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Strange Lake Falls Volume 1 (Strange Lake Falls Series)

Page 22

by KD Jones

  “It’s a dream, Laws. That’s all.” She moaned as he pressed his teeth against her without breaking the skin. It was a major turn on for both species. She felt her nipples harden and she was wet and ready for him. She wanted to be skin to skin, but they were still wearing their bathing suit bottoms. She thought the items off their bodies.

  Laws stopped kissing her to look down at his exposed waist. “Nice trick.”

  “It’s my dream and I prefer no clothes,” she told him as she ran her hands down his chest and tight abs.

  “I’m not complaining.” He growled when her hand reached his large erection. She caressed him softly, amazed that even in her dream he could feel so strong. “Easy, love, we don’t want to rush things.”

  “I don’t like to wait. I have been waiting for a long time and now I am ready to feel everything I’ve been missing.” She reached for his head to bring him back for a kiss. This one was deeper. She opened her mouth to let his tongue inside.

  She pulled his body on top of hers. Yes, this was what she longed for. His warmth, his weight pressing on her. She moved her legs, opening up more to make room for him, and felt the tip of his cock at her entrance.

  “Damn, you feel good,” Laws groaned as he cupped her breasts.

  “I need you now.” She raised her legs and wrapped them tight around his waist, bringing him a little ways in her entrance.

  “So impatient.” He smiled against her pretty breasts. He licked the tip of one and sucked it into his mouth. “I have never had dreams like this before. I can’t find the will to care, either. I want this with you.”

  “Me, too.” She lifted her hips bringing him just the tiniest bit further into her. Then she stopped and looked up at him. “Don’t answer that.”

  He frowned down at her. “Don’t answer what?”


  Laws woke up in his hotel room with a major hard on. The phone was ringing off the hook. Fuck! He reached for the phone and answered. “Who is this?”

  “Well, good morning to you, too, Beta.” Alpha Ric’s voice came across the line.

  Shit. “Sorry, I didn’t get enough sleep.”

  “Well, suck it up. Get your ass over here at the pack house. We need to discuss the guarding arrangements for Miss Draven.”

  “I’ll be there in fifteen minutes.” He hung up the phone and plopped back down on his back. Damn shame the dream ended when it did. It had felt so real.

  Chapter 11

  Lila sat on the sofa, acting like she was listening to Adrian explain the security measures. She should be paying more attention, but she couldn’t find it in herself to care. The moment she woke from her shared dream with Laws, she had been anxiously waiting to see him in person. But he didn’t show up that evening. Nor would he while she was awake, according to Adrian.

  When Adrian and Ric entered her apartment an hour ago, she had asked about Laws. She was told that he had volunteered to cover most of the daylight shifts. That meant that the twins would alternate for the evening shifts. She would have total coverage twenty-four hours a day now because of the new threat posed by Vlad.

  “Thank you both for working out my security. I feel much safer already.” Lila smiled at the two men.

  “We can only protect you so much. We need your participation. You should not go anywhere without a security guard with you,” Adrian told her.

  Lila frowned. “I may need to attend things that a man would not be able to accompany me for, like clothes shopping. Jacqueline and Mary insist I need a new wardrobe, but I can’t take a man with me while I try on my underthings.”

  “We will need female security then, too. Jackie or Mary are not properly trained to handle dangerous situations and they would need to be protected as well.” Ric sounded concerned for his mate.

  “Don’t tell Jacqueline that. She is deadly with her shotgun.”

  “But she can’t take that with her everywhere she goes,” Ric pointed out. “I can ask Roxy to help out, her grandfather was a pack enforcer for many years. She is trained. Do you have anyone?”

  “I sent Christine with Samantha out of the country. They won’t be back for another two weeks. I will have to call one of my other female vampires that I use as an enforcer to come. She couldn’t make it the other night, but I can trade out her current position to allow her to come.”

