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Samson's Lovely Mortal

Page 28

by Tina Folsom

  Thomas addressed the two guards. “Accompany him out of town, and make sure he leaves the country.”

  The two guards looked at Samson for approval, and he nodded. A few seconds later they led Milo out of the house.

  Samson placed his hand on Thomas’ shoulder. “It was a wise decision. I commend you for it.”

  Thomas shook his head. “It was a coward’s decision.” He turned, and Samson saw the anguish in his face. “I couldn’t kill him because I still love him.”

  Thomas left the house a minute later. Samson understood his need to grieve and come to terms with his decision on his own. Making him stay to celebrate Samson’s own happiness would have been cruel.

  “He’ll be alright,” Amaury said once the door had shut behind Thomas. “Give him some time.”

  “Carl, how about some drinks to celebrate Samson and Delilah’s impending union?” Ricky suggested.

  “Champagne?” Carl asked.

  “You know we don’t drink champagne, Carl.” Ricky laughed.

  “Yes, but I don’t think it’s polite in mixed company to gulp down glasses of blood.” Carl threw a cautious look into Delilah’s direction.

  “Carl, when you say mixed company, do you mean women and men, or do you mean humans and vampires?” Delilah asked and smiled.

  “I meant humans and vampires.”

  “Bring the blood, Carl, and a glass of champagne for me. I’m not a shrinking violet, and I don’t want you to treat me like one. I’m not going to faint at the sight of blood. Not anymore anyway.”

  Carl straightened.

  “You heard the mistress of the house.” Samson grinned. Delilah would fit perfectly into his life.

  “Yes, sir.”


  When Delilah stepped out of the bathroom, her cheeks were rosy, and the glow of the many candles Samson had lit in the bedroom shimmered golden on her skin. He’d never seen a more beautiful sight. She had donned a robe, wearing nothing underneath, just like he’d asked her to.

  Finally they were alone in his house, his friends having departed only minutes earlier. He stood waiting for her in front of the fireplace, equally only dressed in a robe, nude underneath it. His cock stirred violently at the sight of her and at the thought of what they were about to do. He’d never imagined how it would feel, but now that he did, he was certain that he’d never felt anything even close to the love he felt for her.

  “Thank you for making it possible for me to talk to my father.”

  “I’ll always do everything in my power to make you happy. Whatever it takes.” He stretched out his arms.

  Delilah came to him, slowly but steadily, and he folded her into his embrace.

  “Are you ready for the rest of your life to begin?”

  “With you by my side, I’m ready for anything.” Her voice was like music to his ears.

  He stroked the pale skin of her neck and felt her artery throb underneath his fingers. Her eyelids fluttered. “Will it hurt?”

  “You’ll feel no pain, only pleasure. We’ll bond at the height of ecstasy, when our bodies are joined. You’ll drink my blood, and I’ll drink yours. We’ll be truly one, one body, one soul. You’ll sense everything I sense, and I’ll feel everything you feel. There’ll be no secrets between us. Do you want this?”

  Samson had to give her one more opportunity to change her mind, because once they were blood-bonded, they were joined forever. He knew it was what he wanted. The certainty he felt was intoxicating and frightening at the same time. If she refused him now, it would break his heart.

  Her green eyes sparkled when she looked at him. “Samson, I’ve been sensing strange things the last few days. I sensed things about you that I couldn’t possibly know. Like the fact that you painted that picture.” She tilted her head toward the painting over the mantle. “When I look at it, I see a little boy showing his mother a drawing.”

  “Those are my memories, sweetness.”

  “But we haven’t blood-bonded yet. How is it possible?”

  He smiled. “Those who are truly meant for each other already have a bond between them. That’s why you can already sense me, and that’s why I knew about the meadow. We’re already connected.”

  “Care to make it official?” Delilah whispered, her lips plump and red.

  In slow motion his lips descended on hers until finally they locked together in a kiss of pure love. He’d never kissed any other woman like he kissed her. Capturing her lips with his, he poured his heart into her as he invaded the caverns of her mouth with his tongue. He wasn’t there to plunder, but to share. Her tongue met his, offering him what he knew he could never take: her trust. It was for her to give.

  Their mouths fused in a passionate surrender to each other, neither one being the conqueror nor the conquered. Partners, equals in love. Both with equal strength and equal weakness for each other, both powerful and powerless at the same time.

  Samson felt images invading his mind again, images of lavender, the meadow, the sun. She opened up to him to take him to a place of utter happiness, a place without a care in the world, a place where he was just man, not beast.

  Never breaking their kiss, he lifted her into his arms and carried her to his bed, no, to their bed. He laid her onto the crisp sheets and covered her with his body. The only things between them were their thin robes, barely providing any barrier to their passion.

  With eager hands Delilah pulled at his robe until it gave way and opened so she could feel his skin under her fingers. Never in her wildest dreams had she thought she could love a man without reservations the way she loved Samson. Excitement pulsed in her veins as she felt his hands unwrap her from her robe.

  Finally Samson’s naked skin connected with hers. She virtually felt the sizzle the connection created, the thrills it sent through her body, the anticipation is created in her brain. His erection pressed against her thigh, not asking for entry yet, but reminding her of his purpose. To take her, to possess her, to share himself with her.

