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Page 9

by Lynda Filler

  “More than likely, they will have them in the shop. I believe Parisian women like intrigue.”

  Samaar enjoyed the culture of Paris, the old buildings, the sense of permanence. She inhaled the smells of the bakeries, croissants fresh from the oven, and the diesel exhaust from impatient Peugeots late for their dejeuner. Ah, the essence of Paris.

  They turned the corner and arrived at the Place Vendôme shop. Their private appointments had been set for one o’clock. They were assured that any alterations needed would be completed by five in the evening

  Maggs chose silhouette 31. Electric blue. It was breathtaking against her pale complexion and long red hair.

  “I would like some alterations to the back. Please open it to the waist. In the front, I want the sheer fabric to form a V down to the waist. Lengthen the sides so that it touches my ankles and leave the front as is.”

  “But Madame, this is Chanel!”

  “Yes, I understand. I will pay double the price for these changes if they can be ready in three hours.”

  “Of course, Madame, Yes, it would be our pleasure to customize this gown for you.”

  Samaar strolled out of the fitting room.

  “What do you think Maggs?”

  “I love the black lace. Is that sheer?”

  “Yes. I particularly like that it is sheer in all places except the fuller skirt. Notice the two pockets at the hip. Don’t you think that’s perfect?”

  Maggs laughed. “Yes, perfectly unladylike. Made for you and your equipment.” They both laughed.

  “We will need masks for our dresses.”

  “Oh, the Ball at Versailles?” the shop girl enquired.


  “Well if I may, do you have a stylist and makeup artist for this evening?” Maggs looked at Samaar, and they both answered no.

  “Well I will lend you, Anne Marie, she is amazing. You will find her results to be Trés Chic and very modern. She places her mask design directly on the face, so you do not need to worry about losing your mask.”

  They both looked at each other and agreed, “Perfect!”

  “Please deliver our gowns with Anne Marie to George V at five pm.”

  Maggs quietly grinned at the six-figure total on the Am Ex receipt. “Luke hasn’t got a woman. Might as well spend it on us!”


  “BOSS, I HAVE good news and bad news.”

  “Akaarn, I’m not in the mood. Just tell me you got the info, secured all the files and are shutting down Sying’s operation.”

  “Well, it’s not that simple.”

  Raven listened, his patience at an all-time low. He looked at his profile in the full-length gilt mirror. He liked his ruddy complexion and the way his custom tux fit his body. He’d slicked his hair back, a more sophisticated look. It would suit the Mask he had laid out on the ebony armoire.

  A lot had changed in twenty-four hours. Samaar. A passion he had long buried was now back. Was there a future for them?

  “Okay, I got it Akaarn. Shanghai. I will need you to make sure we have it all. So, take the jet in Phoenix and meet us in China. I’ll meet you there in twenty-four hours. Book into the Grand Hyatt Shanghai in Jin Mao Tower. Make sure it’s the eighty-first floor. Contact Sikorsky. Tell them what we will need. I’ll get in touch with more details after I speak with the team. Stay connected in flight. Use my watch.”

  Luke knocked on the adjoining Presidential suite on the top floor of the George V.

  Samaar stood before him. Glistening ruby lips smiling seductively. Her black gown hugged her curves, long legs ended in five-inch spiked black leather boots. She’d lightened her hair and pulled it back in a French twist; she’d used hazel contacts to disguise her distinctive jade eyes.

  But most intriguing was the intricately painted mask that covered her upper face. Reminiscent of Henna yet jeweled with diamantes and sapphires. The effect was mind-blowing.

  “You approve?”

  “Yes. I approve.” Luke grinned and moved unobtrusively trying to hide the physical effect Samaar had on him.

  “What about me boss?”

  Behind Samaar stood Maggs.

  “Maggs? I’ve never seen you in a dress before!”

  Maggs swirled around the room. Her red hair fell sensually down the back of a subtly sheer electric blue gown. The front of the dress was so distracting that Luke laughed to hide his embarrassment.

