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Deception (A Stalker Novel Book 2)

Page 5

by Brittany Crowley

  Rolling his eyes, Colby shoves Marcus away from my fridge and snatches the pot of pasta salad out of his hands. “Yeah well, I was trying to not sound like a pussy,” he grumbles, shoving a huge forkful of my leftovers into his mouth.

  Shrugging, I lean against the counter. “I’m good.”

  “Awesome, glad we cleared that up,” Marcus snaps, glaring at Colby.

  Colby hands the pot back to Marcus, knowing that he would bitch about it for days otherwise. “You sure? I know this has got to be fucking with your head Cross. Nobody would blame you if you backed out.”

  “It’s the only way man. We both know it. Randy Brookes would recognize me in a heartbeat, if I don’t go as myself, I would have to sit this one out and help from the sidelines. We both know that ain’t happening.”

  He nods knowingly. “I hear that. But are you fully prepared for the shit show that’s gonna come your way? There is gonna be a ton of coverage of this tour, interviews… people are going to ask questions that you won’t want to answer. They’ll ask where your old bandmates are, they’ll ask what really went down when the band broke up so suddenly… have you thought about what you’re going to say?”

  I swallow thickly and stare him down. I have thought about nothing else since I made the call to Randy. When shit went down years ago, I just disappeared off the face of the earth. I didn’t have to worry about press conferences, interviews, paparazzi… because not a single fucker knew where to look for me.

  And the rest of the band hadn’t said a word. Because the truth would ruin their lives forever… and nobody that had witnessed the worst night of my life was willing to lie for them. Randy, our roadies, security… they had kept their silence for me and me alone. I would always respect them for that.

  “I guess I’ll just cross that bridge when I come to it.”

  “Wait… hold the fucking phone! Do you know his big secret?” Marcus gasps, a shaky finger pointed at Colby’s chest.

  “Only because Cross spilled his guts when he was tanked one night,” Colby shrugs, completely unfazed with his friend’s dramatics.

  “What the fuck,” he whisper yells. “I feel left out. It’s only right you tell me too, it’s the bro code.”

  Laughing, I push past the bickering pair and head into the front room. The guys follow me, Marcus still bitching about brotherhood or some shit. I grab my bag and open my door, letting them through so I can lock up. Marcus stops on the stairs, a thoughtful expression on his face as he waits for me.


  I glance up as I walk towards him. “Yeah?”

  “I don’t need to know. Unless you want to tell me. A problem shared and all that bullshit…” he lays a hand on my shoulder and smiles. “Just know, I’ve always got your back man.”

  And just like that, the cocky fucker slays me. Marcus has layers. Who knew?


  Marcus: She’s gonna kill me, and this is all your fault. I’m too fucking hot to die so young Cross!

  Grinning, I turn the phone to Sky and let her see the message.

  “This is going to be fucking priceless. I can’t believe she still hasn’t suspected anything,” Sky giggles next to me.

  Ray, Marcus and Sydney have already arrived in Texas, and so far, Syd’s disguise is working like a charm. The rhinoplasty nose Ray’s contact had made completely alters her face to the point their own parents didn’t recognize Syd on a video call. Add in the short mahogany wig and she looks nothing like the Sydney we all know and fear.

  But it wasn’t going to be enough.

  There were going to be times when Syd couldn’t be right by her sister’s side. The most glaring situation would be when she was on stage. The answer seemed too obvious.

  Sky: Suck it up big man. She won’t need to know until we get there. I don’t wanna miss the big unveil anyway.

  I laugh at her response to the group chat and settle back on the plush seats of the limo. Yes, we were travelling to the hotel in style. I hated it. I wanted to hire a car but got vetoed pretty fucking quickly. Apparently, this was what all the celebs were doing, and I need to look the part.

  I was regretting the decision already.

