The Vendetti Empire

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The Vendetti Empire Page 9

by Sapphire Knight

  “I want to wear my own clothes, not the stuff hanging in there with the tags still attached. These are comfortable and Matteo didn’t say we’d be going out anywhere today. I can change if we leave.”

  He grins and it’s not the friendly sort—more of the my sister in law is cute and naïve and I’ll pretend to be patient because I want to fuck her again type of smile. Regardless, it doesn’t matter; the ass is still completely gorgeous.

  “It doesn’t matter what you want to wear or if you’re going out anywhere. If Ruthless catches anyone staring at your bared midriff in that crop sweater, he will have them put in a freezer with their eyes gouged out. He expects his wife to dress well, whether at home or going out. You never know when he’ll have business associates stop over. You need to be dressed as his wife should be to receive them. Think of it as a business meeting every time you leave this room.”

  Swallowing, my chest grows warm with irritation. I promised myself I’d adapt and I guess that includes learning how to dress as an old hag. If he wants me to wifey up, then that’s what I have to do. On the plus side, none of them will want to fuck me today, and my vagina will get a break. Not that I’m complaining. Those Vendetti men know how to work their hips to bring out delicious orgasms.

  “And fix your hair,” he continues. “The Capo will approve if you put a few curls in your hair. The only time a ponytail is needed is if you’re being fucked from behind.”

  Releasing a breath, I want to be angry, damn it, I do! But his talk about fucking me from behind, has my breasts growing heavy and my nipples tightening into peaks of expectation. Rather than argue, I clear my throat. It’s suddenly dry with the images of the brothers pulling my ponytail. “Fine. Then expect to wait awhile.”

  “I’ll be here all day,” he replies with a wink, wearing the same grin. It’s full of mischief. No doubt he’s picturing the same images I am, but I’d bet he’s the only one doing the tugging.

  It’s bad enough I must deal with getting wet every time Matteo opens his mouth, his voice is deep and raspy—like he sings for a living rather than slits throats. Then throw in his six gorgeous younger brothers flirting and making comments. At this rate I’m going to be a walking, talking, turned on sexpot ready to explode whenever one of them decides to touch me.

  Turning around quickly, I head back into my suite, not bothering to close the door. He wants to make me all hot and bothered flashing those fuck-me dimples that no doubt he’s aware of, I’ll do a little teasing of my own. Shimmying out of the jeans, I pull them off and stand with my legs spread, back toward Valentino and yank off my shirt. I toss the comfy offending crop top onto the overstuffed sofa at the end of the bed and offer him an uninterrupted view of me from behind. I have on a tiny pair of black lace cheeky panties and matching bralette. He groans once he realizes what I’ve done and I smile to myself. Mission payback is accomplished.

  Heading back into the massive walk-in closet, I rifle through the rows of clothes on the right side. It’s all the stuff that was here when I arrived. It still irks me that my mother sent over my measurements and size information beforehand and yet failed to mention to me that I was going to be getting married. She must’ve believed me to be such a fool to not suspect anything when she told me I needed to pack some things for a trip. She kept me busy and had me stay with my cousin in the guest room while the maids packed up my room. I never once thought about needing to go in my room for anything beforehand, and I feel like such an idiot to be played so easily by my own mother.

  Eventually, I land on a beige underdress with black lace overlay. It looks like it’ll be fitted and not too long, so I carefully remove the exquisite piece of clothing off the velvet-covered hanger and unzip the side closure. I grab a pair of tall, glossy black Jimmy Choo’s and make my way into the bathroom. Matteo wants me dressed appropriately; I’ll make him eat his own words with the clothes he supplied.

  Plugging in my straightener, I begin the process of applying my makeup. I go for a smoky eye, and then apply my primer, base, and setting powder. I highlight lightly in a few spots, contour to give me dimension and add a touch of blush before moving on to my hair. Using my straightener, I twirl a few loose curls into my long, dark hair and slip into the dress. It fits like a glove, and paired with the shoes, I’m a knockout. Brushing on some clear, shiny lip gloss and some inky mascara, I dig into one of the many expensive bottles of perfume that was already in the drawers.

