Deception (A Stalker Novel Book 2)

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Deception (A Stalker Novel Book 2) Page 12

by Brittany Crowley

  “Yeah, I was good friends with their manager. They were going to use my studio to lay down their debut track before Sydney backed out of the duo. It was a shame truthfully. There wasn’t anything like them at the time.”

  This was all old news to me but for some reason, I continued on. “Until the Taylor Twins you mean.”

  Randy’s eyes misted. “Yeah. I discovered them a few months later. Those girls were an amazing pair. It breaks my heart just thinking of what their family must be going through.”

  The elevator comes to a stop and as we get out, I can’t help but press further. “Why, what happened?”

  Randy stops and swallows thickly. “Annabelle died earlier this year. It was tragic really, she fell for a bad boy and his recklessness cost her dearly. Head on crash, both her and the boyfriend died on impact. Lucy hasn’t been the same since.”

  “Jesus,” I mumbled, remembering the girls vaguely.

  Randy bowed his head, seeming to need a few moments and when he looked back up, the larger than life personality he always showed was back in full swing. “Ok people, time to shine!”


  “I’m really not sure what you think this has to do with me,” Ray-Ann states from the sofa.

  I rub my hands over my face and stop my feet from wearing a whole in the carpet. “I can’t put my finger on it, but I know it’s important.”

  Ray-Ann shares a look with Chantel but dutifully starts reeling off any information she can think of about the Taylor Twins.

  Something has been niggling in the back of my mind ever since my chat with Randy earlier. No matter how hard I try, I can’t think what the hell the tragic tale of the Taylor Twins could have to do with Ray-Ann’s stalker and from the looks of it neither can anyone else.

  “Cross, this is a waste of our time,” Skylar complains quietly, coming to stand beside me. She rests her hand on my arm, her eyebrows raised in question. Shaking my head, I glance over to Chantel, hoping something had jumped out to her.

  But all I’m offered is a shrug of her shoulder as she shoots me an exasperated look. “I’m looking into the boyfriend but I’m not getting much. He only had the one living relative, an older brother but he’s serving time. There really isn’t anything to go on Cross.”

  The frustrating thing is, I know she’s right. But instead of telling Chantel to leave it, I nod for her to keep looking into the family.

  The door swings open and I fight to stop myself from looking at whoever comes in. Resuming my pacing across the floor, I half-listen as Sky fills Marcus, Sydney, Briella and Colby in on my new insanity.

  “Ugh, I hated that Taylor woman,” Syd groans, flopping down next to her sister. “She was a monster, right? Do you remember the way she used to talk down to Annabelle and Lucy? Don’t eat that, the camera adds ten pounds. Girls! You must only drink mineral water with a slice of lemon, are you trying to damage your vocals?”

  Ray-Ann giggled at Syd’s snooty impression. “Yeah, she was like the singing worlds equivalent to one of those beauty pageant moms.”

  They continued to reminisce and the longer they did, the more I figured I was wrong. The only connection between the two, were the business they were in. That same rule could apply to thousands of others. Staring out the window, I resigned myself to the fact that I was looking for reasons in all the wrong places, just trying to get this case moving along.

  Because for the first time ever, I want out. I want it done so I can get the fuck out of here. Away from the old memories of a previous life, away from the scrutiny of the limelight but most importantly, away from the woman I love, the woman that chose not to choose me.

  Chapter 26


  Three swift knocks to my dressing room door pull me out of my head and back into the present. I turn and stare as someone ducks their head into the dressing room barking, “Five-minute warning.” Randy’s assistant I assume, says this without glancing in my direction.

  I turn back to the mirror and mumble, “Great.” Second nature brings my hand to flip my hair but that’s a no go right now…along with rubbing my hands down my face. Just great.

  “You know what you need to do, just get out there and…” I sigh. “Do it.”

  I hardly recognize myself and when I catch my reflection in the mirror, I take a few calming breaths to ease some of the tension coursing through my body. It’s kind of funny and makes me laugh since I look exactly like myself minus my usual blue hair. Just jzeushed a bit more than usual.