  “I am a powerful Master. I was caught off guard. I am fully capable of taking care of myself. Don’t you think that you both are overreacting to the situation?”

  “No,” both men answered at the same time.

  Adrian motioned for Ric to leave them alone. He knelt on the floor next to Lila, taking her hands into his. “You were already attacked. I will not take a chance on your life. You mean too much to me.”

  She cupped his cheek. “I will allow this because it gives you peace of mind. But I am not letting it interfere with me living my life. I have had too much taken from me, I won’t let my freedom be taken from me ever again.”

  Adrian kissed her cheek and stood up. “I have to go down to the club to handle some business. If you need me, you can find me there.”

  “Thank you, Adrian. Tell Jacqueline that I will be ready for our shopping spree whenever she is.”

  Adrian mumbled something about going broke as he walked out of the apartment. Lila smiled, but soon that faded from her face as she thought about Laws. They needed to face this thing that was growing between them. Him hiding from it, from her, like a coward was unacceptable.

  It wasn’t like she didn’t understand his aversion. He had clearly been brought up in a pack that avoided vampires. She was from a time when vampires avoided werewolves, too, so she got it, she did. The difference was, she was willing to overcome those fears of the unknown to see what the possibilities could be. She wasn’t going to let him get away with avoiding her. No, he would have to face her and they would deal with the situation as two grown people. No more hiding.

  Thinking about the sexy Beta werewolf made her skin tingle. She felt a clenching in her stomach. It was partly because she needed to feed, but also partly due to the fact that she had other desires that needed to be fulfilled.

  When she had woken from her shared dream, she had tried to relieve herself. But while her hands eased some of the tension, it wasn’t the same. She longed to feel his skin against hers, his breath on her neck, and the deepest craving for him to bury his teeth in her at the same time he claimed her body. Sleep was elusive after that. Obviously the dream had shaken Laws enough that he requested a shift where he would not have to see her. That had to mean something.


  Laws paced outside in the trees across the street from the apartment entrance. The twins were on guard and he had to be careful so that his presence would not be detected. He had gone to great lengths to put some distance between himself and the beautiful vampire, yet still he came to her apartment. He didn’t understand what he was doing here, but there was no stopping him from coming. His wolf demanded it.

  This was beyond crazy. A werewolf having the hots for a vampire, it just wasn’t done. What future could they possibly have together? Children would be out of their scope of possibilities. Laws had always imagined he would one day have several children. He longed for a family. He had never heard of vampires having children before. Except for Lila. She was a natural born vampire, born from two mated vampires. Laws could admit to himself that he was a relatively young werewolf, so there were still a lot of things about the supernatural world he didn’t know.

  The age thing was another obstacle for them. He was only seventy years old, but Lila was over 2,000. What could he offer her? She must look at him like a child, really. But she didn’t treat him like one, or at least she hadn’t in the dream. In the dream, she touched him like a man and she submitted to him, which was a big turn on. He didn’t need her to do that, but it showed the level of trust that she had in him. It lit a fire in him. He still didn’t know how he was supposed to handle this thing between them, but she was a
ll he could think about.

  A sound from behind him made him turn, battle instincts rising. His Alpha walked out of the shadows, glancing between him and the building. “Laws, I thought you were taking the day shift.”

  “I am. Just wanted to get another look at the surrounding area, get familiar with the people moving around.” That was true. He had been observing the pattern of foot traffic. The town was still small, though, so there weren’t a lot of people walking around like in the bigger cities.

  Ric nodded his head. “Fine. It’s good you’re here, I wanted to let you know that tomorrow morning you will have a day partner to assist you with watching over Miss Draken.”

  “I don’t need a partner.”

  “Tough. Roxy will be joining you. It will be good, because she can go inside periodically to check on Miss Draven without making her feel threatened.”

  “That will put me in a position to protect two women instead of just one.”

