The Vendetti Empire

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The Vendetti Empire Page 11

by Sapphire Knight

  “And Severo?”

  “Yeah, boss?”

  “Bring him to me alive. I want him questioned to the fullest extent before we rule him out or dispose of the incriminating evidence. Also, check his office on site. He may have some cameras trolling that we weren’t made aware of the first time around. I don’t want anything left untouched. If it was him, find out whatever it is he knows and has already disclosed to the cops.”

  “I will.”

  “Keep me posted.”

  “Yes sir, you have my word,” he replies and I hang up the phone, meeting Cristiano’s gaze.

  “You’re going to get bloody while on your honeymoon?” His brow rises, as would mine if the positions were reversed right now.

  “This isn’t a honeymoon. I may have gotten married but it’s not as if we have the opportunity to celebrate such union. Even if I wanted to put everything on hold, I couldn’t with the cops nipping at our heels.”

  “You know what I mean. You’re supposed to be taking a few days off to be with Violet. She’s a new addition to our family and she hasn’t fulfilled the tradition completely. You heard Romano; it was supposed to be done already.”

  “So that’s what this is really about...” I pause, shooting him an annoyed glance. “You haven’t gotten to fuck her yet.”

  “Not completely, no. This is me doing what I’m supposed to, while being your counsel.”

  “Don’t lie to me, Cristiano. I can see what’s on your mind easily. You forget I was your age at one time too.” The main differences being that I merely reprimand him for it, whereas my father would’ve had me drink bleach for attempting the simplest of lies.

  “But you had Father on your back; I doubt you and I experience the same things.” The statement couldn’t be truer, but he really has no idea. Being the youngest, life is much easier on him than it was on me, being the oldest of Romano’s sons.

  “Exactly, so be grateful you have me to deal with and not him. You’ll get to fuck her, make no mistake about that. She was too weak to take us all on the wedding night. You’ll get your chance tomorrow; it is your birthday, after all. Don’t say I never gave you anything.”

  Cristiano snorts, then let’s loose a chuckle, finally relaxing. He’s a pain in the ass, but he’s still my brother and he’s young, turning seventeen tomorrow. After burying my cock deep in Violet, I know one thing for certain; he’ll never get a better birthday gift than sinking into her heat. I think the only reason why that thought doesn’t have me wanting to strangle him is because I know it has to happen to keep with the tradition, but also because he’s younger than her by a few years. He’s no competition in taking Violet from me. No one is. She belongs to me.

  A knock interrupts our conversation; Cristiano’s gaze meets mine waiting for orders, and I gesture for him to open the door. He heads for the heavy oak door, pausing to reach behind a decorative antique table. It’s positioned near the door handle to hide a small reinforced panel. Cristiano presses the hidden switch my father had installed many years ago. The office is essentially set up as a sort of panic room. Unless you know where to look, there’s a hidden locking mechanism. When it’s clicked three times in a row, a steel panel slides over the door.

  The main office is centrally located in the estate and Romano wanted to make sure we had multiple options should the need ever arise. I’d like to think we’re ready and able if an enemy was to make it inside, but you can never be too prepared. My grandfather along with my father believed that, as do I. I’m even more grateful for the added security now that I’m planning on bringing my own children into the world to grow up in the family home. They’ll be the fourth generation of Vendettis to live on this soil. That thought fills me with pride and now Violet will be a part of it as well.

  Cristiano shuffles to the side a bit, playing butler, and opens the door wider so Santino and Violet can step through. Seeing her in that ebony lace dress has me swallowing my tongue all over again. Damn, she is breathtaking. The nude underlining makes the dress appear as if it’s a layer of lace over her flesh and nothing more. I think it’s my favorite and least favorite piece clothing she owns all rolled into one because, no doubt, others look at her and have the same thought. I can handle my brothers picturing her naked or in lace, they’re my familia...but other men I’d have to put six feet below.

