and timing of invasion of mainland Europe 287, 288, 292, 293, 294, 296, 304–5, 343, page 6 of insert
wants to prevent Russians from reaching Berlin first 309
war machine 246–48, 249–50
wartime journeys 302–3, 304, 306–7, 307–8
as wartime leader 239–44, 244–46, 249
wins vote of confidence 282
working with 265–69
worries about postwar power of Russia 304
Yalta Conference 312, 314
aggressive parliamentary 87
at Harvard 309
on Battle of Britain 255
on becoming Prime Minister 238
on Bolshevism 164, 232
on British decline 331
Budget Day 178, 185–86, 239
changes method of delivery 200–201
on Cold War 328–29
on defense and rearmament 215, 218, page 3 of insert
dries up during 84–85
during period in trenches 151, 152
early 39, 63, 70
on Egyptian constitutional reform 204
election day (1945) 240
on fall of Singapore 283
on first month of war 231
on French fleet 256
on India 200, 201, 202–3
on Ireland 173–74
last major 347–48
lecture tours 83, 186–88, 200, 201
maiden in the House 84, 85
maiden political 70–71
on meeting with Roosevelt 264
meticulous preparations for 84, 178, 239, 266, 338
national manifesto 253
on naval estimates 130, 151
on Nazi threat 211–12, 218–19, 227, 232
on Norwegian Campaign 236
on nuclear weapons 330
on parliamentary reform 107
on principles of democracy and freedom 311
publication of 223
on radio 179, 230–31, 231–32, 255
recordings of 367
on social reform 109
on socialism 332
on strategic value of Egypt 336
to Congress 281, 293
on united Europe 329
VE Day 316
wartime 239–40, 255
on wartime decision-making 275
and USA
attitude toward 260–61
criticism of 182
first impressions of 45–46
lecture tours 186–88, 198, 201
and Soviet threat 327, 328–29
unpreparedness in face of Nazi threat 223
views on relations with 4–5, 89, 158, 182, 188, 201, 328, 329, 334, 337, 340, 347–48
visits to 188, 201, 279–81, 287, 303, 309, 328–29, 335, 351–52
views on
Boer cause 84, 94
Bolshevism 163–66
Britain’s declining place in world 334–35
British Empire 4, 5, 11, 26, 35, 52–53, 58, 70, 86, 89–90, 98, 167, 199, 205, 275
Cold War 330, 333–34, 334, 335, 339, 340–41
colonial policing 167
colonial subjects 93
English-speaking civilization 4, 52, 182, 201, 260, 275, 29, 336
European integration 4, 89
India 197, 198, 199, 200, 201–8, 331
Ireland 85, 127–30
Jewish homeland 171
monarchy 112
MPs pay 72
nuclear weapons 330, 336, 337, 339, 347–48
party loyalty 86–87
party politics 335
relations with USA 4–5, 89–90, 158, 182, 188, 201, 328, 329, 334, 337, 340, 347–48
rule of law 167
size of Army 51, 72, 85–86
social reform 7, 98–99, 100, 105–11, 114, 119, 185
socialism 175, 333
tariff reform and protectionism 87, 89, 90, 175–76, 199
treatment of Germany after First World War 160, 162, 165–66, 182
treatment of indigenous peoples 96, 99
war 57–58, 81, 120
“wilderness years” 19, 147, 195, 197, 242–43
writings about 2–3, 358–65, 368–70
writings of
autobiographies 175, 223
biographies 11, 19, 88, 92, 186, 200, 216–17, 222, 223
on colonial campaigns 58, 59–60, 63, 69, 71–72, 73, 80, 83
on First World War 131, 175, 189, 200, 223
for newspapers and magazines 47, 55–56, 57, 63–68, 69, 74, 79, 80, 83, 97, 152, 184, 187, 187–88, 193, 196, 207, 217, 222
novel 60
other historical works 222–23, 260, 349–50
profusion of 222–23
