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Strange Lake Falls Volume 1 (Strange Lake Falls Series)

Page 14

by KD Jones

  What was it about this man, this werewolf; that drove her crazy? He had her blood pumping and her heart racing. No one, not even her Christopher, had made her feel that way. She didn’t like it. It was so…out of control. If Connor hadn’t interrupted them in the laundry room, she would have thrown herself at him and how embarrassing would that have been.

  She hugged herself as she listened to the sounds of the night. An owl hooted, and somewhere in the distance a wolf howled. She’d never felt more alone than she did at that moment. Maybe it was time for her to start dating. It wasn’t like she hadn’t had anyone ask her out, but after Christopher died, her desire to be with a man had died with him. Or at least it had until Ric showed up. Now her body was primed and she had no outlet. Yeah, it was time. Decision made, she turned and headed back inside the house. Tomorrow would be a new day and with it, a new attitude. This widow was putting herself back on the market.

  Chapter 6

  A shrill sound rang out. Ric knocked his phone off the nightstand. Unfortunately he could hear the person yelling his name on the receiver. “Damn.” He grabbed the cord and pulled the phone back to him.

  “Yes Councilman Reynolds.”

  “How did the date go?” Donald got right to the point.

  “No match.” Ric told him happily. He didn’t like being told by Donald or the council who he should date.

  “What? Did you sleep with her?”

  “No! Neither of us felt an attraction.” Ric told him.

  “I thought for sure you would go for Victoria, she’s damn cute.” Donald sounded astounded.

  “Then why don’t you mate her!” Ric was losing his temper. Which was not a good thing for an alpha to do.

  “I have a mate!” There was a pause. “Well, the next one should arrive in two days. She’ll contact you when she gets there. I have no doubt that there will be an attraction with this one.”

  “Why’s that?” He wasn’t really paying any attention. His thoughts had drifted to Mary again.

  “Because the next alpha female you will be going on a date with is…Elise Bass Smitherson.”

  Fuck no! God hated him or something. This was the female he had wanted to mate all those centuries ago, but she’d eluded him by mating his best friend. What the hell was he supposed to do now?

  “I don’t think Elise is the right choice,” Ric stated carefully.

  “You will give her the chance. Your wolf accepted her once before, he may very well accept her again.”

  Ric was doubtful. “I will go on the date but I can’t guarantee anything.”

  “I am sure Elise will make it work. Good luck.”

  Damn he really hated that councilman. Having to deal with Elise was going to be hell.


  Mary smiled as her son walked into the kitchen and grabbed a cup of coffee. “Mmm…nothing’s as good as your coffee, Mom.”

  “Thank you. What are your plans for today?” She sipped her own cup.

  “I am going to go with Sam and some of her werewolf buddies to Strange Lake Falls recreational park. There is a boat rental there and we’ll go out on the lake for the day. You know, skiing and stuff.”

  “You’ll be careful?” She looked at him worriedly.

  “Of course. What are you going to do today?”

  She smiled. “I thought I would write for a little bit. Then I might go shopping.”

  “Shopping for what?” He took out his cell phone to text somebody.

  “A new wardrobe. I think I need some dating clothes.”

  Connor spewed his mouth full of coffee out across the kitchen table. “What? Dating clothes why?”

  “So I can have something new to wear when I go on a date.” She hoped he would be okay with this.

  “Since when are you dating?”

  “Since now.” Mary answered.

  “Isn’t it too early for that?”

  “Honey, I haven’t dated anyone since your father. He passed away years ago. I think it’s time.” Mary said gently.

  He ran his hand through his hair. “I guess it is. Are you sure you’re ready?”

  “No. But I need to try.”

  “Okay then.” Connor went back to drinking his coffee.

  “Really? You’re okay with it? With me dating?”

  “Yeah, it’s cool.”

  Mary sighed in relief. “Well, I have to first find someone willing to date me. It’s been a long while, and let’s face it the gene pool from which to choose is not real plentiful.”

