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Virgin In Heat (The Beast's Forced Mating)

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by Bree Bellucci


  The Beast's Forced Mating


  Bree Bellucci


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  Bree Bellucci on Smashwords

  Virgin In Heat: The Beast's Forced Mating

  Copyright © 2012 by Bree Bellucci

  This book is a work of fiction and any resemblance to persons, living or dead, or places, events or locales is purely coincidental. The characters are productions of the author’s imagination and used fictitiously.

  Adult Reading Material

  The material in this document contains explicit sexual content that is intended for mature audiences only and is inappropriate for readers under 18 years of age.

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  The Beast's Forced Mating

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  Charlotte breathed in deeply as she set foot out into the bright sunshine. The air was fresh and fragrant and she shook her head in amusement as she heard her two small sisters bickering inside the cabin. She set off away from the cabin towards the lake. Her skirt swished in the high grass and she absentmindedly pulled at her braided hair.

  The lake was a vibrant blue and the surface sparkled in the mid-day sunshine. Charlotte enjoyed her family’s trips to the lake and she knew how fortunate they were to be able to vacation in such a beautiful spot. The leaves on the trees past the lake were swaying in the gentle breeze. Charlotte was always drawn to the woods, and she could spend the day getting lost in the bushes and shaded under groves.

  “Charie!” came a high-pitched voice, and Charlotte turned around to see her youngest sister, Abigail, come barreling down the hill towards her.

  “What are you doing, Charie?” she asked, brushing her golden hair out of her face. Abigail had the same bright green eyes as Charlotte, but where Charlotte’s hair was auburn and dark, Abigail’s was light and blonde.

  “I’m going to pick some flowers for us to keep in the house.”

  “Ohhh, can I help?”

  “I thought Mama wanted you and Bessie to stay inside and help her uncover the furniture and sweep?”

  Abigail frowned at having been discovered.

  “I don’t want to,” she whined.

  Charlotte kneeled down so she could look directly at her little sister. Abigail was six years old and small for her age.

  “Abby, why don’t you want to help Mama and Bessie?”

  Abigail pouted. “Bessie is mean to me. She always does this.” Abigail stuck out her tongue and made a face.

  Charlotte suppressed a giggle.

  “You need to just ignore her.”

  “But I don’t, Charie! I stick my tongue right back at her! And Mama always sees me do it!”

  “Well, that’s why you need to ignore her,” Charlotte chided. Bessie was eleven years old and she was definitely the feistiest of the three girls.

  Abigail sighed. “Alright,” she conceded, giving Charlotte a quick kiss before she turned around and began running back up to the house. Charlotte watched as Abigail’s little legs carried her back to the cabin, her pink skirt flapping from the exertion.

  Charlotte continued towards the lake thinking of how much she loved her two sisters. At twenty years old, Charlotte felt protective of both of them. She had remembered when each one was born, and she had tirelessly helped her mother take care of them. Charlotte’s father’s business took him away a lot, and many times it was only Charlotte and her mother taking care of the family. Charlotte often wondered if her mother had wished for a son so he could have been the man of the house when her father was away.

  Charlotte reached the lake and in an impromptu decision, she decided to take her shoes and socks off and dip her feet in the water. She unlaced her boots and pulled off her socks before sitting on a small patch

  of sand. She slid her feet into the water and smiled as the cool water washed over her toes.

  She sat like that for a number of minutes, until she began to feel guilty. There would be plenty of time for rest and relaxation but now she needed to help her family open the cabin house for the summer. She loved this first week at the lake because it was usually the only uninterrupted time her father was able to get away from work, not to mention that it was so lovely to finally celebrate the summer after the cold, miserable winter months.

  What she didn’t like about the first week at the lake was all the work that went into opening the house for the season. The cleaning, sweeping and preparing was exhausting. Knowing that she needed to get back to help her family, she put her shoes and socks back on and began to walk the perimeter of the lake to gather flowers.

  She was lucky that her mother gave her such an easy task for the afternoon. Charlotte knew her mother pitied her. During the winter, a young man named Edward, who was both handsome and successful, had pursued Charlotte. He and Charlotte had a few chaperoned dates and there was a rumor that he would ask for her hand by the spring.

  Charlotte was smitten by Edward’s charming personality. However, at the start of the spring there had been a huge scandal with one of the other girls in town announcing that she was pregnant with Edward’s child and he would not take responsibility. Their families tried to cover up the scandal, forcing the two to marry and then shipping them off to another state to live with the girl’s aunt and uncle where no one would know she'd gotten pregnant out of wedlock.

  The news upset Charlotte deeply and she was both hurt and horrified by Edward’s behavior. Charlotte’s father had nearly wept with relief when he realized that his daughter had been spared almost certain ruin by marrying such a man. Charlotte’s mother on the other hand had understood how the news had devastated Charlotte and she tried to comfort her the best she could.

  Charlotte sighed as she thought of Edward and his bride, living together in a faraway town, expecting their first child together. While Charlotte did not want to marry a man who would be unfaithful and promiscuous, she was still wistful of what she thought they had shared during their short time together.

