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Virgin In Heat (The Beast's Forced Mating)

Page 3

by Bree Bellucci

  Charlotte began to weep softly, her emotions in a jumble. Silas propped himself up on his elbows and wiped at her tears.

  “No need to cry. You will make everything right.”

  “I don’t understand,” she wept.

  “Not yet.”

  Suddenly the sky went black and a terrible shrieking filled the air.

  “Quick!” Silas roared, and he yanked Charlotte up and dragged her towards the back of the house. Charlotte wasn’t familiar with the terrain and she stumbled and fell in her terrorized state. Silas pulled her inside and slammed the door. Charlotte could see nothing inside the dark house, and Silas picked her up and ran. Charlotte was vaguely aware of her naked body pressed against Silas’ sweat-soaked skin.

  Silas fumbled with a door and he tossed Charlotte inside where she fell a few feet and landed on soft dirt. Silas threw himself on top of her and he pulled the doors closed over them. The shrieking continued and Charlotte realized she was shaking. After what felt like an eternity, the shrieking stopped.

  “Stay still,” Silas hissed and Charlotte obeyed, too scared to breathe. They sat crouched in the dark, Charlotte’s body sandwiched between the damp earth and Silas’ muscular body. Finally, Silas moved and he tentatively pushed open the door. Charlotte could see light filtering into the house so she knew the darkness was gone. He rose and he pulled Charlotte out of the dark shelter.

  “Wh-what was that?” she stuttered as she stood on the wood floors of Silas’ house, her whole body quivering.

  “That was The Darkness. Usha is angry. She knows something has changed.”

  “Who? What do you mean angry? Because of me?” Charlotte became very aware that she was standing naked in front of Silas, covered in dirt.

  Silas’ face softened slightly. “Come. Let’s get you clean, and then I can explain what I know. But first –” he moved towards the window and he whistled a strange sound.

  A bird flew into the window and perched on the sill. At closer examination, Charlotte saw it wasn’t exactly a bird. It had the body of a bird and the head was that of a cat. The creature's fur was a deep magenta shade, and it cocked its head at Silas, waiting.

  Silas began to speak in a soft, foreign language, strange sounds rolled fluidly off his tongue. The animal spoke back to Silas in the same strange tongue and then flew off.

  Silas reached for Charlotte’s hand and guided her upstairs. She was happy to see that Silas had many of the same comforts of her home, as well as a few amenities she didn’t recognize. He led her upstairs to a bathroom where a hot bath waited for her. She asked no questions and gratefully climbed into the warm tub.

  “I will leave you to a few minutes of privacy,” he said, ducking out of the bathroom.

  Terror gripped Charlotte. She still had no idea what had just happened with the thing called The Darkness and she didn’t want to be left alone.


  “Do not worry. I will be just outside this door.” He nodded chivalrously, and slipped out.

  Charlotte tried to relax, but found it impossible, so instead she busied herself with cleaning up. She focused on the task at hand and tried not to think of how she had just given her most precious gift, her purity, to a stranger – and a werewolf at that.

  Fat tears slid down her cheeks as she scrubbed her arms and legs. The bar of soap that was left on the side of the tub was a rich lavender, and the bathroom quickly filled with the relaxing aroma. When Charlotte was satisfied that she had scrubbed every inch of her skin, she stepped out of the tub. A towel rested on a table nearby and she wrapped herself in it and stepped out of the room.

  Silas was sitting on the bed, his spine stiff and he turned to look at Charlotte.

  “There are clothes laid out for you,” he explained, gesturing to a bench. “I will be right out.”

  Charlotte nodded silently as she watched Silas enter the bathroom. She wondered where Silas had found female clothes, but she knew it was better not to ask. She moved towards the clothes and she saw that they were beautiful and unlike anything she had ever owned. She slipped into the garments and examined herself in the mirror.

  The dress was a soft emerald shade that matched her eyes perfectly. It had a high neck and flared sleeves with two small bands of gold at the elbow. The dress hugged her body until it reached her waist, where a thick band of gold rope separated the top from the bottom. It fell loosely to the ground, the material flowed in soft folds as it swirled around her feet.

