1332 4–5
naval 255, 256, 269–72, 287–8, 335
Lear, Edward 364
Legras, Anne-Marie 12
Lemnos, and Order of Bethlehem 350
Leo I of Armenia 168, 169
Leo II of Armenia 183
Leo X, pope, and anti-Turkish crusade 284
Léon: and military orders 179, 185
and reconquest of Spain 243
Leonard, St, Miracula 72
Leopold VI of Austria 88, 149
and imprisonment of Richard I 95
Lepanto, Venetian control 308
Lepanto, battle (1571) 5, 256, 288
and military orders 346, 348, 351, 360
Lesbos: and Genoa 306, 310
Ottoman control 299, 312
Lessing, Carl Friedrich 375
liberation, and violence 8, 385–7
limestone, for building 155–6
Lister, Charles 369
literacy 90
literature: vernacular 90–3; see also songs, crusade
Lithuania: and crusades 39, 286
and forcible conversion 272–3, 276, 325, 343
and Livonia 272–3
and pretended conversions 331, 337
Livonia: and Christian missions 4
and Our Lady of Riga 88
and Swordbrethren 180, 183, 189, 190
and Teutonic Knights 180: castle-building 185
complaints against 324, 331, 333
decline 344, 358
and holy war 39, 276–7, 323, 325, 330, 333
masters 333
numbers 188, 272
settlement 187
subjugation 4
Livonian Rhymed Chronicle 188
Livre de Jean d’Ibelin 134
Lloyd George, David 381
Lloyd, Simon 13
lordship: and central authority 21–4
and Christ 87
in court poetry 95–6
influence 13, 50–2, 85–6, 87–8
in Latin East 118, 133–4, 165, 186
and military service 17–18, 49
and taxation 56
Louis of Blois 51
Louis of Burgundy 300
Louis II of Bourbon 271
Louis IX of France (1214–70): as commander-in-chief 64
and Crown of Thorns 149
and Cyprus 125
death 38
and Egypt 3, 62, 125, 136, 189, 238, 380
and financing of crusades 55–8, 109
first crusade (1248-54) 3, 38, 51, 53, 56, 58, 63, 88, 125, 136, 365
and Latin East 122, 123, 136, 150
and mendicant orders 109
and planning of crusades 62
ransom 53
second crusade (1269–72) 3, 38, 51, 83–4, 88
Louis of Orleans, and Nicopolis crusade 274
Louis Philippe of France 370–1, 380
Louis of Thuringia 376
Louis VII of France (1120–80): in court poetry 96
and planning of crusade 61, 62
and Second Crusade 38, 43, 61
taking the cross 69–70
and taxation 56
Louis VIII, death 109
love, crusade as 100–4, 110
Lull, Raymond: and criteria for crusades 259, 260–1, 264, 278
and military orders 207
Lusignan dynasty 126–7, 172, 174, 293–7, 298, 312, 313, 315, 320–1
Luther, Martin: and anti-Turkish war 287
and military orders 344
Lutheranism: and military orders 358–9
and opposition to crusades 285–6
Luttrell, Anthony 265
Lydda, cathedral of St George 158, 160
Lyons, First Council (1245) 43
Lyons, Second Council (1274) 43, 60, 106, 205, 259
and financing of crusades 262, 264
Ma‘arrat al-Numan 219, 220
madrasa 226, 228
Mahaut of Achaea 300
Mahdi, and Last Days 211–12, 244, 255
Mahdia, Franco-Genoese crusade 4, 271–2, 274
Mahonaof Chios 306
Makhairas, Leontios 319
Malik-Shah, sultan 213, 215, 216
Mallorca, conquest 188, 189
Malta: and Knights Hospitallers 339–40, 347–8, 350–7, 361–2, 387
as order-state 14, 348, 350–7
and Ottoman Turks 256, 347–8, 349
Mamluks 240–2, 320
in army of Saladin 229–30, 240
Bahris 238
and Cilician Armenia 168, 239, 247
and decline of Frankish power 153, 161, 168, 258, 291, 293, 294–5
defeat at Homs 261
and Egypt 136–7, 239, 240–2, 270–1
empire 246–50
and military orders 183, 187, 194, 299, 337–8
and Ottoman Turks 249–50, 255, 284, 296
recovery 248–9
and Spain 246
