The Vendetti Empire

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The Vendetti Empire Page 8

by Sapphire Knight

  “Will you allow me to fuck you like this, or do I need to tie you up?” He squeezes my hips as his voice rumbles with the question. These men get turned on and their voices instantly turn all Batmanish, and it’s insanely sexy.

  I can make out Matteo grumbling in the background about Luciano not being allowed to hurt me and how he’s only just begun breaking me in. Matteo’s words are surprising considering that just yesterday he was strapping me down to a table, telling me how he didn’t care about my thoughts or feelings.

  The blunt silky tip of Luciano’s cock pushes at my entrance, begging to be let in. I draw in a heavy breath, filling my lungs with anticipation. I have no idea of his size. The others I could plainly see as they’d entered me, but not now. One of his strong hands leaves my body to caress my back, following along my spine. He rubs me a few times in the same pattern until I find myself relaxing and leaning a bit into his touch.

  I let out a sigh, his stroke leaving my back to line his cock up more precise. In one swift thrust he enters me so fully, I call out in surprise. Releasing my pent up breath, it leaves me in a rush and my core spasms around his length.

  “So damn tight, babe,” he murmurs as his hand returns to the same spot as before, rubbing me in the soothing pattern along my spine again. His other palm remains firmly on my hip, holding me in the same spot. His grip is too tight, and his strength is so much more powerful than my own that there’s no way I could move, even if I wanted to. I don’t, but it’s important to keep note that he’d take me whether I was ready or not. Hell, they all would; they’re influential enough that no one would blink an eye at it either.

  This is Luciano’s birthright, the same with Matteo and all of the other Vendetti brothers. I’m the one who’s been chosen to take them all on and to marry the Capo dei capi Vendetti. There are women out there who would kill for this spot, to be so close to Matteo and his brothers. But it’s all mine.

  Luciano backtracks, tugging his long, hard cock nearly the entire way out before pushing all the way back in, making me groan with the movement. It must feel good to him, too, as he repeats the move again and again, over and over. It’s nearly too much—the buildup with the thick girth stretching me to the point that pain pinches in different spots. His length finds a spot buried deep inside my center that has me moaning loudly as I bite into the sunny overfilled down comforter.

  My eyes flash open with him letting off the intense pressure, pulling out again, and I find Matteo standing next to the couch at the end of the bed. He watches my face, my gaze meeting his. He’s pissed and turned on all at once; it’s an overwhelming combination when it comes to a man like him. And holy shit does he look hot wearing it!

  “Finish, Luciano,” Matteo commands, “or you won’t have a cock attached to your body,” he promises. The more he gets worked up, the quicker his chest rises and falls. His brother’s hips piston, shoving his dick into me faster and rougher.

  I don’t know if it’s seeing Matteo angry and turned on at witnessing Luciano fucking me or if it’s the hard cock pounding into me from behind, but I explode. My orgasm hits me quickly, slamming into me with enough force it steals my breath away, my eyes rolling as the sensations flutter over every inch of my body. At my sounds of pleasure, Luciano loses himself, pumping my center full of his hot cum and fulfilling his part of the Vendetti tradition.

  Matteo glances at his phone as Luciano dresses and I sip from the bottle of water on the bedside table. It seems that so much has changed in a short amount of time. I know absolutely nothing about what’s expected of me being Matteo’s wife besides the obvious desire he has of me having his sons. I’m too young for all this responsibility, but in this family, I have no choice in the matter. Growing up entangled in the mob lifestyle, women rarely make such strong decisions. This is a man’s world that I was simply born into, expected to do my part for the Bottaro family.

  Luciano finishes buckling his fine leather belt in place as Matteo dips his head in to whisper something to his brother. It stings a bit that he feels the need to keep whatever he’s telling him between the two of them and not share it with me. I just had sex with both of them; would it really be so bad to speak in front of me? My father did so in Italian. I may not have understood his words, but at least I didn’t feel so much like an outsider. With Matteo, I’m not even allowed to hear the words being said.