  Before we know it, we’re making our way to our suite. Chantel had taken an earlier flight on the pretense of checking the security of the hotel. In other words, she wanted to scope out the suites and make sure we had eyes on Ray’s rooms. I fully expected her stalker to have left something for her, but things had been strangely silent for the last few days. Part of me wondered if it had anything to do with the absence of Dave, the shit excuse for security that Syd had fired but we quickly ruled him out. Half the time he was backstage waiting in the wings when these flowers and notes had been left. Even Dave couldn’t be in two places at once.

  We’re all tired and sweaty, ready to shower the grime from all the travelling off our skin as we walk through the doors to our suite. All that fades away and I barely manage to dodge a flying heel the second the door closed behind us.

  “What the fuck…” I growl, my voice trailing off as my eyes roam the sight in front of me.

  Marcus cowering on the sofa. Ray-Ann trying not to giggle as she sits next to him. Chantel holding a hand over her mouth with mirth in her eyes… and then there’s the woman that makes my dick harder than any woman ever had.

  Sydney. Scowling.

  And wearing the biggest, blondest long curly wig known to man.

  “You wanna fucking explain what the fuck is going on Cross?” she seethed.

  I obviously have a death wish because all I do is laugh.

  Chapter 10


  “You sly motherfu…” A knock on the door interrupts my rant and I barrel towards it intent on telling someone off. “What?” I glare at the bastard on the other side whose eyes bulge when he takes me in.

  “Ray, darling, I think you need to take a few deep breaths. Let old Randy here make you a drink.”

  Randy, Randy, Randy. Where do I know that name from? Wait, did he just call me Ray? Shit, the wig. The room must realize the severity of the situation at the same time I do. This guy named Randy thinks I’m my sister and I can hear everyone scurrying around behind the door. Probably to hide if I had to guess.

  “What’s all that racket? You having a party Ray?” Randy laughs then barges past me and into the room. The instinct to clothes line him is strong but I hold back, that’s not really a thing Ray-Ann Woodley would do.

  “Iosefa, I have to admit you’re the last person I’d ever thought I’d find here. I guess that explains why it sounded like a heard of rhinos stomping around.”

  “Nope, just me.” Cross explains and I notice two champagne flutes in one hand and a bottle of champagne in the other.

  “Oh, am I invading on some private time?”

  “Not at all, we’re just discussing the tour.” I smile sweetly and try to throw my best southern twang in the mix. I’m not certain why because I’m not southern and neither is my sister.

  “Are you sure you’re all right Ray? You seem a little off.”

  “I’m great. Being in the same room as Iosefa Cross is getting to my head.” I look at Cross and want to laugh at the expression he’s shooting me. Honestly, how was he ever in the spotlight? He doesn’t take attention well unless it’s towards his cock.

  “It’s lucky I found you here, we can discuss your role in the tour.”

  Hmmm. We never really discussed what his role could be. He was the drummer of his band all those years ago, so that would be the obvious choice.

  But he isn’t with his band.

  “I can answer that.” I explain quickly. “We were talking about pulling him on during my set to do a duet of sorts.” After it flies out of my mouth I pray to the heavenly gods that Cross sang in his freaking band otherwise I’m screwed.

  “That sounds perfect. I always thought Tribe wasted your vocals behind the drums. Don’t get me wrong, you’re great with a pair of sticks, better than most, but your voice
could have sold solo records. I always did tell you to go that route.”

  “I’m not a solo artist.” Cross explains.

  “Someday I’ll convince you.” Randy laughs then grabs his phone from his pants pocket when it begins ringing. “Yeah. No way, are you sure? I’ll be right there.”

  Randy sighs in annoyance before facing us again. “I’ll have to catch up with you guys later, there’s a situation with one of the bands and their hotel rooms.” He looks at Cross. “They don’t make them like you anymore. Divas, all of them. Carry on with what you were doing.” He winks at Cross then leaves the room.

  I stare at the closed door and try to take a few deep breaths. Did he really think I was Ray?

  “That’s why you have that wig.” Cross states then walks to the other side of the suite as if that explains everything.