  Bottaro was well aware of what he was doing when he betrothed Violet to me. He knew that if another man I didn’t approve of were to touch her, that I’d gut them. I’ve always been a bit possessive, but with my wife, it’s another level entirely.

  “Tino?” I stare Santino down, waiting for him to tell me why they’ve arrived at my office so soon. He reminds me so much of my mother. He favors Liliana the strongest out of all of us, and since I’m the oldest, I believe that I remember her presence here the most.

  I know there’s no way they saw the entire mansion already. Violet comes to stand beside me and I can’t help but to reach over and run my palm along the back of her silky thigh. She’s so damn sexy. Her heated irises flash to mine and suddenly my pants are tight again. This woman is turning me into a sex starved teen, but that’s a good thing since she’s my new wife and we’ll be spending many years in each other’s presence.

  “We passed Salvatore on his way out,” my brother mentions helpfully.

  “He was leaving?”

  “Yeah, he was strapping up pretty heavily, too; said he was going to help Severo and Vito with whatever they were doing today.”

  My hand curls into a fist as I mutter a curse. Salvatore’s mentioned nothing to me about leaving and I’m sure he has Vito and Severo believing it was me who sent him along with them. The men know no better. This is one thing I’ll miss my father dealing with—my brothers. They can do as they please in most scenarios, but when it comes to business, everything should be run through me first. Salvatore can’t just jump into my men’s orders whenever he’s feeling froggy and wants to play mobster. He’ll end up dead and I’ll be the one the family blames for it in the end. Not only that, but he’s my brother; I don’t want anything to happen to him.

  Santino sighs, realizing by my reaction that it wasn’t my idea in the first place for Salvatore to join them. “I wanted to make sure you knew he was going...which I see now that you didn’t. Let me guess, you never gave the order for him to join them?”

  “No. I never would’ve sent him with them, it’s too dangerous. Salvatore could end up in jail, damn it. And with his fondness for substances, I can’t depend on him staying sober for the orders I’d given. The last thing we need is loose cannons when we’re cleaning up.”

  “I could go after them?”

  “No, Santino. I need my brothers here with me. Besides, you know as well as I do that Salvatore would fight you tooth and nail. He’d never come back without being restrained.”

  “So you don’t have anything you’d like me to take care of then?”

  “No. We need to lay low and keep our heads down so this can all blow over and be put to rest. Or unless we get some sort of intel on who the witness is, whichever comes first. That’s a lot of bodies to get charged with and whoever they pin it on will be slapped with some serious time. The polizia catch wind there’s a new Capo, well they’ll be putting their noses in my business more than usual.”

  If they don’t already know as it is. I need to figure out which cops will be willing to look the other way for me and how much money they expect in return for future favors. Don’t get me wrong, many of them are good, upstanding citizens who uphold the laws. I respect them for what they’re trying to do, keeping the people safe. However, I’m the head of a Mafia empire. Paying off any cops I can, is good for business.

  Santino nods. “You want me to cancel the weekly meet up at Gino’s?”

  He means the meeting we have each week with the other familias. It’s not so much a meet up, more like when their rent’s due and they have to fork over some cash. That’s the way things
are for the smaller players; they pay me to keep me from squashing them out of the game completely. Everyone must pay their dues, except the Vendettis, that is, because we are the mob.

  I meet his stare again; he has the same irises as Liliana had. “No. I have a better idea. Right before they’re supposed to show up, text them to meet us at the Buffalo location.”

  “First week as Capo dei capi Vendetti and already upsetting the familias,” he grins approvingly, and I shrug off his excitement.

  Their convenience isn’t my priority and a last-minute changeup could do us some good with the polizia sniffing around. We don’t need them stumbling into one of our weekly get-togethers. That’d be bad for all of us attending, mia familia especially if they were to overhear what we usually discuss. I’m not stupid enough to believe that we’re not on their radar each week. Any large group of criminals coming together in one spot would raise red flags, but for the most part, they usually keep to themselves.