  Her face was also adorned with the hand-painted mask.

  “I really like your disguise. The makeup is ingenious. No matter what transpires you don’t have to worry about your identity. It’s hidden. Brilliant.”

  “So, tell me, ladies, where have you hidden your weapons?”

  “That’s classified.” All three laughed.

  Zach let himself into the suite and admired the beautiful women standing before him.

  “Wow. We don’t party like this in Coronado! Hey boss, we need to get out more often.”

  “Call in the rest of the team Zach. I spoke with Akaarn. We have a change of plans.”


  “MS. SYING. ALL the data, hard copies and thumb drives are now stored safely in your private office as requested. We are the only two who can access it. There are four distinct sets collated as per your orders.”

  “Perfect Sam. I will be home tomorrow evening late. Enjoy your well-earned break. I will see you the day after tomorrow. You can expect a substantial bonus as well as the new BMW you have been staring at on your computer screen!”

  Sam Woo laughed nervously. “Is there anything you don’t know Ms. Sying?”

  “No. Nothing that matters. Goodnight Woo.”

  Tasha smiled at Sying. She hid her extreme discomfort at the way things were unfolding. But she couldn’t let it show. Tonight, was her night. She was sure Vlad Gregorki would be at the Ball. And if so, it would be his last night.

  “Oh Sying, I adore your gown. That slit in the front is ever so inviting. May I touch?”

  Brought back to the purpose of her trip, Sying sighed her pleasure. Tasha was a fantastic find in New York. She was an experienced lover and would attract others by her stunning beauty.

  “Let’s get our Limo and head to Versailles. You have the Suite arranged at Hotel Trianon for later, yes?”

  “But of course, Sying. All is as it should be.”

  Sying secured the diamond choker on Tasha’s neck, emerald leash, and adjusted her glittering diamond mask. Pink rosy lips smiled back.

  “Yes, tonight will be business first, then hours and hours of pleasure. I’m sure we will Katch a Kitten or two for our pleasure. Don’t you agree?”

  “Yes.” Tasha’s mind was on the exotic poison slipped discreetly under the hem of her dress.

  “Tonight, will be a night to remember.”


  Versailles, France

  “IT’S LIKE A scene from Eyes Wide Shut,” Maggs whispered.

  “What’s that?” Zach murmured.

  “Don’t you go to the movies, Zach?”

  “Nope. I grew up in a military family, strict, no TV. Academics and sports. And yes, no girls! But if this is what that movie is about, I’m watching it when we get back on the Company ride.”

  Luci, the working agent, walked arm-in-arm with Luke. The room was full of beautiful young women dressed in high fashion, lingerie, or entirely naked except for their masks.

  The Hall of Mirrors was magnificent. Reflections of candlelight and sparkling champagne bounced off the walls and ceilings. She could imagine the power Marie Antoinette felt entering these rooms.

  She whispered to Luke to check out the chocolate fountains.

  “Would you like to dip a body part, Luke?” She tickled him while he blushed furiously picturing Luci in a bath of chocolate sauce.

  “Come on Luke, lighten up. It’s only one night. Share that hot body of yours.” Luci laughed merrily drawing the attention of all around her.

  Luci and Maggs took each other’s arms and left the men standing alone

  Music played. Memories of lost times, Ibiza in the summer between Mossad jobs. Strobe lights and beach boys. A little ecstasy. There was a whole other side of Luci that no one knew about.

  She grabbed Magg’s hand and started to dance.

  From the corner of her eye, she spotted Sying.

  Leaning in for a hot kiss, Luci whispered seductively in Magg’s ear. “Behind me by the entrance. The small Asian woman is Sying, and her pet on the choker is Tasha. Ignore them but let’s give them a show.”

  The music was sensually charged, and Luci knew all eyes were on her and Maggs. The champagne had loosened inhibitions, and she went with the flow. Luci ran her hands up and down Magg’s body. Then whispering in her ear, she murmured further instructions.