  “Roxy doesn’t need your protection. Her grandfather was an enforcer and taught her everything he knows.” Ric held out his hand to stop him. “No arguments. She’s your partner. Deal with it.”

  Chapter 12

  Lila knew the moment that Laws arrived at her apartment. He didn’t knock to announce his arrival, but she felt his energy. Her body responded even though the sun was rising and she should be going to bed like all good little vampires. Except she wasn’t like all the other vampires. The sun made her tired, but it did not rule her. As long as she kept a fresh supply of blood to nourish her body throughout the day, she could function almost like a human. It was uncomfortable, but it was tolerable. She had just never had a reason to brave the daylight, until now.

  She checked her image in the mirror. She was still pale, but after centuries in the ground, she would probably always be like this. She brushed her long dark hair up in a ponytail. She wore no makeup except a red tinted lip-gloss. She wasn’t brave enough to wear the jeans that Jacqueline had bought her. She wore instead a blue sundress with tiny straps, and no bra. Since she wasn’t planning on leaving the apartment, she left off her shoes. She took a deep breath, then walked to the door.

  She could hear voices from the outside hallway. It was clear that the voices belonged to a man and a woman. The man said something to make the woman giggle. Lila felt a sharp twinge of jealousy. Who was this woman who was able to be around Laws with such ease? She opened the door and both of them jumped with surprise.

  “Miss Draven, why are you still up?” Laws asked. His breathing became a little erratic.

  Lila ignored him and turned her attention to the female werewolf. “Have we met before?” She did look a little familiar.

  “I’m Roxanne, part of the pack. I saw you once when I came over to Jackie’s house with Samantha.”

  “That’s right. What are you doing here?”

  “I’m helping out with guarding you during the day. Ric and Adrian wanted two guards watching over you at all times.”

  Lila snorted. “I don’t think that is necessary. You can leave.”

  “It’s Adrian’s choice, we work for him,” Laws told her.

  Lila glared at the man who was obviously trying to avoid her. “Mr. Carrington, may I speak with you alone?” She didn’t wait for his answer but turned and re-entered her apartment. She heard Laws follow her into the apartment alone and close the door behind him. He stopped a few feet away from her.

  “Did you have questions about your security arrangements?” he asked.

  She turned around and smiled to herself when she noticed how his eyes traveled up and down her body. He had a growing bulge in his pants. He may be trying to act like there was nothing between them, but his body definitely responded to hers.

  “That is not what I wished to discuss with you. Please have a seat.” She motioned for him to sit in the nearest chair while she sat down on the sofa directly across from him. She crossed her legs and felt heat travel up her body when his eyes tracked her movements and he licked his lips. The dreams were very close to real, but she longed to know if he felt just as good against her in reality as he did in her dream.

  “What do you want?” His voice was deep with some kind of emotion.

  “I wanted to speak with you about the dream.”

  “What dream?” He tried to act clueless but the sudden spark in his eyes let her know he knew what she was talking about.

  “The dream we shared.”

  “It wasn’t real.” He shifted uncomfortably.

  “It can feel real, as real as we want it to be.”

  “That’s impossible. You’re a vampire, you can’t even dream. You are supposed to be dead to the world during the day.”

  She laughed out loud, even though it hurt her to hear him say vampire the way he did. “You don’t know much about vampires do you? Our hearts don’t stop beating while we sleep. Vampires are not dead, we are different. However, I have abilities other vampires do not have. I have always been able to dream and share my dreams with others. Usually I dream share with those I have exchanged blood with, but I have been able to dream share with Jacqueline because of her connection to Adrian.”

  “Then how did you do this with me?”

  He really didn’t know, didn’t feel what she felt. “We have a different connection.”

  Laws stood up shaking his head. “I am not connected to a vampire. No way.” He was still trying to deny that she was his mate. It was beginning to make her angry.

  She stood up and walked towards him. “You can deny it all you want, Laws. You may have strong beliefs about vampires, but none of those beliefs stopped you from touching me, kissing me, nearly making love to me.”

