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Samson's Lovely Mortal

Page 11

by Tina Folsom

  He lowered his lips onto hers and kissed her. She tasted like a beautiful flower in a meadow full of lavender. Images of a warm summer afternoon drifted into his mind. He was dancing with her in a meadow of lavender with the sun shining onto him without burning him. He felt the warmth of the rays on his skin, not hurting, but caressing him. What was happening? He could clearly feel the sun, smell the lavender and see the meadow. Was he hallucinating? He blinked and the image disappeared as quickly as it had appeared.

  His rhythm slowed, and with more tenderness he thought he was capable of, he moved inside of her, slowly and deliberately, soaking up the sensations their intimate joining conjured up in him. He gazed into her green eyes and felt tenderness overwhelm him.

  “This is wonderful.” Never had sex felt this tender to him and conjured up such loving feelings in him—not even back when he was human. This woman made him want to feel with his heart, not just his body.

  Samson sought her mouth again, tasting her sweet nectar. He was instantly transported back into the sun where he basked under its rays. What was she doing to him, giving him these strange visions? Or was his abstinence from sex to blame for the images in his head?

  Even though he didn’t know what was happening, he didn’t fight it, but let himself be carried away—until he suddenly felt her muscles spasm around his cock, squeezing him as she came.

  “No, not yet.” But it was too late. He couldn’t hold back and came as she milked him until he was spent.

  “Delilah.” He recognized the smile on her face as that of a satisfied woman. He would make sure that he’d see that smile all night. Her lips were still moist from his last kiss. Gently he brushed a strand of her hair from her cheek and followed it by kissing the spot.

  A contented sigh was her answer. “Samson.”

  He could have stayed on top of her all night, but instead rolled off and stripped himself of the used condom. He didn’t like the separation from her and instantly pulled her back into his arms. Draping her over his body, he kissed the top of her head tenderly. He couldn’t say anything else. For once in his life he was speechless.

  Delilah lifted her head and looked at him, but no words came to her lips. Instead, she buried her head in the crook of his neck. He tenderly stroked her hair. There was no need for words. He’d never felt the need to hold a woman the way he held her. He’d never felt the need to cuddle with a woman after sex, so why with her? He had no answer to his question, and for now he didn’t need any.

  Samson put his hand under her chin and pulled her face up to him. Without a word, his lips found hers, kissing her longingly. He knew by morning her lips and the rest of her body would be sore, sore because he wouldn’t be able to stop. Just this one sexual act with her had shown him he needed more of her. He wasn’t even close to being sated.

  Why? Maybe because he was so starved for sex, or maybe because her body felt so good. Whatever the reason, and he didn’t really care at this point, he needed more.

  Samson could feel himself getting hard again and wanted to join his body with hers.

  “Could you please hand me another condom?” he asked her as he released her lips.

  “I only brought one.”

  “One?” Disbelief overrode his instant panic. He looked at her. “Did you think one was going to be enough?”

  “Well, I didn’t know …” He caught her glance at his erection, and the knowledge that she liked what she saw made him feel like a proud peacock, increasing his hardness even more.

  “Ye of little faith!”

  He touched his finger to her nose and laughed. “I’m not going to be able to spend the next six hours in bed with you without touching you. I don’t have that kind of self-control, believe me.”

  “So, what now?”

  “Would you hand me that phone from the nightstand please?”

  Delilah reached for the cordless phone on her side of the bed and handed it to him.

  “What are you doing?”

  He dialed a number. “Putting in an order.” He listened for the call to be answered.

  “Carl. I forgot something,” he started, and she seemed to realize what he was about to do and blushed. Her pink cheeks were the cutest thing he’d ever seen. He grinned sheepishly. “Could you please stop by the all-night drugstore and pick up a box of condoms for me?” He paused, not knowing how to answer Carl’s question that followed. “I don’t know.” Maybe Delilah did. “What size?”

  “Extra large.” She laughed out loud.

  “Did you get that, Carl? Yes, make that a dozen, and just leave them in front of my bedroom door when you come in. That’ll be all for tonight. And no interruptions tonight whatsoever. I don’t care if there’s an earthquake—I don’t want anybody calling or dropping by. Let the guys know, too. Thanks Carl.”

  Samson put the phone down, barely listening to Carl’s reply.

  “Extra large, huh?” He grinned at her.

  “A dozen?”

  He shrugged. “Well, I figured I can always get more for tomorrow night, but if you think a dozen isn’t enough for tonight, I’ll call him back.” He made a half-hearted attempt at picking up the receiver again before Delilah stopped him by tickling him at his sides and under his arms. He laughed and turned to her to pay her back. He rolled around the bed with her. As he started tickling her, her giggles grew louder and more uncontrolled.

  “I can’t believe you asked your driver to buy you condoms.”

  “He’ll get over it.” Maybe she thought it was an embarrassing thing, but Carl probably couldn’t care less if he bought dental floss or condoms.

  She settled down after her giggling spell, and he pulled her back into his arms again.

  “Kiss me,” she demanded.

  “It’s going to be at least half an hour till the condoms arrive. I’m not sure how safe it is to kiss you right now. It might make it very hard for me.”

