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Young-Minded Hustler

Page 2

by Tysha

  “Get your ass in the fucking car. See what the fuck I mean? You always questioning shit instead of going along with the game plan,” B-Boy fumed.

  “Do this seem right to you, B-Boy? Melvin got love for Shy and he don’t put her out there like you do me,” Cherise challenged. She knew she was pushing her luck but felt it had to be said.


  Cherise saw stars and felt the floor rise up to meet her. She lay with her hands over her left cheek as B-Boy hovered, daring another word to come out of her mouth.

  “You did not have to hit her!” Shy screamed. “Melvin, come in here and get your boy.”

  Shy rushed over to her friend to see if she was okay. Cherise felt dazed and lay still to keep B-Boy from putting hands on her in anger anymore. This was not the first time B-Boy hit Cherise; however, it was the first time Shy was witness to it. Shy was infuriated with B-Boy and wanted him to know it. For a year Shy had become a sounding board for Cherise’s complaints about B-Boy and his abuse of her. Shy sat through countless late-night phone conversations listening to Cherise cry and complain about her juvenile-minded boyfriend cheating on her. There were times when Shy found herself in fights with girls who targeted Cherise because of B-Boy. The first few times B-Boy mistreated Cherise, Shy told her to break up with him. The advice only caused a strain in the best friends’ relationship. Cherise’s crying about B-Boy became routine after a couple of months and Shy learned to keep her opinion to herself.

  “Man up, nigga! What’s wrong with you? Since when do you feel cool popping off in front of my girl like that? I told you about this shit,” Melvin fumed.

  “You ain’t got to come out-of-pocket on me like that.” B-Boy threatened, “You need to be checking your girl and that bullshit she spitting.”

  “Who the fuck you talking strong to?” Melvin asked. He walked up on his friend and stared him down, waiting for his response.

  The look in Melvin’s eyes told B-Boy that giving the wrong answer would result in something he did not want to happen. B-Boy grabbed hold of his senses and calmed down before things got out of hand.

  “Man, it’s not even like that. My girl in here trying to disrespect me in front of her friend and shit. You know I ain’t got no problem with Shy,” B-Boy explained.

  “Melvin, this shit isn’t right, he didn’t have any reason to put his hands on her,” Shy fumed. “Come on, Reese, let me help you into the bathroom and put some ice on your lip.”

  Shy helped Cherise to her feet and led her into the bathroom before leaving the room in search of some ice. After filling the ice bucket, Shy returned to find Cherise alone in the room, and helped her nurse her bruised cheek.

  “Thank you, Shy. I don’t know what I’d do without you.”

  “You don’t have to thank me. I’m not doing anything different than what you would do for me. But, Reese, why do you put up with his laying hands on you?”

  “He doesn’t mean to hurt me. He really does love me and he’d do anything for me.”

  Shy looked into Cherise’s eyes, trying to find some sign that her friend believed what she’d just said. All Shy found was an empty spirit looking back at her.

  “Cherise, you can’t possibly believe that. If he loved you so much he wouldn’t cheat on you, lie to you, or ask you to put your life and freedom on the line just so he can do whatever his heart desires,” Shy preached.

  “It’s not even like that. I have to hustle in order to eat. My parents don’t give a fuck about me and you know it. Besides you, B-Boy is all I have, and doing a few things for him is a small price to pay,” Cherise explained. “You don’t know how it feels to fall asleep at night to the sounds of your mother getting her head beat in by her flavor of the month. After my father left to be with his new family, he never looked back to see if I was still breathing. I don’t have a mother with a good job or an older sister to borrow clothes and money from like your spoiled ass do. I love B-Boy and he loves me too, that much I know for sure. I know he’s not as perfect as Melvin but he’s mine, and nothing and nobody is going to change that,” Cherise spat angrily, “including you.”

  Shy’s jaw hit the floor as she stood in disbelief listening to Cherise rationalize getting the shit slapped out of her. Her feelings were hurt by the tone Cherise used to spew such hateful words.