  Together they were stunning; a dance of light and dark, beautiful, sensual women lost in each other, exploring their sexuality in ways that would be impossible in any public setting except here.


  VLAD STOOD IN the back of the room. His eyes were drawn to the woman in the black leather boots as she made love to her partner. And behind her, he saw Sying with her pet, a woman named Tasha. Vlad knew all about Sying and her bisexual ways, so he wasn’t surprised she would want to meet at the Ball at Versailles. But information on current and former CIA was what he was after. Revenge for the death of his brother.

  Sheik Sayid, surrounded by his bodyguards, was underwhelmed by this display of loose women. In St. Tropez he was always surrounded with young beauties vying for his attention. Bored, he lit a Cuban cigar and sipped his champagne anxious to get business done and return to his yacht in the Mediterranean.

  Tariq, the current leader of ISIS, averted his eyes in disgust. He cursed Sying Li Ma for forcing him to meet her here. His bid should be sufficient to retrieve what he needed. Women should be veiled behind doors in harems. Subservient. Why did he have to come to this house of whores? He was forthcoming in his demands. The US military would pay for the strikes against his brothers. He would hunt them down where they live and kill them and their families. He wanted this night to end right now.

  Park Li had lived in the West to learn their ways. Now as Kim’s emissary he was reminded of what he missed about Europe. North Korea had plenty of alcohol, but their women were not skilled in the ways of the Europeans or North Americans. He sighed. What he would give for an hour with the redhead and her beautiful masked partner. But he was here to collect names. Spies. Those inside North Korea; and those on its borders who were working against his country. And anyone they could blackmail who worked in United States intelligence. Sying had that information. It was his job to return home two hundred million dollars lighter with invaluable data that would save the future of his Supreme Leader’s regime.

  Sying watched each of her buyers arrive at the Ball. Masks were an excellent way to observe without her quarry being aware.

  Sying pulled on Tasha’s diamond choker.

  “Look, those gorgeous Kittens dancing in Black and Blue! I think they should be our special guests tonight.”

  “Mmmm, yes, I agree. I will approach them for you.”

  “Yes, you do that. I see my business acquaintances. I have meetings to take care of, money to transfer. We will meet back at Hotel Trianon for our private party. And perhaps if we are successful, our playmates will join us on return to Shanghai.”


  RB, ROSE, AND Akaarn boarded the Gulfstream in Phoenix. They carried top security clearance with the U.S. Government. No one questioned their strange luggage uploaded into secret compartments undetectable by any type of ground search the Chinese might perform when they arrived in Shanghai. Once in their destination airport, they would clear customs while their agents on the ground would retrieve their packages.

  RB advised Luke of their ETA.

  Israel and George were on the ground in Paris. But now that plans had changed, they’d packed everyone’s gear and would rendezvous with the team at the Le Bourget private terminal.

  Maggs and Luci were very sure that Sying would want their company. They would do everything in their power to secure a place in Sying’s bed and on her private jet to Shanghai.

  Sying knew the time she had been waiting for was here. After tonight there would be no doubt that she could take her place as not only the Richest but the Most Powerful Woman in the World.

  Her bodyguards organized private meetings with each of the Nation Representatives. North Korea named a price, Sying doubled it. They said the money would be wired before midnight.

  “Ms. Sying. Please do not disappoint. Kim will be furious if we do not receive what has been promised.”

  “Mr. Li. I assure you that before the end of business tomorrow you will feel that you underpaid for the product you have received. It was a pleasure doing business.” What a boring race the North Koreans are, she mused.

  “Sharif, I have everything you have asked for. Will I be invited to your main event?”

  “Really Sying, we mustn’t speak of such things. Our business must forever be sealed from all. That is why I will give you one billion U. S. dollars for what I need.”

  “No Sharif. I have calculated the profits of increased petrodollars. Plus, with your new power, you will take over a kingdom that generates hundreds of billions of dollars and has many assets. I believe my information is a bargain at five billion!”

