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Page 47

by Ashley Jackson


  Churchill turns down Irish Office 111

  Churchill’s policies/views on 2, 79, 85, 127–30, 143, 171–74

  Home Rule 85, 104, 127–30, 172

  Irish Free State 173, 204

  John Spencer-Churchill Lord-Lieutenant of 26–27

  loss of British naval bases in 204

  membership of Commonwealth 204

  support of Irish MPs for Liberal government 104, 129

  Irish Free State Bill (1922) 173

  Iron Curtain 277, 315

  Ironside, General 221

  Irwin, Lord 200, 202

  Ismay, Major-General Hastings “Pug” 5, 229, 235, 250, 292, 298, 334, 341

  Istria 308


  Allied invasion of 294, 302

  declares war on British Empire 254

  fall of Mussolini 295

  invades Albania 220

  Second World War 181, 196, 251, 269, 270–71, 274, 291, 294, 303, 305, 307

  Jacob, Sir Ian 229, 241, 245, 250, 265, 266, 267–68, 274

  James, Revd. J. E. 356

  James, Robert Rhodes 364–65, 368

  James, Captain W. H. 36, 41

  Jameson Raid 47, 74


  Churchill perceives no serious threat in 1930s 196

  militarism and expansionism 211

  naval superiority 272–73

  remote prospect of war with 180–81

  rising power of 162

  Second World War 6, 181, 272–73, 274, 277–81

  attack on Pearl Harbor 264, 278

  Churchill favors strike at home islands 308

  Churchill unwilling to risk war with (1940) 254

  Churchill wants to recover lost colonies from 298

  declares war on USA 264

  need to bring conclusion to conflict 318–19

  Singapore falls to 242, 277–78, 283

  threat to Australia 275

  threat to British possessions in Southeast Asia and the Far East 274, 277–78, 286

  US dominate war against 299

  Jebel Surgham 66

  Jenkins, Roy 236, 323, 341, 368

  Jerome, Leonard 11, 54

  Jerome, Mrs. Leonard 10, 11, 40

  Jerusalem 171

  Jeune, Sir Francis 63


  Arab hostility toward 171

  in Manchester 92

  Jodhpore 71

  Johannesburg 80, 83

  Johnson, Colonel Louis 286

  Johnson, Paul 368

  Jones, Thomas 186

  Jutland, Battle of 154

  HMS Kelvin 303, 305

  Kenya 98, 169, 174

  Keynes, John Maynard 179

  Khartoum 63, 64, 66

  Khyber Pass 58

  King, Admiral Ernest 297, 298, 305

  Kinsky, Colonel 35

  Kitchener, Lord Herbert Horatio 135, 136, 138, 247, 350, 360

  army reforms 122

  Churchill’s criticism of 73, 80, 149

  and Dardanelles campaign 139, 140, 142, 144, 149

  in Egypt and Sudan 49, 51, 62–66

  as Secretary of State for War 138

  Kristallnacht 221

  labor exchanges 105, 106

  Labor Party

  achievement of postwar governments 332–34

  against rearmament 210

  Churchill criticizes government of 331–32

  Churchill’s parliamentary attacks on 199, 317

  distrust of Churchill 165, 184, 200

  emergence of 87

  growing support for 174

  Liberal government dependent on support of (Jan. 1910) 111

  wartime support for Churchill 244

  wins 1923 election 176

  wins 1929 election 185–86

  wins 1945 election 317, 318, 325

  labor relations 156

  Ladysmith, siege of 75, 80

  Lancashire Hussars 75

  Langworth, Richard 367, 368

  Lansbury, George 218

  Lansdowne, Lord 51

  Lavery, Sir John 225

  Layton, Elizabeth 266, 267

  League of Nations 182, 210–11, 211, 217, 313

  Leicester 176

  Lend-Lease scheme 22, 261, 262, 276, 307

  Lenin, V. I. 164

  Lennox-Boyd, Alan 335

  Leslie, Ann 92, 102

  Liberal Party

  Churchill joins (1904) 87, 90–91

  Churchill lacks personal following in 143

  Churchill wins Northwest Manchester for 92

  Churchill’s sympathies for 85

  December 1910 election 113

  decline of 175, 175–76

  discuss coalition with Conservatives 113

  end of coalition government 174

  form coalition government 143, 154

  and free trade 199

  landslide victory in 1906 election 90, 92

  social reforms 105–11

  weakened position in January 1910 election 111

  Libya 276

  Licensing Bill 107

  Liddell Hart, Basil 368

  Life magazine 341, 345

  Lindemann, Frederick 23, 214, 215, 228, 243, 270, 368

  Linlithgow, Lord 286

  Liverpool 108

  Ljubljana Gap 306

  Lloyd George, David 109, 113, 114, 115, 137, 158, 160, 202, 227, 236, 243–44, 245, 368

