The Vendetti Empire

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The Vendetti Empire Page 12

by Sapphire Knight

  A palm lands on each of my thighs as he shoves the dress upwards to scrunch and stop at my waist. He can see the black panties along with the wetness on the insides of my thighs. I’m so turned on and curious that I don’t have it in me to be embarrassed. He’s the reason why I’m wet and ready right now anyhow, just as he’s the one responsible for having Salvatore pump me full of cum at breakfast earlier.

  “If it weren’t for this damn tradition, I’d eat your pussy until your cunt was sore from coming so many times.”

  My chest flushes, my breasts feeling so full and heavy as my nipples pebble at his words. To imagine the Capo dei capi between my legs, licking me there, has me dizzy with desire. “Matteo, the things you say to me…the way they make my body feel...” I leave off with a moan as he leans forward putting my lacey mound in his mouth. His breath scorches my core, the heat making me throb for him. “Please,” I cry with need. I’m not above begging right now. He can tie me up or do whatever it was he threatened if he’s inside of me to stop this ache.

  He sits back again, pushing the barrier to the side as he fills me with a finger again. “Please what, Violet? Tell me.”

  “Make me feel good?” I reply more as a question and he pushes a second finger in deeply. It’s enough to make me moan and shudder with a rewarding jolt. “Please, more.” I say again and he uses a third finger, filling me just enough to put me on the cusp of an orgasm. He moves in and out again and again with the perfect amount of force, finger fucking me to the point of losing control. Yet he remains seated, cool and calm.

  “Tell me what you want, damn it!” he commands, his voice on the verge of anger.

  “Fuck me, Matteo! Make me come!” I give in with a shout and in the next second he’s throwing everything off his desk. Papers, files and who knows what else go flying off in every direction as he shoves me down on the hard desk surface. One hand rips at my underwear as the other yanks at his pants, eventually freeing both of us in haste.

  “Say it again,” he demands and I don’t hesitate to yell at him to fuck me hard.

  Matteo’s palm lands on my mouth, his grip strong enough that when my hands fly to his wrist attempting to pull it free I can’t get it to budge. In one rough thrust he plants his cock in me to the hilt. I can’t cry out or even speak as his hand covers my mouth while he goes to work, pounding into my core. His free hand clutches my hip in a bruising hold, all of it combined with how turned on he’s already made me leading up to this moment has me screaming my release into his palm. The orgasm hits me hard, my eyes rolling back with the intensity.

  “Again,” he growls, continuing his brutal assault with his hips. With each drive, he plants himself so deeply that my clit is rewarded with just enough pressure to have me spinning. My mewls around his hand do nothing but spur him on more, and when he finally releases my hip to pinch my nipple, I come so hard tears trail down my cheeks. I’ve never felt anything so intense, so rewarding and to have an absolutely gorgeous man as my assailant has me questioning myself if this is all real or a dream.

  “That’s it,” Matteo rasps, watching each teardrop fall. “You belong to me, Violet. Never forget that when my brothers fuck you.” His face tightens with pleasure and his cock swells. I’d swear he couldn’t get any bigger, yet he does—his frame, his muscles, and his dick. It all seems larger as he groans out his release, shooting hot jets of cum, filling my core once again.

  Matteo may say I belong to him, yet he’s shown me one of his insecurities without realizing he’s done so. He’s afraid I’ll replace him with his brothers. Is that why he’s wanted me to sleep with them all so quickly—to essentially get it out of the way? Or so he doesn’t become attached, should I prefer one of them over him? I’ll probably never know and I don’t dare ask him about it. He most likely doesn’t realize what he’s said and how the words can be portrayed—what he’s unknowingly admitted.

  When I think back to him making me have the exam before we were married, he was acting spiteful. At the time I thought it was him being spoiled, but maybe it wasn’t. Could he actually be jealous of the prospect of me being with other men? It’s hard to figure out because sometimes he seems okay when at other times he doesn’t. It’s almost as if he doesn’t mind me having sex with his brother’s as long as I crave him over them. Then at times it’s like he wants me completely to himself.

