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Shyt List 5: Smokin' Crazies The Finale' (The Cartel Publications Presents)

Page 3

by Reign (T. Styles)

  Sensing danger, Bilal, Jr. popped up and stood in the middle of the floor. His white t-shirt was wet with sweat because the heat was on too high. And the large blue cotton boxers on his body hung to the left, exposing his hip. “What’s up, man?” Bilal, Jr. said, trying to appear tough. He took his fist and rubbed his left eye to add to his performance. “I was knocked out.” He could smell his brother’s cruddy toe dirt under his nose.

  “Your punk ass ain’t sleep.” Laser walked to the bottom bunk and flopped down. Next to him was Owl’s pink bra. When Bilal, Jr.’s eyes roamed toward it, Laser picked it up and pressed it firmly against his nose. His eyes remained fixed on his little brother. He wanted a reaction. Inhaling deep he said, “Ummmm, that bitch smells so good.” He threw it up to his face and it dropped to the floor. “To be a young nigga, you sure did pick a good bitch. She can take dick like the best of them, but you probably wouldn’t know that.” He winked. “Hopefully we can keep her around if she calm down and then you’ll find out.”

  Before Bilal, Jr. could respond, his other brother Uzi, Laser’s twin, walked through the door and up to the closet. He had four large brown paper shopping bags in his hand, which he placed down. “What ya’ll in here doing?” He took his coat off and hung it up. He snatched the navy blue Washington Nationals hat off of his head, exposing a mane full of black curls, like his two brothers. When nobody responded he turned around and asked, “I’m talking to myself now?”

  “We not doing nothing,” Laser said, eying Bilal, Jr. “I was thinking about hitting this jay with BJ before you walked in. You wanna fire up?”

  “Later for that shit,” Uzi opened one of the two shopping bags. “Try these on, lil nigga.” He threw Bilal, Jr. five pairs of blue True Religion jeans. Four of them smacked against the floor but he caught the fifth. “I wanna make sure they fit before I pay this nigga shit. And check the inseam to make sure they real too. He’ll try you on some fake shit if you let him.”

  Bilal, Jr.’s face lit up, when he saw the gear his brother purchased for him. Uzi always looked out when it came to keeping him fresh. When he left the foster home he was staying in, he didn’t have anything except the clothes on his frail body. So having his older bro keep him together was a blessing. He didn’t know what Uzi did to make a living, but he knew he was on his mind in the process.

  As Bilal, Jr. slid the blue jeans over his boxers, Laser eyed him jealously from the sidelines. He had a fucked up sense of entitlement and hated the spotlight being off of him for one moment. “Why you always buying this nigga shit?” He fired his blunt and pulled. When the smoke exited his lungs he pointed at Bilal. Jr., “Before he came, you use to buy me stuff. Why that change?”

  Uzi laughed at his twin. “You an able body mothafucka just like me. I think the shit I use to do for you when we were kids made you forget that. You not younger than me, Laser. We the same age.” Uzi loved him with all his heart but sometimes Laser acted like he was his father and that fucked him up at times. They slid out of the same pussy, on the same day, so what was wrong with his hands? He didn’t have anything to do with Laser choosing bitches over money, which in his opinion made him weak. “If anything you should be looking out for your little brother too.” Uzi playfully hit Bilal, Jr. in the chest. “At least until the pup can stand on his own paws.”

  Laser gave Bilal, Jr. a vengeful look, which Bilal, Jr. chose to ignore. Focusing back on his gear, he tried on the other jeans too. Thanks to Uzi, in less than a week he had accumulated a new navy blue North Face coat, a new pair of Foamposite’s along with two pair of retro J’s and a pair of leather Ugg boots for men.

  “Fuck that little nigga.” Laser stood up. “Just like I’m able bodied, he is too. Just cause his nuts dropped some years after mine, don’t make him no charity case. And you need to stop treating him like that.”

  “You serious?” Uzi asked with a penetrating gaze. When he spotted the way he eyed his baby brother he stepped into the line of fire. Whatever heat he was giving Bilal, Jr., he wanted on him instead. “I think you need to adjust the fire you throwing at little B.”

