The Immortal's Pet

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The Immortal's Pet Page 11

by Emily Tilton

  John managed to keep his breathing even despite the extremity of the arousal Daniel’s words, and the sight of Emma’s obedience to them, brought upon him. The arrival of the word harness in the conversation put Daniel’s previous intimations concerning taming and training, and even about family structure, into a new perspective—along with its illumination of the role of the cage from which Molly now crawled, the door having seemed to swing open on its own.

  He still had no idea as to what Daniel might want his opinion about, but John’s anthropological expertise did kick into gear, now: the taming and training of animals—including in a somewhat analogous way of other, subordinate humans like wives and concubines—represented an essential hallmark of human culture. Bit and bridle, the earliest sort of harness, constituted an enormous achievement, anthropologically speaking. Cages and pens in which to keep tamed animals made up another essential part of the domestication that would lead eventually to all human achievement.

  John didn’t know what a ‘bottom harness’ might be, but he couldn’t wait to see. His own dominance, which it appeared resembled Daniel’s in important respects, led him to enjoy playing with women who professed a need for training in the proper way to please a man. John had never played with leather very much—and he had certainly never employed anything one might call a harness—but he couldn’t deny that the idea of seeing Emma in any kind of training, especially training that might concern her bottom, made his heart beat very fast.

  Now he confronted Emma’s bending form, the nightgown covering the little bottom that apparently he would now have the privilege of seeing trained—perhaps of training himself. Whether Daniel were fifty thousand years old or not, John could tell beyond the shadow of a doubt that he could stand to have a tutorial from Emma’s current master in how to tame her properly. Her clearly happy obedience to Daniel’s peremptory, degrading commands alone told him that.

  John had a slight dilemma then, though: should he simply reach out and raise the little lacy veil to begin his inspection of Emma’s backside, or did further formalities need to be observed? He elected to remain on the politest possible terms with a man who had perhaps served Charlemagne and been painted by Holbein at the court of Henry VIII.

  “May I lift the nightgown?” he asked, turning briefly to Daniel, who was watching intently. Molly had gone to a closet, into which she now reached in apparent search of the harnesses. Her naked body had its allure, but Emma’s scantily clad one attracted him much more.

  “Of course, Professor. Tuck it up and have a good look and a thorough manual inspection as well. Take your time and decide what you think she’s good for, and how you’d like to ride her, once we get that bottom into harness.”

  Emma gave a little sob at that, but John could hear in the sound need as well as shame. How had Daniel done it? Emma Woodbine had struck him as so terribly repressed that she might never get over her resistance without the aid of alcohol, which would of course only send her into a spiral of shame so long and deep that she might never be happy. John had decided to come to find her in hope only of reassuring her that he didn’t think what she had done truly shameful. True, he supposed he had had fantasies of administering a sound spanking, in the unlikely event he could get her to admit to her submissive sexuality, but he had felt certain they could go no further than fantasy.

  Feeling that to enter into this scene he needed to put aside every last shred of disbelief, John watched his hands reach out to uncover Emma’s bottom and the secrets between her cheeks and between her thighs. All his senses seemed terribly sharp, and they all also seemed connected to his hard cock. He heard a soft jingle behind him that could only be that of a harness, and that made his manhood give a little leap. He smelled Emma’s arousal, and how could that not also make his penis respond, straining against the denim?

  He felt the lace in his hands, and he saw, as he lifted it, the sweetest little round cheeks in the whole world, and his scrotum seemed to tighten and send a jolt of arousal to his system so great that he had to draw a snorting breath through his nostrils. He sounded to himself for a moment like a stallion, and that thought matched the state of his libido exactly.

  To civilize a girl like Emma, to train her thoroughly and to tame her fully, came his strange irrepressible thought, you must be wild yourself—a stallion, or a bull.