  “Anyone would be lucky to date you. You’re beautiful, fun, smart, own your own house, and you support yourself. Even though your taste in cars is awful, I don’t think anyone will hold that against you.”

  “Thanks son. I appreciate that.”


  Two Days Later

  Ric sat on his front porch swing as a rental car, a candy apple red convertible, rolled up. He watched as a long legged brunette got out of the car.

  Elise Bass Smitherson was tall, slim, and gorgeous, but the last time Ric had seen her she had broken his heart by mating his best friend. That had been over five hundred years ago. He was long since over that hurt, and he no longer desired her. He’d spent many centuries bedding beautiful females until Elise had become just a distant memory. He had changed with time, perhaps Elise had as well.

  The closer she came to him the more her scent filled his nose. It carried the same heavy lavender musk that he remembered from centuries ago.

  He stood up and walked down the steps to greet her. “Elise, it’s been a long time.”

  She took off her sunglasses and gave him a wide smile. “Eric, I’m glad to have this chance to see you again.” She looked at the pack house with disdain but didn’t make a comment.

  “Sorry to hear about your mate.” He commented not really meaning it. Her mate had been killed two hundred years ago in a skirmish. From what he was told, they’d only had one son who took over as Alpha of the pack. Evidently the son had mated and the new female Alpha felt threatened with Elise, the old Alpha female, always around. So her own son made her leave the pack.

  She waved her hand. “That was so long ago. I’ve mourned and moved on.” She gave him a look up and down and smiled. “Looks like it’s time for you to find a mate.”

  “Looks like.”

  “You don’t seem excited about it. Don’t you want to finally take a mate?”

  “I’m not opposed to it. The idea of having children is a plus. I think I am ready for that now whereas before I wasn’t.”

  She nodded her head. “No you weren’t ready before. I knew that.”

  He narrowed his eyes at her. “Don’t try to explain away why you left me. It wasn’t because I wasn’t ready for children.”

  “Let’s leave the past in the past.”

  He sighed. “You’re right. This situation is difficult enough without bringing past issues into it.”

  “I think the situation is easy.” She smiled at him.

  “How so?” He quirked at eyebrow at her.

  “I want you and I am determined not to let you go a second time,” she said, confidently flicking her hair behind her.

  He fought not to say something snide. “Are you ready to go?”



  Mary stood beside Jackie as they waited for Adrian and his second in command Charles, to get the tickets to the movie. She’d been thrown into this blind date spur of the moment, but she was looking forward to it. She had been talking to Jackie about her decision to start dating again, and then next thing she knew Jackie was calling Adrian and asking for him to set Mary up with one of his vampire friends.

  She’d met Charles only once briefly at Samantha’s birthday party. What a surprise he was too. Charles Norris was six foot six inches, and two hundred fifty pounds of muscle. He was a beautiful black man, with an English accent. For someone so big, he was very gentle. She liked that about him.

  “Here we are,” Adrian said as he
wrapped his arm around Jackie’s back and ushered her into the movie theatre.

  Charles looked at Mary and offered his arm. “Shall we?”

  She smiled at his formal manners. What a change from the people she grew up around. “Yes.” She took his arm and allowed him to lead her to their seats.

  “So Charles, how long are you visiting for?” Mary thought it wise to have some small talk before the movie started. As soon as the lights dimmed Jackie and Adrian began kissing like teenagers. Mary was trying her best to ignore it.

  “A week this time, but I’m looking around for a place I might like to rent to own.”

  “Really? I used to work for a realtor. I keep up with the real estate market out of habit. I know some prime properties that you might like. I could ask my old boss Jon if he could show them to you. I could ask him to take you in the evening to keep you out of the sun.”

  “That would be wonderful Mary. Thank you. I fly out Saturday so if you could line something up for me to see before then, I would greatly appreciate it.”