as successors to Saladin 239
and Turks 236, 240
and western response 260; see also Cyprus
Manners, Lord John 369
Manolada, battle (1316) 300
Al-Mānsura, battle 238
Manuel Comnenus, Byzantine emperor (1122–80) 62
and Latin East 123–4, 144, 158
Manuel II Palaeologus, emperor 360
manuscripts, crusader 141, 148, 150–1, 153
Manzikert, Battle (1071) 240
marble, for decoration 156
Marcabru, troubadour 93, 98–100, 101–2, 104, 107
Margaret, wife of Louis IX 151
Margat, castle 135, 137, 168, 184, 187
chapel 149, 163
Mamluk defeat 241
Maria of Antioch 123
Maria, wife of Amalric 144
Marienburg, Teutonic headquarters 208, 324, 331, 332, 343
Marinids, in North Africa 245–6
Marj Dabiq, battle (1516) 250
Markward of Anweiler, and Innocent III 39–40
Marochetti, Carlo 379
Maronites: and Franks 113, 114, 215, 385, 387
and Mamluks 242
Martí of Aragon 326
Martin V, pope 280, 329
Mary of Oignies, St 10–11
Masmuda confederacy 244
Mathilda of Tuscany 78
Matilda of England 120
Maximilian I, emperor (1573–1651) 284, 358
Mayer, Hans 6, 11, 13
Mehmed I, sultan (1413–21) 253
Mehmed II, sultan (1432–81) 253–4, 277, 299
Mehmet Ali 379
Melisende of Jerusalem 120–1
and crusader architecture 162
and crusader art 141–2, 143
Melkite Christians see Greek Orthodox
Mellon Madonna 152
mercenaries: European 245, 268
in military orders 182, 333, 343
Muslim 229; see also Catalan Company; Navarrese Company
Mergentheim, and Teutonic Order 358
Merxadrus, Barzella 69
metalwork, crusader 149, 153, 157
Mevlevi (Whirling Dervishes) 250
Meyerbeer, Giacomo 380
Michael the Syrian 227
Michael VIII Palaeologus, Byzantine emperor (1225–82) 131, 305
Michaud, Joseph 373
MiMiliya castle 167
miles/milites 24–6
militarization 21–6, 178–9, 182–90
millennialism, and crusade preaching 47
Mills, Charles 374
Milly, Jacques de 174
Minnesänger 93, 100–1
miracles, and saints 29–32
miraculum 29–32
Moclín, battle 180, 188
Modon: and Knights Hospitallers 347
Venetian control 130, 291, 302, 306, 307, 308
Mohacs, battle (1526) 256
monarchy: and control of crusades 12, 18, 267
and regional élites 21–4
monasteries: Cy
prus 173
and mortgaging of land 55–6
and protection of crusaders’ wives 74
monasticism: and laity 27–8, 33
and piety 28
and recruitment for First Crusade 34, 70, 87; see also orders, mendicant; orders, military
moneylending, and military orders 191–2, 194
Monfragüe 180, 195
Mongols: crusade against 4, 39
invasion of Latin East 136–7, 168, 238–9, 248
threat of invasion 131, 224, 246
withdrawal 250
Monk of Montaudo 93, 94–5
Monophysites, Egyptian 215
Montagu, Lady Mary Wortley(1689–1762) 363
Monte Cassino Chronicle 78
Montegaudio order 179, 185, 191, 202
Montesa order 326–7, 332, 338, 345, 360
Montfort (Qal‘at Qurain), castle 149, 167
Morea: Byzantine control 299, 302, 304, 310, 311
and Tamerlane 337
Morocco: and military orders 329–30, 345
and Spain 245–6, 267, 330
mosaics: church of the Nativity 144–5, 158
Dome of the Rock 142
Holy Sepulchre Church 143
motivation 8, 12–13, 49–50, 77–89
Al-Muayyad Shaykh, sultan (1412–21) 248
Muhammad V of Granada 246
Muhammad XI of Granada (Boabdil) 246
MuMin al-Din Unur 227, 230–1
Murad I, sultan (1362–89) 251–2
Murad II, sultan (1421–51) 253–4, 312
Murray, Richard Hollins 376
music, see also songs
Muslims see Islam; ShiI i Muslims; Sunni Muslims
Mustafa, brother of Murad II 312
Al-Mustazhir, caliph 213, 215, 219