  She pointedly looked at his erection. “I don’t think it can get any harder.” Neither did he. And as if to prove her point, she wrapped her hand around his hard-on and caressed him gently.

  “I guess I lost that argument.” He smirked and gave into her request.

  Delilah loved the way Samson kissed her: tender, passionate, like a man on fire. Without holding back. No man had ever kissed her the way Samson did; he made her feel like she was the only woman in the world. She shuddered at the power he had over her body and mind, and at the same time, let herself fall without regret.

  He’d given her more pleasure in an hour than she’d had the entire last year, and if a man could bring her to such heights, she couldn’t hold back. She still expected to wake up from a dream and find herself alone in the apartment, daydreaming. It was incredible that a man as handsome and desirable as he would give her the time of day, or night, for that matter. But everything felt too real, so it couldn’t be a dream.

  “I think we should find something else to do until Carl gets here,” he suggested suddenly, his voice strained. Disappointment swept over her. Why hadn’t she packed more condoms?

  “It’s not that I don’t love kissing you, but I can tell you right now what that’ll lead to in about two minutes. And you don’t want to have to fight me off when I can’t control myself any longer.”

  “I don’t think I’d be very good at fighting you off.”

  “It would be fun if you at least tried.” It sounded like something which could indeed be a lot of fun.

  “Ah, a man who likes to hunt.” She gave him a knowing look.

  “Especially when the prey looks so delicious.” His eyes told her just how delicious he found her.

  Delilah let her finger slide over his lips. “Go on; catch me if you can.”

  Samson playfully closed his mouth, but she pulled her finger back.

  “Not fast enough.”

  She’d let him catch her, but not just yet. He’d have to work for it a little first.

  “Give me another chance.”

  Her finger went ba
ck to his lips, teasing him with her soft touch. She watched him intently trying to figure out when he would snap his mouth shut. His poker face gave no indication. His tongue reached for her finger, slowly and sensually licking it as if he had no intention of snatching it. Another flick with his tongue, and suddenly his mouth rocked forward, engulfing her finger and snapping shut.

  Samson held her hostage and sucked at her gently before releasing her.

  “You let yourself be distracted by my tongue—that was your downfall,” he warned her, his eyes flickering. “Never take your eyes off the hunter. You never know when he might strike.”

  He pulled her down onto his chest. “How about a kiss for the victorious hunter?”

  “Since when does the prey kiss the predator?”

  “Never heard of Little Red Riding Hood?”

  “She didn’t kiss the hunter.” But she would kiss Samson. He’d caught her. He deserved his prize.

  “But she kissed the wolf. What if I was the wolf? Would you kiss me?”

  “What version of Little Red Riding Hood were you reading as a kid?”

  “The adult version, of course!” He flipped her onto her back so quickly she barely knew what was happening. A second later she was pinned underneath him. She didn’t complain: in her opinion, it was a good place to be.

  “Since you’re not going to kiss me of your own free will, I have no choice but to torture you.”

  He jumped off the bed and picked her up in his arms.

  “Where are we going?” What kind of torture?

  “Into the bathroom for some water torture.” He smiled, and his eyes twinkled like a rascal who was planning a prank. Torture suddenly sounded like something she had to try.

  His bathroom was windowless and enormous. In addition to an oversized vanity with two sinks, there was a large Jacuzzi-type tub and a huge walk-in shower. The toilet was separate behind a wall.

  “I’m kind of looking forward to this water torture you’re promising.”

  “Are you telling me I can’t scare you with anything?”

  “I guess not. But if you want me to pretend….” She could playact a little if it turned him on. Not that she thought she needed to. Just being herself with him seemed to turn him on.

  Samson set her onto her feet and switched on the water in the shower. Once he’d tested the temperature, he gave her a little shove toward it. “After you, my lady.”

  Delilah stepped into the shower and felt him right behind her. The water started raining down her torso, and she soaked up the warmth.

  “Close your eyes,” he ordered. “I want you to only use your sense of touch—nothing else.”

  “Hmm.” She closed her eyes, curious about what he had in mind.

  His hands touched her shoulders and painstakingly slowly ran down her arms, pausing in the crook of her elbows before connecting with her wrists. Samson encircled them and pulled her arms up, then eased her toward the tile wall of the shower, pressing her against it. He placed her hands flat onto the wall before releasing her.

  “Don’t move.” His order was spoken calmly and with the confidence of a man who was used to his orders being followed. She’d obey: as long as she enjoyed what he was doing. A couple of seconds later, she was certain she’d obey for however long he wanted her to.

  His hands went back to her shoulders before descending over her shoulder blades, down her back and over her hips, stopping just short of her round cheeks. Instead, he ran them down the side of her thighs. Hot flames shot through her under his touch. The fact she couldn’t see what he was doing only intensified the sensation.

  Delilah heard him shift behind her and suddenly felt both of his hands on her ass making circular motions before moving upwards again. She breathed heavily.

  “Lower.” She yearned for his hands on her backside again.

  “I’m afraid I make the rules here. Are you ready to give me a kiss yet, or do I need to torture you longer?”

