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Conquered Destiny (Great Plains Dragon Feud Book 1)

Page 11

by Emilia Hartley

  “How dare they hurt my baby,” her mother growled as she left.

  A flicker of fire ignited in Baylee’s chest. She nearly got up and chased her mother down. A scream filled her throat, but the fire ate it up and left Baylee dry. Collapsing back onto her bed, she stared at the sky outside the window.

  A part of her hoped that Gale would come to her rescue, but she knew that the woods and fields around this house would be filled with Barnes dragons. They thought they were looking out for her, but they had become her jailers instead.

  Gale stood before the Old Lizard. Quincy’s yellowed eyes darted back and forth between Gale and Logan. Taking a step back, Quincy scowled and shook his head.

  “We cannot allow it,” Quincy said. His beast rumbled through his voice, not because he was angry but because he’d lost the ability to keep man and dragon apart.

  There hadn’t been time to reach out to the others. The commotion the Barnes had caused drew Quincy’s attention. Before long, Quincy had arrived on Gale’s doorstep with a shrewd look already pasted on his cracked face.

  Logan cocked his head. “You can’t allow what? A Montoya and Barnes partnership? Or are you afraid to let me resume my position in the Clan? You’ve held onto power so long that it has aged you. Greed and paranoia will patina a dragon far before their time.”

  Quincy sputtered. Smoke curled out of his nostrils, but Logan laughed in his face.

  The laughter made Quincy roll his shoulders back. “We cannot allow a deserter to lead our family. You left us. Why do you think we’re going to allow you to walk right back into our family? You’re no Montoya to us.”

  Gale cleared his throat before Logan could make an attempt to eviscerate Quincy. Both turned their attention to him, though Quincy’s gaze was filled with venom.

  “I don’t have to follow you.” Gale kept his chin high and his shoulders relaxed. His beast purred with delight, telling him that he’d made the right decision. “I made no oath when I was born into this family. You expected me to bow and serve, but I’m done. I will not follow you.”

  Quincy rose to his full height, but he no longer towered over Gale like he had years ago. Gale’s lips quirked as he looked down at Quincy. Dragon fire filled Gale’s chest. His beast reminded him they did not have much time. Every minute spent here, arguing with a crooked old man, was a minute that Baylee spent alone.

  Did she think he had betrayed her? He would leave a trail of blood in his wake, his own if he had to, in order to get back to her. He wished there was some way to tell her, to assure her that he had not abandoned her.

  “Are you going to start your own Clan?” Quincy asked. He laughed, though the sound grated on Gale’s ears. “Do you think you have the strength to keep yourself safe here? With the Barnes family out for blood because of your own idiocy?”

  Gale shrugged. “I have no plans to lead. This guy,” he jerked his thumb toward Logan, “needs a Clan, though. I’ll gladly bare my neck to a man like him.”

  He was done with this argument. It wasn’t for him. He’d backed the person he was willing to follow. Now, it was time for him to venture into hell to bring back his mate.

  “You cannot leave this family that easily!” Quincy shouted, stomping after him. “You belong to us, flesh and blo—argh!"

  Logan hooked an arm around the Old Lizard and covered his mouth. He flashed Gale a thumbs up and a reassuring smile while holding Quincy with ease. Gale’s heart thumped. The beast inside him knew that Gale had made the right decision.

  “Logan is our flesh and blood, too. Or, have you forgotten that?”

  Gale stepped over the ruts in the lawn that his face had made the night before. He could feel Callum’s talons on his scales, still. Though dragon fire roiled inside him, he wasn’t mad at Callum. He understood that they thought they were helping her. They thought what they were doing was right.

  But he needed to tell them just how wrong they were.

  Before Gale could leave, Cash grabbed him by the arm. Gale paused, only because he hoped his cousin might help him. Cash looked between Gale and Logan then swallowed. The flicker of Cash’s beast in his eyes warned Gale that bringing him along might not be for the best.

  “I don’t want to fight,” Gale warned. His beast was too close to the surface. It snarled, ready to strike. “But I will if you try to stop me.”

