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The Death Series, Books 1-3

Page 75

by Blodgett, Tamara Rose


  Jonesy's hands flexed into fists and at that exact moment Sophie sauntered by, her hair bouncing in a fluffy honey cloud on the middle of her back, high-heeled boots clicking on the recycled quartz flooring as she came by.

  What was really eye-catching was the hand that was stuck in her back pocket, an appendage on her butt.

  It was Buddy, fellow AP student and possible in-the-clouds sex partner.

  Well, hell.

  I reached for Jonesy too late. He was over there in three strides, his chest almost touching Buddy's.

  Terran came jogging up, his carrot-colored hair having deepened to copper over the last year. He grabbed Jonesy's shoulder and said, “No, Jones.”

  “Not now, John,” Jonesy said, flinging John's hand off.

  This was gonna get bad, fast.

  “Caleb, do something!” Jade said.

  Tiff said, “Nah, let them beat the shit out of each other. I never did dig Buddy anyway, he's got eyes for Carson,” she said, winking.


  I launched over there but Sophie took care of everything for all of us.

  “Hey! What the hell do you think you're doing?” she asked Jonesy, her aqua eyes on fire.

  Jonesy's eyes went to hers. With her heels on, they were about the same height.

  “Saving you from this dumbass!” Jonesy said like, obviously. He folded his arms across a chest ripped with muscles from working all summer as a yard slave like the rest of us.

  John and I were right behind Jonesy when Brody, Diego, Carson and Brett showed up.

  This couldn't get any worse if I'd choreographed the whole tamale myself. I did a mental forehead slap and shifted my gaze to Jade. I wanted to know her position when Brett was in attendance. I didn't put anything past his weaselly carcass.

  It didn't take a brain surgeon to see he'd picked up on the tension. Both mine and Jonesy's. I saw Brett drink in the sight of Jade and my heart sped. We'd managed the first two months of school pretty good without any problems. But now, the school quarter was coming to an end and we just couldn't seem to slide by without an altercation with these clowns.

  “I don't need saving, if you hadn't noticed. Remember, you're the one that wants to go out with whatever,” Sophie said disdainfully and leaned back against Buddy, who was a good shot taller than her... and Jonesy.

  A vein in Jonesy's temple kept time with his heartbeat. He looked at Sophie for a long moment and I could see him trying to calm down with an effort. Restraint wasn't a Jonesy strong point.

  “What's the problem here, Buddy?” Carson asked, all smirk.

  Jonesy wrecked it again by saying, “It's your Buddy here, ya know, your butt-buddy? He's making the moves on Soph... and I don't think he's good for her.”

  Carson's eyes narrowed and he came forward. “And you're so great for her, Jones. Right? Cuz, how I see it, you'll go out with anything that's female with two legs.” His eyebrows raised to his hairline.

  He had him there. Carson was a supreme dick, but that was Jonesy, non-committer extraordinaire.

  “No comment, Jones?” Buddy asked, talking for the first time, voice laced with sarcasm.

  Thunder rode Jonesy's face, the dark skin of his face taking on a purple hue.

  Sophie huffed and crossed her arms.

  Tiff saved Jonesy's face by sidling up to Carson and saying, “Don't you have your own dick to scorch off or something? Hell,” she swung her arm around to encompass the whole group of brainiacs, “you could probably do the whole group in like... five seconds.”

  Carson moved toward her. And since Tiff so didn't know when to quit she continued as she was backing up, “I mean, a pile of millimeter sausages like you queers would be rudimentary for you?” Her gum snapped, momentarily blinding her because of size. She was brought up short by John, who'd moved behind her protectively. His long fingers wrapped her upper arms.

  “Tiff... quiet,” John said in a low voice above her head.

  “It's okay, Terran. Carson can't do anything, he'd get his pecker in a twist for sure,” she said, supremely confident.

  I wasn't, because I didn't think Carson gave a shit. After all, daddy would bail his ass out no matter what he did.