on Second World War 324, 327, 341–44, 346
on travels 97
civil aviation 167
Clemenceau, Georges 158, 254
Clerical Tithes Bill 73
coal industry 183, 184
Coal and Steel Community 337
Coalition government 161–75
Churchill drawn closer to heart of 172
end of 174–75
Cochran, Bourke 45–46, 49
Cohen, Ronald 367
Cold War 277, 317, 328, 334, 341, 343, 347–48
collective security 210
collectivism 333
Collins, Michael 173
Colonial Office 92, 93, 100, 128, 166, 168, 169, 173, 368
Churchill as Colonial Secretary 166, 168–73
Colville, Jock 230, 243, 300, 356
Combined Operations Command 248
Committee of Imperial Defense 116, 125–26, 137, 215
Commonwealth 162, 204, 304, 306, 329, 338
Communists 120, 163–66, 304, 310, 314
Congress, Churchill addresses 281
Connaught, Duke of 190
conscription, First World War 153
Conservative Party
Chamberlain remains leader of 244
Churchill assumes leadership of 259
Churchill estranged from leadership of in 1930s 200
Churchill leaves 87–88, 90–91
Churchill looks to rejoin 175
Churchill loses Oldham by-election 72
Churchill retains leadership after 1945 330–31
Churchill returns to 176
Churchill stands down as leader of 347
Churchill’s differences with 79, 85–56, 87, 89, 197
and coalition government 144, 154
do not undo work of Labor governments 333–34
electoral defeat (1929) 186, 197, 199–201
Liberals discuss coalition with 113
lose 1950 election 332
recovery in January 1910 election 111
resist Churchill’s return to government 154, 155
support for coalition wanes 174
win 1931 election 200
win 1951 election 332
Constantinople 140, 140
Coolidge, Calvin 182
Cooper, Diana 213
Cooper, Duff 206, 213, 216
Corn Laws 89
cotton industry 207
coupon election (December 1918) 160, 161
Courageous 232
Courtney, Group Captain Ivor 124
Coventry, bombing of 21
Cranborne 217
Crete 272
Crimean War 44
Cripps, Sir Stafford 283–84, 285
Cromer, Lord 72
cryptography 124
Cuba 44–47
Cunningham, Admiral Andrew 247, 295, 299, 309, 314, 320
Curzon, Lady Georgina 14
Curzon, Lord 71, 107, 148, 360
Cyprus 97, 293
Czechoslovakia 216, 217, 219, 221, 250
communist takeover 329
D-Day landings 233, 292, 293, 296, 302, 304, 305–6
Daily Express 84, 179
Daily Graphic 36, 47
Daily Mail 71, 207
Daily Mirror 237
Daily Telegraph 56, 219, 222, 341
Dardanelles campaign 19, 139–45, 152, 155, 226
Darwinism 52
Davidson, H. O. D. 34
Davidson, J. C. C. 184–85
de Gaulle, General Charles 254–55, 302, 368
de Robeck, Admiral John 142
Deakin, Captain William 341, 350
decolonization 173, 336
Deepdene 48, 55
defense cuts (1920s) 180–81
Defense Regulations 258
Delagoa Bay 77
Delhi 272
Denikin, General Anton 166
Denmark 250
Dervishes 65, 66, 67, 68, 73
D’Este, Carlo 369
Devonshire, Duchess of 55
Diamond Hill, Battle of 81
Dill, Sir John 247, 268
Dillon family 14
Dimbleby, Richard 354
Cold War era 347
inter-war 180, 181, 208, 209
Disraeli, Benjamin 27, 43, 70, 88
Ditchley Park 14, 20–23, 261, 268
Dogger Bank, Battle of 133
Dorman O’Gowan, Eric 343
Dowding, Air Chief Marshal Sir Hugh 257
Downing Street 259, 268, 327, 332, page 7 of insert
dreadnoughts 120, 121, 138
Druids 15
Drummond-Wolff, Sir Henry 45
Dublin 27
Dublin Fusiliers 75
Duchy of Lancaster 144
Dulles, John Foster 340
Churchill loses seat (1922) 175
Churchill wins by-election (1917) 155
