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Jack & Coke (The Uncertain Saints Book 2)

Page 12

by Lani Lynn Vale

  My head, which had been in my hands, went up slowly.

  “You bought some land and a house?” I asked in alarm.

  He nodded.

  “Where?” I wondered.

  “Off the highway. It butts up to the lake,” he said, pulling out his phone.

  We spend the next ten minutes trying to decide where to put a house, and I had to say I was excited.

  I’d never seen a house built from nothing.

  I thought it’d be a fun experience to witness, even if it wasn’t my house.

  “Are you going to go more modern or contemporary?” I asked, looking through Pinterest now for house plans.

  “I don’t know. What do you like?” He asked randomly.

  I shrugged.

  “I like a more rustic look, but with a modern feel to it,” I told him.

  He nodded.

  “That’s kind of what I like, too,” he said, leaning over my back to look at the pictures I was looking at.

  “Well, since you know what I like, maybe you can help me pick out some of the designs. I have to go, not tomorrow, but the next day to a few different appointments to pick out the flooring, cabinetry, and lights,” I said. “I want you to come with me.”

  I nodded, then finally broached the subject that was really bugging me.

  “You know it’s a form of torture, right, asking your present fuck buddy to live in the same house as your ex?” I said cautiously.

  I wanted to move in with Mig, I really did.

  In fact, it was at the top of my ‘things I want to do the most’ list.

  We only got to see each other now for little snippets of time.

  If I were living with him, I’d see him in those in between times, as well.

  And I wanted that.

  But what I didn’t want was to watch Mig wait hand and foot on Jennifer because she was on bed rest.

  Mig grabbed my phone, tossing it onto the dresser, and drawing my attention.

  I blinked when I looked up to find my face only inches from Mig’s.

  “What?” I asked somewhat nervously.

  “You’re not my fuck buddy,” he growled. “In fact, you couldn’t be further from my fuck buddy.”

  Hurt flashed across my face, and he saw it before I could hide it.

  “Okay,” I whispered.

  “That’s not what I meant, so get those stupid thoughts out of your head,” he ordered roughly. “What I meant was that you’re my woman. Not my fuck buddy. So, of course, your opinion matters to me. If you really don’t want to live with her, then I’ll deal with it. I’ll go hire a caretaker even if I have to take out a loan to do it.”

  I’d offer him the money if I had it, but I was fairly positive he wouldn’t take money from me.

  In fact, I doubt he’d take it from any of his friends, so I didn’t feel slighted.

  “I’m your woman?” I asked hesitantly.

  He laughed.

  In my face.

  Like a rude ass.

  “You’ve been my woman since you moved in next door. I may have been married…as well as you, but my heart was yours from the moment you dropped your end of the couch. I know you don’t want this. I know it. But I am only trying to find the best solution to this mess.” He hesitated, “I was going to ask you to move in with me…or the other way around, since I currently live on a houseboat the size of a postage stamp. This isn’t ideal, I know, but it’s real. Our real.”

  I closed my eyes.

  “Can y’all move here?” I asked. “I have a spare bedroom, and I think with all my things here I’ll feel more comfortable.”

  He nodded, cupping my face.

  “Yeah, we can do that,” he agreed.

  “And don’t expect me to wait on her hand and foot. If she needs something, you’re getting it, got it?” I growled.

  He smiled and leaned forward.

  “Got it.”

  He leaned forward more.

  “And she better not be mean to my dog,” I snapped. “That’s Katy’s room. Katy gets to stay if she wants to stay.”

  His lips were a hairsbreadth away now, and I was breathing faster in anticipation.

  “Would never dream of it.”

  “And you need to talk to her about her mouth. If she starts talking trash about you or me, or you and me, I’ll let her have the edge of my tongue,” I hissed.

  He’d told me everything that had happened today at the hospital. Starting with her explanation as to why she’d raped Mig, and ending with the discussion the doctor had had with her about needing bed rest. So while this may not be an ideal situation, I know Mig wants this baby healthy, and I’ll do what I have to in order to see this through.

  “I guess I should be happy it’s only for two more weeks rather than two more months,” I muttered.

  His mouth crashed down on mine, and I found myself, back to the bed, beneath Mig’s large, sexy, hard body.

  He settled his slim hips in between my now splayed thighs and deepened the kiss.

  My heart rate, already racing in my anger, started pounding.

  Thud. Thud. Thud. Thud.

  I gasped into his mouth, fighting for breath.

  Slickness started to coat my sex in preparation for him, and my legs involuntarily rounded his hips to bring him even closer.

  His hard cock ground into my mound.

  He was so hard that it hurt.

  It was a good hurt, but a hurt nonetheless.

  I liked it.

  In fact, I liked it so much that I barely registered the yelling at first.

  Only when Mig stopped did I realize that what I’d been hearing didn’t belong to the TV in the background, but to the woman on the other side of the clubhouse.

  Mig had brought Jennifer here because it was neutral territory for both her and I, and I’d showed up later and nearly had a meltdown at what I saw.

  Mig had been across the room from Jennifer. She was laying on the couch like a queen waiting to be pampered.