  “That’s not even an answer asshole!” I rip the wig from my head and fling it on the couch. “Why would I want to look like her, the whole point is for me to blend into the background.”

  “Syd, think about it, he had no idea who you really were. If the situation arises and you need to double as your sister, you’ll be ready.” Marcus explains looking at my tits.

  “You do realize I’m not really Ray right?”

  “Just doing my due diligence. Need to make sure everything’s a perfect match.” He winks at me then whines when Ray smacks the back of his head.

  “Damn, now it’s coming from all angles. You’re supposed to be the sweet one.” He wipes the back of his head.

  “Not when you’re checking to make sure we have the same boobs. Honestly Marcus, have some respect.”

  I might not like it but they’re right. If the need arises it would be handy to go undercover as my sister. But then why does that make me break into a cold sweat?

  “Where’s mommy and daddy?” A stranger says pointing a gun at us in our hotel room.

  Me and Ray stay quiet, unable to speak or even think. Our hands find each other and link needing each other’s support.

  “They’re at an after party.” I finally speak up when he starts getting agitated at our lack of answer.

  “That won’t work.” The man bangs the gun against his temple. “They were supposed to come back here so I could take care of your dad…”

  “What?” My sister cries.

  I jump in front of Ray when he trains the gun on her…

  “Hey, you ok?”

  I’m pulled out of the memory and realize everyone in the room is facing me, watching me cautiously. I wipe away the sweat above my brow and walk over to the couch very much needing to sit down. Christ. I haven’t had a flashback of that night for a long time. That night is the reason I left my family and moved to my grandmothers. Why I shucked the family name and anything to do with them publicly.

  Ray sits on one side of me and Chantel sits on the other. I know they’re waiting for me to explain but I can’t. There’s no way I can tell the room how weak I was back when I was sixteen.

  “I’m fine, just remembering New York.” I whisper and Ray squeezes my knee understanding what I’m saying.

  “That was a long time ago.”

  “Feels like yesterday.” I mentally shake myself and stand up looking at Cross. “Good call on the wig.” I nod my head towards him and can’t force anymore words to come out.

  It pisses me off how much that one memory still affects me. I’ve come so far and went through countless hours of therapy to be able to sleep in a bedroom by myself. I think it took a whole six months after I moved in with my grandma to finally sleep in my own bed. Yet here I am. Ray’s the strong one, always has been.

  I excuse myself from the room and leave through the main entrance. My rooms only next door adjoined to Rays. Thanks to Chantel, we all have rooms on the same floor that connect together. I could have gone through Ray’s room to get to mine, but when I have my keycard in the slot, I decide to go for a walk. My sister’s in good hands with my friends so I don’t need to worry about her.

  To make sure I’m not noticed, I place the hood from my sweatshirt over my head and exit the hotel. There’s a beautiful garden area with benches right out back I decide to take residence on.

  Pretending to be Ray even just for a second is bothering me more than I ever thought it would. She’s just my sister, albeit a little more well-known. Since I was sixteen I’ve fought against everything I ever knew. Threw away a potential career that would have left me set financially for life and leaving a home with so much love it physically hurt to be away from them. But I did it all because I was a coward.

  Once upon a time I enjoyed the limelight. Me and Ray would spend our days at vocal lessons and watch our parents record their next big chart topper. I’d like to think we weren’t shallow, but we were. We cared about what was trendy and where we could get ourselves noticed.

  I now pride myself on being someone I respect. Someone that earns respect from her peers and has friends that love me for my character.

  It’s only been about fifteen minutes since I left the room when I start melting. The heat is sweltering and this hoodie wasn’t the best choice for the Texas heat. Thinking the fresh air would do me some good was a poor choice on my part and I start laughing. The laughter makes me feel better, makes me feel more in control.

