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Shyt List 5: Smokin' Crazies The Finale' (The Cartel Publications Presents)

Page 27

by Reign (T. Styles)

  Although she was pissed with them, hearing the news was like music to her ears. “Really?” She beamed as she looked from him to Swoopes. “So why the long ass faces?” A coldness crept over her body when she counted who was in attendance. “Wait, where’s Ming?”

  Swoopes hung his head low and stepped toward the door. “I can’t do this shit, man.” Bricks didn’t appreciate handing the bag of shit to her alone, but he would do what he had to do.

  “What’s wrong with him?” Her question was calm but her heart beat thunder. “Why he storm out like that?” She started playing with the remote and aimlessly flipping channels. It was obvious she knew what was about to be said, before it was. Fidgeting was her way of not dealing with the inevitable. “Ming!” She screamed into the open doorway from where she sat. The last thing she said to her was wrong and she couldn’t get it out of her head. “I’m not mad at you no more, bitch! Get in here!” She laughed to herself. “I know they put you up to this hostage shit too! And when I’m free, we gonna fight.”


  “Ming! Can you stop fucking around and get in here!”

  Bricks moved closer. “Baby, she’s gone.”

  Her eyes widened and her chest hardened. “What you telling me?” She looked at him and then the floor. She focused back on him and then the wall. Her eyes could no longer concentrate and things looked blurry. It was then that she realized she was crying. “Where is she? Where is my best…my friend…my…”

  “They killed her, baby. They shot her when we were handling Abel.” He placed a soft hand on her thigh. “She died on the battlefield. I’m sorry, Squeeze, but she ain’t coming back.”

  Yvonna couldn’t move her face. It was temporarily paralyzed with grief. Her heart rate elevated and she couldn’t control her limbs either, she went limp. This scared Bricks and he started rubbing her arms and shoulders rapidly. “Squeeze, talk to me.” She didn’t respond. “Come on, baby. Say something.” Yvonna’s eyes focused in the space before her, while her heart roamed in hell. She lost her best friend and after she treated her so cruelly. There would be no apologizing to her this time, it was over.

  Not knowing what else to do, she let out a cry that cracked the heavens. “My friend! I lost my best friend!” She sobbed. “I lost the only person who loved me other than my daughter and you. Take it back, Bricks! Take it back!”

  “I know, baby. I’m sorry.” He paused pulling her closer. “I’m so fucking sorry.”

  Two Hours Later

  Yvonna requested to be alone after the news. Since there was no need to keep her hostage, they unlocked the shackle but she didn’t leave the room. Instead she stayed where she was and thought about her life. She came into the world wanting love and ended up being born into hate and confusion. She wanted to do something noteworthy. Something that would make her worthless life matter. She got the answer when she turned on the television and saw that Bilal, Jr. was facing some serious time for the deaths of Melvin White and Diana Burke. He was also charged with the reckless shooting of James Madison.

  “Oh my, God!” She placed her hand over her mouth. “Melvin was Bricks’ brother.” The moment the words left her lips, she knew she could never let Bricks know. She wasn’t sure how quick it would take his family members to tell Bricks who was involved, but she prayed they’d be in the Philippines by the time the news broke. Bilal, Jr. wasn’t a killer, just a child pushed into a world he wasn’t prepared for.

  At some point she couldn’t hear the newscaster anymore because she knew what had to be done. She wasn’t hearing his father or Gabriella’s voice anymore either, courtesy of the tainted drink given to her daily. But she still felt a sense of responsibility to the teenager. In her mind if she didn’t do right by the first person she wronged early in his life, she was no better than AFCOG and would not be able to rest. Loving Ming the way she did made her see the error of her ways. It was time to grow up and love strong.

  Later that day she placed a call to an attorney and made arrangements to give him a retainer large enough to work on Bilal, Jr.’s case for the next five years. If he needed more, she would meet with him once she made it to the Philippines, electronically. Something told her getting the lawyer wasn’t enough, she felt she needed to see his face but for now it would have to do. When she finished with her calls, she was surprised to see Chris walk into the room with a turkey burger and homemade fries.