  becomes Prime Minister 154–55

  and Churchill’s Russian policy 165–66

  end of Coalition government 174–75

  gives Churchill Colonial Office 168

  Irish policy 171, 172

  and postwar Coalition government 161, 162

  relationship with Churchill 85, 87, 90, 91, 105, 106, 123–24, 154–55, 165–66, 174

  resignation 174

  turns down wartime Cabinet position 240

  wants Churchill back in government 154–55

  Local Government Board 100

  Locarno Pact 180, 182

  Lockhart, Sir William 58, 61


  the Blitz 21, 259, 268–69

  as target for Luftwaffe 214

  London Season 48, 55

  Lothian, Lord 21, 261

  Louis of Battenburg, Prince 138

  Louis, William Roger 369

  Lourenço Marques 78

  Luck, General 39

  Luftwaffe 210, 214, 251, 253, 257, 258–59, 268

  Lugard, Lady 96

  Lugard, Lord 96

  Lyttelton, Oliver 284

  Lytton, Lady 224

  Lytton, Lord 101, 224

  MacArthur, General Douglas 290

  MacDonald, Ramsay 176, 186, 199, 200, 205, 207, 208, 217

  McGowan, Norman 1, 370

  Machine Gun Corps 157

  McKenna, Reginald 110, 116

  Mackenzie King, William 243

  McKibbin, Ross 325

  McMahon Act (1946) 337

  Macmillan, Harold 206, 220, 291, 300, 334, 339, 353, 354

  Macready, General Neville 114

  Mafeking, relief of 81

  Maginot Line 221, 251

  Malakand Field Force 58, 59, 73

  Malakand Pass 57

  Malaya 274, 276, 279, 285, 298

  Malaysia 336

  Malta 97, 274, 284, 295, 303, 312

  Malvern College 20

  Mamund Valley 57


  Churchill as Liberal candidate for Northwest 92

  Churchill loses by-election (1908) 100–101, 102

  Manchester, William 368

  Marder, Arthur 299

  Margaret, Princess 23

  Marlborough 223

  Marlborough, Dukes of see Churchill; Spencer-Churchill

  Marlborough, Mary 23

  Marrakech 292, 302, 303

  Marsh, Edward 94, 222, 370

  Marshall, General George 286, 296, 305

  Marshall Aid 332

  Martin, Colonel 64

>   Masterman, Charles 103, 108

  Masterman, Lucy 107

  Matabeleland 49


  British naval forces in 125, 125, 139

  Second World War 251, 254, 271, 273, 274, 278, 287, 288, 289, 291, 294, 296, 299, 301, 302, 305, 308

  Meerut 61

  Menzies, Sir Robert 368

  Middle East 168–72, 174, 254, 270, 273, 275, 278, 289, 290, 295, 298, 309

  military expenditure 180

  Milner, Sir Alfred 80, 94, 95, 96, 360

  miners 183, 185

  Miners’ Federation 183

  Mines Act 112

  Minimum Standard policy 105

  Ministry of Aircraft Production 258

  Ministry of Defense 245

  Ministry of Munitions 156–59, 248

  Ministry of Supply 219

  Moir, Phyllis 360

  Mombasa 97

  Monte Cassino, Battle of 303

  Montebello Islands 337

  Montgomery, Field Marshal Bernard 19, 288, 290, 305, 315, 342, 343

  Moran, Lord 177, 191, 250, 280, 282, 283, 284, 286, 287, 288, 291, 299, 301, 302, 309, 310, 316, 318, 319, 326, 330, 338, 339, 350, 351, 356, 358–59, 364, 370