  A sudden rustling in a nearby bush caught Charlotte’s attention. Was it an animal? She stopped picking flowers and moved towards the edge of the forest where she had heard the sound.

  The bushes rustled again.

  “Hello?” she asked quietly. She knew there could be no one else here, they were probably the only family for miles. She turned back to look at the cabin and then saw a flash of brown out of the corner of her eye. She whipped back around and peered carefully into the forest. Whatever it was had gone back into the woods. She looked back towards the wildflowers and knew she should go back to what she was doing but she couldn’t help being curious.

  A low moan came from deeper in the woods and it suddenly struck her that an animal might be hurt. She hurried towards the sound and she felt the temperature change as she moved into the shade. She was wearing short sleeves and she shivered slightly. She walked quietly among the earth, not wanting to scare or frighten the animal.

  She heard the whimpering again and she thought it almost sounded human, but she knew that was silly. She crept silently towards the sound, being careful not to step on any branches. A large bush came into view and Charlotte thought the sound was coming from behind the large shrub.

  Carefully, Charlotte peered around the bush and saw a large, majestic wolf whimpering and licking at his leg. Charlotte felt a surge of fear but was also drawn to the vulnerable animal.

  The wolf looked at her and Charlotte gasped at its piercing gaze; it somehow seemed acutely intelligent.

  “It’s okay,” Charlotte crooned, getting a hold of herself. She knew she s
hould be afraid, but she couldn’t bring herself to walk away. She kneeled next to the wolf and gently outstretched her hands.

  “I won’t hurt you,” she promised and she placed her hands on the wolf. She was shocked by how warm and soft his fur was. She couldn’t help herself as she caressed the wolf, letting his thick soft hair run across her fingers.

  “You’re so soft,” she marveled quietly. The wolf studied her and Charlotte tried to recall if she had ever read anything about wolves and their level of intelligence.

  “I’m going to check you,” she said softly and she moved her hands along the wolf, trying to feel for any abnormalities. The wolf licked at her hands and Charlotte yelped, thinking it was going to bite her. She laughed nervously at herself and continued to examine the wolf.

  Without warning, the wolf stood up and began to move away, somewhat hobbling.

  “Wait!” Charlotte cried, “I haven’t finished examining you. Let me help you.”

  The wolf continued to move away from her.

  “Please! Let me finish!” Charlotte called out as she scrambled up to go after the wolf. The wolf moved deeper into the woods but Charlotte thought nothing of it as she moved after him. He disappeared behind a large cluster of trees and Charlotte went to follow him.

  Suddenly strong arms reached for her and Charlotte screamed as a man pulled her tightly towards him. A gag was shoved in her mouth and Charlotte’s voice was instantly muffled. She fought and flailed at her kidnapper, but it was no use and the man threw her over his shoulder as if she were nothing but a rag doll.

  The man began to sprint through the woods and Charlotte tried to twist her head to see where they were going. She kicked at the man’s waist and she beat her small fists against his back. It seemed to make no difference and she began to tire quickly. She continued to scream into her gag, her voice only a stifled cry. Her heart pounded in her chest and she felt adrenaline course through her veins. She was panting and she felt time seem to slow down as she became sickeningly aware of each passing second. She knew that no one would be able to help her.

  “Please stop fighting,” the man urged, his voice rich and gruff at the same time. There was a strange lilt to his voice, but Charlotte couldn’t place it.

  She began to cry as she continued to fight, her mind screaming for the man to release her. She tried to pull on the man’s hair but she stopped as soon as her fingers grasped his locks. His hair was the same chocolate shade as the wolf’s fur and it had the exact same quality and texture. Confused, Charlotte tried to connect the wolf and the man together. The thought was ridiculous and Charlotte wondered if she had hit her head when the man had grabbed her.

  She was pulled from her thoughts when she realized the man was slowing down. He put Charlotte down and held her tightly to him.

  “Please don’t fight me. I cannot carry you here. You need to walk.”

  He pulled the gag out of Charlotte’s mouth.

  “Who are you? What do you want with me?” she sobbed, her body shaking from fright and exertion.

  “All will be explained,” the man said calmly.

  “Please! Let me go! I won’t tell anyone,” Charlotte pleaded. The man shook his head sadly and Charlotte studied him for the first time.

  He was much taller than Charlotte, nearly a foot taller than her five foot three frame. His skin was a warm olive shade and he was shirtless, his chest broad and his abdominal muscles clearly defined. Charlotte ogled him, never having seen a man up close without his shirt before. She wanted to turn her head in embarrassment, but her eyes greedily ran over the man. His arms were muscular and his biceps bulged in a way that made Charlotte forget about being kidnapped.

  She studied his face and realized his eyes were an intelligent deep brown. His hair was a matching chocolate shade, and he had a clearly defined jaw line that made Edward seem like a little boy in comparison. Charlotte tilted her head as she realized the man resembled the wolf in more ways than one.

  “You recognized me,” the man stated.

  Charlotte shook her head, confused. “It can’t be.”