  “Babe.” Luciano smiles warmly, lifting my hand to his lips. He presses a gentle kiss and my stomach leaps. Not as much as when Matteo touches me, but I still feel a bit giddy inside that this striking man has his lips pressed to my flesh. “Such perfection. My brother is indeed a lucky man. We all are, to have you join our familia.”

  I nod, a little choked up at his words. No one’s shown me kindness like his words since I’ve arrived. Sure they’ve complimented me on my body and my looks, but the way Luciano says it, it seems he means it in so many other ways, like he truly thinks I’m a catch for their family.

  Matteo huffs as he glances between us. “Out, Luciano! Enough already.”

  Is that jealousy I hear in his voice? Could it be that he doesn’t like to witness his brothers treat me with affection? It seems with each brother fulfilling the Vendetti wedding tradition, the more territorial he becomes toward me. Maybe being intimate with his brothers really will work to my advantage. It’s already offering me a taste of power within the family, but perhaps it’ll offer me a real chance to have my husband genuinely care for me as well. I don’t want him having mistresses, and if jealousy is the way to bring him to me and away from any other women, well, I’m not opposed to using that to my advantage.

  With another sweet smile directed toward me, Luciano nods his compliance to his brother and closes the door behind him. Matteo’s dark gaze immediately falls to me, and I swallow down my questions. I can’t just ask him if he’s jealous as I want to. However, one look at him is answer enough. The man is pissed and has pure possession gleaming in his eyes.

  “Matteo?” I murmur, unsure of what exactly he wants me to do next. Of course I obeyed my father, but I could push him when I really wanted my way. With Matteo, things are much more different; he’s the Capo, the most powerful man in the family and in New York.

  “Shower and then call your father. He won’t stop calling my phone to check on you. After you speak to him, you will eat and then entertain Salvatore.” He scowls as his brother’s name leaves his mouth, as if he can’t stand to say it. They seem close when they’re around each other, though. Could it be more jealousy rearing its head?

  “I would still choose you over them; you know, if it came to a choice,” I admit softly with a shrug.

  He snorts, reminding me of the pompous asshole he’d been when I first arrived. “You belong to me, Princessa Bottaro, make no mistake about that. You may fuck my brothers but none of them will ever own you as I do. Princessa or not, you are the Vendetti Queen now. Get used to it.”

  My cheeks heat in anger, and I feel the warm flush spread over my neck and chest. I open my mouth to give him a piece of my mind and his eyebrow rises. His gaze is cold and angry; no doubt the man can shut his emotions off at the drop of a hat.

  “Ah, ah, ah, watch how you speak to me, little wife. I’ll have that tongue cut out of your mouth if you can’t keep quiet. You’d be able to suck my cock even better as well.”

  Hot salty tears crest; it takes everything in me not to tell him to fuck off. The man has so much nerve. No doubt he’s the Capo dei capi. Only a hateful man can speak to someone like that and it not faze him one bit. My face turns to the side, breaking eye contact as the tears fall over my cheeks, creating streaks of frustration that I don’t want him witnessing. He doesn’t deserve them. He deserves nothing from me.

  Not that me being upset matters to him in the slightest anyhow, he strides toward me. Matteo’s back to being fully clothed in his fancy shoes, slacks, and button up shirt while I sit naked, clutching the sheet to my body like a lifeline. His fingers tip
my chin up and he nears as if to kiss me. I hold my breath in anticipation, believing he’s going to kiss me and apologize for his hateful words. Only he doesn’t.

  His tongue darts out and caresses my cheek, licking the trail my tears have left behind. “So utterly beautiful when you cry,” he mutters barely loud enough for me to hear. “You will learn to be strong mia fiore, or else you will break in the process. Trust me in this.”

  He presses his nose into my hair, inhaling deeply before standing to his full height, his face closed off once again. “Shower!” he orders. “But leave the cum between your thighs or there will be consequences.” He tosses my phone onto the bed beside me. “And call your damn father.” With that last demand, he leaves. The door closes in his wake, and it’s so quiet, it’s nearly deafening as the tears fall more freely without anyone to witness them.