  Charlotte was surprised to see that her hair was down and she forgot that Silas had tugged it free when he took her body for his own. She saw a gold and emerald hair comb and decided to leave her hair down – something she had never done. She smoothed down her soft curls and pulled one side back before sliding the delicate clip into her hair.

  “You look beautiful,” Silas said hoarsely, and Charlotte jumped with surprise and turned towards him.

  “I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to startle you,” he said, and Charlotte tried to read his haunted look. His eyes raked over her and they were filled with such sadness and sorrow that Charlotte wanted to weep herself. A knock from somewhere downstairs broke the spell, and Silas ducked his head.

  “Excuse me,” he said and he hurried from the room.

  Charlotte stood dumbly in the room and then heard voices drifting up from downstairs. She crept to the door and listened. She heard Silas speak.

  “I had to send for you. You must send the pack out now. Usha knows and it will only be a matter of time.”

  “But are you sure?” a strange voice asked.

  “I’m certain. You must not waste time. Make sure her family is unharmed.”

  “How many humans?”

  “A grown male and female, and two small female children.”

  Charlotte’s blood ran cold. They were talking about her family.

  “And what if-” the voice asked.

  “I can’t think of that now,” Silas growled. “She is our priority, but I don’t want her family harmed if we can help it. Leave them a guard.”

  “As you wish.” The second voice conceded.

  Charlotte sank to the floor. Silas never said her family’s names, but it had to be them that he was discussing. Her parents and her two small sisters. Charlotte’s heart ached for Abigail and Bessie.

  The door to the bedroom opened and Silas saw Charlotte on the floor. His face was devoid of all pain and longing from earlier and he helped Charlotte up.

  “You heard,” he said simply.

  “Please, tell me what is going on. Where am I? Why am I here? Who is Usha?”

  Charlotte had barely stopped speaking before Silas’ lips crushed against her own soft lips and she gasped into Silas’ mouth.

  “Stop!” she protested, trying in vain to push him away, so she could focus on her worries. Silas was much bigger and stronger; it was pointless.

  “You want it!” he said angrily and his chocolate eyes turned from brown to yellow. Charlotte looked at him fearfully; the change in his eyes made him look feral.

  “I don’t! You’re frightening me!” Her voice was stronger now.

  Silas cursed and his eyes morphed back into their warm brown color. He pressed his hands to Charlotte’s body and she suddenly felt her desire skyrocket. She moaned wantonly as Silas slipped his tongue into her mouth.

  Charlotte sucked on his tongue, desperate for whatever she could have. Charlotte felt her body give over to Silas and she wanted to please him in a way she couldn’t understand.

  Silas gently pushed her to her knees and he slowly undid his pants. His thick cock sprang free and Charlotte saw it was growing hard before her eyes.

  “Take me in your mouth. Suck me.”

  Charlotte gazed at him wide-eyed, but she obeyed, slowly wrapping her mouth around him. He was warm and solid and she liked the way he sat heavily in her mouth. She slowly moved her mouth up and down as she acquainted herself with his throbbing member.

  Silas groaned and rocked on his heels as

Charlotte slid her mouth up and down his shaft.

  “That’s right. You’re mine. You will start to crave me, Charlotte.”

  The more he moaned, the more Charlotte wanted to please him and she worked tirelessly. Did other people do this, she wondered? She clearly had lived a sheltered life.

  “Don’t be afraid,” Silas gasped and Charlotte wanted to ask him why but the words froze on her tongue. As she sucked Silas she saw his body begin to vibrate and blur, and suddenly he was no longer Silas - but the wolf. The images continued to vibrate, and the lines between wolf and man blurred. Charlotte stopped, frightened, but then his shape vibrated again and Silas was before her once more.

  “Don’t stop,” he choked, “I can’t help it! I won’t hurt you.”

  For some reason, Charlotte trusted him, and she continued to suck on him, watching in awe as his shape changed back and forth before her eyes.

