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The Dark Ones

Page 19

by Rachel Van Dyken

  Before I could react, she turned her mouth against my fangs, slicing open her bottom lip.

  The tinge of angel blood hit my tongue just as she once again leaned over Cassius and kissed his mouth, breathing out the word, "Live."



  "GREEN?" I REPEATED. "LIKE ETHAN-GREEN or milky green?"

  "What the hell does milky green mean?" Mason scowled. "And they're Ethan-green — almost creepy."

  My face cracked into a wide smile. "Does that mean I'm a vampire now?"

  "Does your face itch?"


  Mason shrugged. "Does it itch?"


  "Do you smell berries?"


  "Just answer the question," he growled.

  I sniffed the air. "No, I smell… wood burning."

  He grinned. "Then you aren't a werewolf."

  "Gee, thanks." I tried to get up, but he moved around me and tugged my body to a sitting position. "I was worried there for a second. Do werewolves really smell berries?"

  "Sometimes." He chuckled, brushing a kiss across my forehead. "To vampires we smell like burning wood… outdoors, warm."

  I nodded and leaned in. "I like the way you smell."

  "Care to keep your paws to yourself, Mason?" Ethan said from the door, his grimace turning into a grin as he strode in and practically threw Mason off me and pulled me into his arms. "Your eyes are green."

  "Why do people keep telling me what color my eyes are?"

  "Because," Mason said from his spot behind Ethan, "it's a sign."

  "Of what?"

  "Greatness." Ethan's mouth found mine; his tongue tasted like sugar.

  With a moan, I threw my arms around his neck and tugged him harder against me.

  Mason coughed.

  Ethan waved him away, moving onto the bed, pulling my body tightly against his.

  Our mouths were fused together. I never wanted to let go — never wanted to breathe if it wasn't heavy with his taste, his scent.

  I forgot about the feather in my hands, pushing it against his chest.

  Ethan flinched and pulled back with a hiss. "Sariel?"

  I nodded. "He was with me… when I closed my eyes."

  "Well, I'll be damned," Mason muttered under his breath. "The archangels rarely visit immortals, and now you're saying you spent actual time with him?"

  "After my kidnapping," I muttered.

  "Doesn't matter." Mason's eyebrows shot up. "Time is their currency, to spend time with any being — when you're an angel — is a gift."

  I lifted the feather to my face, the purple shining in the light of the room.

  Ethan reached out and touched the edges of the feather. "When an angel gives one of his feathers, it's like wishing on a star. Tell me, what did Sariel say to you?"

  "He said to choose," I whispered, and he gave me the feather.

  "The desire of your heart." Ethan's eyes shone with green. "Cassius may have saved you — granted you immortality — but it was Sariel who let you choose how you'd return."

  "I just…" I gripped Ethan by the shoulders. "I just wanted you."

  "You have me," he vowed, kissing my mouth hard, "for an eternity."

  Mason coughed again.

  "Then leave!" Ethan growled over his shoulder. "Nobody's asking you to watch."

  A loud male scream pierced the air.

  "Cassius," Mason and Ethan said in unison.

  In a flash, I was in Ethan's arms, being carried into the room next to us. He set me on my feet just as Cassius jerked up from the bed, his eyes white, veins in his neck pulsing blue.

  Stephanie braced herself over him protectively.

  He reached for her arms, gripping her shoulders so hard I wanted to flinch on her behalf. "What have you done?"

  "What needed to be done," she whispered.

  With a groan, he touched his forehead to hers gently, something that seemed odd for him to do. He was always so abrasive, big, looming, scary.

  It was then I noticed that Stephanie didn't look the same. Her hair was black, her eyes matching Cassius's.

  Alex entered the room.

  The temperature rose a few degrees. I felt like a fight was about to break out. But instead of Alex lunging for anyone, he simply gripped the wall and watched as if fascinated by what was taking place.

  "What did she do?" I whispered in Ethan's ear.

  Ethan's eyes narrowed, searching.

  I followed his gaze and nearly fell to my knees when I saw the blood drenching Stephanie's chest.