  I only allow myself to cry as I shower. He said I would learn to be stronger or else he would break me. I’m way too stubborn to allow a man to have that much control over me, and besides, I think he’d enjoy that a little too much. I’m sure all the Vendetti men would.

  I turn the water off and step out of the luxurious, oversized shower and pat myself dry. Pushing the tears away, I stand a little straighter. Sometimes you need a good cry to center yourself and decide what you need to do. I won’t succumb to the easy way out; I’ll be stronger. And Matteo Vendetti will eat his words when he finally falls helplessly in love with me, because it’ll happen. I’ll make sure of it. Even if it’s the last thing I do, that man will learn to love me. That will be my retribution for his sharp tongue; he’ll have to live with what he put me through in the beginning of our marriage for the rest of his life.

  Tying a black silk robe over my freshly scrubbed body, I dial my father.


  “Hi, Poppa.” I smile into the phone even though he can’t see me. I can already picture his eyebrows scrunched with the tone of his voice.

  “Are you unwell, my girl? I called several times and finally Romano tells me you’d fallen ill yesterday.”

  “I’m fine; I was just tired from everything. It was a long day. Does this mean you’ve already left?”

  “Yes, my dear. We flew home yesterday after the dinner.”

  My chest tightens hearing that I really am left alone here. I may not have the best relationship with my mother, and there’s no way my father could protect me from the Vendetti house, but there’s a bit of comfort knowing they’re under the same roof with me. But they’re not even in the same state any longer. They left to go back to Chicago without saying a simple goodbye. How could they do that to their only daughter? I know, because I’m not my brother. If it were him, they’d be staying for at least a week to see him off.

  “I see,” I reply, refusing to cry and let him hear my voice choked up with grief. I shouldn’t be surprised; this has my mother written all over it. My father never would’ve gone without hugging me first, if she weren’t involved with it somehow.

  “This is for the best, Vi. Stop punishing me for securing your safety, for looking out for your future.” I can hear the worry in his voice; he thinks I will blame him forever for marrying me off to the Vendetti family. I get it; I always knew this would happen. It was the fact that he didn’t tell me I’d be marrying none other than Ruthless Vendetti of the Vendetti Empire before bringing me here. He simply married me off the next day and didn’t even blink about it. That’s had me so upset at him and my mother since we arrived. “I tried to see you again but the Capo had swept you away so quickly. That place is a fortress when they don’t want you there. It was impossible for me to get to you again once you’d left the dinner.”

  Hearing him say that he’d at least tried to see me again soothes the hurt in my heart. He does love me, and I believe that it was impossible for him to get to me. I wasn’t in my room, even if he had been able to come to me.

  While everyone was enjoying the last of their dinners, desserts, and saying their goodbyes, I was strapped to a table getting fucked by multiple men. I’m not complaining, though; after the initial pain of Matteo taking my virginity, I enjoyed it immensely. That also explains why Romano came in much later. He’d been seeing the guests off and clearing his house out so his sons could take part in the legendary Vendetti tradition. Why does the revelation not take me by surprise?

  “I understand, Poppa. I need to go; I was only calling to let you know that I’m okay. I love you.”

  “Good. The Vendetti familia will take care of you, Vi girl, much better than I ever could. I know you will want for nothing in the future.”

  “You did your best.”

  “I wish I could’ve given you more, offered you the chance to choose your husband or go to one of those schools you’ve always been interested in.”

  “You had your reasons and I respect that. I’ve known it would come to this; I just wasn’t expecting it to be the Vendettis...let alone the Capo dei capi.” I end on a whisper and hear him draw in a deep breath.

  “Si. Watch out for yourself, my dear girl, and remember I’m only a phone call away.”

  “I love you, Poppa.” My chest tightens with his words. Even if I did need to call him for help, he’d never be able to get to me. No one could. The Vendettis are the most powerful Italian Mafia family in the US.