  “No problem.” Mary smiled at him. Her smiled died on her lips the moment she looked up and caught site of Ric walking in with his newest date. “Mother fucker.”

  Chapter 7

  “Sorry?” Charles looked at her curiously.

  “Uh … I will be right back.” She stood up quickly.

  “Are you okay?” He asked.

  “Yeah, I just need a moment.” Mary hoped to make it out before Ric saw her, but her heel caught on the seat and she would have fallen to the floor if Charles hadn’t reached out and caught her. He lifted her easily back to her feet. “Thank you. I’ll be right back.” She walked briskly out of the theatre and straight into the women’s bathroom. Could this night get any worse?

  The door to the bathroom opened behind her, and Ric’s large frame entered. “Mary?”

  “What the hell are you doing in here?” She was shocked.

  “You looked sick. I thought I would check on you.” He stepped closer to her.

  “In the ladies room?” She pointed all around in case he didn’t notice where they were.

  “No one is here but you and me. Are you okay?” He reached a hand out to her but she knocked it away.

  “I’m fine, go back to your date.” She tried to shove him out the door but his large frame wouldn’t budge.

  “Not until I know what’s wrong. I can sense your distress.”

  Damn his wolfy nose. “You need to leave now!” She went to shove him hard, but her hand slipped and she slammed into his hard chest.

  Ric wrapped his arms around her automatically. “Shh…You’re upset. Did that vampire upset you? Why are you with a vampire?” He sounded a little angry.

  “Charles? Of course not. He’s a perfect gentleman. And I can date whomever I like.”


  “You are on a date with him?” Ric asked.

  “It’s none of your business.” She tried to pull away from him.

  “You’re dating a vampire?” He pulled her to him closer. “You can’t date a vampire.”

  “Why not?” She stopped struggling confused by his behavior.

  “Because you’re human.” He said it like it was obvious.

  She felt disappointment. For a minute there she thought he might be jealous. “Look buddy, I can date anyone I want. If the Jolly Green Giant wanted to date me, I would consider it if I found him attractive.”

  He snorted. “Do you find this…vampire attractive?”

  She really wanted to push his buttons like he was pushing hers. The heat from his body was wrapping around hers doing things to her body that she was not exactly happy about. “Charles is very attractive. He is tall, dark, and handsome. And his accent is definitely…drool worthy.”

  Ric growled. “He is not for you.”

  “That’s for me to say, not you.”

  Mary was confused when she looked into Ric’s eyes. They glowed like his wolf was trying to push forward. He seemed to be battling keeping in control. It made her shiver.

  “Vampires can’t be trusted.” He told her.

  “I thought Adrian was one of your best friends, he’s a vampire.” She pointed out.

  “I don’t trust this vampire.”

  “Why? Because he’s on a date with me?” When he didn’t answer she was ready to get away from him. “I need to get back to him.” Mary tried again to pull away from his grasp.

  “Have you slept with him?” He had an animalistic look in his eyes.

  “Not yet but I plan to ask him back to my house.” She hadn’t actually planned that but now she would make a point to do it to spite him. “We might be fucking before the night is over.” The look on his face made her realize adding that last bit was a mistake.

  “The hell you say.” He gently but firmly gripped the back of her head and pulled her to him as he took her lips in a deep forceful kiss.

  Mary made a futile attempt at hitting his hard chest before she gave up. She wrapped her arms around his thick neck and rubbed her breasts against his chest. Her nipples were hard little tips that ached for his mouth. He seemed to know this because his deft fingers unbuttoned her pretty red blouse.


  Ric didn’t stop kissing her; afraid that the moment she could speak again she would tell him to stop. He couldn’t…not now. He heard her moan and he relaxed a little gentling his touch. Her responses to him showed him that she wanted him just as much.

  He finally pulled back from her sweet lips and looked down at her generous breasts in a lace bra. He deftly undid the front clasp and pulled the tiny piece of material away to reveal creamy breasts and soft pink nipples.