  Morley, John 37, 87, 109

  Morning Post 63, 69, 70, 79, 80, 108, 155, 162, 164, 207

  Morocco 281

  Morton, Desmond 243, 254

  Moscow 289, 292, 303, 309, 310, 348

  Mountbatten, Admiral Lord Louis 248, 297, 298, 308, 331, 354

  Moyne, Lord 203, 207, 224

  Mulberry harbors 233, 304

  Munich, RAF attack 21

  Munich Agreement 218, 219, 221

  Mussolini, Benito 220, 295, 315

  mustard gas 157, 167

  mutinies 163

  Naples 306

  Napoleon 257

  Narvik 234

  Natal 75, 96

  national government 200, 244

  National Health Service 333

  National Liberal Club 132

  nationalism 161

  Egyptian 170

  Indian 200, 205, 284, 286

  Irish 204

  nationalization 105, 333

  Naval War Staff 124

  Nazi regime 120

  Churchill and rise of 195, 196, 198, 208–12, 218–19, 227, 232

  to be no peace with 256–57

  see also Germany; Second World War

  Nehru, Jawaharlal 202, 286

  Nel, Elizabeth 370

  Nelson, Horatio 35, 354

  Netherlands 251, 252, 303

  New York 45–46, 180

  New York Times 261

  Newcastle 109

  News of the World 222

  Nichols, Beverley 313

  Nicolson, Harold 213, 219, 230, 240, 281–82, 370

  Nile, River 64, 65, 66, 68

  Niven, David 22

  Norfolk, Duke of 354, 356

  Norman, Montagu 179

  North Africa, Second World War 254, 255, 269, 271, 272, 281, 287–94, 299

  North Atlantic, British ships in 125, 131

  North Sea, British ships in 125


  German invasion 251

  Norwegian Campaign 233–36

  Norwich 108

  Nowshera 56

  nuclear deterrence 348

  nuclear tests 336–37

  Nuneham House 14, 17

  the Observer 136

  Octagon Conference 307

  Ogden-Reed, Mrs. 285

  oil, middle Eastern 169, 170, 273, 331

  old age pensions 106, 108

  Oldham 107

  Churchill contests 1899 by-election 72, 77

  Churchill wins seat in 1900 election 82–83

  constituency disowns Churchill 90

  Omdurman, Battle of 50, 64–68, 350

  Onassis, Aristotle 324, 350, page 8 of insert

  Operation Barbarossa 276

  Operation Battleaxe 272

  Operation Culverin 297

  Operation Dragoon 306, 308

  Operation Dynamo 252

  Operation Habbakuk 233

  Operation Hope Not 354

  Operation Husky 293

  Operation Overlord 296, 304, 309

  Operation Sealion 258

  Operation Torch 281, 288, 289, 290

  Oran 242, 255

  Orange Free State 74, 80

  Ottawa 276, 281, 335

  Ottoman Empire 141, 142

  defeat of 169

  former provinces of 169, 170, 171

  Owen, Frank 283

  Oxfordshire 8, 20, 352–53

  Oxfordshire and Buckinghamshire Light Infantry 20–21

  Pacific, war in the 281, 297, 298, 301, 303, 308, 318

  Pakistan 336

  Palestine 168, 169, 171, 336

  Pall Mall Gazette 96

  Paris 311

  Parkin, G. R. 35

  Parliament Act (1911) 107–8

  Passchendaele 157

  Pathan tribesmen 55, 57

  Pax Britannica 26, 98, 118

  Pearl Harbor 264, 278

  Pelling, Henry 10, 368

  People’s Budget 91, 106, 111, 112, 350

  Persia 168

  Persia and Iraq Command 289

  Persian Gulf 170

  Peshawar 61

  Pétain, Marshal Philippe 253

  phony war 233, 236, 343

  Pim, Richard 302

  Pitt, Barrie 294

  Pitt, William, the Younger 354

  Placentia Bay, Newfoundland 263, 279

  Ploegstreet 150

  Plowden, Pamela 101

  Plumb, J. H. 8, 368

  poison gas 6, 157, 167

  Poland 221, 231, 242, 250

  postwar position of 312

  Second World War forces 290

  Soviet treatment of 277, 309, 314

  polo 50, 54, 61, 71, 85, 91

  Poona 50

  Poona Light Horse 50

  Port of London Act 109

  Port Said 55, 97

  Portal 247, 296

  Portland 131

  Portuguese East Africa 77, 78

  Potsdam Conference 303, 319

  Pound, Admiral Sir Dudley 229, 298, 320

  poverty 109

  Powell, Enoch 238

  Pownall, Lieutenant General Sir Henry 341

  Prague 221

  Pretoria 76, 80–81, 83

  Primrose League 70