  Her mouth slid along his ridges and she milked his tip, realizing that elicited the most moans from him. She was desperate for him, the hunger in her belly growing stronger as she took him in her mouth and pleasured him. She felt like a different person. Hours ago she was only a girl and now she was a full-fledged woman, desiring the body of a man.

  “Charlotte! I’m going to cum!”

  Charlotte didn’t understand but next thing she knew she felt a warm gush of fluid in her mouth, and alarmed, she tried to pull off. Silas held her head tightly to his cock as he continued to spurt into her mouth.

  “Swallow!” he commanded, and Charlotte understood, gulping down his thick, creamy semen. She swallowed again and again as Silas emptied himself into her warm mouth and finally he ran dry. She pulled off, wiping at her mouth; she could still taste his salty fluids on her tongue.

  “Silas!” A voice called from downstairs.

  “Damnit!” he cursed, reaching down to pull Charlotte up. Dazed, Charlotte tried to gather herself. She had just thoroughly enjoyed sucking off Silas, and her body ached to feel and taste his warm girth again.

  “We might as well get this over with,” Silas sighed, and he beckoned for Charlotte to follow him. They went down the steep wooden stairs and Charlotte gaped at what she found in Silas’ sitting room. The creature at first appeared to be a man, but he had the body of a horse.

  Charlotte couldn’t help but gape.

  The centaur scoffed. “I take it your human has never seen a centaur before.”

  “Rys, I doubt she even knows what a centaur is,” Silas said, gently pulling on Charlotte’s hand. “Charlotte, this is Rys. Please don’t mind him, he’s a bit of an ass.”

  Charlotte tried to smile politely, but the movement felt false and she sat in a nearby chair, holding her gaze on the extraordinary creature.

  Rys waved Charlotte off and trotted towards Silas.

  “We’ve got a major problem on our hands,” he said, gesturing to Charlotte.

  “They were going to kill her.”

  This got Charlotte’s attention and she snapped out of her daze and remembered what she and Silas were talking about before he distracted her with his cock.

  “You didn’t answer my questions!” she accused, jumping out of her seat. For some reason, her anger made her feel aroused and she tried to rectify her two feelings.

  “Have you told the child nothing?” Rys chided and Silas shook his head.

  Rys’ face suddenly softened and he took Charlotte’s hand sympathetically.

  “There, there, child,” he soothed, “We shall explain. I’m sure you’re very frightened.”

  Rys’ kindness touched Charlotte, and she nodded as a few tears slid down her cheeks. It had been such a confusing and terrifying day. She looked at Rys more closely and noticed he was handsome in a strange way. His skin was a dark tan, and he had jet-black hair that hung to his waist. His eyes were a golden amber shade and Charlotte found herself trusting his warm eyes.

  Silas stood and pulled three mugs from a cabinet. He poured a type of red liquid into each mug and passed them to Rys and Charlotte. Rys drank immediately but Charlotte hesitated.

  “Fairy Mead,” Silas explained. “Try it. You’ll like it.”

  Charlotte took a sip and she closed her eyes as the delicious liquid ran over her tongue. It was unlike anything she had ever tasted. It was sweet and tart from unknown flavors and it warmed her insides immediately. She went to take another long drink of the mead.

  “Careful my dear,” Rys warned. “It’s alcohol.”

  Charlotte’s eyes widened and she carefully set her mug down. She had only had sips of alcohol on special occasions.

  Rys smiled at her and Charlotte watched how he only sipped his drink. She made a mental note to only sip.

  Silas cleared his throat and ran his hand through his wild hair before he began to speak.

  “Usha is the ruler of Ma’iap. We were once a peaceful world under her mother's rule, she was a kind and gentle queen. Usha was greedy and power hungry and she killed her mother and usurped the throne. She is of a special breed, the Blessed Lupa Fae. They are a dying race and only their females can rule. Since Usha has taken over, she has used dark magic to prevent herself from aging and she has imprisoned or killed the only other Lupa Fae in our world. She will bear no children to ensure that there is no further competition.”

  “But what does this have to do with me?” Charlotte interrupted.

