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Realms Gate: A Realm Divided

Page 9

by Juliet Anderson

  She heard a strange squeal coming from outside. Her Talmar was in her hand before she got to the Mausoleum door. Jacques was limping badly, blood oozing from his paw.

  “What on earth have you done, you silly dog?” she bent down to have a look. He appeared to have cut his pad on some broken glass.

  Erin fished out her mobile and rang Birdie. “We have a veterinary emergency down by the loch. Can you provide transport for two?”

  “What’s that damn dog done now?” Birdie sighed.

  “Cut his paw. Next time you get a dog, can you check it actually has a brain?”


  Sasha was thrilled to be home. She had barely dropped her suitcase in her bedroom before she rode over to Erin’s. She wanted to see Heinrekh but needed to act with some discretion. She would head over to Vasmaar at dusk.

  Riding side by side with Erin, it was like she’d never been away.

  “So come on, spill the beans. Have you been misbehaving terribly?” Erin’s eyes were sparking with mischief.

  “I hate to disappoint you, but no. I’ve been remarkably good.”

  “I thought Scots loved a good drinking session,” Erin looked highly unimpressed.

  “Most do. Just not me.”

  “Don’t tell me you’ve been pining for the Dark One?”

  Sasha laughed. “Yes and no. I do miss him, of course. But my life does not revolve around him.”

  “He won’t be happy to hear that. You know how fragile male egos are.”

  “Yeah. Tell me about it.”

  “Any cuties on your course?”

  “A few. And before you start hinting at anything, please remember that my boyfriend is rather good at projecting himself. I really do not want to wake up with someone else only to find him scowling at me from the end of the bed.”

  Erin had a fit of giggles. “That could prove a tad awkward. Although watching you explain the hissing and spitting image of Heinrekh would be rather amusing. In fact I’d pay good money to have ring-side seats for that event.”

  “Oh, shut it,” Sasha grunted. “Did you really miss me?”

  “Yes. Talking strawberry-flavoured condoms with Birdie would be a tad awkward.”

  Sasha’s head whipped round. “You’ve not….?”

  “No,” Erin laughed.

  “You need to make up your mind about Wilhelm. Either forgive him and move your relationship along, or stop pining for him.”

  “But it’s not that simple,” Erin whined.

  “Yes it is,” Sasha replied. “I suspect foul play was at hand; the most obvious culprit being my nearest and dearest.”

  “But how could he have slipped something to Wilhelm?”

  “He’s a sorcerer, remember?” she rolled her eyes. “Did the IQ of the town drop fifty points when I left?”

  “If you think you’re going to start lording it over me with the higher education routine, I shall vaporise you,” Erin scowled.

  “How I’ve missed that face,” Sasha giggled.

  “How’s Angus managing on his own?”

  “Alright, I guess. It’s difficult to tell, he’s grumpy most the time.” Sasha wished she could tell Erin more, but it was so difficult being caught in the middle of a battle that was raging. She could not link Angus’ and Heinrekh’s names together, she should ask after Lodraill but it was unlikely Erin could say anything. She truly longed for a peaceful settlement.

  “What’s up? You have that constipated look on your face which means you’re thinking,” Erin grunted.

  Sasha laughed. “You have such a way with words. I was thinking how difficult it can be at times to talk about basic things, being in the midst of your war.”

  “Such as?”

  “Even asking about your mother can be tricky.”

  “Asking about mum is easy. Getting an answer is not so,” Erin exhaled loudly. “I don’t know how she is obviously as I have not seen her since leaving Vasmaar Castle. Talking of Vasmaar, when you are seeing the Dark Lord?”


  “Can’t he wait?”

  “No, neither can, he’s just so hot.”

  Erin shook her head. “Guess you’d better get going then. It’s not good to keep a sorcerer waiting.”

  “Dinner tomorrow night?”

  “Sure. I’ll come over to yours.”

  Sasha rode home feeling excited. She had missed Heinrekh more than she thought she would; it a few short hours she would be with him again.

  Erin noticed Magnus had returned from Lokranor with renewed vigour. “You’re looking rather smug?”

  “Just happy with life,” he grinned.

  “What? Have you found a new job?”

  “If only. Olav has officially restored my engagement to Ingrid.”

  “Poor girl. Has she no choice in the matter?” Erin chuckled.

  “She is delighted, I’ll have you know.”

  “Well she’s hardly like to tell you she’d distraught. Perhaps we should bring her here and show her what hot men actually look like.”

  Magnus stalked towards the training room. “For that rude comment, you will be spending at least two hours practicing your skills, young lady.”

  “Make me,” she hissed.

  “I’ll hide your cappuccino maker for a month unless you do as you’re told,” he retaliated.

  “That constitutes abuse,” she wailed.