  Ok, that may be an understatement.

  I stare intently at my perfectly coiffed platinum blond hair that is one step from needing its own zip code and thank god I work out daily to be able to hold this beast up. I pucker my lips and the bright pink color makes my insides cringe. Some miracle worker managed to stuff my subtle B cups into the mother of all contraptions. They’re all pushed up and showing perkily through my silver sequined halter neck dress. A task I’ve never had any luck with even with the best push-up bras on the market.

  After another failed attempt of deep breathing, I get up and exit my dressing room. There’s a whole posse of people waiting outside the door and after scanning the sea of nameless faces, I crane my neck to find the one person who’s a head taller than everyone else. The only person who brings me comfort, even though he shouldn’t.

  “Finally! Can you hear that?”

  I don’t necessarily need to strain my ears to hear the chants coming from the stadium full of diehard Ray-Ann Woodley fans. Randy doesn’t let me answer before he starts pulling me towards the screaming throng of people waiting. I pull my arm from his tight grasp and tell him to back off.

  “Fine, make them wait.” He growls then stalks off.

  What an ass. I quickly survey my surroundings looking for anything suspicious. I notice Cross doing the same thing as he makes his way towards me. Continuing, I stop in front of the steps to the stage and freeze.


  How did I find myself here? I’ll tell you how. Family. I’d do anything for my family. Even the one thing I’ve sworn to never do.


  I’m about to take my first step when a hand lands low on my waist. Warm breath hits my ear and it takes a ton of restraint not to shiver from the sensation. To show he has no effect on me.

  “Don’t forget to twerk… Ray-Ann.”

  It sounds odd coming from his lips. I didn’t know Cross, Mr. Broody Badass, had the word twerk in his vocabulary let alone could use it correctly. And the fucker knows calling me that messes with my head.

  “Fuck off.” I pop my behind into his crotch making him eat his words.

  A low growl exits his lips and I feel victorious. Suck it Cross!

  The music starts, and I know that’s my cue to get my ass to the stage. But first I turn around and smile sweetly at the big burly man who’s about to witness my humiliation. Even though I’d never admit to a living soul, I’m glad he’s here.

  I have a second to stare at the curtain that’s in front of me and close my eyes. The heavy material finally pulls back, and the fans go wild. I smile through my discomfort, grab the mic and think oh fuck!

  As the first note of Ray’s most popular song comes on, I steady myself and try to remember my cues. It helps that I’ve done this once upon a time. The track plays and I lip sync along to her lyrics. I have a beautiful singing voice, I’m not being conceited when I say it rivals my sisters. There are differences, I can’t add a twang to my voice like she can, so lip syncing sounded like the obvious option.

  I’m on the last song of tonight’s set when the unthinkable happens. Something I couldn’t prepare myself for in a million years. The song doesn’t start.

  I turn and look towards my band and the drummer mouths that we have to go live. Fear sets deep in my bones as the thought of having to actually sing in front of a stadium full of people. I have two options, I can end early and run off stage like a scared little diva, or I can woman up and put a show on for these fans they
’ll never forget.

  I quickly nod my head and give the band the go ahead to start up. When it’s time to start, I belt out the first few notes without error and slowly find my rhythm. It takes some getting used to with my earpiece safely in place. Everyone cheering and the music being so loud makes it hard to hear the notes. Hence the earpiece.

  By the end of the song, I’m owning the stage and as I walk off, I can’t wipe the smile from my face. I did it. I got out there and entertained all those people. Just like when I was a teenager.

  As I take the steps down from the stage, I find Cross waiting at the bottom. When I’m at his level, still a few steps up, I stop and look at him.

  “Um, you’re coming on with me now, right? You and Ray usually do the duet.”

  “Not tonight. I told Randy I’m not feeling well.” He turns to leave and all the wind rushes from my lungs. Then he turns back. “You did good.” He stares into my eyes then heads away from me once again.