  "She gave him… her heart." Ethan's hoarse voice pierced the silence in the room. "The only good a Dark One possesses."

  "Wait? What does that mean?" I asked.

  Right before my eyes, Stephanie's glow faded. Her eyes turned blue, her hair stayed black, but her skin was no longer glowing.

  "It means," Cassius's voice rumbled, "she gave her essence, her immortality, to me."

  Alex sighed from the door. "It means she's now human."

  Stephanie nodded slowly and whispered, "It was worth it."



  I'D NEVER SEEN IT ACTUALLY DONE before — an immortal giving essence to another. Only Dark Ones were fully capable of doing it. They were the strongest, after all.

  And now. She was nothing.

  Stephanie swayed toward Cassius.

  He caught her body with his hands, his eyes swirling white. "Why would you do this?"

  Stephanie squinted as if she was having trouble focusing. "Because a long time ago, you saved a little girl who should have died. It was the least I could do."

  I watched the scene unfold. Something was off. Stephanie wasn't dying, not that I thought she would, but Cassius was—

  "Cassius!" I yelled. "Stop touching her!"

  Cassius frowned and looked down at his hands. They were still touching her skin, but Stephanie wasn't acting like a typical human being touched by a Dark One. Usually they were filled with so much lust that they attacked, and their arousal was so evident you could smell it in the air.

  I smelled absolutely nothing but my own mate and every other person in that room.

  No lust.

  "Well…" Alex chuckled from the door. "How's that for a fun twist to the story? The great Dark One has no effect on Stephanie as a human."

  I was relieved.

  Cassius looked irritated.

  He moved his hands down her arms then back up again, his face twisting with curiosity until he finally cupped her chin. "You feel nothing?"

  Stephanie shrugged. "You feel a bit cold, but other than that, it's nice to be touched."

  "Nice…" Cassius repeated. "Nice?"

  "Bad answer," Genesis said under her breath.

  I wrapped my arm tighter around her, tugging the warmth of her body against mine.

  Cassius continued inspecting Stephanie as if he couldn't understand why she wasn't affected by him.

  "You would know if she was lying," I finally pointed out. "And Stephanie, you should rest."

  She nodded, suppressing a yawn with her hand. When she rose, she leaned over and kissed Cassius on the cheek. "I'm glad you're okay."

  Cassius's face was priceless.

  Never in his existence had he ever had any creature not be affected by his presence. I imagined it was a humbling experience — one he didn't enjoy.

  "Thank you." He released her, his arms falling to his sides as if they carried the weight of the world.

  She stumbled toward us.

  Alex moved quickly, lifting her into his arms. "You know, you're still my sister… in every way that matters."

  "Ha." She yawned. "So you won't disown me?"

  "Not unless you really piss me off — then again, you are a human. By the way, do I affect you? Feeling warm and tingly?"

  She frowned. "First of all, gross… second, no."

  "Fascinating." Mason rubbed his chin and shook his head. "It must be becau
se she started out immortal."

  Cassius was still staring at the door long after Alex had carried her out of it.

  "I need to talk to him," I whispered into Genesis's hair.

  She nodded and held out her hand to Mason. "I believe you promised we'd share a steak?"

  "You heard that?" Mason growled.

  "All of it." She grinned. "Come on, feed me, wolf."

  He smiled and tucked her into his body. "I'll feed you, but I may need help with my own eating habits."

  "Together." She patted his chest. "Alright?"

  He kissed her forehead and walked out with her.

  Typically, I would have ripped his lips off for daring to graze her skin, but I felt her heart beat for me, saw her green eyes, knew without a shadow of a doubt that she loved me — and only me.

  "Controlling your emotions well, I see," Cassius said in a low gravelly voice.

  "One of us should," I fired back.

  He looked away and cursed. "I have no idea what you're talking about."

  "Oh?" I moved toward the bed and sat on the edge. "No idea at all?"

  Cassius stared at the blankets.

  I laughed. "Lie."