  Cash’s jaw flexed. He held Gale’s gaze for a long moment.

  “Is she worth the destruction of our Clan?” Cash asked bitterly.

  “I don’t care what you think she’s worth. I care that she’s happy. I care that I can live however I want, under the rule of someone who gives a damn about me and my mate.” Gale had grown tired of this argument.

  He wanted to rip and tear his way through everyone to get back to Baylee. Every conversation, every raised brow, was keeping him from the one person who needed him. The beast deep inside Gale couldn’t bear another moment of this. It clawed at Gale, sending pain rippling through his core.

  Cash stepped back. His eyes flashed bright, as if his beast could sense Gale’s restlessness and wanted a taste of the fight that was to come. Then, to Gale’s surprise, Cash nodded.

  “I never liked the Old Lizard much anyway. Just…don’t expect me to stick my neck out for you. You’re on your own with this.”

  “I expected as much. If they send my head back, can you have it stuffed and mounted over Quincy’s fireplace?”

  A laugh escaped Cash. “Hell no. He would enjoy that too much. Besides, you’re going to come back alive. Maybe not in one piece, but I know you’ll come back alive.”

  Alive and with Baylee. Gale didn’t know what the future looked like anymore. He’d never really paid much attention to it before, anyway. Now, he looked forward and saw a flicker of hope. He would make Baylee his family and give her his name after this. He would ask her to join him with Logan so they could start a new Clan without the hate that had been taught to them.

  By doing so, he would help her achieve her dream. He would give her the building blocks for the future she wanted to make.

  “I hope this doesn’t become a trend,” Cash muttered.


  Gale felt eyes on him the moment he crossed town. The Barnes family had everyone out. Just to make sure his truck survived, Gale parked off the road and continued on foot. While he might attract more attention that way, at least he wouldn’t have to put a down-payment on a new truck once this was over.

  He had every intention of walking up to the front door, but Jensen stepped out onto the road. Had either of them slept since he’d taken Baylee home in the middle of the night? Gale doubted it. Jensen looked just as beleaguered as Gale felt.

  “You can’t stop me,” Gale said.

  Jensen sighed. He ran a hand through his hair.

  Gale couldn’t fight like he wanted to. Even if Jensen had betrayed Baylee’s wishes, he was still her brother. If Gale killed him, Baylee would never forgive him. But Gale couldn’t let Jensen know that. He had to believe that Gale would do whatever was necessary to take Baylee back.

  Better they believe him to be the ruthless villain they wanted him to be than to let them think they had any advantage over him.

  “You’ve already destroyed her,” Jensen snarled. His foot slid back into a fighting stance. “She won’t speak a word to anyone. We can’t even get her to eat. What more do you want to take from us?”

  Jensen’s words made Gale see red. It bled in from the edges of his vision until it consumed everything in sight. Seething, he closed the distance between the two of them. Jensen barely had time to say oof before Gale dropped him to the ground.

  “You did this to her,” he snarled in Jensen’s face. “You took away her happiness and made her shrink away from the world.”

  Jensen didn’t seem to like that. He leapt back onto his feet in one fluid motion and fell back into the same fighting stance as if that would stop Gale from dropping him again.

  If what he said was true, then Gale coul
dn’t afford to waste any more time. Was this what happened to Elliana after she and Logan had been separated? Had the female dragon shifter fallen into a depression so deep and devastating that she’d allowed herself to waste away? Gale wasn’t going to let history repeat itself.

  Jensen’s shoulder dipped. Gale didn’t wait for the incoming attack. He launched himself at Jensen. He collided with the man and sent him flying back, but Jensen wasn’t about to be stopped. He twisted and landed on his feet so he could launch another attack.

  Gale wanted to roar with frustration. This was taking too long. If he shifted, he could end this much faster. But, then he wouldn’t be able to make Jensen see reason. It would turn into a bloody battle, and Gale didn’t need that.

