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Page 11

by C. R Corbin

  "Yes, yes, oh I want you master!" she cried while I reached around and rubbed her clit with my finger while her breasts bounced back and forth. After I was done toying with her lower body I moved to her upper body. I gripped her hair and tugged it slightly before resting my hands on her breasts to grope them as well as to pinch her nipples. She cried out and her juice spilled with even more intensity as I finally brought her to her end.

  "I'm so close!" she shrieked.

  "With me, with me. Do it with me." I ordered as I slide all the way in before I let my heat seep out, before I let my seed drench her.

  "Yes!" she moaned as I feel her walls clenching while her curves shook against the grasp of my strong hands and the texture of my muscles.

  The ropes of seed drift and mix with her juices before I slide my member back out and moaned in approval. My body was quivering at this point and I was shaking as I heard her moaning softly while she rolled onto her back. We laid there on the bed, panting while glancing at one another and all I can do is smile at her. She reached out and stroked my face while her eyes remained fixated on the scars on my chest.

  "Well have an heir before we even know it." I stated.

  It was quite a trip for morelens to understand that humans could interbreed with them. Both parties were actually quite receptive to the idea and instantly indulge themselves but morelens took it a step farther by collecting humans as potential mates. It was quite strange how two species that were so far away from one another in terms of astronomical distance could actually...intermingle. Perhaps there was a common ancestor or-

  "Come back home alright? I don't want to spend my time in that place with just the baby and I. You need to be there too." she ordered and I smiled before nodding.

  "I know." I mutter.

  She rests her head on my chest and stroked the scar tissue on my stomach while I sighed. My arms tensed as I looked up at the rough stone wall above me. Once this was all over, we would have a child, a home, another territory, we would be happy. After a lifetime of suffering on both ends, we would be happy. Free, even.

  But I would have to win this battle first.



  "Alright, you can lift it up now!" I said as I gave the signal with a thumbs up to the worker who was currently fixing the roofing. We had just moved all of the bricks into place on the platform and there was a machine above us that would be lifting the bricks up to the man above.

  Efforts were fruitful thus far, all things considered.

  I sighed as I watched the rest of the town from my tiny spot on top of this flight of stairs. I gazed out amongst the sun-kissed black stone buildings that were in varying states of repair. I watched as Morelens and humans alike gathered and pieced together whatever they could. Water systems were being replaced and remodeled after years of neglect, electrical networks, everything was being fixed. The years of Scoran's rule had led to the city being in various states of disrepair and now it was our job to get everything back into working order. It was tough at first, or so I was told.

  They had to dig up deep pipes that had been rotting and rusted for god knows how long. Lights went out in the streets randomly because of the varying states of disrepair the entire place was in. it was just a mess from top to bottom. Luckily once I arrived a great deal of progress had been done already. I was currently tending to some buildings in my old neighborhood. Most of the initial construction had occurred in the downtown area in order to grant an infrastructure to the city.

  Now all that there was to do was to fix the little things, like my home

  I sighed as I stroked the smooth tiles on top, my hands dashed along the brick and stone as I glanced back down at Emily who sat at the base of the place. I see my mate lugging plenty of stones in the distance. His hands clench the large, heavy bags of materials as he smiles at the children that approach him and turns down the women who try to flirt with him.

  And tomorrow he would be going into battle.

  It was quite unfortunate really, I didn't know what kind of fate would befall him but I was more than afraid, I was completely terrified for the man that I have come to love. For him to enter battle again was somewhat of a foolish move in my opinion and yet I couldn't argue with his reasons for putting himself in danger when I have done something similar. I understand the logical shortcomings involved in his reasoning but that is no reason for me to deny him.

  After all, what was logical about me coming here in the first place?

  "Looks like we're doing pretty well so far. I'm going down to see if Helena's done with the plumbing downstairs." Emily said as she leapt off of her tiny platform and dashed into the basement. I stand there with a reassuring grin while I glanced back out at the setting sun and the gentle breeze that sweeps over my town.

  In the distance of the valley, I can actually see it, the fire brewing where the sun had been laid to rest. I could see the world fracturing in the distance as those masses of troops gather to do battle. I looked skyward and glanced at the magnetic shield that had been set up and pray that it held. With every brick that I laid down my nervousness only increased, as if I was repairing all of this for nothing. For no reason at all since it would just get torn down again at a moment's notice.

  "What can be done?" I asked myself softly as I stroked the fabric of my shirt.

  "Everything okay up there?" asked Kreux as he passed. I made sure to give him a thumbs up and he nods in response before returning to his duties.

  Emily climbs back up a few moments later and helps me piece the last parts of the brick wall together. This was supposed to be a new wall that would split the massive upstairs common room into two. It was a project that we had wanted to accomplish since we were kids and this was the perfect opportunity.

  "You look nervous." she remarks with a blank expression. "Why?"