  “You know what, Cherise? I have been your friend my entire life and I love you dearly, but from this day forward, don’t call me crying when his sorry ass goes upside your head with a closed fist. And don’t look for me to have your back when some chick rolls up on you because B-Boy has been fucking her too. I mean damn, if you like it, I love it!”

  Shy stormed out of the bathroom, leaving Cherise standing alone with a busted lip. She was hurt and beside herself with anger. In all the years she and Cherise had been friends, they never had a serious argument. Since Cherise hooked up with B-Boy, she had become a completely different person, and Shy did not like it.

  Cherise felt bad for her choice of words as soon as they escaped her mouth, but after they were gone, there was no pulling them back. She treasured the relationship she had with Shy and would not trade it for the world. Cherise knew that Shy loved her unconditionally, and that was more than she could say for B-Boy. As much as her friendship with Shy meant to her, it just was not enough. She had chased the love missing from her life for so long that when those three little words, “I love you,” were uttered from the opposite sex, it was like a crack head hitting the pipe for the first time and Cherise was addicted.

  She stood staring at her reflection in the mirror, and felt as if a stranger was looking back at her. Why did I just say that to Shy? She is the closest thing to family I have and I know what I said hurt her. As the pressure behind her eyes fought to burst through, Cherise was unable to fight back the tears. What is wrong with me? Why can’t I have Shy’s life?

  “Cherise, come on, let’s get this shit over so we can get back here,” B-Boy yelled.

  Cherise opened the bathroom door to find Shy sitting on the bed with her arms crossed, and B-Boy standing inside the doorframe with his back facing her. Cherise’s first instinct was to run over to Shy, apologize, and wrap her arms around her friend, but embarrassment, shame, and B-Boy wouldn’t allow her to. All Cherise could hope for was that any damage done to their friendship was reversible. Shy put her head down without acknowledging Cherise or B-Boy being in the room. Cherise did as she was told and followed B-Boy with her eyes focused on the ground.

  Three hours later, Melvin, Cherise, and B-Boy returned to room 1227 to find a sleeping Shy.

  “Shy, baby, we’re back,” Melvin whispered as he gently shook her awake.

  “Let her sleep, Melvin. We can get our drink on in our room,” Cherise suggested. She tried to sound concerned when, in reality, Cherise knew Shy would still be mad at her and she was too embarrassed by their argument to face her. Since the threesome left the hotel room to take care of some business, the swelling in Cherise’s upper lip and cheek got worse, and two of her teeth felt loose.

  “No, I’m spending time with my queen and she’s not going to miss out on the fun of graduation night. We’re about to kick it up in this bitch. She’s getting up.” Melvin laughed.

  “Yeah, wake your girl up and let’s get this party started,” B-Boy said loudly.

  Melvin sat next to a sleeping Shy, who seemed to be having a dream. She awoke after Melvin began kissing her earlobe and running his fingers through her shoulder-length hair. A smile crossed her lips as she opened her eyes to find Melvin looking down at her.

  “Hey, how long y’all been back? What time is it?” Shy yawned.

  “It’s time to kick it up in here. Get up, girl,” B-Boy joked while doing a little dance.

  Cherise sat on the edge of a chair with her attention focused on her new white and blue British Knights tennis shoes. She continued to chastise herself for the way she spoke to Shy. Admitting being wrong about anything was out of character for Cherise, but she knew she owed her be
st friend an apology. Either Shy forgave her and wanted to move on or she didn’t. As far as Cherise was concerned, the ball was in Shy’s court.

  Shy stretched, looked over at the clock, and headed for the bathroom to brush her teeth and wash her face. She had been asleep for two hours but it felt more like eight. Between studying for finals, getting ready to vacation with her family, and shopping for the right graduation outfit, Shy was exhausted.

  B-Boy sparked a blunt and cracked a cold bottle of Thunderbird to get the party going. Melvin poured Shy a cup of White Mountain berry wine cooler because he knew that even a drop of what they were drinking was out of the question for her.

  “Hey, baby girl, turn on the radio. Or better yet, do you feel like going to grab those DJ Quik and Too Short cassettes out the front seat of the car?”