  Seconds ago, I was on a high like you wouldn’t believe and now I’m standing on these steps needing to pick up my shattered heart that Cross left smashed all over the floor.

  And I only have myself to blame.


  “This is fucking bullshit.” I state as my fingers white knuckle the steering wheel from the car I hijacked.

  Ok, so I didn’t highjack it so much as borrow it from another PA. The reason why I had to do this in the first place is making my blood boil.

  “Give her a break. Lucy came back from her music hiatus after her sister just passed away.”

  I turn to look at the crazy person next to me and glare, before turning my eyes back to the road. I quickly rip the wig off my head along with the fake rubber nose and throw them in the back seat needing to be me. I regret the nose almost immediately, the pull of the glue from my skin causes a painful stinging that has my eyes watering up.

  The fact that Lucy Taylor showed up on the tour a mere two days after Cross had a hunch that this is all something linked is sketchy. Me and Ray never got along with those twins. They always felt threatened by us. Usually there’s room in the music industry for one popular act in a certain category and having started a few months before them, we filled the quota for the twin country duo.

  They used to be rotten to us. It started long before they even decided to follow in our footsteps on the music scene. The snide remarks, catty comments, bleach in our shampoo… damn did I hate them. Still do if I’m being honest, but the fact that her sister did just die, I suppose I can scale it back a little.

  “She has us running around the fucking city to look for neon pink pantyhose. Who is she? A stripper?” I mumble a few not so nice remarks under my breath causing Chantel to laugh.

  “Obviously she’s a bitch. At least her PA was right there and let us use her car without question.”

  “Yeah, a PA that’s perfectly capable of doing this for her.”

  “Then who was going to blow on her nails?” Chantel flips her hair like a ditz.

  I’m just thankful our parents raised us the right way. This is a prime example of two separate families, both Hollywood icons, and the pair being polar opposites. My parents made us earn everything we had. They didn’t want us raised in complete privilege leading to become bratty adults. Nope, that’s what the Taylor’s did. All four of their kids were the most annoying human beings on the planet earth and I’ve had the privilege of knowing them most of my life.

  Our parents were acquaintances and we saw the Taylor kids everywhere. Between movie sets and mutual parties, you’d think we’d all become friends. Fat chance of that happening after the twins’ older brother ripped off my bikini top when I was twelve forcing me to dive into the ocean for solace. That bastard ate his words when sweet little Ray pantsed him in front of a group of older girls he was trying to impress. Good times.

  “Walgreens? The GPS says its three exits up off the highway.”

  “Yeah right, it’s not even close to Halloween season. We’ll keep going until we hit the heart of the city. There’s bound to be some sort of costume shop.”

  “Oh, right here. Pull off.” Chantel yells at an exit that’s fifty feet ahead.

  “Shit.” I’m in the fast lane and have to jump three just to make it. Luckily no one’s coming. My foot hits the brakes to slow down so I don’t miss it when it happens…

  Actually, nothing happens.

  Not one thing.

  As I fly by the off-ramp my heart accelerates faster than the car and Chantel scoffs in my direction. “You could have made it!”

  “We have more pressing matters.” I state slamming my foot into the brake pedal willing it to work.

  “Um, whats going on?” She asks, but I think she already knows.

  “Fuck, it’s not working. I can’t stop.”

  “Oh my god, Syd!” Chantel shrieks looking at the road in front of us.

  Cold sweat forms on my brow when I see the traffic has come to a complete stop not too far ahead. I should be slowing down at this point, but the hill has us propelling forward faster and faster.

  “I have to go into the median.” I hear the shakiness in my voice and mentally chastise myself. I’ve got this, I need to stay cool, calm, and collected.

  As the cars edge closer, I pull off to the outside of the last lane to try and bypass all the stopped cars. As I fly by them I pray no one opens their doors or tries to pull off to cut me off.

  “Is this the fucking hill that never ends?” Chantel asks changing her position between looking out the back and front windows.

  “It’s ok. Once we’re down the hill, if I don’t accelerate we’ll slow down until we stop.”