  Silas nodded and continued. “We of Ma’iap grew up with a tale called The Lake Princess. It has been passed down from our ancestors. The tale tells of a time in Ma’iap when there is great darkness and discord. Harmony is lost. But the Princess of the Lake is found. She was a child of Ma’iap, and a Blessed Lupa Fae at that. . She grew up on a faraway lake in another world, biding her time until she was rightfully returned to Ma’iap. When Ma’iap is at it’s darkest hour, the Princess of the Lake will be summoned. She will be pure of Ma’iap’s darkness and once she accepts her rightful place she will rid Ma’iap of it’s evil and restore peace and prosperity.”

  Charlotte looked stupidly at Silas.

  “I still don’t follow,” she said lamely.

  Rys jumped in. “My dear,” he said slowly. “We believe the tale is about you. You are the Lake Princess.”

  Charlotte blinked.

  She looked from Rys to Silas and back once more.

  Her heart pounded in her chest.

  She wanted to laugh hysterically, but her body seemed frozen.

  “That’s ridiculous,” she whispered.

  “But it’s not,” Rys said quietly.

  “It’s not me at all,” Charlotte said her voice rising.” First of all, I’m not a child of Ma’iap! And I’m not a princess! And if you’re referring to the lake, I didn’t grow up there! We only visit in the summer!”

  “It’s all relative,” Silas explained, cutting her off. “It’s not meant to be completely literal, but it’s pretty damn close. Usha grew up with the tale as well, and her father is partially to blame for it coming true. She wants to kill you because she will take every precaution to protect her throne.”

  “I don’t want her throne!” Charlotte screeched, “I don’t want any part of your twisted fairy tale! Can’t you see that? Please, I’m very sorry for what is happening in your world, but I have no connection! I just want to go back to my world.”

  Rys held his hand up to silence her and Charlotte fell silent.

  “Have you ever wondered why your sisters are golden-haired?” he asked.

  Charlotte shrugged. “They take after my father.”

  “But why don’t you?”

  “Because I don’t,” she said defiantly. “What is your point?”

  “You do not resemble your father, because he is not your birth father.”

  “How dare you,” she hissed, feeling her anger bubble up inside of her. First, Silas seduced her and now she was being told her father was not actually her father.

  “Hear us out,” Silas said, running his hand along the bare skin of her arm.

Charlotte felt instantly calm from his touch, and consequently aroused.

  “Do you feel that?” Silas whispered. “Do you feel our connection? Do you wonder why you can’t resist me?”

  Charlotte thought it was her mind playing tricks on her. And the more Silas and she touched, the more and more drawn she felt to him.

  “It is in my blood to be drawn to Lupa Fae since I am a werewolf. Blessed Lupa Fae only heightens the sensation because of your connection to nature, and it becomes stronger and stronger.”

  “You’re trying to tell me that I am a Blessed Lupa Fae?”

  “Yes,” both men said.

  “I don’t even know what that is! I’m a human!”

  “There is more to Usha’s story,” Rys spoke up. “Her father was a charming, beautiful man who liked to collect females. Especially exotic females. Usha’s mother, the queen, was beautiful but she alone could not keep him satisfied. It is rumored that he discovered the portal that leads directly to the woods by your lake. Until then, no one knew that portal existed. He found a beautiful dark-haired maiden in those woods and he easily seduced her. The Lupa Fae are highly magical and intoxicatingly beautiful to humans. He mated with this lovely human, and her belly swelled with his child.”

  Charlotte stared blankly.

  “We believe you are their love child,” Silas said gently.

  Charlotte barked a laugh.

  “You think my mother took a lover before she married my father?” she asked incredulously.

  Rys nodded solemnly. “Of course we don’t know the details of your parents’ marriage, but that is what we have put together. Tell me, did your home on the lake belong to your mother’s family?”

  Charlotte nodded. Her grandfather had built the cabin, and her mother spent childhood summers at the lake, just as Charlotte subsequently had.

  “You’ll need more proof,” Charlotte said stubbornly.


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