  “What that mean?”

  “It means I hope you remember he family. Or do I gotta remind you?” Laser was vicious but Uzi had him in every category. He did things in the dark that Laser’s weaker heart could only imagine.

  Backing down Laser said, “Yeah…whatever. If you want to set this nigga up and play daddy, then that’s on you. When he turn out to be a punk, don’t say shit to me.” He trooped out the door and slammed it, leaving the tension in the air.

  Uzi proceeded to take the clothes he bought himself out of the bags. “Sooner or later, you gonna have to stand up to him, B. Even if it means going to blows.” He peered at him to be sure he was receiving the message. “I know him, and he’s not going to respect you until you give him a reason.”

  Bilal, Jr. leaned up against the wall and looked at the floor. His brothers were so complicated. “I do stand up to him.” He said under his breath. He picked up the sheet on the floor from the makeshift bed he slept on and folded it. “I don’t know why he always coming at me like that though. I don’t understand why he hates me so much.” He placed the folded sheet on top of one of his bags, which was the substitute for dressers. “I’m confused.”

  “It don’t matter why he hates you.” Uzi walked over to Laser’s bed and sat down. He wanted to speak hard to his brother so he could understand, but suddenly he was distracted by something pink. Picking it up he asked, “What’s this?” Bilal, Jr. remained silent and Uzi got his answer. “You let this nigga fuck your girl in the bed again didn’t you? While you slept on the floor and faked sleep.”


  “That’s what I’m talking about. You were supposed to put it to him the moment he violated. He’s testing you, B. And that means any bitch you bring around is his for the taking, unless you put an end to it now. I heard him last week telling somebody how he be banging her back out and you know what people ask?” He shook his head no. “Where were you?”

  It made him uncomfortable to know that Laser took to telling the world, but what was done was done. “She a freak anyway. I don’t even give a fuck no more. If anything,” he convinced himself, “he doing me a favor. I don’t want to be with nobody like that on a one on one basis.”

  “I bet you all the bitches you dealt with carry it like that.”

  “Not all of them.” He looked at the floor before gaining the strength to lie to his brother. “My last girl didn’t carry it like that.” Bilal, Jr. thought about Rozay, the cute little girl he was seeing with the Chinese bob and fast mouth. Things were good until the nigga he sold drugs for, broke her fingers after she came at him sideways. That one event resulted in the beat down of a lifetime on his body from her brothers, even though it was not his fault. It didn’t stop him from thinking about her and it didn’t stop him from looking for the same thing in another girlfriend. He like high-class girls, with pretty faces and wet pussies.

  “I gave you some real advice and hopefully you’ll take heed.” Realizing the conversation was over, he stood up and moved toward the packed closet again. “Fold your clothes and put them in your bags. You gotta make sure you keep your shit fresh.”

  Bilal, Jr. proudly folded his clothes and placed them neatly in one of the four trash bags in the room, until he remembered he wanted to talk to Uzi about something. He’d been waiting for the moment to speak to him in private, but Laser was always around. “Uzi,” he said in a low voice, wrestling with the bags. “Did you know our father? I mean…our real father?”

  Uzi sat in the chair next to the door and took off one of his boots. “Naw…I only remember Avante, my mother’s husband. I didn’t know Bilal, who you was named after. But our tios and tias said the three of us look just like him.” He removed the second shoe.

  “What are tios and tias?”

  He laughed. “Tios means uncles and tias means aunts in Spanish. Which is part of our heritage.”


  Leaning on his knees he said, “Why you ask? If I knew our father?”

  Bilal, Jr. held his head down and picked his pillow up off the floor. “I guess I miss him.”

  In a stern voice he said, “How you miss a nigga you ain’t even know? It don’t add up.”

  “I guess I always wanted a father.” He sat on Laser’s bed. “And since people say we look like him, I wondered what he was like. Everybody on my pops side of the family is dead, except you and Laser.”