  “Don’t question me in front of anyone ever again, or there will be consequences,” he scolds as he collects himself, putting his cock away and straightening his clothes.

  I guess my husband’s back in dick mode. You’d think the sex would take some of that fire away, but I’m beginning to wonder if anything can. “Consequences?” I huff as he helps me stand and pulls my dress back in place. My underwear is toast from him ripping them off. I thought that was supposed to be hard to do, but Matteo shredded them far too easily; they were more of an annoying piece of wrapping paper than a barrier. Regardless, I have none on now and while I stand, his cum drips down the inside of my thigh. If I don’t get to my room and quick, this could turn embarrassing fast.

  “Yes, I have plenty of creative methods to teach you just how to behave.” A snort escapes me before I can stop it and his brow rises. With a flick of his gaze, he divulges, “I’ll start by chaining you under my desk, naked.”

  “That doesn’t sound so bad as long as I get bathroom breaks and snacks.”

  “Noted.” He turns away but not before I’m able to see his lips turn up into a smirk. I’m sure his idea of desk time and mine are two very different things. He heads for the side table, pouring a glass of fresh cucumber and lemon water. He takes a long drink from the glass, draining a good portion of the beverage without asking if I’d like some as well.

  “What exactly would I be doing under that desk?” I ask, even though I have an idea already. Flashing a flirty smile, my hand caresses the desk I’m quickly growing fond of.

  “Sucking my cock and swallowing my cum, mia fiore. You’d be much too full for any snacks, but I’ll keep them in mind.”

  My finger comes to my chin, tapping as I think. “I’ve never sucked one before. How do you know I’d even be good at it?”

  His stare meets mine as he takes another large gulp of the refreshing beverage. The water wasn’t enough though, as he has to clear his throat to respond. “Don’t tempt me to teach you. I’d have you practicing all afternoon just to get it perfect. I think you’ve had enough for the moment.”

  I feel a stirring in my core, like my vagina’s waking up for another round at hearing his words. However, now is not the time. If I don’t take care of this mess, it’s liable to drip all the way down my legs and I would be mortified if anyone were to witness it. I have to remember I’m the Capo’s wife and I seriously doubt one would ever be caught in that position. Running my fingers through my messy curls, I nod. “We’ll reschedule then.” The suggestion comes out sounding breathier than I’d intended and his smirk grows into a pleased grin. A giggle escapes me at the absurdity of me scheduling to give him a blow job all day under his desk. It’s comforting to know my new husband does have a lighter side he tends to hide.

  “Perhaps.” The handsome man takes another long drink before flashing a touch of bright white teeth in what I’d consider a small smile coming from the Capo himself.

  “I think I’ll head to my room for a little while and freshen up.” I nod again, more to myself as I make up my mind. He may have ordered me to do it prior to his brother’s leaving, but now the demand holds some merit with me. I need to stop this mess before his brothers and anyone else notices it as well.

  “You do that.” His tone’s amused as he presses a small button. It buzzes and in the next instant Santino pops his head in.

  “Matty?” he greets and glances back and forth between the both of us. There’s no doubt what just went down in here. I’m sure he can smell the sex we just had.

  “Take my wife to her suite.”

  “Sure thing.” />
  “And go slowly; she may be a bit tender.” His gaze on me is like fire, burning me with each word, reminding me just how hard he was fucking me moments prior. I bet Santino heard the entire thing, too, considering how quickly he was in answering the summons. My cheeks heat with Matteo’s parting remark and I can’t bring myself to look at his younger brother. I’m supposed to be with him next, per the Vendetti tradition and right now my husband is rubbing it in that we’d just had some pretty great, rough sex.

  Santino clears his throat. “Uh, right. No problem. Come on, bella.”

  He closes the door behind us and I walk half a step slower so he’s not behind me. I don’t think I’m walking funny but Matteo’s words still ring in my ears about needing to go slow and I can’t deal with the embarrassment if they hold merit. He’s certainly conceited in that department but after those amazing orgasms, I can understand why he’d be that way.