  His hands roamed her body liberally, without rush, but with determination. She returned his ministrations with the same fervor he showed. No square inch of his body would escape her touch. Not her fingers, nor her mouth or tongue.

  Where hours earlier he’d been punctured by gaping wounds, new skin had formed as flawless as the rest of his body. She pressed against him, and he understood and rolled onto his back taking her on top.

  Delilah pulled herself up to look at him. He was beautiful, if a man could be called beautiful. His shoulders were broad and muscular, his chest devoid of hair and ripped with muscles. She trailed her fingers along his torso. From beneath her lashes she noticed him watching her as she explored him. She discovered deep desire in them, yet he didn’t move, but allowed her to take the time she needed to learn him.

  For the first time she would make love to him with the full knowledge of what he was. A vampire.

  Delilah still couldn’t understand why an amazing man like Samson could fall in love with her, but she didn’t questions it anymore. What she saw in his eyes told her that his love was real. Samson was hers. Her man. Her vampire. Her mate.

  Her hand traversed the valley of his stomach to find the dark nest of curls surrounding his proud cock. Her lips followed the path her hands had traveled to arrive at the shaft she knew was yearning for her touch.

  She felt him inhale sharply when her fingers touched the round velvet-soft head of his cock. Fully aware of the effect her touch had on him, she continued and ran her fingers from the tip down to the base. Slowly, very slowly. She took a deep breath and inhaled the scent of his arousal.

  Instantly she licked her lips, moistening them. “I want you, Samson,” she whispered before her tongue touched the tip of his erection and started the long descent to the base.

  “Delilah, I’m yours.” His voice was almost unrecognizable. Deep and husky.

  Samson dug his fingernails into the sheets to stop himself from pushing toward her. The sensation of
her tongue on his cock almost shattered his control. What had he ever done in his life to deserve a woman like her? Delilah had accepted him wholeheartedly, and with every touch she showed him her love.

  The moment she took him into her mouth, he, Samson, a strong and powerful vampire, was powerless in her arms. Vulnerable and at her mercy. Safe.

  He moaned and moved his hips upwards, asking for a deeper penetration. And she heard his request, sliding her lips down along his hard shaft until he was completely buried inside her. Her warmth and moisture engulfed him, cradled him. In the shelter of her mouth he grew harder. Her sucking and her licking grew more intense, and he pressed his head back into the pillow, suppressing a scream of pleasure.

  Samson felt his fangs itch, eager for her blood. How he had ever been able to hold back during the nights they’d spent together, he didn’t know. Feeling her the way he felt her now, he realized he’d never had a chance to walk away from her after that first kiss.

  His fangs extended as a roar left his chest. He called for his mate. “Delilah!”

  He felt her hesitancy in letting go of his cock, but he pulled her up with his strong arms and looked into her eyes. “Take me inside you, now.”

  Her hand came up to touch his face, then she moved her finger and ran it over his fangs. He saw no fear in her eyes, only excitement.

  Without breaking their eye contact, she positioned herself above him and bore down, slowly and steadily. The tip of his erection touched her moist center, and he groaned. Her body continued its descent, taking him into her hot sheath, clenching tightly around him, pushing him deeper until he was inside her to the hilt.

  For a moment he couldn’t move for fear he’d spill instantly. She seemed to understand and remained completely still.

  Samson turned his head to his nightstand. The ceremonial dagger glinted in the dim candlelight as he took it in his hand. Delilah’s eyes followed his movements. He led the blade to his shoulder and pressed it down where his neck and his shoulder met. Drawing the dagger forward, he cut through his skin.

  He felt the trickle of blood instantly and set the dagger aside.

  “Drink from me.”

  Delilah saw the blood spill from his cut and lowered herself over his torso.

  “I love you, Delilah.”

  Without hesitation she placed her mouth over the open skin and suckled. The warm liquid ran over her tongue and down her throat, the taste surprisingly sweet. She latched harder onto his shoulder, wanting more. Delilah felt his arms around her, pressing her closer to him, his cock moving inside her, thrusting, pumping.

  With a move she barely noticed, he flipped them, bringing her underneath him, now plunging his shaft deeper inside her.

  “Now we bond,” she heard his voice, before she felt his mouth at her neck. His tongue licked her skin, making it tingle, and then his fangs connected, breaking through her skin, burying themselves in her.

  There was no pain, only pleasure when she felt his sucking motion and knew her blood transferred from her body to his. Then Samson’s deep guttural moan reverberated in her body.

  A lightheadedness spread within her as if she was floating on a cloud, and she took more of him. His blood streamed down her throat and warmed her from the inside, awoke every cell and made her entire body tingle. Like electricity it travelled through her veins, igniting sensations previously unknown, lighting a flame inside her.

  Her womb clenched with need, wanting and accepting his body and soul and offering hers in return. Delilah felt his raw power and strength as his shaft drove deeper into her, filling her, completing her.

  She ground against him, asking for more. Samson’s body tightened even further under her demand, and his cock expanded in her already tight channel. With every movement, withdrawing, then thrusting again, he teased each nerve ending in her body and made the fire inside her burn hotter.