  “Oh, God,” Emma whispered. “Oh, Professor… Sir… please…”

  John had the odd impression that she could read his mind, for a moment then, or at least that she had somehow sensed the animal inside him and the way it had just surged to the fore, paradoxically as he began to enter into Daniel’s idea of civilization.

  “Please what, Emma?” he asked as he rolled and tucked the wonderful, delicate fabric of the little nightgown to ensure that his eyes and his hands could freely rove her pert, adorable posterior and the places where his rigid cock could enter, if her master permitted it.

  “Please… t-teach me?” Her voice sounded so uncertain that he thought his heart might melt.

  “Teach you what, sweetheart?” He could resist no longer: her nightgown’s hem well tucked up, he put both hands on her little round bottom and squeezed the tender flesh very gently. The sheer heavenliness of the sensation and of the sight of her cheeks held in his hands and of the sound of her tiny whimper as he fondled her for the first time nearly overwhelmed his nervous system.

  Her words emerged in little gasps now. “P-please… teach me… to be… g-good?”

  He felt an enormous smile come over his face. Part of him wanted to play the stern master, and Emma’s wish for an education in being good seemed to demand a certain amount of authority, but he couldn’t help also wanting to kiss her, stroke her flaming hair, and cuddle her in his lap—the way one also did with a beloved, tamed animal.

  Now he felt that politeness could only be a distraction, if he wanted to claim Emma the way he suddenly knew he must. He kept one hand on her bottom, but with the other he straightened her and turned her around. Startled, she opened her green eyes and looked into his, right before he took her head gently in his hand and began to kiss her.

  A sweet, submissive sound came from her throat as she was kissed, and kissed, and kissed. All the while John continued his manual inspection down below, taming her and teaching her to be good by means of the pleasure he could find between her thighs, using his skillful fingers. Now she cried out as he kept kissing her, and he felt her little body shudder against his, knew she would soon climax, wondered whether that was allowed.

  “You may come, Emma,” said Daniel’s voice, from behind John’s back. “Your professor seems to be training you well.”

  Only an instant later she cried out into his mouth, and he had to hold her firmly to keep her from falling down as she bucked her hips against his thigh, moving her soaking pussy upon his caressing fingertips in search of as much pleasure as a good girl might feel.

  “Very nice, John. Very well done.”

  John felt a moment of indignation at being evaluated this way by another man, but he also couldn’t help a good deal of pride, too. Daniel seemed to have his young ladies’ best interests at heart, and John had at least just demonstrated that he could keep Emma happy from an erotic perspective. She clung to him now, her little arms around his waist and her blushing face snuggled against his chest, and he didn’t think he had ever felt anything better.

  “Thank you,” John replied rather dryly. He turned to see that Molly, whose own pussy he noticed for the first time, though without surprise, was just as bare as Emma’s, held in each hand what must be the item Daniel had called a bottom harness: networks of leather straps connected by brass fittings and featuring at their center modestly sized black plugs of hard rubber. He felt his blood sing in his veins.

  At the sight a flash of insight suddenly came into his mind, and he wondered whether he might have begun to puzzle out the nature of the honest opinion Daniel sought from him.

  He turned a crooked smile on the man who mi
ght be immortal. “How long have you been putting your young ladies in harness?” he asked.

  Chapter Seventeen

  Molly didn’t think the question Professor Gage had asked seemed an especially significant one. After all, Daniel had made it very clear to her—and more recently to Emma—that everything he did with them he had done in one way or another many, many times before. By it, Molly thought, he meant to tell them three things: first, that they were in very good hands with their master; second, that they mustn’t expect to surprise him; third, that no matter how many times he spanked or fucked a young woman, he would feel the same excitement.

  He had certainly used a harness on many girls, hadn’t he? Why then would he respond to the professor’s question with such an appreciative, knowing smile?

  “I think you’ve begun to divine what kind of service you may be able to render me,” Daniel said. Now Molly burned to know nearly as much as she burned for the new sort of training it seemed she and Emma would now receive. She knew, too, that Daniel could feel her curiosity just as he must also feel Emma’s—a need to know about what took place between Daniel and the professor that felt to Molly, as she sensed her fellow house girl’s mind, even stronger than her own.