  My husband seemed to think of everything, or he’s a total control freak. I wonder if he thought he’d have to kidnap me and had everything here waiting just in case. I end up spraying Versace and it smells divine. I’m guessing Matteo approves of the scent or else the bottles wouldn’t be in here. I wonder if he pictured me in this dress when he’d approved of it or if he had seen someone else wearing it.

  Spoiled bastard.

  Crossing the threshold, I throw a smirk at Valentino, hearing him curse under his breath along with muttering something in Italian. With these men, I’m going to have to start learning Italian to know what they’re saying. My father always spoke English to me, but the Vendettis don’t offer me the same privilege. “Better, Mr. Valentino Vendetti?” I ask and he curses again, pinching the bridge of his nose.

  “Follow me and drop the mister. My brother will stroke,” he grates out and I laugh to myself.

  “Oh, is something the matter?” I goad and he groans, spinning around quickly. His intimidating size has me plastered up against the wall with his move, my chest brushing against his as he’s so close. My breaths trip after each other, my breathing coming in small pants at his scent. The man is intoxicating.

  His nostrils flare, and in that moment, he reminds me so much of Matteo. “How the fuck,” he rasps on the verge of a snarl, licking his lips before continuing in that low gravelly voice of his, “am I supposed to protect you, when you look like that? I’ll be too busy thinking of all the ways I want in that tight pussy of yours than to be worrying about keeping you alive,” he finishes and I swallow, at a loss for words.

  He dips his head in, his nose lightly grazing my collar bone as he inhales deeply. “And fuck, you’re wearing my favorite perfume.” With a tormented growl, he grabs my wrist and spins back in the direction we were walking toward, muttering to himself as he tugs me along.

  I catch him saying that Ruthless is going to castrate him and that I look too sexy to be in this house and how I smell edible. It’s enough that by the time we arrive to the breakfast table, I’m feeling pretty good on my dress selection and wearing a bold smile with the get up.

  He yanks me into the room, coming to stand behind me. Matteo and his brothers all stare at me with hunger in their gaze as Valentino bites out a curse. “I’m done for today. Someone else fucking watch her.” He storms out and I witness as Matteo clenches his jaw before his emotions are shuttered away and my blank husband is once again in complete control.

  Holy fuck! She takes my breath away.

  Why did Valentino allow her to leave her suite looking like that? And how in the hell am I going to be able to get anything done when all I’m going to be thinking about is fucking her.

  Romano’s the first one to speak up. “Violetta, you are absolutely stunning today, bella. Rest certainly looks good on you.”

  “Thank you, Mr. Vendetti,” she replies, offering him one of her rare smiles.

  “Please, it’s Romano or Poppa. We’re familia now, carina,” he boasts, kissing her on each cheek. He’s no doubt taken with her, as he hasn’t allowed any of his own children refer to him as father since we were eight years old. For Violet, however, he’s ‘Poppa.’ I nearly snort, but refrain, as it’d just piss him off and that’s a side of him I don’t want my wife witnessing.

  “Romano, then,” Violet accepts. “Thank you for the compliment; I am feeling much better today.” She returns the gesture, lightly kissing each side of his face, and I must smother the growl that wants to break free from my chest. One of Salvat
ore’s many dates had been wearing that dress and I’d thought it looked decent, so I requested the same for Violet. That was a stupid, idiotic mistake. She’s far, far more enticing than the bimbo who was wearing it ever could be.

  Dante’s large form goes to her side. He places her hand in the crook of his elbow and escorts her closer to the buffet table full of various breakfast foods the cook prepared fresh this morning. “What would you like to eat, mia bella?” He gives her a smirk, which is so unlike my brooding brother.

  She’s not his beauty, she’s mine damn it.

  This is exactly how it’s supposed to be. They’re supposed to cherish her as she’s at the head of the familia with myself, but this is driving me crazy inside. How will I get through it if she decides to warm my brothers’ beds over mine? I must figure out a way because just watching Violet next to them has me on edge, and she still must sleep with Salvatore, Santino, and Cristiano. This tradition is going to be the death of me!