  There was no need to speak, because she sensed everything he felt. How he needed her blood inside him, how his cock yearned for release, to spill himself and plant his seed. Her own desire to receive him grew with every second.

  Delilah felt every cell in her body burn, hurtling her toward her climax. He was there with her, tumbling into the abyss as their bodies found their release within each other. Floating, carrying each other, connected.

  When she released his shoulder, she felt him do the same. A moment later, his tongue smoothed over the area.

  “Oh, Samson!”

  He kissed her, catching her as she came down from her high. “I’m here, sweetness, I’m here.”

  She panted heavily. Had she even breathed during the entire time? She couldn’t remember. “You didn’t tell me it would be so amazing.”

  Samson chuckled softly. “The deeper the love, the more intense the bonding.”

  Delilah brushed her lips to his. “I could feel you.”

  “And I could feel you. Your heart is pure. I’m honored you gave it to me.” He kissed her tenderly.

  “I’m going to love living here with you,” she said.

  “We should talk to Amaury tomorrow to find us a new house though. This is going to get too small,” Samson claimed.

  Too small? Samson’s house was a large Victorian. Her own tiny place in New York could fit into it at least five times. “This is large enough for us. It’s just you and me. I don’t need much space.”

  She noticed a rather sheepish grin build around his mouth.

  “Yes, but it’s not always just going to be only you and me. To start off we’ll need a nursery, and then when the kids are a little bigger, they’ll probably all want their own rooms and—”


  “Yes, our kids. I know you want them.”

  “But you told me you can’t have any. Vampires can’t have children.”

  “That’s true, in general, but there’s one exception. When a vampire male bonds with a human female the ritual changes their DNA. Once you complete your first cycle after the blood-bond, I can impregnate you.”

  “Impossible.” She shook her head.

  “Do you remember the mayor?”

  Delilah nodded.

  “I told you that he’s a vampire, but that’s not the whole truth. He’s a vampire hybrid, a vampire born to a human mother and a vampire father. There are few of them, but they exist. They have vampire and human traits. They can subsist on blood as well as human food. They can be in the sun without burning and have the strength and speed of a vampire. They have strengths of both species, and weaknesses of none. Our children will grow up like human children, and when they reach maturity, they’ll stop aging just like any vampire.”

  Delilah’s eyes filled with tears. “We can have children?”

  “As many as you want. I’ll love every single one of them.”

  Delilah sniffed. “Why didn’t you tell me before?”

  Samson kissed her tears away. “I wanted to give you one last surprise. It’s going to be pretty hard surprising you from now on.”

  She laughed. He was right. Already now she could feel other things about him, as if she was in his head. “So, when are we going to have that human wedding you’re planning?”

  Samson laughed out loud. “See, what I mean? I can’t keep anything from you anymore. How did you know?”

  “When you mentioned the mayor again your mind went to what he said to you at the shrink’s office. That he wanted to do the honors. He offered to perform the marriage ceremony, didn’t he?”

  “If our kids are only half as smart as you are, we’ll have a bunch of Einsteins on our hands. I hope you’re ready for that.”

  “I’m ready for anything with you.” She smiled and kissed him.

  “Anything? I can think of a thing or two …” His wicked grin coupled with his erection straining against her left little doubt as to his intentions.

  “Only a thing or two?” Delilah teased him. “Do you think that’s enough?”

  “With you, never.”

  But for this night, a thing
or two would be a start.



  Excerpt of Gabriel’s Mate (Scanguards Vampires #3)

  The click-clack of her heels echoed against the buildings. Maya could barely see the pavement through the fog, which hung like a thick mist in the night air, amplifying every sound.

  A rustle coming from somewhere behind her made her accelerate her already hasty steps. A chill so severe it felt as if an icy hand had touched her skin went through her. She hated the dark, and it was on nights like these that she cursed her on-call duty. Darkness had always scared her and lately it did even more so.

  She opened her purse as she approached the three-story apartment building she’d been living in for the last two years. With shaking fingers, she fished for her house keys. The moment she felt the cold metal in her damp palm, she felt better. In a few seconds, she would be back in bed and get a few hours of sleep before her next shift started. But more importantly, shortly she would be back in the safety of her own four walls.

  As she turned to the stairs leading up to the heavy entrance door, she noticed the darkness in the foyer. She glanced up. The light bulb over the door must have burned out. A couple of hours ago it had been burning brightly. She put it on her mental list of things to tell her landlord.

  Maya felt for the railing and gripped it, counting the steps as she walked up.

  She never reached the door.


  Her breath caught as she spun on her heels. Engulfed in the dark and the fog, she couldn’t make out his face. She didn’t need to – she knew his voice. She knew who he was. It almost paralyzed her. Her heart beat into her throat in a frantic tattoo as fear inside her gut spiraled.

  “No!” she screamed and scrambled back toward the door, hoping against all odds she could escape.

  He’d come back like he’d vowed.

  His hand dug into her shoulder and pulled her back to face him. But instead of his face, all she could focus on was the white of his pointed teeth.


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