  She smiled lightly and looked at him with suspicious eyes. “Hold up, what are you doing here?”

  He placed the food on the table and sat next to her. “You’re at my house. In the shed in the back.”

  She didn’t see that coming and shook her head. “Please tell me how they convinced you to keep me here?”

  “They said you were sick and they needed my help.” He looked into her eyes longer than he intended, until she looked away. “I would never pass up on a chance to help you, even though I didn’t understand why we had to keep you shackled in here. I guess when some time passes, you can explain it better to me.”

  The old Yvonna wanted to unleash on him because she felt his loyalty should’ve lied with her, not Bricks. But in the scheme of things, she realized he did it for her. And with the amount of time she was spending in the bathroom talking to the walls, it was for the best. “Thank you.” She smiled. “I really appreciate everything you’ve done.”

  He leaned back. “Wait a minute you must be still sick because you never apologize.”

  “It’s a first time for everything.” She grinned. “Plus I’m realizing a lot about my life and the people in it. It takes too much energy to hate.” She thought about Ming again and wanted to sob but she held it together. “I just want to be happy, Chris. I want to take care of my daughter and be happy. You know?”

  “I get you.” He paused, thinking about the blunt he left burning in the ashtray in the kitchen. “So what are your plans when you leave here?”

  Deciding to keep it real with him she bared her soul. “I’m a wanted woman, Chris. I have to get out of the country.”

  “I figured as much.” He seemed saddened.

  She frowned. “How would you know that?”

  “Because you and your team seem to always be in thought. And you move like time is not on your side.” He paused and looked at the television for no reason. “I’m in business with people who move in the night, so it was easy for me to figure it out.” He looked back at her. “So how are you going to get away? You know they real strict with planes and things now days. If you’re wanted, you’re probably in every system around the world.”

  She looked down. “I don’t know what I’m going to do.” She observed him. “But I do know I’m going to give it all I can.”

  “What did you guys do with the C4? I haven’t heard about any explosions.”

  “We’re saving it for one person, who appears untouchable right now.” She looked out into the room. “I don’t even know if that’s a good idea anymore.” She looked back at him. “I’m so confused.”

  “Nobody is untouchable. If you think hard, you can discover a way to hit him where it hurts.” He smiled. “But let me help you, Yvonna. With everything else.”

  “I’m listening.”

  “I have a private jet in Essex, Maryland. You and your friends are free to use it. And if you want, I can hook you up with some passports. The jet won’t be able to get you but so far, because I don’t have authorization to fly internationally. But at least if you’re away from this area, once you get on the west coast with the fake passports, you should be able to catch an international flight out of the United States.”

  She tried to conceal her excitement; this was the break she needed. Still there was the thing about money. “What do I owe you?” She already promised to meet Bilal, Jr.’s attorney later that week, so she wasn’t sure how much paper she’d have left. “I’m hard up for cash.”

  In a smooth tone he said, “Don’t play with me, Yvonna. You know I’d do anything for you, including
putting a few bucks in your pocket.”

  She threw her arms around his neck. “I can’t thank you enough, Chris. I don’t know why God brought you into my life, but I’m grateful.”

  When she tried to pull away he held her tighter. “Thank me by giving me a call if you ever get rid of your man.” He looked intently into her eyes. “I have a feeling that I can treat you better if given the chance.”

  She smiled and held him tighter. For what he was doing for her she allowed him to maintain his embrace. Would even give him a little pussy if he asked. “Maybe I’ll take you up on that offer.” She said in his ear, although she knew it would never happen. Bricks held her heart, and with him was where she wanted to stay.