Churchill’s election successes in 101, 111
Dunkirk 234, 252–53
Durban 78
Durban Light Infantry 75
Durham Light Infantry 61
Duveen, Sir Joseph 193
Eade, Charles 367, 368
East Africa 174
East Kent Regiment (the Buffs) 57
Eastern Morning News 70
Eden, Anthony 21, 206, 216, 243, 265, 268, 272, 296, 298, 309, 315, 316, 330, 334, 336, 338, 339, 351, 360, page 7 of insert
Edward VII, King 18, 26–27, 49, 54, 59, 69, 73, 91–92, 95, 108, 112, 113
Edward VIII, King, abdication of 197, 213
British stronghold in 169
constitutional reform in 204
end of British base rights in 336
proposed campaign in 51
Second World War 287, 290
Sudan campaign 62–68
Eighth Army 307
Eisenhower, General Dwight D. 291, 301, 306, 335, 337, 339, 340, page 5 of insert
Elgin, Lord 59, 93, 96, 168
Elizabeth II, Queen 351, 354, 355–56, 357
coronation 23, 338
Elliot, Maxine 224, 345
Enchantress (Admiralty yacht) 120
Enigma 283
HMS Enterprise 306
Entertainments Protection League 39
Epping 177
Esher, Lord 155
Churchill accused of neglecting in favor of US 340
integration 337
postwar 329, 332
European Defense Community 336
European Economic Community 337
Evening Standard 196, 222
Everest, Elizabeth (nanny) 13, 25, 28, 31, 32, 40
Falklands, Battle of the 133
Far East, Second World War 251, 253–54, 274, 277–80, 282–83, 284–85, 296–98, 308
Faud, King 170
Feisal, King 170
Finest Hour: The Journal of Winston Churchill 370
First World War 130–60
build-up to 115–17
changes wrought by 26, 48
Churchill in the trenches 147–54
Dardanelles and Gallipoli 19, 139–45, 152
size of British Army during 42
Western Front 17, 139, 147–54
Fisher, Admiral Jackie 7, 123, 124, 138–39, 140, 142, 143, 144, 151, 247
Flanders 157
Fletcher, Ernest 89
Focus Group 210, 213, 219
Foreign Office 168, 169, 221, 232, 298, 300, 309, 336
Fortnightly Review 61
British destroy warships in Oran 242, 255
Churchill visits after D-Day 303, 305, 311
fall of 250–58, 270
German invasion (1914) 116
German invasion (1940) 251
importance of army in face of Nazi threat 209, 212
level of British support for 251–52
liberation of 311
post 1945 329
Free Food League 90
Free French 254, 294
free trade 89, 176, 199
French, General Sir John 80, 135, 146, 147, 148, 360
Frewin, Morton 60
Fulton (Missouri) 328
Gallipoli, Battle of 6, 139, 140, 141–42, 144, 146, 148, 151, 161
Gandhi, Mahatma 202, 286, 363, 368
Gardener, A. G. 189
Garrod, Air Chief Marshal Guy 341
Garron Tower 191
General Strike 79, 183–85, 350
George III, King 9
George V, King 112, 193
HMS George V 303
George VI, King 212, 214, 243, 305, 319, 361
Georges, General 212
and Allied invasion of mainland Europe 305
army 86
British ultimatum to (1914) 131
build-up to First World War 116, 119, 123, 125–26
build-up to Second World War 214–21
Churchill discourages scaremongering about 110
Churchill refuses to consider settlement with (1940) 256–57
Churchill relishes prospect of war with (1914) 130, 132
Churchill visits (1909) 105, 120
Churchill’s view on treatment of defeated 160, 162
Churchill’s warnings about threat of Nazis 196, 198, 208–12, 218–19, 227, 232
declares war on Russia (1914) 131
declares war on USA 264
fall of France 250–58
invasion of Austria and Czechoslovakia 217, 250
invasion of Poland 250
invasion of Soviet Union 270, 276–77, 278
