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The Computer Who Loved Me

Page 5

by Lloyd G Miller

  "I was quite sure that you would turn down the job, but I had to offer it first to the best and most deserving. I have an opportunity to bring in another professor of high stature, but he only agrees to come as head of the department. He's very talented but not as humble as you are. I may not reveal his name for the time being, but I'm sure you'll be impressed with his credentials. I'm glad we could have this chat. We should visit more often."

  "I do appreciate the offer, Dr. Bucannon."

  "Dr. Monroe, did you hear the news?" excitedly inquired Kyle. "The animal rights act passed in congress. How will we continue?"

  "Yes, I have heard the news, Kyle. This act may not hurt us like you think. We'll not be able to do testing on vertebrates anymore, but the tremendous restrictions on human experimentation have practically vanished. Nearly anything can be performed on a willing human subject, provided that he or she is not charged for the treatment."

  "You mean we could proceed with implanting the device in my head without ten years of animal research?"

  "That's exactly what I mean. However, let's not forget the risks. We have no data on the long-term effects of the connections. They may cause nerve damage after a few years. We'll have to monitor things closely and remove the inserts at the first sign of nerve damage."

  "I can live with that relatively small risk. After all, we'll only be risking my speech capability since I have no hearing on my left side anyway."

  "So you're still going with the vocal connection. It isn't necessary you know."

  "It isn't necessary to just hear from my left ear, but if we're going to open up my head I want more than just stereo hearing out of it."

  "It's your head."

  Dr. Bucannon entered Dr. Monroe's office accompanied by a very muscular man, well tanned and of moderate height. "Carlton, I would like you to meet Dr. Waters, the new head of the department." Dr. Monroe arose from his office chair. He narrowly looked at the new department head. Before he could speak Samuel Waters spoke, "Actually, Carlton and I are already acquainted. We were schoolmates at MIT. Hello, Carlton." Dr. Waters extended his hand, but Carlton made no move towards him.

  Later that day Dr. Monroe stopped by Dr. Bucannon office. "Dr. Bucannon, here is my resignation. I feel I owe it to my students to finish the year and stay on long enough to help those I advise to finish their dissertations, but I cannot conceive of working any longer than that under a man whom I despise and distrust."

  "I was shocked at your reception of Dr. Waters. I had in mind to chastise you for your rebuff, but that would be pointless now."

  "Dr. Waters is brilliant and highly successful in his field, but he is also arrogant, self-centered and capable of breaking almost any law or moral code to get what he wants. He's here for some devious reason and we will only find out what that reason is after it's too late. Dr. Kilsman will not be around to suffer the consequences and I prefer not to be either."

  "Your accusations are extraordinary. Can your give me any evidence that would allow me to dismiss Dr. Waters?"

  "He is very careful to cover his tracks, usually with the destroyed lives of his victims. I can give you no concrete evidence, only my personal analysis of the man. He would make it look like I am the villain. I realize that there is little, if anything, you can do at this point."

  Chapter 8 – Kyle Makes His Move

  "Kyle, what have you been doing with your dance training since Thanksgiving?" asked Josh.

  "I knew I had to do something so I wouldn't forget what I had learned. To do so would be unfair to you and your family who spent so much time teaching me. I've registered for both a social dance and a ballroom dancing class for winter semester, but in the meantime, I've been showing up at a social dance class. They have a shortage of guys and both the teacher and the girls appreciate my presence. I'm becoming more relaxed now. I really enjoy it. I haven't had much of a love life, ever, and it's nice to hold a pretty girl in my arms with no social awkwardness."

  Kyle hung around the Bioengineering Department offices waiting for Miss Saxton to get off work. She was working overtime to complete a special project for one of the professors. Finally, she logged off her computer at 7:06. Kyle made his move. "Miss Saxton, may I have the honor of walking you to your car?"

  "Sure, if you'll carry my laptop for me. It's not the latest and lightest."