  Mumbling another curse, he crossed his arms. "Dirty vampire trick, tasting the air to see if I'm being honest."

  "Well…" I shrugged. "At least be honest with yourself. You're disappointed."

  "It's called shock. Hasn't happened in a great while… I imagine it will pass." He licked his lips only to have those same lips covered in frost again.

  "You love her."

  "Dark Ones don't love."

  "I really wish people would stop saying that when all evidence points to the contrary." I arched my eyebrows. "She's human now."

  "Thanks, caught that."

  "You could mate with her."

  Cassius went very still.

  I kept talking. "She's immune. She wouldn't become addicted or obsessed."

  "Right," he croaked.

  "Fear…" I tilted my head. "Now I taste fear. Odd, since Dark Ones are afraid of nothing."

  "It's a day of firsts. I should sleep."

  "You rarely sleep."

  Cassius pounded the mattress with his fist. "Damn it! Why didn't she just let me pass? Things would have been so much easier."

  "Do you truly want easy?"



  "No!" He pointed at the door. "That woman… that, that—" He bit down into his lip. "She'll ruin me."

  "How do you figure?"

  "Because I'll fail."

  "I think you lost me."

  Cassius pushed the dark hair from his face and swallowed. "I don't know the first thing about honestly pursuing someone or something without using every ounce of power I possess. To Stephanie, I may as well be human."

  "And that's so bad?"

  "It's horrible." His eyes met mine. "Because I'll be found wanting."

  "So insecure."

  "Honest," he said in a humorless laugh. "She couldn't possibly want me, darkness and all, and even if she did, I have no power to convince her of anything."

  "So don't use your power."

  His nostrils flared.

  "Don't pursue her as a Dark One…" I whispered. "Pursue her as a man."

  Cassius closed his eyes and leaned back against the headboard. "Or I simply don't do anything."

  I burst out laughing at the way his heart picked up pace. "I'd really like to see you try."

  "You don't think I'm strong enough?" he roared.

  "No." I shrugged and got up. "I think you're tired of fighting what's been in front of you too damn long, but good luck with your plan. I'm sure that will work out really well, you miserable bastard."

  "Since when do you talk to your king like this?"

  "Since I realized he's more friend, more brother, than king."

  Cassius's lips twitched. "Don't let that get around. Imagine what it would do to my horrible reputation."

  Laughing, I turned on my heel and walked toward the door. "Cassius?"

  "Hmm?" He lifted his head.

  "You owe it to you, and you owe it to her to at least try."

  "And fail?"

  "Trying isn't near as fun when you already know you'll succeed."

  "Go find your mate. I'm tired of you making sense, vampire."

  Smirking, I waved him off and made my way downstairs, passing Stephanie's room on the way. Alex was just leaving, his expression amused.

  "What?" My eyes narrowed.

  "She's human."


  "I just find it funny." Alex slapped me on the back. "We gain a human a few days ago only to lose her and gain another."

  I stopped walking. "Genesis is still human."

  Alex tilted his head. "Her heart still beats, yes. But…" His smile grew. "Interesting. You didn't even notice."

  "Notice?" I gripped him by the shirt and slammed him against the wall. "Notice what?"

  "Holy shit!" Mason screamed from the kitchen.

  Alex burst out laughing. "I think you're about to find out, poor Mason. I do hope he was able to get away in time."



  "MASON!" I COVERED MY MOUTH WITH my hands — my very sharp mouth. "I'm so sorry! I don't know what came over me!"

  His mouth was still open, maybe in shock, possibly a bit of horror as he looked from the raw steak back to me. "Blood."

  I shook my head. "It just — I didn't—"

  Mason roared with laughter then carefully set the knife down and made his way around the table. "Fangs look good on you."

  I covered my mouth again. "But I'm human."

  "Vampires get very protective when they feel threatened." He held up his hands then tilted his head. "May I?"


  He winked and leaned down, pressing his head against my stomach. Was he insane?

  "Mason, please, tell me why the hell you have your head pressed against my mate before I rip your tongue out."