  “Relax, son,” Romano utters as he takes a seat beside mine. The other side is left vacant for my wife and I want her sitting there immediately so everyone has a reminder of who she belongs to. Not to mention, the table will help block their views of her shapely legs.

  Gritting my teeth, I watch as she giggles over something Dante murmurs into her ear, far too close for my comfort. Giggles over Dante...what the fuck? Since when did my grouchy brother learn to say anything even remotely funny? He’s big and moody and respects me, and that’s why we’ve always gotten along so well. Now he’s smirking and saying funny shit to make my bride laugh?

  I huff, stewing silently, per my usual temper tantrum way.

  “The tradition isn’t complete Matteo. When it is, she will only be yours.” My father drones on and I turn to him, my teeth clenched, my face in a snarl.

  “She’s mine, now,” I declare, Ruthless showing himself in the moment. I’m no longer patient, calm, cool Matteo Vendetti. I’m Ruthless, ready to take what is his and fuck up anyone else in the way.

  “She is,” Romano quickly agrees, placating the monster waiting to take over. “You’re the Capo dei capi Vendetti now; you must take some deep breaths and calm yourself. You’re with your familia, your brothers, your father, and your wife. Everyone is here for you, to serve you, Matteo.”

  Glancing around the table, my brothers nod in support, their mouths tight at seeing my bad side come out at a family meal. Valentino’s long gone, but I understand why. He had to remain professional and take a moment to himself. He’s already had his turn with Violet. Now he must step back as our brothers have theirs and she fully transitions into the Vendetti Queen’s role she is meant to have.

  Dante escorts her to the chair at my side, sliding it out and pushing it in for her. This is what they’re supposed to be doing: protecting her, helping her, watching out for her. I have to get back in control of my emotions. I don’t want her believing I’m a loose cannon, even if I really am one with a good front in place.

  Her palm lands on my forearm and my hand clenches into a fist.

  “Valentino suggested I wear one of the new dresses you approved of. What do you think?” Violet asks and stares at me with genuine curiosity in her gaze. She knows what my brothers think already, of that I’m certain. Anyone with eyes can see they’re smitten with the Princessa.

  “You’re beautiful. So much so, I have to stop myself from stabbing each of my brothers’ eyes out.” I admit before I can stop myself and her eyes grow wide. A few beats pass before she lets out the cutest fucking giggle and my brothers all follow behind chuckling at my statement. Hearing her laugh and seeing her smile pointed at myself this time has my shoulders relaxing and my fist uncurling. “That doesn’t frighten you?” I ask a moment later and am rewarded with another of her smiles.

  She shakes her head. “No. It would bother me if you didn’t find me attractive, if you didn’t think I was presentable. Hearing you say that does the opposite,” she admits, and my pants become tighter with my thickening cock. It seems I lose all control when she’s around—at one moment I’m angry and the next ,unbelievably horny.

  “Eat,” leaves me gruffly and everyone around the table digs in.

  I let my free hand fall under the table, landing on her lace covered thigh. It reminds me of her wedding dress and how I’d torn part of it from her body. She looked incredibly sexy all prim and proper in that white lace. Now, however, she looks utterly sinful in black lace, and knowing I took her virginity and fucked her again this morning, has me salivating for her again. My brothers may get a taste in the beginning, but it boils down to me owning her pussy and no other man having it.

  My brothers carry on about who knows what. I can’t concentrate enough past my hand on her thigh and the food I keep shoveling away like it’s my first meal in months. I do, however, make sure she eats, as well as drinks some of her orange juice. The doctor was insistent on her needing good nutrition in order to keep up with my brothers and me. Her well-being means everything to me as I make her strong enough to carry my children and be by my side in our empire.

  Romano eventually finishes and takes his leave. Valentino shows up around the same time, muttering apologies as he loads a plate full of food and sits toward the end of the table. I’m full myself with plenty of things to keep me busy, but I can’t seem to get myself to move from this chair as Violet slowly works on her food and entertains my brothers with random meaningless conversations. My brothers rarely put up with any sort of questions, but they encourage my wife as if she’s their new favorite toy.