  "It would be an honor." As they descended the stairs, Kyle summoned all of his courage and began. "Miss Saxton, rumor has it that you love to dance but don't get much opportunity. I've been studying the art of social and ballroom dancing and would love it if you would accompany me to the Christmas dance, to be prefaced by a fine meal, of course." In his mind Kyle questioned every word he had used as he waited for a response. Miss Saxton usually had a quick, witty response to any inquiry but was slow to respond this time.

  "I'll consider your invitation under one condition."

  "And what might that be?"

  "That you let me fix you dinner tonight and consider whether this is a good thing to do. Dating a student can cause all sorts of problems, but I don't completely rule out the possibility."

  "I accept your terms." They had arrived at Miss Saxton's car, a cherry red Dodge Viper. Miss Saxton unlocked the driver's side. "As part of the evaluation, you drive." Miss Saxton pressed the electric door lock switch to unlock the passenger door but was surprised when Kyle hustled around the car to open the door for her and close it once she was seated. As Kyle returned to the driver's side and sunk into the seat he thought to himself that this was a test he might enjoy, nevertheless, he was very cautious. Kyle drove like a senior citizen. He'd never done much driving and then only in gutless subcompacts. He thought that wrecking her car would be a poor way to win Miss Saxton's affections.

  "Don't hold back Kyle. Drive how you'd like to."

  "I am. Why would I be in a hurry while with a beautiful young woman?"

  "Has Josh been coaching you or something? You've turned into the man with the silver tongue."

  "I'm an observer and a listener. I practice in my mind what to say but rarely say it. How about you? I bet you haven't always played the witty seductress."

  "How do you know I'm playing the part?"

  "I can count all of the dates I've had in my life on one hand, but I know more about women than 99% of the guys."

  "That's quite a boast. Okay, tell me about myself."

  "You look and act very differently than you did in high school and college. You were a brilliant nerd, a bookworm. You were an early bloomer intellectually and a late bloomer socially. When you started your life here in Utah, you created a new social identity for yourself. One that is more fun than your old identity but still not fully you." Kyle had managed to drive on 500 South, the only place in Salt Lake City were hookers are known to hang out. Several were already displaying their wares. Then he drove back onto campus and drove slowly by the LDS Institute building. There was some kind of activity that evening and many young women, modestly but very attractively dressed, were entering the building. They were laughing and cheerfully speaking with each other and the young men with them. Kyle then drove to Miss Saxton's apartment.

  The apartment was much more modest than the car. Miss Saxton had been uncharacteristically quiet during the remainder of the trip. After entering the apartment Miss Saxton turned to Kyle and said, "Give me a moment to slip into something more comfortable. This morning's paper is on the coffee table." Within five minutes, she returned in a very modest full-length dress. Kyle had been looking at a family picture. It showed a very slender, flat-chested, red-headed young woman wearing braces on her teeth and standing with what appeared to be her parents. "You must be gloating in your successful analysis of me. You've, by now, surmised that these are not real," as she cupped her breasts in her hands. "A masters degree present from my parents. The car was my BS graduation present. My parents were just trying to help my social life."

  "I've made you feel uncomfortable. It's only fair that we switch roles now and y
ou tell me about myself."

  "Fine but as I prepare dinner. I'm a bigger eater than you might think and I'm famished. I didn't have time for lunch today." Miss Saxton began pulling items from the refrigerator. Is spaghetti and a tossed salad all right?"

  "That would be great." Kyle was given carrots to peel and slice and Miss Saxton prepared the sauce.

  "Before we go any farther, you have to stop calling me Miss Saxton and start calling me Sharon." Kyle nodded in compliance. "Let's see, you've never considered yourself very popular. You've never been in the 'in group', but many in that group consider you their friend. Those who know you like you, because you're a person of high character and you're thoughtful and considerate. Many girls would have liked to go out with you, but you've been too focused on your studies to respond to them. You feel embarrassed about something, but I don't know what it is. You are a little bit angry at the world in general, but you keep it to yourself." Sharon handed Kyle some radishes to slice. "How am I doing?"