  Sharif sighed. The problem with Sying was her intelligence. She understood money and had no fear. Both dangerous and cunning. They settled on two billion dollars U. S. Funds.

  “Yes, tomorrow late afternoon the information will be in the accounts you have given me. Untraceable. I expect the money in my Swiss Account by midnight.”

  Tariq was filled with rage. Sying despised doing business with him. But he was related to those who had helped her make billions on arms sales in the last conflict. She knew it was good business to look after his requests.

  Tariq agreed to her price. All he could think about is how he would enjoy slitting her throat and watching the blood drain onto her gown. Of course, that would be after his men had had their way with her body for forty-eight hours. He couldn’t wait to leave her presence.

  Sying watched the ISIS pig leave. She nodded to one of her security people.

  “Follow. Make sure Tariq goes to the Airport. I don’t trust him.”

  Almost finished, she sighed. The money was easy. The best part of her night was yet to come. She glanced around looking for Tasha. It seemed like she had found her party, the sexy creatures in black and blue waved to Sying.

  Indeed, the night would exceed Sying’s expectations.

  “Vlad. So good of you to come to Paris.”

  “Nice to do business with you Sying. Is everything ready?”

  “It is Vlad. Let’s get down to business. I know about the cash, the drugs, and the involvement of the rogue CIA group. I have a perfect idea of what was stolen from you, so I’m afraid the price has increased.” Sying was distracted watching a man with a huge penis coated in chocolate. A teenage waif sucked delightfully until he came all over her pretty pink mouth.

  Vlad wasn’t surprised. Neither by the sex nor the greed.

  “What do you want Sying. You know I will not return to Russia without this information.”

  Sying named an amount. Vlad choked back a retort and reluctantly agreed.

  “Make sure I have everything by six p.m. tomorrow!”

  Sying dismissed him with a nod and returned to the events in front of her. Now it was time to play.


  “YOU MUST BE Vlad Gregorki!” Vlad watched the beautiful young companion of Sying coming towards him. He wondered for a moment if she was free for the rest of the evening. But of course not, she was part of Sying’s personal entourage.

  “Yes, and do I know you?”

  “Can I speak with you privately? I have some information about Sying that you are going to want to hear. But I cannot be seen with you. Could you meet me through that door, at the back of the P
alace? There is a small private path. Come alone, please. I do not want to lose the trust of my Mistress.”

  Intrigued, Vlad wondered about the conversation to come. Was it possible that Sying would double-cross him?

  The gentle breezes rustled the branches of the trees. The heavy sensual beat of the music dulled at this distance from the Palace. Vlad was exhausted from the travel and his senses lulled on Champagne. He pulled out a cigar and relaxed on a concrete bench. He imagined this had been an excellent place for illicit trysts in another lifetime.

  “I’m glad you came,” Tasha whispered, taking Vlad by surprise.

  “Well, at my age, pretty women rarely ask to meet me in private places. How can I help you?”

  “Oh, but it is I that will help you.”

  Tasha leaned into Vlad, seemingly tripping on a paver. Vlad reached out to steady her. As she grabbed hold of his neck, he leaned in for an intimate moment.

  He was stunned by a prick to his neck, thinking maybe it was her fingernail.

  Confused, his expression froze, and he started to fall.

  “That’s for my Mother you animal! May you die a slow death and feel excruciating pain in your final moments.” Recognition seemed to dawn in his eyes.

  “The poison will create paralysis. Then your blood pressure will rise until the heart explodes.”

  Satisfied by her revenge, Tasha turned and walked away.


  “WHAT DO YOU think Maggs?”

  “I think Tasha has a good plan. Zach said he had someone on the inside. I expected a man. She has a personal interest in this project because the Russian buyer is a powerful man who abandoned her mother. That would make him her birth father.”

  “Luci, RB texted the Russian buyer’s name. It’s definitely Gregorki! Apparently, he’s the brother of the man you killed.”


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