  Tyisha looked at her customer across the room. His white back was crammed with brown moles and tight curly hair. He was sitting on a chair naked, snorting powder up his nose. Tyisha was use to seeing drug use now. Over the past few days, Rufus nurtured her growing addiction by giving her heroin and weed on a consistent basis. She needed it most days to get out of bed, and without it she could not function. He succeeded in breaking her down emotionally and physically and all that was left was the little girl she used to be.

  The John turned around and looked at her. “You get down?” He held a plastic tube in his hand and wiggled it for effect. “I have a few more lines if you want. Don’t mind sharing just as long as you make it worth it for me later.”

  She always needed something to do what they wanted from her. So she eagerly slid out of bed before he changed his mind. Wearing nothing but what she was born with, she made her way in his direction. Her toes nestled into the dirty motel’s carpet and she stood behind him with a glazed over look in her eyes.

  “Here you go.”

  She snatched the tube out of his hand and inhaled the last three lines. When it made contact to her organs, the tube dropped out of her hand and immediately she felt tingly. It was amazing; suddenly all was right with the world. When her legs gave out, and she was about to fall, he lifted her up and placed her in position, on the bed. Crawling next to her, for a moment, he looked at her young face. “How you get into the business, sexy?”

  She grinned. “Why you ask so many questions? Let’s do what brought us here. I’m about pleasing you,” she pointed a stiff finger into his chest, “and getting my master’s money.” Rufus warned her about speaking to the clients about anything other than how they wanted it, so she was trying to change his focus.

  “Aw, come on, beautiful. I just want a little conversation before we get down.”

  “I really can’t. I’m sorry.”

  The last time she disobeyed Rufus and talked to a client about life, she lost food for two days straight. Although this was her life now, it wasn’t always the plan. Originally he was going to break her in a little longer, but with the threats of losing AFCOG all together looming in the air, he had to put her to work now. The only problem that faced Rufus where Tyisha was concerned, was Marge. Suddenly she called everyday wondering how her daughter was fairing in the program, when at first she didn’t seem to care. He explained to her that she had run away, and he hadn’t seen her in days. Everyday she’d call and ask about her, never calling the police, because Rufus said he had it covered. What a stupid ass bitch.

  “I just want to get to know you, sweetness.” He pinched her undeveloped breast. “No need in getting all uptight.”

  She felt like she was about to cry. She’d done this in the past whenever they said more than what they wanted her to do to them. When she couldn’t bring herself to stop the tears, they would always complain to Rufus that she was bringing them down, when it was usually their fault. Thanks to Rufus she was a machine, not to be nurtured and loved. “Please, I just want to do my job.” She smiled although a tear escaped her eye. “Okay?”

  The client wasn’t feeling the situation and would tell Rufus about his experience when he was done. He mostly complained for a discount on the next girl but also because he enjoyed the workers in the past that although young, could hold a conversation with him when sparked. He needed to see them more mature, to get aroused, often yelling at them afterwards because they were acting too grown.

  “How ‘bout you get yourself cleaned up first.” He was talking about the worthless tears on her face. “And then we can get started.”

  High and disoriented, she hopped out of bed with a bed sheet wrapped around her naked body. He thought it was odd because he already seen her nude, but allowed her to do whatever floated her boat. After fifteen minutes of looking at the ceiling waiting for her, the coke had him wanting to satisfy his desires.

  “What you doing in there, girl?” He yelled stroking his dick from the bed. “I’m tired of waiting on you now! Come on!”


  “You hear me in there, bitch? Bring your ass on! I paid my money just like the rest.”


  Irritated, the obese man slid off the bed and ambled toward the bathroom. First he placed his ear against the door in an attempt to hear her on the other side. When he heard a soft bump at the bottom of the door, at first he thought it was her, but discovered it was his erect penis knocking against the wood. He was so high he was tripping to the highest degree.

  Banging on the door with a hard fist he yelled, “Bitch, get the fuck out here! If you and your pimp fucking with my money, I’m not gonna be so nice! You need to know that! Now I want what I paid for! Get out here now!”