  "Well, you have me squirming. I see now how uncomfortable I made you with my analysis."

  "Actually, I've found it liberating. It can get old pretending to be someone you are not. Obviously, you have more in mind for me than just some platonic dancing. I'm used to men undressing me with their eyes. You've done it with your mind. Why would you take interest in a woman significantly your senior?"

  "I don't think our age difference is great and it certainly isn't significant. I believe that you are younger than most believe. I bet you were only 16 when you graduated from high school and that you took no more than four years to get a B. S. and an M. S. If you were a freshman when Dr. Monroe was a senior, you could be as much as six years younger than him. You could still be in your twenties."

  "Did you hire a private eye or what? You know more about me than my parents. I'm 28."

  "I'm 25. Three years doesn't sound like much of a gap. Have you changed much in the last three years?"

  "Not much. Not really."

  "Neither have I. So, it's no big deal. As for the second reason, before I came to the U. of U. I had a vision of what kind of a woman I wanted, her intelligence, her education, her personality, what she looked like. For the last seven years, I've been like a man who wanted a Mercedes and was willing to walk until he could afford one. It would have been unfair for me to date other girls when I already knew exactly what I wanted. I've been studying you ever since we both arrived on campus. It wasn't until you kissed me and then I learned how to dance that I gained enough confidence to make my move."

  "For a relationship that has taken seven years to get started, this seems to be moving fast. I've thought that I knew exactly who I wanted since I was fourteen, but he married someone else and despite severe marital problems, is still with her. I guess I've been pretty naive. Well, I've also noticed you for the last seven years. I know something of how many students you've helped academically. I'm confident you went beyond tutoring just being a job. In fact, I know for certain that often you didn't charge or charged below your normal fee those who couldn't afford to pay more. Dr. Monroe has often sung your praises to me. I also appreciated your humor and composure. When I made you the butt of a joke, you always made the most of it. You earned that kiss... and this one too." Sharon slipped her hand behind Kyle's neck and pulled him to her for a long kiss. There was no mention of Dr. Monroe this time. "Now, let's get that pasta cooking."

  Dr. Waters stood in the doorway of Dr. Monroe's office. "Dr. Monroe, I've been looking over the university's financial relationship with CompuSonic. The university has been much too generous. I insist that CompuSonic pay for the dissertation project of another student. I have in mind Mark Walker. He's working on a way to create the first semi-reproducible robot, with major assistance from Mother Nature. He's waiting in my office. I'll send him in to explain the details." Dr. Waters left and a tall lanky young man in his mid-twenties sauntered into Dr. Monroe's office. He had brown wavy hair and brown eyes.

  "Dr. Monroe, would it be convenient for me to explain my project to you now?" Mark spoke out of the corner of his mouth with a voice resembling that of Jimmy Stewart but with none of the great actor's charisma.

  "It seems that my convenience has become irrelevant at this institution. You may proceed."

  "As you are aware, it's been a goal for many years to create a self-replicating robot. The task has met with very little success. In my master’s thesis, I examined the potential of utilizing the self-replicating capabilities of living things, particularly insects. If an insect were fitted with a micro controller, it could function as a small robot. If it could be programmed to connect a second insect to the same type controller, it would, in a sense, be self-replicating. Technically, it would not be completely self-replicating since the circuits would have to be supplied, but since man can so easily produce these circuits, the need to do so becomes a trivial limitation, even an advantage. There is no possibility of runaway self-replication. The most difficult task is connecting the controller to the insect's nervous system. You and your graduate students have already solved that problem."

  "Have you developed the controller and performed simulations?"

  "Not yet. I've heard that one of your students, Kyle James, has somewhat automated such a task. I was looking to receive some assistance from him."