  After all, Molly reflected, Emma’s future might change this evening, might it not? If she went away with the professor, to be his house girl instead of Daniel’s, she would belong to a different kind of man—a mortal man, for starters. Her powers would fade away to nothing, as Daniel had made clear to both of them, though she would retain an ability to soothe back her repression and her shame that she had not previously possessed.

  It seemed clear that Professor Gage had some important characteristics in common with Daniel, though. The way he had just inspected Emma had made Molly very warm between her thighs, and had proven to her that the scholar knew very well how to treat a house girl. Molly almost envied Emma, then, because she knew that Daniel would someday tell Molly that the time had come for her to move on, without this enchantingly shameful idea that she could be given to another man—really, in a certain way, sold to him, like livestock in harness.

  The professor looked back at Daniel over Emma’s red hair, as he stroked it in a manner that seemed to Molly halfway between a man with his wife and a master with his pet. “So my guess that your harnesses are less than—let me see—let’s say two hundred years old…”

  “Is correct, yes,” Daniel said, his smile broadening. “Little ones, my pretty fillies, see what a true scholar can figure out about me.”

  Emma turned her head on the professor’s breast to look at her master and at Molly, holding both their harnesses, and Molly looked at Daniel in puzzlement.

  “What, Master?” Molly asked, very confused. Surely Daniel had been harnessing his young ladies since the invention of bit and bridle, thousands of years ago.

  Daniel smiled. “Let us demonstrate with you girls.” He turned his attention back to the professor. “Perhaps if we bridle them together, and ride out upon them, you will have more of a basis upon which to give your judgment, John? Have you ever fucked a matched pair in harness?”

  Molly felt the professor’s libido blaze up like a fire, but upon his face appeared only a controlled, almost bland smile. “I can’t say that I have, Daniel. I certainly wouldn’t mind trying, and I agree that it will help me come to a conclusion.”

  Molly and Emma were made to get each other into their harnesses, while Daniel fetched from the back of the closet some fittings Molly hadn’t seen before, including two networks of straps that featured lengths of the same hard rubber used for the plugs that Molly and Emma must now have opening their bottoms and training them back there.

  “Now I haven’t bridled them before—even Molly,” Daniel said. “Little ones, look what I have here. These bridles will go over your head. The bits will train your mouths and keep you quiet when you don’t have another kind of bit in there.”

  Molly and Emma had just finished putting their plugs in, each bending over the ottoman and whimpering as she felt the hard thing enter and blushing as she felt how lustfully the professor looked down upon the shameful proceeding. At Daniel’s invitation, he had fondled each bottom for a while after the plug had gone in, making each girl moan softly with her need for more forceful taming.

  “Emma, you will kneel in front of John, and Molly, you kneel in front of me. We will bridle you first with our cocks and then with the bits. After that will come the riding.”

  So the masters took off their clothes as the house girls knelt, waiting. Daniel’s beautiful cock sprang free of his elegant wool trousers, and the professor’s equally long and attractive one—Molly thought with a little thrill of happiness for Emma—sprang free of his jeans, pointing straight at the girl he loved.

  “I fuck their faces every day,” Daniel said conversationally, stroking Molly’s cheek with the back of his knuckles the way he always did when he wanted her mouth open to receive his thrusting. “So you shouldn’t have any trouble with Emma. Go as deep as you want. Just… like… this.” Molly whimpered around her master’s hard penis as he cradled her head in his hands and entered her there, seeking the back of her throat. She could see only the curly hairs of Daniel’s lap now, but she heard Emma give an answering whimper and she could feel that her fellow house girl also had a cock in her mouth.

  “Good girl,” the professor said. “Oh, that feels so good, Emma. So good.”