  These little freak outs don’t happen often but I’m going to have to prepare myself for this tour. There’s a lot of my old life that’s going to rear its ugly head and I’ll have to channel something deep inside me to keep all my fears at bay. I just need to keep reminding myself that this is all for Ray. She’s in trouble and needs me. I can handle myself now, can take on any threat coming my way. I’m not a naïve teenage girl anymore.

  If not for Ray, I don’t need to give Marcus any more material to mess with me.

  Chapter 11


  The second the car pulls up to the venue for soundcheck, I feel the familiar excitement churn in my gut. I may have left the scene, but my love for the music world will stay with me forever.

  I hear the whispering start almost as soon as my feet hit the ground. Sliding my shades off, I glance around, making a show of taking in the sight of the building in front of me. Sky steps up to me looking every inch the harried assistant and starts talking rapidly about my schedule. Out of the corner of my eye, I see four young British ladies that have been taking the charts by storm and can’t help but throw a cheeky wink in their direction before Sky and I take the steps.

  Randy has already announced that I would be joining the set as a special guest. By the gasps and whispers my entrance is receiving, it looks like those who hadn’t been around for Tribe’s success have done their homework.

  “You’re gonna have to ramp things up a notch,” Sky throws at me quietly as we make our way through the organized chaos backstage.

  “What do you mean?”

  She rolls her eyes and looks around. “So far, I’ve seen roughly thirteen sets of ovaries explode, seven tops yanked down for maximum cleavage exposure, every single female in the building has licked their lips as we walked by and… oh my god, my eyes!” Sky shrinks behind me as she trails off.

  “What? Sky?” I hiss, trying not to draw attention to us.

  “There is a certain rock diva over there diddling herself as she stares at you.” She whispers back in horror.

  Scoffing, I turn my head to see what the hell she’s talking about, barely managing to keep my eyes from widening when they lock on the infamous raven-haired beauty that is indeed sat with her hand up her skirt.

  “Jesus Christ.”

  Sky chuckles and gently shoves at my back to get me moving. “We need to get you publicly off the market ASAP. I wasn’t prepared for the amount of attention you would draw.”

  I place my palm at the small of her back and lean in close. “Are you saying you’re shocked the ladies are showing interest?”

  She giggles, completely out of character for my feisty friend and I nearly blow our whole charade then
and there. She’s damn good at this.

  “I knew you’d be popular, no one is doubting your animal magnetism big guy,” she whispers as she points some random words out on her tablet. “However, it’s pointless wasting time fighting off the females. I say we get you and Ray-Ann lip-locked by tonight and save us all some headaches.”

  Nodding sagely, I stop by the refreshment table and take a look around. The place is buzzing with excitement as the roadies get set up for their various acts while the organizers run ragged sorting last minute issues. This used to be my life. I still remember the first time I took up the sticks on a stage just like the huge one in front of me. The nerves, the excitement, the sheer fucking thrill of playing your heart out, hearing the crowd screaming back at you…

  “What the fuck is he doing here?” My eyes narrow on the smug looking man currently standing a few feet away from Ray-Ann.

  Sky growls next to me and whips her phone out. Seconds later, she’s hissing into the speaker. “What the fuck is your sister’s old bodyguard doing here? I thought you fired his ass?”

  The guy, Dave, stands far too close to a very uncomfortable looking Ray-Ann. This isn’t going to work if that idiot is back on the scene. We still haven’t been able to eliminate him completely as a suspect and there’s no way we’re going to risk having him close to Ray. Fuck this shit, I need to make a move and now. I leave Skylar furiously whispering into her phone and stalk over to the blond bombshell.

  “Jesus baby, you sure are a sight for sore eyes,” I drawl, sliding up next to Ray-Ann and making one hell of a show of checking her out. Like the sweet country girl she is, her face flushes crimson.

  “Sefa, I didn’t realize you were here already,” she bites her lip and the move is so much like Sydney, I pause. If it wasn’t for my angry assistant battling with Sydney on the phone right now, I would swear this was her standing in front of me.

  “Where’s your security detail? I thought we had it all sorted?”


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