  “Or we’ll plow into that big fucking traffic sign.”

  Fucking hell. About a quarter mile up, right where the road becomes level, there’s a bright orange sign warning of an accident we’re approaching.

  We have to jump. There’s no way around it. We’re boxed in this makeshift lane by a cement barrier and the cars that have stopped on our right. There’s a little grassy area that’s about to open up before a line of trees stops it flush with the goddamn sign.

  “Get ready. We have to jump when we get in the grass. It doesn’t look to be long so we have to be quick. Jump in the back seat and we’ll jump together.”

  “Christ.” She jumps over the seat and kicks her door open the second we reach the grassy area.

  “Now!” I shout throwing my door open, looking at the ground in fear, then hurling myself towards what feels like my demise. I have to jump damn far away from the car to ensure Chantel’s door doesn’t hit me and we don’t collide.

  The instant my body makes connection with the ground, it feels like I’ve hit a brick wall. My shoulder takes the brunt of the impact and I cry out in pain. My body seems to roll forever and even when I finally stop I still feel like I’m spinning.

  Everything seems to fade in and out for a period of time. People are screaming in my face as the pain running through my body is consuming my every thought.

  Then I remember Chantel.

  I try to get up, but I’m pushed back down by a stranger.

  “My friend, where’s Chantel?”

  “The other woman? She’s in the other part of the field and hurt pretty bad. Don’t move, you might have internal injuries.”

  Panic floods my system, even more than the pain at the thought of Chantel being seriously injured. I hear the man helping me tell someone next to him to watch over me until the EMT’s come so he can go look at Chantel.

  All I can think is what the hell happened? Why did the brakes malfunction? My internal questioning doesn’t last long when I open my eyes and see a man hovering over me. His eyes aren’t as kind as the other guys, if anything, I’d describe them as sinister. He looks damn familiar, but with my vision blurring moment to moment, I can’t pinpoint who he is. One name comes to mind, Dave, but that can’t be right. He leaves a second later when the paramedics show up at my side.

  Tears s
ting my eyes as I hear another onset of sirens in the distance. Before I can question who the hell that guy was, the world fades to black.

  Chapter 27


  Rubbing my eyes, I carefully move Ray-Ann’s head from my lap and settle her sleeping form onto the plastic chairs. We’ve been here in this godforsaken hospital waiting room for hours and still know nothing.

  The call had come just as we were getting off the stage from tonight’s show, and that had been hours after Syd and Chantel left on a fool’s errand. Racing to the hospital, not giving a shit how many traffic laws we broke, Ray and I had burst into the emergency room only to be told that both girls were in surgery.

  That was it. No heads up about their injuries, no solemn looks or hell, comforting looks to say they were going to be ok. Just. Fucking. Nothing.

  I’m full of pent up energy but don’t dare to leave these four walls, not while we’re still in the dark about their injuries. Instead, I pace the small room, my long legs eating up the distance over and over again. The door finally creaks open and my head whips around. I feel my stomach drop when I see it’s Marcus and Sky.

  She immediately wraps her dainty arms around my waist and rests her head against my chest. “How’re you holding up Cross?”

  I don’t trust myself to talk so I squeeze her tightly, hoping she gets it.

  “Any news yet?” Marcus asks as he plops himself down next to Ray-Ann’s feet.

  “Nothing yet,” Ray whispers brokenly. She sits slowly and brings her legs up, resting her head on her knees. I can’t imagine what she’s going through right now. To have her twin, the other half of her soul in pain and not being able to do anything to help must be beyond torture.

  “They’ll be ok kid,” Marcus reassures her, for once saying the right thing at the right time.

  Silence stretches out for what seems like days as we all stay lost in our own thoughts. For me, I have nothing but regret. Regret for avoiding her the last few days, regret for allowing my pride and hurt to drive a wedge in our friendship but most of all, regret for not telling her that I didn’t accept her decision. That I would fight for her family, but fight for us just as hard.


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