  “Beautiful.” Ric growled before he lowered his head to take a nipple in his mouth.


  “Oh God.” Mary tilted her head back. Nothing had ever felt so good as Ric suckling her. It had been so long since anyone had touched her like this.

  She was so caught up in the pleasure of having him lavish attention to her breasts; she didn’t realize that he’d pulled her skirt up to her waist until she felt his fingers petting her.

  “So wet for me.” Ric moaned blowing cool air on her wet nipple.

  “Ric.” Was that her voice? It sounded so husky with desire. A brief thought came to her that she should stop this, but that thought went away when Ric inserted a finger inside her womanhood.

  Mary pulled his head back to her for another deep kiss. His tongue stroked her just like his fingers stroked her clit. Then Ric began a steady thrusting in and out of her with two fingers at first, then three. She moved her hips to get closer. She felt the pressure building and building. Her whole body was on fire. She just needed a little more…

  Ric bit gently at her shoulder which sent her rushing through her orgasm hard. He removed his fingers against her protests, lifted his fingers to his lips and sucked her juices in his mouth. When he looked at her his eyes were glowing. “Mine.”

  He took her lips again ferociously not letting her recover fully from her orgasm. He fumbled with his jeans trying to get them lowered so that he could get inside of her, but he didn’t get that far.

  A loud knock at the door had Mary pulling away from his kiss as a voice called out. “Uh…excuse me. I am not sure who you guys are, but I could hear you out here. The manager is on a break and I wanted to let you know that you guys need to end it real quick. I am heading back to the concession stand so you can leave the bathroom without me seeing you.”

  “Fuck.” Mary felt like someone had dumped cold water over her head. She pushed Ric away from her and he reluctantly moved back setting her legs back down firmly on the ground. “Oh God I can’t believe I did that.” She turned the water on and splashed her face.

  “Are you okay?” Ric tried to reach for her but she shrugged away from him.

  “Don’t touch me.” She ran to the bathroom stall and locked the door. She was on the verge of a full out panic attack and she did not need him to see that.

ry I’m so sorry …”

  “Please go away,” she whispered. She heard him as he walked out of the bathroom. What the hell just happened?

  Chapter 8

  “Mary?” Jackie called out as she entered the bathroom.

  “Jackie?” Mary opened the stall and stepped out.

  “Oh honey what’s wrong? Was it Charles? Did he say something that hurt your feelings?”

  She shook her head. “No of course not. Charles has been wonderful.”

  “Then what is it?” She came closer. “I smell sex and wolf, specifically Ric’s scent all over you. What happened?”

  Mary started crying all over again. It wasn’t just the embarrassment of being caught having sex in the bathroom by an employee, now her best friend knew with just a scent what she had been doing. There was no way she could go back to the movie now. Charles would scent her and it might hurt his feelings. She felt guilty for that because he was supposed to be her date, yet she was making out with another man. She also felt guilty because she’d felt more in those few moments with Ric than she had felt during her entire marriage to Christopher. She felt like she’d betrayed Christopher somehow. She couldn’t put all that into words right then. She just shook her head.

  “Okay, okay, but you will tell me everything later?” Jackie asked.

  Mary nodded her agreement.

  “Fine. So I guess you won’t be finishing this date huh?”

  “No. I am so sorry.” Mary wiped the tears from her face.

  “No problem. I’ll call you a cab then let Charles know that you are not feeling well and went home.”

  “Thank you.”

  “What are friends for?” Jackie gave her a comforting hug. “Stay here while I go get you a cab and let Charles know you had to leave.”

  Jackie walked out of the bathroom and stopped a few feet away dialing the cab number. There was only one service in their small town so it made it easy to locate. She looked up just in time to watch as Alpha Ric was ushering a very pissed off brunette out of the movie theatre. She must be date number two Adrian told her about. Well, she couldn’t find any sympathy for him anymore. He dug his own grave as far as Jackie was concerned.


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