  Uzi shook his head again and said seriously, “I got about five homies. I’m talking about real niggas who would kill for me. Out of those five, not one of them can honestly say they have a family like ours. You got six tios and tias. You got me, and you got Laser. So you don’t need a father or another family. Starting from this point on, I want you to forget him and move on. Living in a past that never included you makes you feeble.”

  Just when he said that Laser bolted through the bedroom door. He had a deranged look on his face and Bilal, Jr. and Uzi jumped up because his energy spelled danger. “You got anything on you, man?” He looked at Uzi. “If you do get rid of it now, because the cops are here!”

  “For what?”

  “I don’t know!” Laser walked further inside and bumped into Bilal, Jr. as he placed his shoes and coat on. “I think that bitch called them when she left earlier. She probably lied and told the pigs I hit her or some shit like that. Young bitches will make up anything.”

  Uzi knew the answer but he asked, “Which young bitches you talking about, Laser?”

  With humiliation he looked at Bilal, Jr. and mouthed, “Owl.” Bilal, Jr. felt his stomach juices swirl. It was about to become public information that his brother was fucking his girlfriend and he was sick about it.

  “Fuck!” Uzi stomped around the room. “I told you, you didn’t have no business fucking that dumb bitch in this house.” He pointed in his face. “Now you got heat over here unnecessarily.”

  From the living room they heard Easter cursing the cops out for blood. “You need a mothafuckin’ warrant to come in here!” She paused just to catch her breath. “Wait a minute! What the fuck ya’ll think ya’ll about to do? Ya’ll don’t live up in here!” Her threats didn’t slow them down because Bilal, Jr. could hear the stampede moving quickly toward their bedroom.

  A few seconds later, six cops hung in the bedroom’s doorway. One of them stepped close to Laser and asked, “Which one of you are Laser Pliers?”

  Laser quickly pointed at Bilal, Jr. and said, “He is!”


  Yao lay on his living room sofa with a glass of Glen Livet XXV scotch in one hand and the head of a nineteen-year-old whore in the other. The two hundred dollar bottle did little to ease his mind or relax his murderous spirit, but the tongue of a professional rubbing against his asshole did. Still, he was in shit. Deep shit, unless he could bring Yvonna to answer to the murder charge of the heavyweight champion in Vegas.

  “Does it feel good?” Roxie asked, flicking her tongue in and around his hairy hole. The gold wig looked oddly out of sorts next to her pretty chocolate skin. “I can make my tongue stiff and go deeper if you’d like.”

  “Deeper.” Naked from the waist down, he bent his knees so she could get at the target. Although some may have assumed the act meant he was a closeted homosexual, Yao was anything but. He just enjoyed a good bout of freaky sex, especially when he was worried. “You’re doing good.” She grinned and proceeded to work her tongue like a drill.

  As he received his service, Yao thought about his attorneys who were doing everything they could to prevent them from implementing him in the murder of Urban Greggs. Because of it, he could not run his drug operation because eyes were on him at all times. Thanks to Yvonna, who actually murdered Greggs in his suite, after he attempted to kill her, Yao was having to fiend off investigators daily.

  Not only was he dodging the police, his mind and heart was heavy. Sure he’d never thought about falling for a black woman, but now that he found Yvonna, he didn’t take kindly to losing her before making her his wife. His devastation was infused with rage when he learned that Ming, his niece, had run away with her, even though she was valuable to his drug operation. What was it about Yvonna that made people lose reason? There was nothing left to do, he needed to put together a team that knew the circles Yvonna moved in, so she could be brought to him. In one piece was good, but dead would work also. He did enough research to locate five people.

  He was still getting his asshole popped, when Onik, his most trusted warrior, knocked on the door. “Sir, you have company.”

  “Bring them in, in five minutes.” Yao responded.

  Roxie wiped her mouth with the back of her hand and stood up. “Want me to leave?”

  “Not yet.”

  Yao placed his clothes on, sat in a leather chair accented in gold and Roxie opened the door. Three members of the Mah Jong Dynasty poured inside to guard him, as he awaited news from the three men he recently hired. A few seconds later, Onik returned with Growl, Rook and Mike…all members of the YBM (Young Black Millionarz). The members of the YBM feared Yao, which most men having done business with him did.