  “So…” Santino clears his throat after a beat and glances at me briefly almost as if he’s embarrassed himself. Maybe he did hear the entire bout between Matteo and me. It was definitely enough to make anyone speechless. We probably sounded like crazy people, yelling at each other at first then it quickly morphing to moaning and…other things.

  I flash him a shy smile, hoping he can see that I don’t want to discuss what just went down, at least not with him. Not that I didn’t enjoy it, because I did immensely. I’d just rather talk to Matteo about it, not anyone else.

  “You must be feeling quite overwhelmed with all of this. I can imagine it’s a big change being here,” he comments as we walk through another long hallway. I swear this place is like a maze.

  “That’s a good word to describe it.” I nod. “Everything is different here.” I leave it at that because, well, it covers a broad range.

  He grins at that, no doubt automatically assuming I mean the sex. Which yes, that is completely different, but that’s not all that has tipped me upside down since coming here. I came here a few days ago under the impression I was meeting my future husband. I had no idea that I’d be meeting him, getting married, and never leaving here. I need to take it one day at a time to process it all and adapt; otherwise, the changes may overwhelm me to the point of freaking out. I guess in a sense I already did. The wedding day was too much for me to handle and I passed out. What a poor way to remember one of the most important milestones in your life. Not much of a first impression left on anyone either, I imagine.

  “Can I ask you something, Santino?”

  He takes a few steps up the massive grand staircase, before momentarily pausing to reply. “Of course.”

  I follow along, staring over the banister at the beautiful chandelier sparkling brilliantly with shards of light as we make it to the top of the staircase. The entire estate is done up in the finest of everything. The decorations are a flattering mixture of classical and modern. How they intertwined it to look as if it all belongs together is beyond me. Then again, I was raised to be the Bottaro Princess, not an interior decorator. “How did the Vendetti tradition get started? Surely I’m not the first to have to go through this? I don’t mean it in a negative way, so please don’t take it as such.”

  “No-no, I get what you’re saying. I’m not sure if I should be the one to tell you of our family history or if it should be my brother. I don’t know if he’d approve of any of us speaking to you about it or not.”

  “Oh, I didn’t think about asking him. I should have earlier but I just now thought of it, probably just hit me since I’ve been speaking to you all more. Would Matteo be angry if you told me?”

  “Let’s hope not for both of our sakes. I’ll tell you, but first, one piece of advice to heed: don’t get on my brother’s bad side. I’m sure you’ve already heard some of the rumors.”

  “A few, yes, but he’s the Capo dei capi. I’d expect nothing less.”

  “Ruthless Vendetti is a completely different man than the one you’ve been around. Trust me on this. My brother has been soft with you—always remember that in everything you do, and you’ll be just fine here.”

  I nod, even though I’m not too worried about it. He’s my husband after all, and I plan to support him in his businesses, not cause any problems for him and his family. I do have a quick temper, though. Hopefully that doesn’t turn him into a psycho, though he did threaten to tie me naked to his desk already. I’ll keep that between him and me. I don’t want his brothers getting ideas like that as well, at least not until I’ve tried it out with Matteo first.

  “The tradition began four generations ago,” he starts out, like it’s a magnificent fairy tale from long ago. “My great-grandfather and his brother were in love with the same woman. My great-grandfather wanted to marry her when it was his turn to be the Capo, but his brother wanted to do the same. Not be the Capo, but marry her as well.”

  I nod, following his meaning.

  “It made them resent each other as soon as the other one found out. So anyhow, their father, my great-great grandfather arranged for her to marry my great-grandfather since he was to be the Capo and essentially being the oldest son, he got first pick.” His cheeks redden a touch and he glances at me, gauging to see if I’ll object to him getting to pick his bride. I won’t though. I know that this is normal in our type of life and especially so long ago.

  “Did they marry?” I ask, wanting him to continue.

  He takes my cue. “Actually they did, but she was in love with both men and ended up sleeping with my great-uncle the same night of the wedding, after she’d consummated the marriage with her new husband, the Capo.”