  Daniel moved his cock in and out in a leisurely manner, but Professor Gage seemed intent on training Emma hard, and Molly heard the wet sounds of quick thrusting from the few feet to her right that separated the two acts of dominant fellatio.

  “You see, girls,” Daniel said, after a little while, as Molly’s jaw began to ache and her eyes to water just enough to make her feel she must work hard to allow her master the pleasure he deserved, “the civilizing effect of a harness, and of bit and bridle, upon a young lady, really only occurred to me when the question of whether a girl should have the right to determine her own fate became an important one—both to society and to me. There you go, Molly. That’s it. Good girl.”

  Next to her, the professor’s rhythm had slowed now. “And before then, I imagine, Daniel, that you merely fucked as you liked? The question of dominance and submission didn’t enter into it?”

  To her surprise, as she sensed the professor’s feelings now, Molly found that he had become nearly convinced that Daniel had told him the truth. His desire now lay in finding pleasure here in the remarkable household of a man who had lived for thousands of years.

  Daniel didn’t answer the question immediately. Instead he said, “Let’s bridle them.” He pulled his cock from Molly’s mouth, and she felt the unfamiliar but strangely delicious feeling of leather straps enclosing her head, rather tightly, pulling her hair a little as Daniel fitted the thing around her ears and put the hard rubber in her mouth, in place of his hard penis. She heard soft jingling to her right, and out of the corner of her eye she saw Emma undergoing the same terrible, exciting indignity.

  “You see, little ones,” Daniel said in his soothing, taming voice. “I haven’t bridled you before because I regard the plug in your bottoms as your most important bit, and even as a bridle in itself. For a bridled animal, the mouth is the place of discipline. For a young lady, that place is her bottom, and so you have worn your bottom harnesses as I have trained you. Now that the professor is here, however, and seems willing to give me the benefit of his judgment, the time has come to fit you fully with tack, so that he can understand more clearly what I ask of him.”

  Molly understood from these words really only what she could feel already in Daniel’s mind and heart: he wanted Professor Gage to understand exactly what Emma’s needs were—and he wanted, in truth, some bit of wisdom he felt the professor might well possess. For the very first time, Molly felt a sort of trouble in Daniel’s heart: a worry that ate away at the edges of his happiness with her and Emma.

  The bit in her mouth felt so st
range and arousing in its own way that Molly tossed her head, very conscious of how much like a horse she must look. The rings on the sides of the bit jingled a little, and the feeling of being not a girl but a pet—a domesticated, caged, harnessed animal—sent a shiver through her whole body and a thrill to her pussy.

  She turned to Emma, and saw Emma looking back at her, her attention caught perhaps by the sound of Molly’s head-toss. Her fellow pet’s eyes had gone wide, and the sight of Emma in the bridle and the rest of the harness made Molly’s clit tingle and her whole pussy clench. Your professor is going to ride you now, and my master is going to ride me. It’s what happens to house girls like us.

  “I see what you mean,” said Professor Gage musingly.

  “Don’t speak too soon,” Daniel said. “Let’s lead them to the living room and ride them there.” He reached over to the little table next to his chair, and Molly saw that he had gotten another piece of tack out of the closet, which she hadn’t noticed before. Something about the unexpectedness of it made her heart leap as the warmth grew between her thighs. Reins.

  “Clip them to the bit rings,” Daniel said, handing one set to the professor, “and you can lead her with them. Then of course you’ll be able to get just the ride you want, when the time comes.”

  The time came perhaps three minutes later, in the living room, after the girls had crawled, led by their masters, along the hall to the larger expanse of rug that allowed Daniel and Professor Gage to place Molly and Emma on all fours facing one another. As the masters stood behind their house girls, holding their reins and looking down upon the mounts, controlled by the two bits that curbed them and tamed them, told them what they were and how they were to be used, it was the professor who spoke. In his tone and in his thoughts, Molly heard and felt the rendering of his opinion, and in Daniel’s mind she felt satisfaction: he would give Emma to her professor at this price.


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