  “It was a dream! Not real. You manipulated me,” Laws insisted.

  She snorted. “I am not manipulating you now, am I? Why don’t you kiss me and see if it was simply a dream?”

  When he stood there and stared at her without moving, she was the one to move to him. He towered over her smaller frame, making her feel tiny. But she was the one that felt in control, because she knew what he was trying so hard to deny.

  Lila slowly reached up to cup his face. He didn’t move, but his breathing grew heavy and his nostrils flared. He wasn’t going to lean down to her and make this easy for her. So she rose up on her tiptoes, pressing her body gently against his.

  She touched her lips softly against his. His warmth immediately enveloped her. His scent was woodsy and masculine. She licked the seam of his lips, tempting and teasing. He opened his mouth and she knew she had him then. She nibbled his bottom lip instead of going directly for a deep kiss, knowing that biting was an oral fixation that both vampires and werewolves shared. Teasing him with gentle bites was just as effective as if she reached for his cock.

  “Am I manipulating you now, Laws?” she asked in between nibbles.

  “Damn you. I can’t stop myself.”

  Chapter 13

  Laws groaned as he wrapped his arms around her and pulled her higher up his body. Lila wrapped her legs around his waist as he cupped her bottom with his other hand. She felt so good, soft and smooth. He had to have her. He walked her over to the sofa and laid her down.

  He pulled a little away from her so that he could look down at her. Lila’s dark hair spread out over the pale sofa. His breath caught at the look of desire in her eyes. He had intended to keep his distance from her, but that plan was clearly no longer feasible. He took her lips in a deep, demanding kiss. He was not about to let her go now.

  He pushed his tongue in past her lips. His tongue teased hers and he gently but firmly held her head in the position that he wanted. His wolf growled when Lila moaned with need. She got to him on every level. All those defenses he had put in place, and she shattered them with her soft lips.

  Laws’ tongue plunged in and out of her mouth. Her response to him thrilled him. He lowered himself down on top of her, pushing her further into the sofa cushions. Her nipples had contracted into tight points pressing into him. He wanted
her naked and she must have thought the same thing because she reached up between them and ripped open his t-shirt.

  Not to be outdone, Laws gripped the thin straps to her dress and ripped them off. Then he quickly shoved the top of her dress down, revealing perfect bare breasts.

  “Fucking beautiful.” He groaned as he lowered his mouth to claim a pink nipple.

  “Laws,” Lila moaned with sweat pleasure, wrapping her legs around his waist. If they had been dreaming, she could have willed their clothes away. But the friction of their bodies and their clothes only increased her desire.

  He lifted off of her, which drew a groan of complaint from her. “No, don’t stop.”

  He pulled her up and lifted her into his arms. “It’s too late to stop, beautiful. I have to have you now, but I’ll be damned if our first time together will be on a couch.” He carried her easily into the bedroom and laid her down on the bed. “Take off your clothes.”

  Wow, he was definitely acting like an Alpha, just like she had suspected he would. It turned her on. She shoved her dress down her legs. As she reached for her panties, all that remained of her clothing, she saw Laws freeze so he could watch her. She wanted to tease him, so she slowly moved the thin piece of material down her legs. She kicked it to the floor and then moved up the bed, keeping her legs slightly parted.

  “Do you like what you see, Laws?”

  His responded with glowing eyes and gravel in his voice. “Yes.” Then he kicked his own pants off and leapt onto the bed next to her, making her bounce a little.

  Lila giggled, something she had never done with a man before. “Are you in a hurry?”

  “I need to bury myself inside you more than I need my next breath,” he said as he covered her with his body.

  She opened herself up to him. She was ready, more than ready. Between their shared dream and his intoxicating kisses, her body felt like it was on fire. But he didn’t go for it right off. He kissed her again while his hands touched her all over.


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