  “I want to see your Talmar in your hand now,” he barked, reaching for a sword.

  “I would have to be asleep for you to beat me, Selvig,” she yawned. “You’re becoming slow in your old age.”

  “And you talk too much.” He pondered the idea for a moment. “Perhaps that is a new approach we could take. You could talk Heinrekh into defeat.”

  “Ha, bloody, ha,” Erin came at him hard, almost knocking him off his feet. “Perhaps I could get a guardian who has an ounce of ability.”

  The next hour was spent exchanging insults and clashing swords. Pretty much a perfect afternoon for Erin.

  Sasha felt elated as she headed into Vasmaar Castle. Last time she was here she had been confused and out of her depth. Heinrekh led her into the living room where a huge fire was roaring.

  “It is good to finally be able to feel you,” his icy eyes studied her face.

  Sasha touched his cheek. “Yes, I prefer the real thing rather than a projected image.”

  “I imagine now that you have started your course, you are keen to examine the items in this room in more detail.”

  “Definitely,” she ran her hands up his arms. “In great detail.”

  Heinrekh laughed and kissed her with his usual passion. “I need to speak to one of my Generals, then after that we will have dinner and the rest of the evening to ourselves.”

  Once alone, Sasha did in fact study the artefacts fully. The statue of Freya really held her attention, it was exquisite. There could be very few people in the First Realm who had a collection as beautiful as this. As she passed by the courtyard window, her gaze was drawn to the North Tower. It fascinated her, more so because that was where Lodraill was held. She had seen the portrait of her at Erin’s house, but was curious to meet her. Heinrekh crossed the courtyard from the West wing, the anger on his face vanished as soon as he saw her. Less than a minute later, he was beside her.

  “Your meeting did not go well?” Sasha asked.

  “Sometimes I think I employ fools,” he sighed.

  “I hope this time you are not planning to go to war with anyone in the morning,” she slipped her arms around his neck.

  “Not yet,” he pulled her tight to him. “And as you will be in my bed, there is very little chance of you absconding during the night.”

  “Why don’t we eat, and you can tell me what very bad things you have been up to?” Sasha could feel her stomach starting to rumble. As a poor student, she now appreciated a well-stocked table.

  “Of course, you must be hungry,” he steered her towards the dining room. “And for the record,
I have only been up to a few bad things.”

  “Like what?” her eyes were like saucers.

  “Let me think,” he mused, enjoyed the fact that he held her attention completely. “I reduced the number of the Vokteren quite considerably.”

  “The Fok…what?”

  “Vokteren. Valkarin’s followers.”

  “What is the point in having followers when you are dead?” Sasha asked. Perhaps it was a bit like Elvis fans, they never truly believed he was gone.

  “They are waiting for him to rise again.”

  “Yuk. I don’t think he’d look too good,” Sasha curled her lip.

  Heinrekh laughed. “I mean for him to be reborn.”

  “Why did you vaporise them? I thought you were pro-Valkarin.”

  “In theory, yes. But you do not think I would let someone more powerful than me rule this Realm?”

  “Now I see. You like to be the alpha sorcerer.”

  “Very much so. Which is why I want Erin to come under my rule. Talking of which, how is that irritating thorn in my side.”

  “She is very well,” Sasha grinned. “I saw her earlier today. Which reminds me, what did you give Wilhelm the night of Erin’s birthday?”

  Heinrekh stared right in those soft eyes. “What makes you think I gave him anything? I was safely in Vasmaar.”

  “But Angus was not. And Wilhelm was definitely not himself. It’s time to confess.”

  “And if I do not want to?” he challenged.

  “Then perhaps I might return to Muirhead early.”

  He came around and sat beside her. “I think not, I have great plans for you tonight, my love.”

  “You do?”

  “Yes.” He kissed her softly. “Now let us finishing eating before I do what I’ve been wanting to these last few weeks.”

  How could she refuse when the same thoughts had been running through her head?

  A short while later, he was leading her upstairs. His room was magnificent. At the centre was a huge four poster bed, draped with heavy black and gold fabrics. Another fire was roaring, in front of which was a high backed chair. Sasha pointed to the doorway close to the fireplace.

  “Is that your bathroom?”

  “No. The bathroom is over there,” he pointed to the other side of the room. “This door leads somewhere special.” He unlocked it and grabbed one of the flaming torches from the wall. “Follow me.”

  Sasha prayed he wasn’t about to take her down to the dungeon where he no doubt had prisoners tortured. Much to her relief they went the opposite way. The narrow winding stone staircase led up to the battlements. She gazed out on the starlit night across the plains.

  “Wow, what a view. Well, it would be in day light. Which way is Lokranor?”

  “Over there to the east. But I’ve already told you, I am not planning on letting you run away.”

  Sasha felt a warm glow flood over her as he kissed her neck, his warm breath starting to drive her crazy.