  “Love you, Violet,” he says, and I press end. If I stay on the phone any longer, I’ll turn into a sobbing mess and I just finished pep-talking myself to stop with the frustrated crying. Matteo said I have to be stronger and that’s exactly what I plan to do. No matter how difficult it is adjusting to my new life surrounded by dangerous men who desire me—my husband being the most lethal of them all.

  There’s a knock at my door, so I quickly toss the cell phone onto the makeup vanity and head in the direction of the door. Cracking it open a few inches I’m met with a woman about ten years my senior. Valentino’s relaxed, sprawled in the chair reading a magazine in the small sitting area off to the side of my suite.

  “Mrs. Vendetti, I’m here to collect your clothes to wash and see if you need anything?”

  “Oh, thank you…” I pause, and she quickly fills in my unasked question.

  “Sarah, ma’am; you may call me Sarah.”

  “Sarah, thank you for checking with me, but I don’t need anything at the moment. Well, besides directions to breakfast. This place is so big, I have no idea where to go. I’m still confused which way is up at this point.”

  She smiles and nods, but Valentino interrupts before she can respond.

  “I will escort you to breakfast once you’re ready, carina.”

  I glance his way and smile, “All right, thank you.”

  “It’s my pleasure.” He licks his lips, glancing through the small opening of the door. I follow his gaze and see that my robe isn’t hiding much of anything. The fabric has parted, exposing a decent portion of my thighs, barely covering my pussy and breasts.

  I’m not trying to entice any of Matteo’s brothers without the man himself present. Valentino’s already had his turn yesterday, so I’m not sure how things work exactly with their traditions and expectations. “Thank you for checking, Sarah. Maybe tomorrow.” I smile, dismissing her and she returns it.

  “No problem, have a good day.” She turns away and I quickly close the door, shielding my nakedness from Valentino. I’ll admit witnessing him gawk at me like that and knowing he’s had pleasure from my body is pretty hot. My thighs squeeze together at the thought, feeling the small zing of desire shoot through me, before rushing to throw on some clean clothes.

  Every piece of clothing I own is here. My mother made sure I had nothing left behind. Some may think of it as her being thoughtful, but part of me wonders if she believes I’ll never return. I can’t help but speculate that there may be some truth in that thought. The life I once knew is over. I’m a wife now and my loyalty lies to the Vendettis; they’re my new family. I must make the best of my situation, no matter how unu
sual the changes may be. I can only hope that they’ll never be cruel or abusive.

  So far, everything is different; I thought I knew what living the mob life was like. Obviously, I have no idea. I was the daughter—the Bottaro Princessa—sheltered from most everything, thanks to my father. I have a feeling I’m in for a rude awakening when it comes to my husband and his family. If they let me in on anything, that is, but who knows? So far, they seem to be keeping anything not sex related away from me. Maybe it’s because I’m new to their tight-knit group?

  Shaking off those thoughts, I pull on some skinny jeans and an oversized Victoria Secret long-sleeved cropped top. It’s been a bit chilly and I tend to get cold easier than most. Never mind that it also covers me up. I love the fact that the men in this house seem to find me undeniably attractive, but the juncture between my thighs is tender. I would appreciate a bit of down time to recoup. Using quick, effective strokes, I brush my hair up into a sloppy ponytail. No Marcia Brady brushing for me. I need to hurry up. I think I look cute, but also comfy—perfect for my first breakfast as the Capo’s wife. At least I hope so.

  Sliding on some flip-flops, I open the door to Valentino standing right in front of it. He inhales deeply, his gaze turning even more heated, if possible, as it trails over me from head to toe. “Oh, Princess...” He shakes his head. “That won’t do. Even if those jeans do make your legs look a mile long, my brother will be furious to catch you dressed like this for breakfast.”

  Glancing down the front of my clothes, my eyebrow rises as I take in the very appropriate outfit. What on earth can be wrong with what I’m wearing? It’s not scandalous by any means. “Excuse me? Please tell me you’re joking.”

  “Your closet is full of appropriate attire in your specific size. We have a tailor on call as well if something doesn’t fit quite right.”


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