  When I’d arrived, he’d immediately gotten up and dragged me to the bedroom, where we now stood.

  “I need to go to the bathroom!” Jennifer screeched.

  Mig’s eyes narrowed, both of us panting as we tried to decide what to do next.

  Mig’s cock was harder now as he looked down into my eyes, but Jennifer’s voice was getting louder.

  I smiled at him, then made my decision.

  I reached down and started to push my pants down.

  Mig stiffened his arms beside me and lifted his legs, one at a time, to allow me to move my pants down.

  My panties followed my pants, and soon I was bared to his gaze.

  He licked his lips, and started to lower himself back down on top of me, but Jennifer interrupted him once again.

  “Please! I don’t know where the bathroom is!” She yelled.

  Mig’s eyes narrowed.

  I had a feeling that she knew exactly where the bathroom was.

  Swear to Christ, the door was right off the main room she was in. There was no way she didn’t see it from the couch.

  So, once again, I made the decision to try to capture his attention once again.

  I wanted to prove a point, not just to him, but also to Jennifer.

  She would not have him at her beck and call.

  Nowhere in the fine print did the doctor say that she needed to be waited on hand and foot.

  So as I eased my hands down Mig’s taught abdomen, then slipped my hands under the waistband of his jeans as I peppered his bearded jaw with small kisses.

  “Mig,” I breathed against his skin.

  He looked down at me as I eased the zipper down, and the button through the hole.

  I bit my lip as I pushed down his jeans and underwear, freeing his rock hard cock.

  “What?” He asked.

  I leaned up and kissed him full on the mouth, wrapping my hand around him and jacking him
off as I did.

  I rubbed the head of his cock against my clit, circling my entrance with the spongy head and coating him in my juices.

  “Push in,” I whispered against his lips as I lined his cock up with my pussy.

  He followed orders, flexing his hips and pushing his stiff length into me.

  He didn’t stop pushing until he hit the bottom of me, then ground his hips once he did.

  “So good,” I whispered, my pussy rippling around him, trying to accommodate the suddenness of his thick girth entering me.

  “Mig! Answer me!” Jennifer screeched.

  I pulled his mouth down to mine, then circled my legs around his hips once again, to urge him on.

  He was urged, all right.

  He started to thrust into me, hard and deep.

  So deep that I saw stars

  “Jesus,” I breathed, head going back as he hit a certain spot inside of me. “Yes.”

  His rhythm never changed, and although my eyes were closed, I could tell he was watching me.

  I couldn’t manage to open them, though.

  With each stroke he took into me, the closer and closer I became to an orgasm the likes of which I’d never experienced before.

  “The only bathroom I know is in there with you,” Jennifer said, right outside the door now.

  Mig lost concentration, stopping when he realized how close Jennifer was.

  Me, though, all I was was desperate.

  I rolled, pushing Mig completely off the bed.

  His back hit the carpeted floor with a thump, and he grunted in reaction.

  Our connection, however, wasn’t lost.

  And I used that to my advantage when I started to bounce up and down on his shaft.

  I hastily yanked my shirt up and over my breasts, pulling down the cups of my bra so I could reach my nipples beneath.

  His hands went to my hips, and grabbed on like I was slowly killing him.

  His eyes watched as I pinched and teased my nipples, bringing my breast up to my mouth.

  Then, he watched in awe, as I sucked the tip of my nipple into my own mouth.

  “Oh, fuck.”

  I would’ve smiled, but my mouth was occupied.

  He took over then, thrusting up and pulling me down until my orgasm was once more upon me.

  And when I went over the peak, throwing my head back in a silent scream, he followed me.

  But he wasn’t silent.

  He yelled.


  “Fuck yes!” He bellowed. “Take it all.”

  I took him all, and then some.

  “I can’t believe you’re in there fucking her when I am in need of a bathroom,” Jennifer said in outrage.

  I wanted to laugh, but I was doing good to breathe at that moment in time.

  My head went down, and I looked at the man beneath me.

  “You’re bad,” he whispered, pinching me on the ass.

  I smiled, then removed myself from on top of him.

  His cock met his taut belly with a wet smack, and I grinned.

  “I’ll show you bad,” I whispered, turning around so he could see my pussy.

  Then I took his cock into my mouth and cleaned him off.

  One lick at a time.


  Hours later, we were both at Chipotle, getting burritos, and I was trying not to drool.

  No, not at the sexy beast at my side.

  Mig was gorgeous, but he wasn’t what had my mouth watering at that moment in time.

  No, what had me salivating was the perfect burrito being built for me.

  I growled low in my throat when the worker put the first scoop of chicken onto my plate.

  “I want double chicken,” I said before he could move on to the next item.

  He gave me a weird look, and I wanted to laugh.

  See, they didn’t like it when you fucked with your scoops at Chipotle. They’d try to stiff you scoops if you ordered double chicken up front.

  They couldn’t give you a smaller scoop, because you already knew what a ‘normal’ scoop was for them.

  So they had to give you two scoops of the chicken, at the perfect amounts that one should get when they asked for a second scoop.