  “More torture.” The choice was easy. If this was torture, what would happen if he decided to shower her with pleasure instead?

  His hands went underneath her arms and slowly traveled down her sides to her hips before moving inwards and down the middle of her ass. She moaned when she felt his hand rest in between her legs. Hoping he wouldn’t notice, she tilted her pelvis backwards to force his hand to her front. He pressed her back toward the wall.

  “No, no.”

  Seconds later she felt something warm and slick on her ass. His tongue was licking every inch of her backside. Samson knew how to torture a woman. She felt how hot liquid surged to her already moist flesh and started oozing from her. Finally she felt one hand reach underneath her, probing her moist folds.

  With his other hand, he pulled her hips toward him and widened her stance. Delilah felt him turn, and finally his face was right underneath her, in between her legs. He’d positioned himself with his back against the tile wall, his legs stretched out in front of him, his face at her core. With both hands he clasped her ass and pressed his face into her sex, letting his tongue slide over her warm flesh.

  “Oh God!” she yelped.

  He held her firmly so she couldn’t escape, while his tongue played with her clit. His strokes were masterful and relentless. She knew the only way he would stop was when she came. And she wanted to come … right in his mouth.

  His tongue was skilled in finding the right spot and the correct pressure to apply to her to make her gasp at every stroke. His moans mixed with hers, telling her how much he enjoyed pleasuring her. Never had she met a man so selfless when it came to pleasing her.

  His hands gently stroked her ass, and his tongue teased her in a rhythm that made her body tingle. She felt her body heat up, burning from the inside as if it was a volcano ready to erupt. The molten lava in her core boiled to the surface, and in one big explosion her body released all its tension, shooting waves of pleasure into her every cell.

  Delilah braced herself against the tile wall, her legs shaking, when she felt him get up from underneath her and cradle her in his arms.

  “How about a kiss now?”

  Delilah turned and opened her eyes, finding herself staring into his, which had turned from its hazel color to a dark gold.

  “Anything you want.” She meant it. He didn’t even have to ask.

  His lips merged with hers, and he took her and smothered her in a long and passionate kiss. His hands pressed her against his naked body, and she could feel his hard cock against her stomach. She wondered how difficult it had to be for him to touch her like this while he had to wait for Carl to come back with the condoms.

  There was something she could do to ease his need. Delilah pushed herself away from him, earning her a startled look from him.

  Samson was about to protest the interruption when he felt her hand sheathing his cock.

  “Do I get to torture you too?”

  “Under one condition. Continue kissing me.” He’d never felt anything like it with anybody else. When he was submerged in her kiss, she transported him to another world, a world of sunshine and warmth. He was getting addicted to it. The images were so vivid he could almost sense the sun on his body and smell the flowers in the meadow. Yet he had no idea why he had those visions with her.

  He sought her lips again and was instantly transported back into the summer meadow. She slid her hand up and down his erect cock, tugging on it harder with each movement. Her hand was soft and warm, and the water trickling down on them made every movement smooth.

  Delilah knew how to excite him. Just feeling her breasts crushed against his chest, her lips on his and her tongue dueling with his, aroused him more than any vampire female ever had. But the touch of her hand—it was something out of heaven. The way she ran her hand over him, squeezed him with just the right pressure and moved his skin back and forth, was as if she could read his mind, knowing instinctively what he wanted and what brought him closer and closer to his climax.


>   Her hand squeezed him again, faster now and harder. In a desperate attempt to steady himself, he dug his hands into her hips and pressed one thigh in between hers. But the onslaught of sensations her caress sent through him was too much. His breath quickened, and his body tensed as he felt his seed shoot through his cock and spray against her stomach.

  He braced himself against the wall behind her and buried his head in the crook of her neck, trying to hide from her that his legs shook like those of a teenager experiencing his first sexual encounter. This human woman drove every sane thought out of his body.

  “I think that’s all the torture I can take for now.” It wasn’t what he’d wanted to say. He’d wanted to tell her what he felt when he was with her, but he couldn’t. He barely knew her. She would think he was crazy. And besides, it would never work: he was still a vampire. He shouldn’t even feel the things he felt with her.

  Samson tried to convince himself that the reason he felt like this was because he was so starved for sex. It would just be tonight until he had stilled his hunger for sex. After that she wouldn’t mean anything to him, he was sure. For certain there was no good reason why he would want her any longer than that. After all, he was just following doctor’s orders. And who in their right mind would continue taking medicine once the illness was cured? Who indeed?


  Delilah stopped in front of the painting over the fireplace in Samson’s bedroom. The scene of a stately home surrounded by expansive grounds and a small pond drew her in. There was something oddly familiar about it, almost as if she knew the place.

  She felt Samson stop behind her.

  “When did you paint this?” she asked him without thinking.

  “How did you know I painted this?” His voice sounded as surprised as she was herself. For some inexplicable reason she knew he’d painted it. She could see Samson standing in front of an easel, paint brush in hand, shirt and pants dirtied by various colors of oil paint.

  “I don’t know. But when I look at it, I know you painted it.” She astounded herself by the certainty with which she said the words.


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