  He checked the woods around them to make sure no other Barnes dragons had heard their tussle. If Callum and Adrien showed up, then the fight would be over before it could start. Gale had no doubt that, after seeing Baylee’s current condition, they wouldn’t hesitate to kill Gale. He needed to make Jensen understand.

  But how? He clearly didn’t want to listen to reason. He wanted to fight, he wanted to feel vindicated. Gale couldn’t give him that. But he could make him bleed.

  “If you don’t let me through, I’m going to knock you out and leave you for your uncle to find.” Gale could barely hold back his flames anymore.

  He wrenched Jensen forward and brought an elbow down onto the back of his skull. Jensen went limp, but only for a second. His dragon must have roused him from unconsciousness. That was fine by Gale. He could hit harder next time.

  Jensen ducked out of Gale’s grip and spun to face him. “What do you want with her? I told you, you won. You’ve already destroyed her. What more do you want?”

  Though fury burned through Gale, he realized something. He and Jensen had traded places. Jensen was no longer barring the way. Gale sucked in a breath and unleashed his dragon. Wings beating the air, he took off towards the Barnes territory.

  Barely a heartbeat later, a dragon collided into his side. This wasn’t Callum or Adrien. The white dragon was dappled with dark blue spots. Flames curled around his muzzle. He roared and bit the back of Gale’s neck. Pain tried to snake its way through Gale, but he shrugged it off.

  Jensen wasn’t going to stop him.

  No one could stop him. He needed to rescue Baylee. He needed to keep her safe.

  Gale ignored the dragon attached to his back. He fought to stay in the air while the weight of another beast dragged him down. Nothing would stop him.

  Nothing. No one.

  But the ground came up to meet him. He slid along the road, scales grinding down to nothing. He lashed his tail, expecting to immediately stave off an attack, but he hit empty air where there had been a dragon only a second before.

  Gale got to his feet and glanced back.

  Jensen watched him. Gale got the feeling that he wasn’t waiting for Gale to make another move. No, this wasn’t a battle anymore. Jensen looked on with confusion that succumbed to revelation.

  Was it possible that Jensen understood now? Gale didn’t know what he’d done to prove his feelings to Baylee’s brother, but it seemed to have worked. Gale walked backwards, never taking his eyes off Jensen out of fear that this could be a trick.

  It wasn’t.

  Jensen grumbled, tossed his head in annoyance, and lifted into the air. He motioned for Gale to follow. They couldn’t communicate, but flying alongside each other was enough. Jensen seemed to have come to his senses. Between Baylee’s sadness and Gale’s determination, they had proven their bond to at least one Barnes dragon.

  Gale wondered what Jensen would do to help. This could be a trap. If Jensen had sensed that he couldn’t take Gale on by himself, then leading him back to the others would give the Barnes family the advantage.

  But when the house came into view, Gale’s hopes leapt high. He stopped worrying if this could be a trap. This close to Baylee, he thought only about getting her and getting out. No one would stop him.

  And if they came for her? If they tried to beat down his door every night? Then he would stand guard and keep her safe until her family finally accepted that this was what she wanted. He wasn’t about to let their hatred win.

  Logan had come back from his slumber. Now was the beginning of a new era. Gale wasn’t the kind of man to give much stock to dreams or dramatic ideals, but he couldn’t shake the power it gave him now.

  Jensen landed first. His beast form shrank, leaving a human man on two legs. Gale touched ground not far behind but remained cautious. He looked from window to window, wondering which was hers. If only he could call out to her.

  But her brother saved him the trouble. “Baylee! Your mate is here. Get your things and leave with him while I talk to Mom.”

  Gale narrowed his eyes. What kind of trap was this? Jensen had just announced their presence to everyone. He’d drawn Baylee’s attention and invited her out into the open. Gale stilled, waiting for someone to strike, but the instant he saw Baylee, his world narrowed down to her.

  Baylee stuck her head out the window. Had she heard correctly? The scent on the air held a hint of a promise. Her heart fluttered, as if coming alive for the first time in days. Had it been days since Jensen had torn her away from Gale? Or had it only been a few hours?

  She couldn’t tell. Time had slowed up until now.