  "Why? Well the better question would be "why not?". I don't know how to respond to that..." I whispered while laying down more bricks. "I'm just sort of afraid all of this will be ripped out at any moment you know? Tugged out from under our feet like all of this work means nothing."

  "Scoran's got you scared huh?" she asked.

  "I would be lying if I said he didn't."

  "You don't have faith in your mate?"

  "I never said that."

  "So why are you doubting our chances at victory?"

  "Because it's not guaranteed. That's why....I'm scared alright? I've never had to care about anything for a long time until now so you can see my frustration quite clearly."

  "You're afraid to get attached then?" she asked while setting the tools down on the side. I finished shining the last spots of paint before I sat beside her in the middle of the room. Her hands were folded on her stomach as she laid down and I was sitting cross-legged right beside her.

  "Tell me sis...What's life without hope? You have to take the have to put yourself out there otherwise it all just becomes some sort of game, it all just...doesn't have any value anymore. Our existence has meaning as long as we can do things like this, as long as we have the will to rebuild." she reassured me while stroking my hands.

  I glanced up at her while the sun shines through the window. It's dimming rays peek through the layers of glass and fall onto her cheek as she grinned at me while I laid there. My lips slowly curve upwards and I find the energy to nod in affirmation to her ideals before I finally shook my head while staring at the wall.

  "I was wrong. Yeah I can see your point." I remarked with a smirk while staring at the wall.

  It all made sense to me now. The nature of risk and the nature of trust. It all made perfect sense because what fun was life without it? It was a dull affair to be sure and I wouldn't want any part of it. All of these years of living under Scoran have stifled any inclination towards emotional risk that I may have had. That's all over now though.

  Now we had our place in the sun and I was not going to let it crumble.



  Fire reigns in the distance and the roars of soldiers from distant lands run through these hallowed mountains. I clutch my rifle and patted my sword that was sitting beside me in the commander's tent.

  We had sent out word that I would be here a couple of days ago and apparently it was received because now reports were coming in that stated that we were being attacked at this very point. Everything was going to plan but it just occurred to me that this would be the first of the main battles, that this would be the first battle that I would encounter in years, I was a bit nervous, but it was nothing that I couldn't deal with, I hoped.

  My men gathered around earlier in the day to hear me give a speech on our prowess in battle and perhaps I was led astray by the idea that this battle was going to be this moment of glory and it was going to be painless. I knew better but some part of me wanted to hope as I did and wanted to believe that I could actually make it out of this mess with some semblance of safety.

  That was not the case, of course, I would have to fight with everything that I had in order to win and I was a foolish king that had been stuck too long in those towers to realize the gravity of war.

  Was I?

  I shook my head as I steeled myself while watching the monitors in front of me. They had set up a holographic projection of me in the distance, something that Scoran's men couldn't pick up due to the interference signals that we had sent out. His strategy was pitiful at best based on the knowledge that we had so tricking him shouldn't be an issue.

  And here they came.

  I steeled myself as i clutched my sword while watching. The first wave of enemies run through the trees where our traps and our men were waiting. The opposing forces are carved by the jagged mountains, split into many groups as bombs and spikes eliminate a great deal of them. I tensed up and clutched my hands into fists while resting my eyes on the bloodshed in front of me. The world turns to red as I see my own men enter battle. Those up in the trees stayed there and rained fire down from their blasters. Those on the ground brandished their swords in order to charge forward as they fell against wave and wave of the enemy attackers. Beams of lights stretch out amongst the canopies as I see messes of limbs and blood splatter across the ground.

  It was clear that we would have a pyrrhic victory, that was the likeliest of all the scenarios.

  I watched the horizon and wondered if I would soon be needed. I wouldn't' hesitate, I would enter at a moment's notice and turn the morale of my men upwards at the first chance I got. I knew that they could handle this but some part of me wanted to be needed as cruel and morbid as that may have sounded.

  Rebecca had told me that me being here and putting myself in the line of fire was unnecessary. I could have stayed back at the town and guarded her, been withheld. I knew my place was here, i had to protect her town and all that she cherished by confronting these attackers as soon as they sprung past the gates. This was the only way I knew how to protect her completely and my plan was going well thus far. Fire erupts from the ground and burns several of the advancing troops alive. Their tanks and hovercrafts are eliminated by some sentries that had posted with guns that could shoot down cruisers.

  "We're doing well so far." Urem tells me in a quiet voice and I nodded.

  "That remains to be seen. This is only the first wave, his forces are massive." I stated.

  "Indeed the siege would take much longer."



  It has been about a day now, his air support has been hammering the shields but I had technicians tending to them at every waking moment. All of the town's energy was funneled into maintaining these shields.