  Carson got right up in Terran's grill and Tiff had a bird's-eye view of his chest. Her head leaned into John's chest and she turned her face away.

  “Keep the corpse-lover in line, Terran. Or I'm gonna rethink my position on female beating. Maybe she needs to find out first hand what kinda junk I carry?” He leaned down close to her face and whispered with menace, “Up close package patrol for you, right?”

  John's face became a mask of rage, his cool demeanor replaced by heat. He pulled Tiff back and even I could see Carson had rattled her cage. No small feat.

  She recovered, unfortunately. “I wouldn't do you with my dog's dick, Hamilton. Keep your pathetic parts in your pants.”

  Carson moved toward her again and John put Tiff behind him as Brett grabbed Carson's arm. “Not worth it, man. Just take a chunk out of her brother's ass. Hell, she's got five. Pick one,” Brett said with his logic.

  Brett-logic was so flawed.

  Jade spoke and I died a little as the males from this group trained their eyes on my girl. My beautiful, vulnerable girl.

  “Listen, let's just... agree to disagree,” she started.

  Diego laughed. “Your friend just told us we had no dicks. Not gonna get over it fast, sweetheart.”

  “I'm sure she didn't mean it,” Jade said weakly.

  Tiff snapped her gum. “Totally. Meant. It.”


  The bell shrilled and Carson gave Tiff a grim look, then turned his eyes to Jonesy. “You don't have territory rights here, Jones. She doesn't want you. Go hump some willing girl, you're good at that.”

  I saw the knife dig deep on Sophie's face. I didn't believe that Jonesy was having sex with a bunch of girls. He was a female appreciator though. That last had been for Sophie's benefit. If Carson could cause trouble in our group, he was all for it. The jackass.

  Buddy gave a slow stroke on Sophie's arm and she gave Jade the thumb signal for a pulse in the future, her face carefully neutral. Like she hadn't just heard that Jonesy was a man-whore. Jade nodded, her face solemn.

  They walked off, Jonesy's eyes trained on Sophie's back. I didn't think he was watching her butt. Unless that included Buddy's hand in her pocket.

  Carson glanced over his shoulder, pegging Tiff with a look. She smoldered back at him in anger and he smirked, disappearing into the crowd.

  John's eyes met mine over Tiff's head. Only two months into sophomore year and already a fire was burning.

  Guess who the match was?

  A Love Letter to My Readers:

  As of March 31, 2011, it's been almost two years now since my first book, Death Whispers, was published. I'd like to take this opportunity to thank each and every one of you that has supported my writing. Without my readers, I would not have an audience for my work. Many of your emails, support via recommendation, encouragement and critical feedback/reviews have allowed my improvement as a writer and as a human being. Words are an inadequate thanks for the depth of my gratitude to you. Please know how much your support has meant, and will continue to mean in the future to come.

  Thank you, from the bottom of my heart~


  If you enjoyed this book, please support the author by posting your review on Amazon, Barnes & Noble and iBookstore.

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  You, my reader! Thank you from the bottom of my heart!!!



  Beth & Dianne

  My editor, Stephanie T. Lott, for giving my work the polish it needed!

  My girl from the beginning:Shana B., thank you, words aren't enough~

  My four boys and all their friends for making the dialogue possible... />
  A special thank you to reader, Shannon French, who supplied the name Merranda; Randi for short~

  Connect with Me Online:







  Books available now:

  Death Inception (A Death Prequel)

  Death Whispers (Death Series, #1)

  Death Speaks (#2)

  Death Screams (#3)

  Death Weeps (#4)

  Unrequited Death (#5)

  The Pearl Savage (Savage Series, #1)

  The Savage Blood, (#2)

  The Savage Vengeance (#3)

  Blood Singers, (Blood Series, #1)

  Blood Song, (#2)

  Future Titles:


  The Savage Principle

  The Savage Protector (#4) March

  Blood Chosen, (#3) May

  The Reflective, (Reflection Series, #1) October




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