  “Anything for you, Bookey.” Shy smiled. She held out her hand to retrieve the keys from Melvin. Before walking away, Melvin grabbed her around the waist, pulled her to him, and gave her a long, passionate kiss. The display of intimacy immediately annoyed Cherise and jealousy reared its ugly head. She rolled her eyes and smacked her lips at the sight the lovebirds were putting on. B-Boy looked on and subconsciously stroked and repositioned his member through his pants as he stared at Shy’s perfect behind. Cherise saw B-Boy checking out Shy and her anger started to rise.

  Shy put Too Short in the portable tape player and the party began. After playing a round of Spades, smoking two nice-sized joints, and drinking three bottles of Thunderbird, the high school graduates had a good buzz going on.

  “Man, it’s not even midnight and y’all suckers look like its past bedtime,” B-Boy griped.

  “Yeah, I could go to bed right now,” Melvin flirted as he stroked Shy’s hair. “What about you, baby girl? You ready for bed?”

  Shy blushed and giggled at how obvious it was that Melvin was horny. She was too, but she was also hungry.

  “Let’s order a pizza or something because all this smoking has made me hungry,” Shy said.

  “Yeah, I’m hungry too. Do you want to run to Bellaria before they close?” Cherise asked Shy in an attempt to break the tension between them.

  Shy ignored her friend as if she had not heard a word she said, and never took her eyes off Melvin. He was not sure what was going on between Shy and Cherise but Melvin could tell that something was wrong. Whenever the four of them got together, Cherise and Shy were always giggling and whispering to each other, but they had barely said two words to one another. Melvin decided to hold off asking Shy about it until morning. He did not want to chance not getting any sex because of their beef.

  It was obvious to Shy that Cherise was trying to smooth things over by acting as if nothing had happened. Shy would not be so easily forgiving this time. Cherise had really hurt her feelings with that jealous outburst.

  “Yeah, go on and order a couple of pizzas, and I’m going to run across the street and pick up a twelve pack. After we eat, we going to get a nice game of Zoom going,” B-Boy announced.

  Everyone agreed, and an hour later a shot glass filled with Thunderbird and a beer mug full of St. Ives sat in the middle of the table. The loser would have a choice of poison to drink. If they failed to drink the alcohol straight down, they had to drink them both.



  “Irk!” Shy said to the right of her when she should have said it to the person sitting to the left of her.

  “Drink up, baby girl, drink up,” Melvin teased.

  Shy laughed at her third error and took the cup of beer to the head. Her head was beginning to spin and she regretted eating. The pizza was fighting its way back up. Shy jumped from her seat and ran into the bathroom to answer the call from Earl.

  “All right, game over. Y’all got my baby sick fucking around with this stupid game,” Melvin announced.

  “Yeah, man, you go on and take care of your girl, and I’m going to our room and take care of mine.” B-Boy smirked as he motioned for Cherise to follow him toward the adjoining door.

  Cherise stood up and felt the room spin. She held on to the wall for support as she walked. She had a nice buzz going, but she knew her limit and she was nowhere near being sick. I may not have as much as Shy does but at least I know how to handle my liquor.

  Melvin went into the bathroom where Shy remained kneeled on the floor with her head against the wall. She was too sick to be embarrassed as she forced a smile.

  “Come on, baby girl; let me take care of you.”

  Melvin helped Shy over to the bathroom sink, and assisted her with brushing her teeth and washing her face with a cold rag.

  “Melvin, I want to be with you more than anything but not like this. I drank too much and I can’t even stand up straight.” Shy slurred her words.

  “It’s okay, baby girl. I’m just going to take care of you and get you into bed.”

  Melvin tucked Shy in bed where she immediately passed out, asleep for the night.

  Melvin relaxed on the bed next to Shy, watching her sleep for what felt like forever. He knew Shy was out cold and cursed himself for not putting a stop to the drinking game. After surfing the channels for an hour or so, Melvin found himself unable to fall asleep. He noticed that the sounds of sex coming from next door had stopped and Melvin wondered if B-Boy was still awake. Melvin wanted to blaze a joint but forgot to get a bag of weed from his boy. Shit, if he is asleep, he won’t hear me knocking on the door. The only way I’m going to find out is to try.

