The Vendetti Empire

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The Vendetti Empire Page 16

by Sapphire Knight

  Being a Bottaro was not boring, but it definitely wasn’t like this.

  1 week later...

  I’m done sharing her.

  The tradition required for me to give her to my brothers and for us to attempt to impregnate her immediately. We each did our part and now she can finally become mine. Thank fuck, as much as I love my brothers, I don’t enjoy sharing mia Violetta, my perfect little flower.

  “What are we doing this weekend?” she asks as I lazily stroke the smooth expanse of skin. Her back is bare, the sheet pulled just to her waist as she lies on her tummy staring up at me. Violet gazes at me as if I’m the most interesting thing in the room, if only that were true. If only I could be so oblivious as she is, rather I’m jealously pondering ways of keeping her from my brothers. They’re supposed to be the ones protecting her while I run the Vendetti Empire. Selfishly, I can’t stop from attempting to figure out ways to have her by my side at all times.

  “You will be with me, of course.” It comes out rougher than necessary with my tormented thoughts, imagining my wife naked and being fucked raw by Valentino or Dante. Am I enough for her, or will she run to one of their beds the moment she doesn’t feel completely satisfied? I’m the Capo, much more powerful than any of them, she melts for my cock. I have to stop this frivolous jealousy.

  “That’s not what I meant...” she trails off, innocent eyes wide at my stiffening muscles. “I imagined we would be together.”

  I don’t let her finish, raising an eyebrow and staring down my nose into her irises. “Did you now? What else were you imagining, mia moglie?” The retort leaves me before I have time to think about what I’m saying.

  “Hey!” With a huff, she rises onto her knees, pulling the sheet to cover her perfect breasts. “Why are you angry? You were inside me mere moments ago, whispering how wonderful I felt.”

  “So young and naïve.” My nostrils flare, smelling her sweet scent still lingering in the air. I had her screaming while she came around my cock. She’s right, she did feel fucking fantastic. In fact, it’s her fault for winding me up, making me feel such rapture and then having the plague of knowledge, knowing she’ll be with a brother of mine sometime soon and also being aware that I can do absolutely nothing to put a stop to it.

  Is it really the Vendetti tradition, or is it the Vendetti curse?

  “Oh really...I’m young and dumb now, huh? Well, you’re old and a dick.” She shrugs, pulling the sheet a bit more to wrap around her to stand. She’s so damn mouthy, and toward me of all people. If I were a lesser man I’d have her gagged for such disrespect.

  “Where are you going?” I push, egging on an unnecessary argument. Watching her attempt to get away from me even quicker has my Vendetti temper flaring. The Capo rears his ugly head at not having his whim met immediately.

  “I’m not laying here while you decide to talk down to me after I gave my body to you freely.”

  “Who will you run off to next, then?”

  “You’re unbelievable!” she scoffs, and I rip the sheet out of her hands, wanting to hold her body to mine. Rather, she lets it go and practically hops away.

  The growl rumbles free, as I toss the vacated sheet off to the side. “You’re not going anywhere,” I command, on the cusp of raising my voice. It’s so unlike myself, I feel as if I’m spiraling. I don’t raise my voice, I don’t ruffle, or even give a fuck. I demand, I take, I conquer. I claim what’s mine.

  “I’m not staying here,” she mutters yanking a T-shirt and shorts on. She leaves off the bra and the sight of her stiffened nipples underneath the thin material has me roaring.

  “You will do as I say! I’m the Capo dei capi Vendetti, damn it!” I move to grab her and she jerks away, anger pulling her lips tight.

  “Make no mistake Matteo Vendetti, I’m more than aware of who you are. You seem to forget that you’re also my husband.” With a huff, she spins on her heels and storms out of the room.

  Full of frustration, my arm lashes out making contact with a crystal vase. It flies to the floor, the loud shatter an echo of my loss of control. The bedroom door swings open, banging into the wall as Santino pops his head in, eyes wild.

  “What the fuck is happening, Matty?”

  “Nothing,” the short reply leaves me with a curse.

  “I saw Vi, she took off down the hall as if she were being chased. Please tell me she’s running after sex toys and not because you did something to upset her.”

  My glower seeks him out. “Her name’s Violet goddamn it. It’s not Vi, not Bella, or any other fucking pet name!”

  His hands shoot up, palms out, his mouth dropping at my outburst. “Calmati, Capo, per favore.”

  “Don’t tell me to calm down. Mia moglie just ran down the hall, who is keeping her safe?”

  He exhales. “Cristiano ran after her. He’ll make sure no harm comes to your wife. Do you want to tell me what’s going on? What just happened?”

  Raking my hand through my sleep flattened hair, a groan breaks free and I plant my ass on the bed in frustration. “Stupido,” I mutter, shaking my head. “Era un argomento insulso che non aveva nessun senso.”

  “Really?” His brows raise, surprised at my confession. “It’s unlike you to argue for no reason, and for it to make no sense?” he tsks.

  “I was being jealous.”

  “Ah. You weren’t expecting to like her and so fast?”

  If it were any of my other brothers, I wouldn’t be able to open like this to them. I wouldn’t feel comfortable confessing my screw up. It’s rare that I do, ever. “Like her isn’t a strong enough word.”

  “She will be pregnant soon, how will you act when she is with child?”

  “A wreck,” I admit. I don’t want to say it aloud, but the child better be mine. I’m a fool for believing I’d be okay with my brothers getting her pregnant. I know preserving the family bloodline is supposed to be the utmost importance, but I’m growing more and more territorial with Violet with each passing day.

  “And what is your plan if we are supposed to be the ones keeping her safe all the time? You can’t possibly keep her in your sights twenty-four hours a day. You have a business to run—an Empire, hell, the entire Mafia practically.”

  “There’s only one thing I can think of...”

  He waits for me to say it, even though I know he’s thinking the same thing I am.

  “I have to make her a true queen. I have to teach her to run the Empire.”

  Thank you for reading The Vendetti Empire part one.

  I’m currently working on part two, titled The Vendetti Queen.

  I hope you will continue on this journey with me and watch for more of Violet’s story.

  This book came out of nowhere last year and was put on hold until my schedule had room to work it in. I love the brothers and can’t wait to see where their story will take us.

  I expect to have the second book completed in January 2019. You have about a month to wait if you’re reading this right at release, so I hope that’s not too far ahead for you. This life, my stories, would not be possible if you weren’t here to help support my dream and offer encouragement. Thank you!

  XO- Sapphire Knight

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  Capo Dei Capi Vendetti

  The Vendetti Empire - part 1

  The Vendetti Queen - part 2










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