  His forces stretch elsewhere, of course, it wasn't like this was his only place of attack so he spread out. Luckily Scoran was greedy enough to focus his main line of assault on me. He has hated me ever since I took the neighboring planet, often he would call me soft and I would respond by calling him a fool that paid no heed to the old ways.

  The reports from the neighboring towns were reassuring. Our lines haven't been broken yet and the droids and traps that we had set up on the front lines were holding up. There were a couple of machines that we had fighting out in the front, mechanical soldiers, I would like to call them. They were as mobile as a human and strong as a tank. They had taken a great weight off of our soldiers and I was grateful for their appearance. Scoran had his as well but such machines were better suited for defense than attack. That was one thing that he failed to understand.

  Our turrets and air support make quick work of whatever forces he has in the air Missiles spring up from the landscape of red and orange trees, they fire into the sky and clash against great hunks of metal as the large ships dropped down onto the ground before they even had the chance to kiss the outskirts of the city. I hoped that my mate was safe, I hoped that she wasn't afraid for I have taken every precaution I could have to protect her. She would be safe at her home right about now, she wouldn't even hear the explosions that were going off.


  I blinked as I stared at the monitor in front of me. My troops were dragging themselves back after line and line of defender was shattered in the ensuing onslaught. We had to replace our lines and I wasn't entirely sure that there were enough troops to maintain a force on our part to stave off the attack. He had called in reinforcements long before we arrived so his numbers advantage was actually quite massive. I bite my lip I clenched my hands while the troops stormed onwards, clashing against wave after wave of traps and men.

  "Reports say that the medical tents are being exhausted with survivors. The first set of turrets have finally been toppled." said Urem as he read out all of the information that was being fed to him.

  I tried to remain calm, I tried to shut my eyes and deny it all as the waves of bad news came in. I wanted to go out there and inspire hope like I always did but I knew that my position would be better suited here.

  I just didn't know for how long I would be able to control myself.


  It was a couple of days after the initial invasion had occurred and I was now sitting in the command room as worn as I ever was. My eyes locked with screens as I read out the reports. Over 1,000 troops dead on our part, over 10,000 dead on his part.

  He would have to break soon, I was sure of it.

  The constant hammering from attacks was getting to be a bit too much for my men, however. Constant airstrikes haven't done wonders for their forces' morale and they needed a bit of a pick me up. I scowled as I watched the medical bay, row after row of wounded soldier was displayed and I frowned.

  "Looks like we're going to need to kick this up a notch then...Let's go." I muttered to myself as I clutched the rifle in my hands.

  "Where are you going?" Urem asks me.

  "To the lines, they need to see their prince."

  I take my hovercraft and my personal guard before I set off. Urem wants to come but I order him to stay behind and tend to any matters that may arise in my absence. I approached the battlefield with my weapons in hand and my sights on my men as they laid there, bleeding, coughing from the soot and ash that has arisen around them. Burnt holes mark where laser burns marr the ground and I stepped off my craft as the men all looked at me.

  What would Rebecca have thought of this?

  Would she have approved of such a drastic sacrifice in order to eliminate Scoran or would she have disapproved? What would she have thought about these scores and scores of dead men that laid here before me because of my need to take Scoran out? She would have called me crazy for being this close to the battlefield, she would have called me insane.

  I miss her.

  Only two days away on the battlefield and I was already thinking back to her and how she was doing. Her presence was a calming one, when she was around my motivation was greater than it was ever and now...Well now I needed that.

  I thought back to my image of her, w
hat kind of life we would have after all of this. What sort of life all the people in this solar system would have once this terrible war was over and I tried to tell myself that it was all worth it. Even after seeing the faces of these men staring back at me with a tired expression I can only try to muster the courage that was needed. "I know that you all are tired, broken, and battered. I know that the enemy seems endless and insurmountable but the odds are in our favor! We were holding them off as best as we can and soon enough we shall be able to strike back! Look around at the devastation they have caused and make it your motivation! These lands have been under the tyranny of Scoran for too long and it is now time for it to end. I have been taught by the very woman I love that the value of freedom in these lands is never too high. We shall never surrender because this is our war against tyranny. As dark as the day may seem now think to how bright it maybe tomorrow when we may truly say that this world is free of tyranny and that Scoran may never accost us again!" I shouted just as the next wave of troops began to creep in. I gazed through the trees and watched as the planes began to rain down fire onto these lands as our guns on the ground tried to fire back and our ships in the sky tried to battle them.

  "To arms!" I shouted and the men cheered as they launched to their feet and I stepped into battle as well. It may have been foolish but it was my choice, I couldn't be ignorant to their suffering any longer.

  I gripped my rifle as I took up a spot in the trees and fired off a litany of shots that graze and strike the approaching troops. My hands quiver as I pulled the trigger and watched the incoming troops fall before me. The sky lights up with the charred corpses of their ships while I remained on the ground. Some of their shock troops make it through the initial line of riflemen and I hopped down from my tree to greet them


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