  “Let us head back down,” she kissed him slowly. “We have much to do tonight.” Just the thought already had her toes curling.

  Sasha stood in the entrance hall giving Heinrekh a lingering kiss goodbye. “Try not to get up to too much evil today.”

  “I am promising nothing, my love,” his eyes twinkled. “What I will guarantee is that I will see you tonight in Muirhead.”

  “Not too early,” Sasha gave him a hard look. “Erin is dining with me tonight and I would like the house to remain in one piece.”

  His kiss left her breathless. “Go now, before I take you back upstairs.”

  She headed out down the steps to the horse that was waiting for her. “Escort her to the Skarsgaard gateway,” Heinrekh barked at his lieutenant and two guards.

  Sasha headed off with her armed escort, a little curious as to why Heinrekh could not take her. He obviously had other more pressing matters to deal with. There was never much down time for an evil sorcerer.

  She knew the route reasonably well by now. The guards were quiet and not that keen to engage her in conversation. They probably saw it as a demotion, escorting their leaders’ girlfriend home. They were nearing the border when she saw the small group of men. As they drew closer she recognised the colours, they were Lokranor troops. Perhaps she might get to see Wilhelm. It took her a few minutes to register why the guards had drawn their swords. Of course, she was with Heinrekh’s men and was now seen as the enemy.

  Heinrekh’s guards fell far too easily. As the Lokranor troops started to surround her, she made a mental note to give him an ear bashing for his poorly trained men. That was if she survived this trip.


  Wilhelm was in the Great Hall with his father when he heard the commotion. The Skarsgaard scouting party had returned. One of the troops pushed a cloaked figure to the ground in front of them.

  “Seems we bagged ourselves a little prize this time,” Arlan grinned nastily. “Caught us Heinrekh’s woman.” He pulled the hood back on the cloak.

  Wilhelm leapt to his feet as saw the red hair tumble around her. “Sasha.”

  “I think we should all have a bit of sport with her.” Arlan grabbed her hair.

  Moving forward at lightning speed, Wilhelm slit the man’s throat in an instant with his dagger. He knelt down on one knee and took Sasha’s hand. “I am so sorry, Sasha. These men might be Lokranor troops but they were not acting on my orders.” He turned to face the stunned onlookers. “This woman is under my protection. Anyone who thinks about even touching her will meet the same fate as Arlan.”

  He helped her to her feet. “Come. I will take you somewhere safe.” He glanced at his father. “I will return shortly.”

  “Thank you, Wilhelm,” Sasha was trembling.

  “You are not hurt?”

  “No. Just scared.”

  He wrapped an arm around her. “Once again you have my apologies. Whilst here, no harm will befall you.”

  He led her up to the Royal Quarters. “Mother, this is Sasha, a close friend of Erin’s. Would you be good enough to look after her whilst I discuss some issues with my father?”

  “Of course. Come in, child, my name is Gudrun,” the Queen was as welcoming as ever.

  Wilhelm returned to the Great Hall, everyone had been dismissed except the members of the Council. This attack on Sasha could potentially damage any chance he had of gaining Erin’s forgiveness.

  “We must return Sasha to Muirhead immediately,” Wilhelm announced as he took his seat. “Sasha is Erin’s friend and this attack could damage relations with her severely.”

  “I disagree,” Olav spoke. “I think we could use this to our advantage.”

  “How so?” Wilhelm could see no benefit in this whatsoever.

  “You think only of Erin, my son. Sasha is Heinrekh’s woman. Now we each have something the other wants.”

  “You want to trade Sasha for Lodraill?”


  “Heinrekh will not agree to that trade. He is unlikely to give up his captive of fourteen years for a woman he has known scarcely more than a few months.”

  “If he doesn’t, then we stab him where it hurts the most.”

  “Erin will not take kindly to having Sasha used as a trade. If Heinrekh does not play, then you have made one more enemy. Are you willing to risk Erin joining Heinrekh’s ranks? Because if anything happens to Sasha, that is exactly what she will do, then say goodbye to your kingdom forever.”

  “If Heinrekh releases Lodraill, we will have no need for Erin.”

  Wilhelm gave his head a shake. “Have you forgotten that Erin is as strong as Heinrekh? It does not matter whether her mother is returned to us or not, without Erin we will still be powerless.”

  “Erin is not willing to take up her role as Priestess of Lokmuir so she is of no consequence to our Realm.”

  Wilhelm stood up and headed to the door. Had someone removed his father’s brain overnight? “I cannot stay and listen to this insanity. You try and trade Sasha,
or injure her in any way, you will bring the full wrath of Erin McLomard upon Lokranor. And I for one will not be party to our Realm’s destruction. Do what you will, that is your prerogative as King, but let it be known that I think it madness.”


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