  HMS Prince of Wales 242, 263, 264, 279, 281, 303

  Prior, Robin 369

  prison reform 112

  Prohibition 187

  protectionism 89, 90, 175, 199

  Quadrant Conference 295–96

  Quebec Agreement 319

  Quebec Conference 250, 263, 265, 275, 292, 295, 296, 303, 307, 309, 312

  Queen Mary 293, 303, 307

  Queen’s Own Oxfordshire Hussars 16–18, 147, 355

  radar 216

  railway strike (1910) 114

  Rangoon 284

  rearmament, inter-war 208, 209, 210, 211

  Reid, Walter 369

  HMS Renown 303, 309

  HMS Repulse 279, 281

  Reverse Lend-Lease 262

  Reves, Emery 350

  Reynaud, Paul 212, 253, 254

  Reynolds, David 369

  Rhodes 296, 301

  Rhodes, Cecil 47

  Rhondda Valley 114

  Riddell, Sir George 143

  Ridley, Lord and Lady 100

  Ritchie, Major General Neil 288

  River War 64–68, 73

  Roberts, Andrew 363

  Roberts, Lord 59, 80, 360

  Rome 55

  Rome, Treaty of 337

  Rommel, General Erwin 271

  Roosevelt, Franklin D. 22, 254, 256, 257, 261, 262, 267, 275, 278, 283, 295, 296, 298, 305, 308, 319, 368

  Churchill warns about postwar power of Soviet Union 310

  illness and death 314, 315, 316

  interference in India 284–86
/>   meets Churchill at Placentia Bay 263–64

  rejects united Anglo-American approach to Stalin 1

  relationship with Churchill 279, 284–85, 287, 291–92, 293, 300–301, 312

  and war in North Africa 281, 287, 288, 290

  Rose, Michael 368

  Rosebery, Lord 37, 40, 88, 350

  Roskill, Stephen 135, 138, 141, 142, 229, 320

  Rothenstein, Sir John 351

  Rothermere, Lord 199, 207

  Rothschild family 47

  Rowan, Leslie 356

  Rowntree, Seebohm 109

  Royal Academy 344–45, 350–51

  Royal Air Force

  Battle of Britain 251

  Battle of France 251

  Churchill and infancy of 166–67, 209

  and Dunkirk evacuations 252–23

  limitations of 210, 211, 214–15

  strategic bomber offensive 270

  strength in 1940 257, 258

  Royal Marines 135, 137

  Royal Military Academy (Sandhurst) 36, 37–41

  Royal Naval Air Service 124

  Royal Naval Division 135

  Royal Navy 72, 86

  battleship-building program 110

  budget under Churchill’s Chancellorship 180–82

  Churchill as First Lord of the Admiralty 116, 117, 118–45, 226–36

  Churchill’s love of 120

  Churchill’s reform of 122–23, 124

  First World War

  actions and blunders 133

  Churchill prepares for 131–33

  on eve of 115, 116, 119, 121, 132

  need to cooperate with Army 116, 122–23, 132, 234, 236

  no longer able to guarantee Britain’s security 214

  Second World War

  actions 273, 289, 302

  Churchill seeks daring role for 228–29, 232

  Dunkirk evacuations 252–53

  importance in build-up to 209, 226–27

  role in 228–229, 232, 282–83

  threat of German invasion 258

  Royal Naval Air Service 135

  HMS Royal Oak 232

  Royal Scots Fusiliers 147

  Rumania 310


  British attempt to aid in Dardanelles 139

  civil war 163–66

  Germany declares war on (1914) 131

  imperialism 57

  see also Soviet Union

  St. George’s School, Ascot 30–31

  St. Helier, Lady Blanche 65, 101–2, 103

  St. Paul’s Cathedral 353, 354, 355

  Salisbury, Lord 13, 27, 32, 43, 63, 73, 83, 90, 91

  Salisbury Hill 102

  Samuel, Sir Herbert 171

  San Tropez 306

  Sancti Spíritus (Cuba) 46

  Sandhurst see Royal Military Academy

  Sandys, Celia 368

  Sandys, Duncan 327

  Santa Clara (Cuba) 46

  Sassoon, Siegfried 159

  Saturday Review 73

  Sawyers (valet) 265, 359

  Scapa Flow 229, 232, 262

  Scharnhorst 282, 302

  Scobie, General Ronald 311

  Scott, Captain Percy 82

  Scottish Unionists 332

  Second World War 20–21, 226–321

  1941 269–76

  1944 and road to victory 303–15

  Allied planning 286–303

  Battle of Britain 257–59


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