to need liquid support.

  Jackie smiled as she got up and went to her cabinet unlocking it and pulling out two shot glasses, and a bottle of Jack Daniels. She poured the drinks and handed her friend a glass, then waited for her to shoot it back.

  “Now spill it Mary.” Jackie insisted.

  “There’s nothing to tell really. He just annoys the hell out of me.”

  “How? He’s always polite when he and the other pack members come over.”

  “He watches me all the time. Sometimes it looks like he wants to eat me.”

  Jackie wiggled her eyebrows. “Maybe he does.”

  Mary felt the heat rising to her face again. “Stop that! I’m sure he doesn’t think of me in that way. I’m too old for him and I’m not his type. ”

Jackie waved her hand in the air. “Honey you’re gorgeous. Besides, age wise he is older, way older than you.”

  “How old?” Mary asked.

  “I think Adrian said Ric’s at least five hundred years old. Maybe just a little over that.”

  “What? Five hundred years old?” Mary was stunned.

  “So you see, you’re the hot young bunny and he’s the rich old geezer.”

  An image went through Mary’s mind of Ric in his swim trunks, showing off his perfect abs, big muscles, and golden skin. “Yeah, he’s a real geezer all right.” She felt her nipples harden at the thought of licking every gorgeous inch of him. She had to clear her mind of Ric.

  “Pour me another shot.” Mary handed her glass out to Jackie and Jackie filled it up.

  Chapter 2

  Ric glared at his phone which showed a California area code. Damn it! He knew who it would be before he answered. There was no avoiding this forever. “Councilman Reynolds, what can I do for you?”

  Donald Reynolds had been a friend of his father’s hundreds of years ago. After the werewolves were nearly killed off by humans, the council was formed to help guard packs from being exposed, and to promote breeding among the full blooded werewolf community to increase their numbers. Ric was a full blooded Alpha, one of only two hundred left in the whole world. He was in high demand just as female werewolves were.

  “Alpha Eric, you know why I am calling. It’s time that you mated.”

  “That’s my decision to make councilman.”

  “You’ve had over five hundred years to make that decision. Now the decision is going to be taken out of your hands.”

  “You can’t do that!” He wanted to smash the phone against the wall.


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