  When she didn’t come out, he took a few steps back, and rammed the entire right side of his body into the door like a bull. When it fell down, his eyes roamed around for her. When he did, he saw Tyisha’s naked body hanging from the shower rod. She hung herself by the neck and her eyes were wide open. She looked petrified, as if she didn’t know dying that way would be so hard.

  “Oh no!” He backed away. “Oh fucking no!”

  He tramped around the room in delirious motions. A young girl was dead and suddenly he felt the need to protect his family. This would kill his wife, their newborn son and his career as a doctor; if it ever got out that he fucked a twelve-year-old prostitute in a hotel room. First he tried to wipe his fingerprints off of everything he touched and then he realized he didn’t have his clothes on. Deciding it was best to get dressed first; he grabbed his things and got the hell out of dodge before the cops got there.


  Marge was sitting in her living room, as her friends tried to console her during the loss of her daughter. It had been days since she got the news, but everyday she woke up, without her in her life, it was as if she died all over again. She was a horrible mother and she knew it, but hindsight was twenty-twenty.

  To make matters worse, the media tried to make her out to be a drug sick twelve year old when she knew different. Tyisha may have been troubled, but she wasn’t a monster until the streets got a hold of her. Luckily Rufus Day was there to defend her good name. Still, whenever she analyzed the situation, she always blamed herself. She failed her only child and now she would never see her face again.

  “How you holding up, Marge?” One of her church friends asked, placing a soft hand on her right shoulder. When Tyisha died, Rufus dispatched them immediately. “Can I get you anything? Anything at all?”

  She looked up at her, with red eyes and said, “No. Unless you can bring my baby back.”

  The other women in attendance felt her sorrow and made a promise to do all they could to lift her spirits. “You know,” she started sitting next to her, “Reverend Day is having service this Sunday. And I’m not supposed to tell you this, but I found out that the topic is about facing adversity when dealing with death.”

  Marge hadn’t seen the reverend since her daughter died. That didn’t stop him from taking care of her bills and having people clean her home when she couldn’t find the strength. She thanked God for hi
m every day. “You know what, that may be what I need.” She was hopeful as she looked up at them. “Rufus Day always knows what to do to put me in a thankful mood. Thanks, Denise.”

  “Don’t thank me.” She declared. “Thank Master Rufus Day.”


  The sun was very seductive as Yvonna, Bricks and Swoopes sat in the parking lot gazing at AFCOG church. Members flooded inside wearing their Sunday’s best in the hopes of receiving an encouraging word or two from their immoral minister. All Yvonna and her team could think about, was the fact that they failed. That they tried everything possible, to kill Rufus Day but he had proven to be a worthy adversary. Wherever he went, security was kept at presidential heights.

  When he was at the compound, security guards and guard dogs kept him safe. When he went shopping, which he did less than he had in the past, he had armed men with him at least three. Even when he was at church, he was protected by two security guards, although they were not allowed inside the sanctuary because he didn’t want to give the message, to his congregation, that being around him was unsafe.

  "We're never going to be able to get to him." Yvonna looked at the large bus which pulled up with more members inside. “I don’t know what else to do.” She shrugged. “I gave all I can give and it feels like it ain’t enough.”

  "Maybe we should just leave, Squeeze.” Bricks said to her from behind the wheel. “Thanks to Chris, we got the hookup on the jet and I'm not trying to pass up on the opportunity because we running after this dude.” He touched her leg. “You gotta know when to fold.”

  “But I don’t know when to do that!” She screamed, as tears filled up her eyes. “I wanted him to answer for what he did to me. For what he did to all of us.” She looked back at Swoopes.

  “And he has, baby. But we have to think smart too. If we walk in there together, we not coming back alive. It’s not worth it.” He taught. “Plus I already made arrangements to pick up Chomps from the airport in two hours from Kelsi." he looked at his watch. “You gotta go get Delilah and we still pushing it just to be on time. It’s over, baby. Let’s go to our new home.”


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