  In spite of Cherise’s complaints, B-Boy got out of bed to answer the tapping on the door.

  “They don’t want anything. Just ignore it.”

  “Shut up, bitch. You don’t know what the fuck could be going on with them. For all you know your girl is sick and need help.”

  Cherise smacked her lips and pulled the covers up to her chin. She couldn’t care less about Shy being sick; all she wanted was B-Boy’s undivided attention.

  Wearing nothing but his boxers, B-Boy slowly opened the door and took a drag on the Newport dangling between his lips. “What’s up, boy?”

  Melvin looked at B-Boy’s attire, glanced over his shoulder, and saw Cherise trying to hide herself under the thin white sheet.

  “Ah, man, I’m sorry I interrupted,” Melvin said.

  “It’s cool. I mean, it’s not like I’m hitting something I ain’t ever had before,” B-Boy said arrogantly.

  “Shit, you don’t have to get it again since you want to be all disrespectful. You standing there talking shit like I’m not even here,” Cherise whined.

  She looked at Melvin for the umpteenth time that night, and regretted ending up with B-Boy. Cherise tried as hard as she could to fight her attraction to Melvin, but the moisture between her legs couldn’t care less about her conscience. Cherise found more than just Melvin’s looks attractive. It was the confidence he displayed and the way he carried himself. Unlike B-Boy, Melvin did not have to force people to respect him. Melvin earned respect just by being himself. The way he walked, talked, stood, and spoke made men want to know him and women want to be with him.

  Cherise noticed Melvin taking quick glances at her and took full advantage of the situation. She eased the sheet down just enough to show her left breast and slowly eased her right leg from under the sheet. Melvin grabbed his dick while watching Cherise’s peepshow. B-Boy saw Melvin checking Cherise out and decided the time was right for him to fulfill a fantasy.

  “Come on in here, boy. Let’s get another party started,” B-Boy invited.

  Cherise folded the sheet down to her waist, fully exposing her plump breast to her best friend’s man. Shy thinks she’s better than I am because everything has been handed to her. She wants to act all uppity and superior with her prissy ass; let’s see just how much love Melvin has for her after tonight, Cherise thought.

  “Yeah, Melvin, why don’t you come and party with us?” Cherise asked with the sexiest voice she could muster.

  Melvin looked at his boy, over at Ch
erise, and back at B-Boy before checking to make sure Shy was still asleep. He was sure to lock and chain the door behind him before stepping farther into the room. Melvin pulled his T-shirt over his head to kick off the night’s real festivities. He would feel an immense amount of guilt in the morning, but not enough to keep him from betraying Shy’s trust again in the future.

  Chapter 3

  Reality, 1991—This Ain’t Love

  “What da fuck you mean no? Bitch, do what I said before I beat ya dumb ass,” B-Boy threatened.

  “We’re having a baby. Nigga, I’m pregnant and not that young bitch no more. I ain’t doin’ it,” Cherise argued defiantly.

  “See that’s that bullshit right there. I own you and I said run that shit. My connect waiting.”

  “This baby needs me because his sorry-ass daddy ain’t gonna step up to the plate if I’m on lockdown behind his ignorant ass,” Cherise spat truthfully.

  Over the years, Cherise had put herself into some dangerous situations, all in the name of love. She ran more drugs up and down highway I-71 than B-Boy. Their relationship was one of convenience for him and one of addiction for her. Cherise didn’t love B-Boy; she craved him. As long as he gave her the attention she desperately needed, Cherise was happy. Even if the attention resulted in a visit to the emergency room, it was better than nothing.

  “Bitch, did I ask you to carry my seed? I told ya ass to pay the clinic a visit. Every time I turn around you whining about being pregnant. That’s ya problem. Back pain, foot pain, pussy pain. Bitch, so the fuck what? You ’bout to have my foot in dat ass if you don’t head over to PA,” B-Boy threatened angrily.

  It was obvious that B-Boy was high and Cherise knew her next statement would ignite the fireworks, but so be it. More often than not, she had homicidal thoughts when she thought about B-Boy seeing EVERLAST printed across her forehead. She was going to plant her feet firmly and say what she wanted.


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