  There, standing in the driveway like a confused deer was Gale. He flicked his wings impatiently and became still when he saw her. She let out a sigh, as if that breath had been trapped inside her for too long and had grown stale. When she breathed deep and inhaled Gale’s scent, life flooded her veins once more.

  “What is this nonsense?” Marjorie Barnes howled downstairs.

  Baylee didn’t wait for her mother to climb the stairs. Once again, Baylee exited through a window. Her many years of experience at sneaking out were paying off. She slunk across the porch roof and leapt to the ground below.

  As if she’d known what Baylee was up to, Marjorie Barnes burst through the front door and raced down the steps.

  “Before you say anything,” Baylee snapped. “I am an adult! I get to make my own damned decisions from here on out. You do not get to force me into anything I don’t want.”

  She stared her mother down, who looked absolutely taken aback. Marjorie must not have expected her rebel baby to grow a backbone. But Baylee was done with the path her family had laid out for her. She wasn’t going to walk it just because someone else thought that would make for a happy future.

  “I understand that you got everything you wanted, Mom. That isn’t for me, though. I’m going to destroy this feud once and for all. Maybe someday, when you can stomach seeing me with Gale, then you’ll be able to meet the first generation of Montoya-Barnes children.” Baylee turned her back on her mother.

  She thought that would be the end of the conversation, but Marjorie wasn’t done. Except, when Marjorie spoke, she did not address her daughter.

  “You. Montoya dragon. Are you going to treat her well? Are you going to make sure she’s loved and cared for? Can you promise me that you won’t let your family hurt her? If so, then I’ll do everything in my power to make the others here understand.”

  Gale held Marjorie’s gaze as he ducked his head. Marjorie remained stiff for a moment that stretched out far too long. A trickle of fear slithered through Baylee and turned her stomach sour until her mother nodded.

  “Alright then. My baby lost all her spunk while you were gone, and I can’t bear to see that happen again. I thought getting her to marry would help her settle down. I never meant…I wasn’t trying to smother her.”

  “Well, damn,” Jensen said, looking between Gale and Marjorie. “I thought I was going to have to run interference between the two of you.”

  Tears reached Baylee’s eyes. She didn’t expect her mom and brother to support her so quickly. Baylee turned and ran into her mother’s arms. Her tears soaked her mother’s shoulder, but Marjorie didn’t seem to care. Sh
e leaned back and pushed Baylee’s dark hair away from her face.

  “You’ll have to bring your Montoya man back sometime. In his human form. I want to see how cute these Montoya-Barnes babies will be.”

  Baylee laughed, though it was partially broken by a sob. “All I had to do was bring up grandchildren. Huh?”

  Her mother’s shoulders eased away from her ears. “This fight was never mine. I thought I could keep you safe here, but it seems that you’ve found what I could never have. Back home, I watched a mated dragon fall apart after losing his love, and I knew that I never wanted to experience that kind of pain. That’s why I married your father. I knew I could never love him. The two of you were my only chance at unconditional love. I thought I could give you the same protection. Now that you’ve found your mate, I can’t separate you from him. I can’t watch you wither like that ever again.”

  Baylee had not won over her whole family. The Barnes would still hate the Montoyas but having her mother and brother on her side meant everything to her. It gave her the courage to take the next step.

  Gale nudged her when she approached him. She lifted a hand and felt the soft peach-fuzz along his horns. She could take her future into her own hands. All the years she’d spent, breaking rules and defying tradition, had taught her one valuable lesson.

  Happiness came first.


  But happiness wasn’t always easily achieved.

  Baylee flew alongside her mate, back towards the house in the woods that he shared with Cash and now Logan. She didn’t know what to expect from Cash, who had only ever been aggressively indifferent toward everyone he’d ever interacted with. She’d watched him sing at the bars in town, and he was terse even with humans.

  When they landed and shifted back, Gale informed her that they had a lot more to worry about now. Though Baylee had struck out in defiance, she hadn’t left her family ties behind. Gale, on the other hand, had stepped down from his old Clan.


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