  "Such violence," Alex said in an amused voice. "You'll have to learn to guard what you say when you have a little person running around."

  "Little person?" Ethan repeated.

  "Shh…" Alex held his finger to his lips. "…listen."

  Ethan stared at me then at Mason then at Alex. "Three heartbeats, but—"

  "But…" Alex nodded. "Do you hear that fourth one? Kind of sounds like a horse taking off, its hooves hitting the race track in rapid succession."

  Mason grinned and looked up at me. "Healthy."

  "Wh-what?" I was still covering my mouth.

  "Vampire blood…" Mason laughed and slapped his knee as he sat down. "For one reason or another the mixture of the bloody steak and me holding a knife set your heart racing. Protective vampire blood took over, compliments of your mate and newfound immortality, and here we are…"

  "I attacked you!" I wanted to crawl under the table and hide.

  "To protect your little one." Mason winked. "It won't be the last time."

  "Little one," Ethan repeated still as a statue.

  Alex grinned between all of us. "I'd like to point out I knew first."

  "How?" Ethan growled.

  "I counted." Alex rolled his eyes. "The heartbeat was so faint at first. I thought it was because we were losing Cassius, and then when Genesis walked in, it was stronger. And we all know what happens when a mate is made immortal. They take on different… gifts… from their immortal partner. She's still human, but mama bear will most definitely fang a bitch or…" He smirked. "…a werewolf — my apologies — if she feels threatened."

  Mason let out a low growl while Ethan moved around the table and gathered me into his arms. "You're pregnant."

  "Um…" I gulped. "Apparently."

  "Immortals move fast and all that." Alex yawned. "Oh, and here's some good news. Six months — not nine. Immortal blood develops faster."

  I nodded my head, unsure if what I was hearing was actually happening. "I think… I
think I need to sit."

  "Yes, well, just keep your fangs in." Ethan grinned.

  Horrified, I touched my mouth again only to find the fangs gone. "What happened?"

  "Retracted." Alex winked. "Cool trick, right?"

  "Alex, don't you have somewhere to be?" Ethan hissed.

  "No." Alex pulled out a chair. "I really don't, and it's Uncle Alex."

  Mason grinned.

  "Does that make me a grandfather?" Cassius stumbled into the room. "Because as much as a new life excites me, I'm the oldest here, and the thought doesn't sit well with me." He winced and pulled out a seat.

  "Hip bothering you again?" Alex joked.

  Cassius tilted his head, white filling his eyes, while Alex jumped out of his chair and started scratching his arms violently. "Make it stop."

  Cassius smirked. "I have no idea what you're talking about, siren."

  Ethan rolled his eyes. "Cassius…"

  "Fine," Cassius snapped, his eyes flashed, and Alex stopped itching.

  "You know I hate ants," Alex grumbled, crossing his arms. "Making me see one of my fears isn't a good way to make friends."

  "I have friends." Cassius shrugged.

  I smiled and reached for him. Ethan's eyes were leery, but I knew it would be okay, knew that touching Cassius would do nothing to me.

  He must have realized it too because the minute my hand snaked out, Cassius clenched it with his and kissed me on the knuckles. "I'm glad you're feeling better."

  "Me too." I squeezed his hand back and then kissed his cheek.

  Ethan growled.

  "Settle." Cassius rolled his eyes. "She feels nothing for me. Her heart is pure green."

  "Funny," Ethan hissed.

  "Like her eyes." Cassius smiled.

  "I only have four steaks." Mason interjected. "So, if you guys need more food, someone has to go to the store, and I vote Alex, since he's the most irritating of the group."

  "I don't eat." Cassius frowned. "But…"

  I laughed and pointed to the meat. "Maybe you should try to be more human."

  "She has a point." Ethan pulled me into his lap. "It may help things along."

  "Things?" Alex squinted. "What things?"

  Cassius growled.

  Alex's eyes narrowed. "Oh no. Hell, no."

  Mason chuckled. "So, we get more steak."

  "Am I the only one who thinks this is a really bad idea?" Alex shouted.


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