  "Then, what would be your contribution to this project?"

  "As I understand Kyle's software, it takes a very detailed specification to get what is really desired. I would write the specification. I will also design any interface circuitry required."

  "When can you have the specification ready for my review?"

  "Would three weeks be soon enough?"

  "I fear that you underestimate the level of effort required, but I'm going to hold you to your own deadline."

  "I'll not disappoint you." Mark turned and left.

  "Kyle, have you been by the office lately?" asked Josh. "Miss Saxton seems different, less of a flirt. She even had on a long dress. Somehow she looks younger, more like a fellow student than a member of the administration."

  "Who knows, Josh? Maybe she has a man and doesn't need to advertise for one anymore. When a position is filled the 'help wanted' sign is taken out of the window."

  "If that's true it could make things a lot less fun around here," said a disappointed Josh.

  "A lot less fun for all but the lucky guy. I think I will check this thing out for myself." Kyle headed alone for the Bioengineering Department. As he spotted Miss Saxton, he gazed in wonder. She had a much softer look about her. He found her more beautiful than ever before.

  "Kyle, I'm glad you're here. Although I love to dance, I haven't been dancing for years. I wonder if we could have a practice session before the big dance?" Kyle had wondered if Sharon would keep their date as much a secret in the department as possible. He was pleased to see that she spoke of it openly and warmly. Sharon went on, "There's a dance hall in Salt Lake that plays the right kind of music to dance to. Could we go there some night?"

  "Why not? When would you like to go?"

  "Tonight isn't good and Friday or Saturday will be too crowded. How about Thursday night? Could we go around 8:00?"

  "That would be great, but wouldn't you like a nice dinner first?"

  "What do you have in mind?"

  "Personally I love Chinese food and they say you can't beat the Mandarin in Bountiful."

  "I hear that place is always crowded, even on week days."

  "That's true, but I'll go there at 5:30 and get us on the waiting list. You show up at 6:00 and we should be able to eat by 6:30."

  "I've always wanted to go there, but that will be up to an hour's waiting for you."

  "I don't mind. I can read while I'm waiting for you."

  Sharon walked through the doors of the Mandarin into the waiting area. She was stylishly dressed in a white blouse and a black skirt with a slanted cut to the bottom so that it started just below her knees and dropped to about six inches above her angles. Kyle
leaped up to greet her. "Sharon, you look great. I guess I'm under-dressed for the dance," said Kyle with some embarrassment. In spite of his understanding and insight into women, he had little comprehension of what they liked their men to wear.

  "Actually, you are. But I have a solution to that problem. I have a surprise for you after dinner. While we wait, I've been dying to ask you how you knew so much about me. I still think you hired a private investigator or something."

  "Nothing of the kind. I grew up around beautiful, seductive women. I was always very observant. I also asked my mother lots of questions. You caught my attention, immediately. Not just because you were beautiful, but because you were very unsure of yourself during your first year at the U. I could tell by your teeth that you had worn braces and that they had only been removed a few months earlier. Teeth are super straight after braces are first removed. With time they wander just a little giving a more natural look. Most people don’t notice the difference, but I have a keen eye for that sort of thing. I could also tell that you very recently had the aforementioned cosmetic surgery. It takes a woman awhile to become comfortable with that sort of thing. You showed your new figure in the dresses you wore, but you were very uncomfortable when men looked admiringly at it."

  "You were always very discrete in your observation. That's one of the things I liked about you. You're wrong about one thing. I never became comfortable with men staring at me lustfully. I just learned how to act the part. This week has been so nice. I've really enjoyed dressing modestly."

  "I always knew you were a modest woman at heart."

  "James, party of two," called out the hostess.

  "Looks like our table is ready. Shall we be seated?" Kyle extended his arm, which Sharon took. He had always dreamed of walking with a beautiful woman on his arm. He walked with pride. After ordering their meals, Sharon set forth to get to know Kyle better.


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