  “It’s not possible.”

  “You have no idea what is possible.”

  “I don’t care,” Charlotte said flatly, turning her head away. She was curious but she was too upset to think anymore.

  “Please, let me go,” she pleaded.

  “I’m afraid I can’t do that.”

  Charlotte waited a split second and then dashed off in the opposite direction. The man caught her within seconds.

  “Don’t make this difficult,” he huffed, hauling her back to the spot they had been moments before.

  “Let me go!” she shrieked, the tears starting to fall again.

  The man held her tightly to him and Charlotte could feel his rapidly beating heart. She inhaled and her senses were assaulted, as she smelled his intoxicating musky scent. Charlotte had never been so close to a man, and she felt a confusing thrill of being pressed against his hard body. He smelled like rain, earth and summer and Charlotte had the bizarre urge to lick his chest to see if he tasted as good as he smelled.

  She realized she was panting and she broke away, the man letting her move a few feet away.

  “You feel it, too,” he said quietly.

  “I don’t feel anything,” Charlotte lied. “What are you?”

  “A werewolf.”

  Silence hung in the air between them and Charlotte suddenly felt faint. She sank to the ground as her mind tried to wrap around the man’s answer.

  “That’s impossible.”

  “It’s not. Do you not notice my resemblance to the wolf you were helping?”

  “I noticed – but it can’t be – there was a wolf and then there was you-”

  “I am the wolf.”

  Charlotte buried her head in her hands. “Please wake up. Please wake up. Please wake up,” she murmured to herself.

  “It is not a dream, Charlotte.”

  Charlotte’s head snapped up. “How do you know my name?”

  “I know many things about you. All will be revealed in time.”

  “I don’t want cryptic answers. I want real answers!” she cried, her eyes wild.

  The man sighed and sat next to Charlotte. He reached out to her but Charlotte flinched and backed up.

  “I have been watching you since you and your family arrived yesterday. In fact, I have watched you before that. My father watched your family for many, many summers and then the responsibility fell to me. I have watched you the past few summers.”

  Charlotte’s mind swam with questions and she tried to form words in the haze of her confusion. “But why?”

  “I cannot explain just yet. Please trust me when I say I will not harm you. Now, please, you must come with me.”

  The man stood and he reached his hand out to Charlotte who reluctantly took it. When they touched, Charlotte felt a jolt of electricity run between them and she quickly snatched her hand out of his grip. The man raised his eyebrows and Charlotte, feeling foolish, put her hand back out and allowed him to help her up. Her blood began to pound in her ears and then it all stopped once he let go.

  “Do you have a name?” she asked, brushing off her skirt.

  “Yes, please forgive my manners. I am Silas.”

  Charlotte studied Silas and then nodded, the name seemed to suit him. Her eyes darted in the direction she came.

  “Please stop thinking of ways to escape. I am much faster and stronger than you.”

  Charlotte squeezed her eyes shut and tried to stop the tidal wave of emotion and fear that was about to sweep her under. She pictured little Abigail, with her wild blonde hair. She thought of headstrong Bessie, with her unruly golden curls that were always coming undone. Charlotte choked back a sob as she thought of her loving sisters and her parents. Her beautiful mother, whom Charlotte resembled, and her stoic but loving father who the younger girls took after.

  Charlotte nodded, her grief crushing, as she knew s
he had no choice but to follow Silas.

  Silas moved towards a spot in the forest where two trees seemed to grow and meld together so that their trunks seemed to make a gnarled and twisted arch.

  “This will feel strange. Do not be alarmed,” he warned.

  Charlotte looked quizzically at him. He was gesturing for her to walk under the arch. Why would it feel strange?

  “Go on,” he urged, motioning for Charlotte to walk first. Rolling her eyes, Charlotte moved under the arch. Immediately, Charlotte felt a compressing sensation and her eyes widened with surprise as she felt her lungs squeeze together along with the rest of her body. She couldn’t breathe and she wanted to turn around but couldn’t. There was no arch. The air was no longer heavy with summer smells. There was nothing but white. Charlotte blinked in the blinding light and struggled to breathe. She took another step forward and felt a release.

  She fell to the ground and began coughing as she recovered from what had just happened. After she took a few deep breaths she realized that something was different.

  Very different.

  She was no longer in the woods. She, in fact, had no idea where she was. The first thing she noticed was that the air was different. It hung heavier, and it was intoxicatingly fragrant with smells that Charlotte couldn’t place. The ground was covered with a moss- like plant, but the green shade was off; it was unnaturally bright. But most alarming, and stunning, was the sky.

  Charlotte gaped at the expansive pink sky. It was the same warm shade as a vibrant sunset, but it was clearly not sunset. A bright white orb hung low and large in the sky and Charlotte would have thought it was the moon but it was too big and too white. Not only that, but there were several smaller circles in the sky and Charlotte wondered if they were planets or stars. She counted seven and their colorsthey ranged from bright blue to a deep orange.

  Charlotte felt faint and she stumbled backwards – right into Silas’ arms.


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