  I press out a text to Vito before I become too distracted and forget and tell him to keep me in the loop if something goes awry tonight. I need to make sure Salvatore stays clear of any trouble that’ll get him put six feet under or behind bars. For being Romano’s second eldest, you’d think he’d be taking it a bit more seriously now that I’m the Capo dei capi. If something were to happen to me, it’d fall to his shoulders to take care of business along with the familia. I doubt he would be able to handle it; not unless he got sober and remained that way, but I don’t see that ever happening.

  “Cristiano, show mia moglie to her suite.”

  Violet’s gaze locks on mine, her mouth turned down into a frown as she questions me. “But why? I want to stay here…with you.”

  My palm runs up and down the back of her thigh again, itching to move farther under her skirt. “You need to rest, my wife. The doctor said you need time to recoup and you need to eat more.”

  Her cheeks flush as she quickly glances at my brothers and then back to me. I’ve embarrassed her, but I don’t know why.

  “I feel fine,” she argues and my brothers grin. “I’m strong.” The stubborn female is arguing with me, while men twice, maybe even three times her weight, would never have the nerve to question my orders. “Is it such a bother to have me here in your space? I’m supposed to be your wife, remember? Does that count for nothing?”

  “Leave us.”

  At my command, Cristiano and Santino move quickly to escape my wrath. They’ve been witness to those who’ve crossed me before and have seen me tear them to shreds. As the door closes behind them; I stand, towering over my petite wife, yet it doesn’t faze her in the slightest. She glares as she tilts her head to look up at me. It’s no doubt the Sicilian in her, egging on her own fiery temper to match my own. I’m at a loss, however; she’s not one of my brothers or men, she’s not an enemy...she’s my wife. I can’t treat her in the same fashion as I would one of them. And I have to admit, her not being frightened of me has me wanting to push her further and further.

  My finger moves, resting under her soft chin, tilting her face up a bit more. Leaning over I touch my lips to hers ever so softly. Continuing my pursuit as I skirt them over the silky smooth skin of her jaw, I pause next to her ear to murmur lowly, “You test my patience sweet, sweet wife. Shall I punish you for it, carina? Do you need to be owned yet again? Was this morning so long ago that I need to remind you who has the cock in this marriage? ”

  She swallows, her ample chest rising and falling as she inhales then exhales deeply. The pulse point in her throat quickens with my underlying threat. All of it motivates my cock to harden to the point of pain. I want so badly to reach into the third desk drawer and pull the ball gag free that I know is securely tucked away. I could teach her a lesson in what happens when she questions my orders. Tie her wrists and keep her on the edge of orgasm all damn day, until she submits and begs to obey my every command.

  “It would be such a shame to have to gag a mouth this pretty.” My thumb trails over her lower lip. My finger moves the plump flesh away just enough to imagine my dick resting in the middle. “Especially, when these pouty lips could be used in so many other pleasurable ways.”

  My cock flexes as I picture her positioned below me resting on her knees, taking my length into her mouth one inch at a time. Her lips would be swollen, her mouth an enticing shade of pink from stretching with my girth. Would she beg me to come in her mouth? Would she swallow it like a good little wife, or would she let it coat her lips and chin? Either way, she would look absolutely breathtaking in my eyes. Both sounds unbelievably good. Maybe I’ll have her suck me off twice. The first time she can swallow every drop I offer. The second time I allow her to suck on my cock I’ll paint her flawless skin with my warm cum

  A groan escapes as my jaw flexes with the pent up desire the images inflict. I nip at Violet’s lobe, unable to hold myself back and she shudders at the contact. Need filling her core as if she can read my thoughts and approves. She has no idea what all I’d enjoy doing to her. Some thoughts may even scare her, but we’ll find out eventually.

  Licking my lips, I continue with my verbal foreplay. “Shall I tie you to my desk? Leave you helpless without my touch? Leave you wanting?” My tongue snakes out to soothe the flesh I’d just had between my teeth. “Tell me, cara, how would you feel knowing you were helpless…completely dependent on me and left to fulfill any cravings I may desire? Could you handle it, knowing I’d be the one commanding your release…or denying it?”