  “Sit,” Yao advised, pointing to a couch while Roxie massaged his shoulders. The three men examined the other Chinese men present. They were very intimidating although they said nothing. “Over there.”

  “You must have information for me at this point.” Yao stated, as he lit an expensive cigar. Grey smoke circled his head like a halo. “You’ve had enough time to come up with something. So I ask you, where is Yvonna?”

  Growl grunted a little and said, “We haven’t come up with anything….but we…” The flesh on his neck split open like a banana stepped on, as Onik fired a bullet into his throat. Roxie jumped and covered her mouth in horror. Growl placed his hand over the wound, at first due to shock, but later to slow his death. It didn’t work.

  Earlier Onik was given the orders to kill Growl if he came back empty handed. Yao wasn’t fucking around with them. All week they’d been calling him, promising to deliver the goods. But first they needed money for a car and then they needed cash for room and board, as they chased Yvonna around town. He knew what they were doing, trying to milk him dry, but he never stopped the money’s flow. He decided it was best to let them hang themselves before he attacked and that’s exactly what they did.

  Growl’s blood was splattered over the walls, soaked into the couch and drenched into the carpet. Mike and Rook went for the weapons on their hips, before they remembered Onik relieved them of their hammers at the door. “Sit.” Yao was calm. When they didn’t move he said, “I won’t say it again.” Then he looked at Roxie and said, “Finish.” She ran for his shoulders and massaged them like keys on a piano.

  Rook quickly obeyed Yao’s order while Mike hesitated. “Sit where? On the couch?” Mike’s eyes widened. “I mean…you just slumped my man.” To save his life, Rook pulled the back of his coat, forcing him to plop on the couch next to him. Blood immersed the back of Mike’s jeans and the side of Rook’s left leg. Yet they remained still.

  “Let me say this clearly. I am Yao…a man who doesn’t do excuses. I’m not…” he cleared his throat, “how do you nigga say it? To be fucked with.” He checked their eyes for understanding. “Now you took my money, which means you’ve been paid in full. I want this bitch brought to me like yesterday. Do this, and there’s one hundred thousand ready for you in the end. If not,” he looked at their dead friend, “well, I don’t have to say anything else.” He examined Rook, which meant he was now in charge. “Do I make myself clear? Or do I have to kill somebody else to prove my point?”


  Yvonna stood over Ebony as she lay face up on the floor. Now unarmed, she perspired like a pig as she considered her fate. She had every right to be frightened; after all, she just hurt one of the craziest bitches alive. Yvonna also wondered what she was doing with any of the members of the sick organization.

��You must’ve lost your fucking mind shooting me, bitch.”

  “I’m sorry, Yvonna.” Ebony moved but was stopped in mid squirm, when Ming stole her in the face. Licking the blood from the corner of her mouth she said, “I deserved that.”

  Ming grinned, stood up straight and looked down at her. “We already know that.”

  Ebony frowned. “Who the fuck are you? You don’t know shit about me, chink!”

  Ming was about to hit her again until Bricks blocked her blow. “That’s enough for now.” Ming stepped back, folded her arms and waited for her to fuck up again so she could have another chance.

  Ebony’s eyes adjusted back on Yvonna. “I didn’t know who you were when I first saw you.” Ebony pleaded, before her eyes roamed over the others. “All I saw was people in my house! I was scared. It’s not everyday you find somebody in your home who’s not supposed to be there. Please don’t hurt me, Yvonna. I have a family.”

  Gabriella stood next to Yvonna. “She knew who you were when she fired. That’s why she aimed at you first. Why else would you shoot a bitch, when there are two niggas in the house too?”

  “I don’t know, but I’m going to find out.” Yvonna answered herself.

  The crew looked at her and Bricks said, “Who you talking too, Squeeze?”

  “Nobody.” She hunched, having slipped up once again when talking to Gabriella in front of others. Focusing back on Ebony she asked, “What are you doing here, Ebony? With a pimp?”


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