  “Oh wow,” I breathe, completely engaged in the story. It’s getting interesting.

  “Yeah,” he sighs. “So, long story short, the brothers fought many times over. They resented each other and she spent her life torn between loving two men. An old enemy put a hit out on her, and in the end, my great-uncle gave up his life to save hers. In doing that, my great-grandfather laid all grudges to rest with his deceased brother. Before my grandfather took over as Capo, my great-grandfather made one Vendetti rule that the Capos were to follow to come into power and head of the family—”

  I interrupt, “The Vendetti tradition.”

  “Right,” he agrees. “It was decreed in our familia a formal tradition to be honored by all Vendettis wishing to take the Capo dei capi title. The oldest male son in the Vendetti bloodline must marry in order to take his place, and in doing so, he must share his bride with his brothers. This is to ensure he gains their loyalty to keep the Vendetti Queen safe and she can love more than one man in return for her sacrifice to our family.”

  “Wow,” I breathe out again, speechless. This is crazy stuff you read about in books or see in movies, but to them it’s real life. To think they’ve lived this for generations and believe in it for the good of their family. They’ve kept it all secret, too. My father never would’ve agreed with my hand in marriage had he’d known about any of it.

  “That’s not all. My great-grandmother had twins...” He pauses, drawing me in deeper. “Two sons.”

  “No way...”

  “Yep.” He comes to a stop outside my suite door. “One son from each brother.”

  My mouth drops open. I didn’t even think that was possible!

  “My great-grandfather loved them both and claimed both boys as his own, but the familia knows the truth. Doctors say it’s not possible to know if their fathers were truly different, but just one look at the two of them and you’d know which son belonged to which brother.”

  I hold back my gasp, but lordy do I want to pepper him with a million questions and go digging around in their family history.

  “And your grandfather?”

  “He was the true son and was Capo dei capi at one point as well.”

  “Did he...” I trail off and he smiles.

  “Yes, he had to share his wife with his half-brother.”

  “Holy shit.”

  “So, you se
e, Matteo isn’t offering you up to all of us because he enjoys it. He’s doing it because you will have seven men protecting you always.”

  “But what if one of you were to fall in love and marry your own wife?”

  He shrugs. “We can, I mean, we’re permitted. My uncle has his own wife and they have children together as well.”

  “But how does it work?”

  “My uncle would continue to protect my mother if she were still around as well as have his own family.”

  “I see.” I glance at Santino again, noticing him in a different light, seeing them all differently now that I understand a little better why they’re doing what they are. Reaching out, I grab his much larger hand with mine and squeeze it softly before letting it go. “Thank you, Santino.”

  His lips turn up. They’re unlike his brothers, much thinner, but still attractive. His rich chocolate irises sparkle as he tenderly tucks a strand of my hair behind my ear. “My pleasure, bella Violetta. Now get some much-needed rest.” With a wink, he takes a seat in the sitting area off to the side of my rooms. He’s there in case I need anything, including protecting and that has me feeling some type of way—maybe even a little special.

  I’ve stayed away from Violet since I’d taken her so roughly in my office yesterday. I’m supposed to be giving mia moglie time to relax as the doctor instructed yet I can’t seem to keep my hands off the little fiore whenever I’m around her. I have this need to possess her and yet I have to allow each of my brothers a chance to consummate the union between us as well. They were all supposed to have their time with her on the wedding night just as my family has done in the past, yet that hasn’t happened. Thankfully, my father is on leave or he’d be furious over it.

  I don’t want to share Violet and yet there is nothing I can do about it without breaking the family rules. Our goal is to make sure she’s safe here, that she continues the Vendetti bloodline and eventually, hopefully, she learns to love one of us as well. Only I don’t want her to fall for any of my brothers. I want her deeply in love with me and no one else. I’m the Capo. It should be me whom she desires above all else. I don’t want to share her affections. I won’t stop her from seeing my brothers if she pleases, even though it goes against the alpha in me to allow it. When I really dig deep, I know it wouldn’t be so bad if she were to love them just as long as I got some of her time as well. I don’t have to like it though.


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