  “You would tie me up?” she breathes, her voice wispy and dazed, leaving her in a needy whisper. Her sex-laden voice mimics a caress where I want to feel her most. My senses explode inside, begging me to throw her down and breed her, to fill her with my seed.

  With a rasp, I admit, “Mia fiore, I would do so, so much more.” My free hand lightly brushes over her dress clad pussy. There’s no mistaking my intentions. I want in that tight cunt.

  Violet’s body leans into my sturdy frame as she forgets that she was angry with my previous orders. Her mind’s elsewhere, exactly as I want it to me control. Her submission is the utmost allure, drawing me in to consume more. She belongs to me; her body is mine and before long, I’ll possess her mind as well.

  A quiet telling moan escapes my lips without me even realizing it until it’s too late. His softly spoken words entwined with that deep baritone have me so turned on, I feel as if I’m vibrating all over with want for his touch. My body’s twisted into a needy ball, aching for him to unwind it. I’m so warm; my skin’s most likely hot to the touch. My breasts swell with the thought of his mouth on them once again. The dress is suddenly too tight, the formfitting material nearly suffocating my flesh as I want to rip it free and bare my body to Matteo.

  I’ve never had a man speak to me the way my husband does—so forward. I’ve had young guys attempt to talk to me sexily, but the words always ended up sounding jumbled or out of place. It was more awkward than anything. But Matteo has me wanting to beg for those things he’s threatened to do to me.

  His mouth grazes from my ear to my neck, his teeth applying just enough pressure to give me goosebumps with each love bite. My head falls back, exposing the vulnerable spot fully to his delicious assault. He’s the Capo, he’s the dominant always and I think I’m just starting to realize that. I’d begun to believe that I was powerful and in control as the tradition took place with each new body...but now I see it was him with all of the influence this entire time. He’s been offering little tastes of it, building me up until I’d want whatever he’s willing to give.

  His hand moves down farther until it’s under the delicate expensive material and finally the only barrier in his way is the cheeky black panties I’d put on with him in mind. They’re still damp from Salvatore’s cum he’d filled me with after breakfast. Matteo’s palm breezes over my abdomen and quickly dips below the delicate barrier. My heart thunders in my chest, mimicking my excitement. Wasting no time, his fingers find m
y tender folds already wet and ready. These Vendetti men have had me in a constant state of arousal since my husband claimed my virginity.

  He swears harshly, his hot breath against my throat as his fingertip rims my entrance. The digit spreads the wetness before plunging inside to the hilt. The move has me crying out at the sensation, my body growing wanton to his touch. His hands are like nothing I’ve ever experienced before, not only from being a virgin, but because he knows exactly how to touch me.

  “Mmm...mia moglie...bella Violetta,” he rasps, the Italian words mimicking a satiny caress. “So soon, and yet your sweet pussy needs to be fucked again. Shall I give you my cock in your pussy or your mouth?”

  “I don’t care, just touch me,” I admit, completely gone to his will. I want him everywhere at this point.

  Matteo draws back, stopping immediately. My shocked gaze finds his dark coffee-colored orbs. He stares at me intently and if it weren’t for the hard shaft pushing his slacks outward, I’d think the man wasn’t fazed whatsoever. His control is insane. How does he do it when I want him so badly, I feel as if I may burst? He backs up a step and sits down in his oversized office chair as I pant, confused as to why he’s stopped touching me. We should be naked right now. Doesn’t he want me?

  I need him inside me again, right this instant. “What did I do?” I ask and bite the inside of my bottom lip. No doubt he’s had many women in his life. I’m sure they were far more experienced than me as well, but is it normal for him to turn a woman away?

  He pushes his chair back a little more, shaking his head. “Nothing, you’re bella, you’re perfecto. Put your ass right here.” He taps the edge of the middle of the desk and I step over, leaning until my butt meets the edge. “Good, now spread your legs.” I do as I’m told, spreading them until my Jimmy Choo’s are on each side of his dress shoes.


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