  Something I explained to Mig, twenty minutes later, as we were finishing up our meal.

  I popped a chip into my mouth, and finally answered the question he’d asked me earlier when we’d sat down.

  I’d been too hungry to answer, and he’d thought the entire thing was hilarious.

  “Yes, I come here a lot. So I know exactly how to order to get the maximum burrito perfection,” I explained.

  He nodded sagely.

  “I could tell,” he smiled, taking a sip of his sweet tea.

  The large cup looked small in his hand, and my eyes traveled up said hand to the tattoos on his forearm.

  “What does that one mean?” I asked, pointing to the band that circled his lower forearm.

  He shrugged. “It was spur of the moment. I got it on a whim. All it means is ‘focus.’”

  I got that he didn’t want to speak about it, so I changed the subject.

  “That was nice of Alison to volunteer,” I said, looking at Mig across the table.

  “Yeah, it was. I’m glad, too. I don’t want to spend any more time with her than I have to. I’ve come to a decision, though. I’ll just move in with you, and Jennifer can stay at her own place,” he said. “If she needs me other than when I bring her grocery runs, she can call me…or you.”

  I had a feeling that was as good as it was going to get, so I grabbed onto it with both hands.

  “That sounds good,” I conceded. “But if it gets to be too bad, you’re not going to find me helping her at all.”

  He nodded, a concerned look on his face. “Hopefully it won’t be too bad.”

  Chapter 16

  I like to introduce myself by saying ‘it’s nice to fucking meet you.’ That way I can weed out the losers that’ll get butt hurt over my language in a timelier manner.

  -Mig’s secret thoughts


  He was wrong.

  It was worse.

  Way worse.

  I would never wish Jennifer on my worst enemy.

  She was needy. She was whiny. And she was pissy.

  Add in the hormones on top of all that, and it was damn near unbearable.

  “I’m not going back over there. There’s only so much one can take, and I’ve hit my limit today,” I grumbled to myself, stomping across Mig’s well-manicured lawn to my non-manicured one. Fortunately for Mig, the house hadn’t sold yet.

  Not that Mig hadn’t offered to mow it.

  He had.

  But it was my lawn. I mowed it.

  When I felt like it…and right now I didn’t feel like it.

  Core, my prospect babysitter, started to wave, but then he saw the look on my face, and decided to ignore the usual welcome he gave me when he saw me.

  It was a good thing, too.

  I was ready to take the first person I saw off at the knees, and that especially went for Mig and Jennifer.

  I swear to God, for someone that didn’t like his ex-wife, he sure was treating her as if she was something special.

  Like just now.

  Jennifer had gone on another crying fit about how bad of a person she was. Instead of setting her straight that she was a bad person, Mig sat down next to her, gave me a ‘will you please leave’ look—a look, I might add, that I’d been getting from him a lot in the past week—and started talking to her about how she needed to calm down because it wasn’t good for the baby.

  I was about to slam the door to my house when a car pulled up in my driveway.

  I stopped and turned, looking at the car as the older officer that’d been the one to tell me my ex was gone, stepped out of his car and held up a hand to me in greeting.

  “It’s okay, Core,” I
said, who’d stood the moment the car pulled into the driveway.

  Core narrowed his eyes at me, then moved them to Officer Shields.

  I held up a hand at him and widened my eyes, causing his lips to kick up in a smirk at my reprimand.

  “What can I help you with, Officer Shields?” I asked once he’d reached me.

  Officer Shields smiled, and I had to admit, he was devilishly handsome, even if he was a lot older than me.

  “I wanted to ask you a few questions about your ex-husband, if you don’t mind. There’re a few things that have been bothering me, and I wanted you to clear them up,” he explained.

  My brows rose.

  “Sure,” I said.

  It might be really nice not to have to see or hear Jennifer whine for more than an hour.

  “Great, do you want to come to the diner with me? I don’t want to make you uncomfortable,” he said.

  I shrugged. “That’s fine. You’ll have to take me to work afterwards, though. I have to be at the salon in about an hour and a half.”

  And that’s how I ended up driving away with another man instead of waiting for Mig to call me back over.

  A ride I took without my phone so he couldn’t reach me.

  “Do you know evasive maneuvering that can get us away from my babysitter?” I asked, pointing at Core who’d followed us on his bike.

  Officer Shields smiled.

  “From what I understand, you’ve got some bad guys responsible for that scar I can see on the side of your head,” he said softly. “So if it makes Konn feel better to have you followed wherever you go, then I’m not going to lose him.”

  I narrowed my eyes. Konn, aka Mig, aka He-Who-Caters-To-His-Ex-Wife, was on my shit list. And I didn’t care about making him ‘feel better.’

  We didn’t speak about what he wanted to talk about on the way there.

  We spoke about the weather and how unseasonably cold it was for this time of year.

  Normally, in October, it was eighties during the day and sixties at night.

  Today it didn’t get above sixty-five, and it was going on half past two.

  When we walked into the diner, everyone looked up, and eyes started to widen.

  Normally, I was with Mig when I came in here, so I was sure it was a shock to see me with a hunky, older man.


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