  At one point, Salvatore scoots his chair back, getting to his feet. “We’re all here, so I think this is as good a time as any. What do you think, Matty?” He stares my way, as his words finally register after a beat. He wants to fuck Violet right now. He’s asking my permission and per the tradition I’m supposed to grant it, and I should be grateful they all want her. This is what they receive in return for pledging their lives to her.

  Swallowing down my annoyance and possessiveness, I take a big gulp of water before turning to Violet. She’s so damn beautiful today. She obviously went to trouble to do up her hair and makeup, and now, Salvatore’s about to ruin it. I think the part that bothers me most is not getting to be the one to mess her up. Without another thought, my hand reaches out, threading through her hair at her nape. Leaning in, I take her mouth in a hard, rough kiss. I want her to feel that she has me twisted up in knots inside. She needs to know that it’s not only my brothers who want her, but I do as well.

  Pulling away, I press a soft kiss to her lips once before removing my hand. “Salvatore is ready to fuck you, mia fiore.” The words leave me in a growl, my voice thick with my own need. The kiss was torture; I did it to prove a point, yet it made me crave her even more.

  She nearly chokes before glancing at him and then back to me. “Now?”


  “Are we going back to my room? I don’t want to be put on that exam table again, please.” Her face turns anxious, her hand squeezing my own with her softly spoken plea.

  Standing, I fling my arm through the dishes, clearing the table away in one swoop. The dishes crash to the floor in a heap of a mess with a loud clatter. “You don’t have to go back in there,” I promise her and hold my hand to her. Violet leaps to her feet, her hand shooting out to grab mine again. “Salvatore,” I grant permission, gesturing to the table and he easily agrees.

  “This will work perfectly.” He hastily leaves his place at the table, and with a few strides, he’s beside Violet. “I don’t want to rip that gorgeous material, pull it up for me, moglie.”

  My hands curl into fists at him calling her ”wife.” She’s mine. Will this get any easier? It seems to become more difficult each time. I shouldn’t have had sex with her this morning. It’s made me too territorial, but I had to. I want to make sure it’s my child she ends up carrying not my brothers.

  I’m not supposed to feel this way, yet I do. If my father were
aware, he’d be disappointed in me. My brothers, mia familia, is supposed to come first, even before my new wife. I was bred to head up an empire, and doing that, I cannot have weaknesses. I’m the Capo dei capi, for heaven’s sake; I can’t afford to show emotions as I desire to when it comes to mia moglie Violetta.

  I watch, twisting my arms over my chest, as Violet complies, doing what Salvatore asks. She scrunches the bottom of the dress up over her hips, exposing miles of smooth legs, her ass incased in black lace just begging to be ripped apart. Salvatore cups her delectable ass, squeezing the globes before lifting her over the edge of the cherry wood table.

  She lies back, parting her legs to fit his muscular thighs between them. He’s not nearly as big as I am, or say Dante, but he still manages to make her look small and feminine. Salvatore gazes down at her body, cock growing hard as he stares at the fabric that barely covers her waxed pussy. I think in that moment we’re all following along with our pants fighting our stiff dicks at the sight laid out before us. Violet’s undeniably stunning, and with her not rebelling, just opening those luscious thighs right up to be fucked at breakfast is a sight to behold.

  The situation has me nearly groaning with envy. We all wish to be in Salvatore’s place at the moment. I keep my thoughts to myself and watch as he pushes the panties right over her hole to the side, his finger dipping into her wetness. He pushes his finger inside her core about an inch before retreating and then pushing in again the entire length of his middle finger.

  I wonder if she’s still soaked inside from mine and Luciano’s cum from when we finished inside her earlier. It’s like a car crash; none of us can look away as Salvatore pumps first one finger and then two into her heat. He finger fucks her as we all stare, cocks harder than steel, waiting to do the exact same thing but having to hold back.

  Violet’s gaze meets mine as she parts her thighs even more, welcoming him deeper into her cunt. Her cheeks are flushed; her irises full of desire as she doesn’t watch him, but instead, she concentrates on me. She glances over my frame from head to toe, the juncture of her thighs growing wetter the more she gapes at my cock pushing against the expertly pressed slacks. I’m so damn turned on I feel as if I may split the fabric of my pants to break free and have her ride my cock in a repeat of this morning.


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