invasion of Western Europe 236, 250–51
investment in submarines 227
need to rearm to meet Bolshevik threat 163
North African campaign 271
offensive 1918 158
plans for postwar 308
postwar zones of occupation 312
Second World War 181, 226–321
strategic bombing of 270, 303
strength of air power 214
surrender (1945) 315
threatened invasion of Britain 257
war in the Mediterranean 271, 273
war in the Middle East 273
Ghana 336
Gibraltar 294, 303
Gilbert, Sir Martin 368
Gladstone, William 354
gold standard 179, 183
Gordon, General 62
Göring, Hermann 258
Gorst, Sir John 90
Gott, Lieutenant General William “Strafer” 288
Grace, W. G. 31
Graf Spee 232
Graham, William 199
great depression 161, 185
Greece 272, 303, 304, 309, 311, 314
Greek–Turkish war 55
Grenadier Guards 147, 354, 355
Gray, Edward 116, 117, 119, 124, 136
Griffith, Arthur 173
Guatemala 331
Guedalla, Philip 30
Haggard, Rider 14, 31
Haig, Douglas 42, 157, 158, 247
Haldane, Captain Aylmer 61, 75, 126, 177
Halifax, Lord 221, 232, 237, 243, 244, 257, 262
Hamblin, Grace 356
Hamilton, Duke of 22
Hamilton, Colonel Ian 61, 75, 81, 142
Hammarskjöld, Dag 363
Hankey, Sir Maurice 155
Harcourt, Lewis, Viscount 14
Harmsworth, Alfred 70
Harmsworth, Esmond 207
Harriman, Averell 21, 278, 289
Harris, Air Chief Marshall Sir Arthur 270, 314
Harrow school 14, 32, 33–37, page 1 of insert
Harvard University 309
Harvey, Oliver 370
Hastings, Max 358–59, 369
Havana (Cuba) 45
Hawksmoor, Nicholas 9
Heligoland, Battle of 133
Henley Squadron 17
Henty, G. A. 14
Hess, Rudolf 22
Hever Castle 193
Hindu–Muslim violence 205
A History of the English-Speaking Peoples 223, 260, 349–50
Hitler, Adolf 196, 258–59, 262, 277, 319, 368
and appeasement 216, 221
European ambitions 221
invades Austria and Czechoslovakia 217
invades Western Europe 236, 251
and invasion of Britain 257
rise of 208–12
suicide 315, 316
to be no peace with 257
view of Churchill 249
Hoare, Sir Samuel 231, 236
Hobart, Percy 248
Holmes, Marian 267
Holmes, Richard 368
Home Guard 258
Home Office, Churchill at 16, 111–16, 119
Home Rule Bill 129
Hong Kong, fall of 280
HMS Hood 242, 273
Hooligans (“Hughligans”) 88–89
Hoover, Herbert 182, 187
Hopkins, Harry 21, 261–62, 278, 286
House of Lords
and People’s Budget 106, 112
reform of 107–108, 112
housing 334
Howard, John 77
Howard, Sir Michael 294
Hozier, Clementine see Churchill, Clementine
Hull, Cordell 265
Hungary 310
Hurlingham Club 91
Hyde Park Agreement 319
Hyderabad 54
Iceland 264
Churchill opposes political reform in 197, 198, 199, 200, 201–8
Churchill’s military service in 47, 48, 48–61, 71
Churchill’s stand against civil disobedience in 285, 286
Cripps’s mission to 284–86
independence 331, 336
independence movement 284–86, 313
and Middle East policy 168, 169
misguided “forward policy” 58
Northwest Frontier 55–58
promise of Dominion Status 200, 202, 203
Second World War 284–85, 286, 297–98, 299
India Act (1935) 207, 218
India Office 168, 169
Indian Empire Society 206
Indian National Congress 202, 205, 284
Indian Ocean 298
industrial relations 156
Inskip 217
intelligence 249, 276
Inter-Regimental Polo Tournament 50
International Disarmament Conference 209
IRA 170, 172
Iran 231, 273, 290, 331
Iraq 6, 167, 168, 169, 170–71, 171, 204, 273
Churchill Page 46