Al-Mutamid, rule of Seville 243
mutation féodale 22–3
Naples: and Achaea 299–302
and Athens 303–4, 308
Napoleon Bonaparte: Egyptian campaign 363
and military orders 5, 349, 356–7, 362, 371, 387
Al-Nasir Faraj (1399–1412) 248
Al-Nasir Muhammad, sultan 246
Al-Nasir Yusuf 239
Nasirids, in Granada 245–6
Nasr-i Khosraw 217
nation state, and crusading 9
naval leagues 255, 256, 269–72, 287–8, 335
Navarino, and Venice 308
Navarrese Company 301–2, 304
navies: Genoese 314, 315
Mamluk 248–9
military orders 184, 314, 347–8, 351–2, 361
Ottoman 254, 256, 269, 284
Tuscan 348, 352
Venetian 277, 302, 309, 314, 316
and western supremacy 262
Nazareth: cathedral 159
church of the Annunciation 146–7, 150, 157
Negroponte: Ottoman conquest 299, 308
Venetian control 291, 297, 302, 304, 307
Neidhart von Reuental 105
Nerval, Gérard de 364
Nestorians 113, 215
New Phocaea, Genoese control 305–6
Nicaea: as Byzantine capital 38, 61, 131, 292
and People’s Crusade 36
Nicholas IV, pope: and financing of crusades 263
and military orders 207
Nicholas V, pope, and Livonian crusade 276
Nicopolis Crusade (1396) 4, 253, 274–5, 276, 336
Nicosia: churches 172
defences 175, 297–8
Ottoman capture (1570) 288
St Sophia cathedral 171–2
nobility seeknights; lordship
non-combatants, problems caused by 25, 47–8, 260
North Africa: crusades 4, 5, 13–14, 284–5, 286
and military orders 180, 346, 347; see also Mahdia; Morocco; Tunis
Norway, and Knights Hospitallers 345
Novella, Guillem Augier 109
novels, crusading in 371, 375
Nur al-Din of Aleppo 122, 123–4, 222, 227, 228, 236
Occitan: and Chanson de Roland 91
and crusade songs 91, 92–3
Odo of Deuil, and Second Crusade 60
Odo I of Burgundy 83
olive oil 116, 127, 168
Oliver of Lastours 75
Omer Talib 257
Order of the Blessed Virgin Mary 182
Order of Christ 329
Order of San Julián de Pereiro 179
order-state: Livonia as 333, 358
Malta as 348, 350–7
Prussia as 276, 332–3, 343, 344
Rhodes as 333–4
orders, mendicant: and Louis IX 109
and preaching of crusades 45
orders, military 135, 144, 176–210, 323–62
art and architecture 149, 163, 167, 173–4
in Baltic 183–4, 185, 186, 188, 206, 208, 276, 330–1, 344–5
changing roles 207–8, 354–5
and chapters 199–200
charitable role 177, 191, 196, 203, 362, 388–9
in Cilicia 168, 183
and conventual life 12, 176, 199–200, 202–4
criticisms 205–6, 210, 324, 331, 333, 341, 355
and decline of military function 357–62
discipline 188–9, 203–4
early-modern 343–50
history 12
and indigenous populations 335, 355
leadership 198–200, 327–9, 337
and Mamluks 183, 187, 194, 299, 337–8
military roles 2–3, 182–90, 196, 323, 330, 341, 346–7, 357–8
modern 350–7
and moneylending 191–2, 194
nationalization 345–6
and orderstates 332–8, 348, 350–7
organization 198–202
origins and foundations 176–82
and property management 12, 191, 192, 198, 199
recruitment 189, 196–8, 273–4, 323, 332, 340
reforms 328–9, 342
religious role 340
resources 192–6, 205, 206, 207, 338–40
revival attempts 371–2
secularization 88–9, 343, 344, 358–9
sergeants-at-arms 176, 182, 197, 201, 203, 341
and sisters 176, 199, 201, 340, 362
structure 338–42
unification 265, 324, 341; see also clergy; Knights Hospitaller; Knights Templar; papacy; Spain; Teutonic Knights
Ordre de la Milice Chrétienne 350
orientalism, and interest in Muslim East 363
Orkhan, Ottoman bey 251, 311
Orseln, Werner von 331
Orthodox see Greek Orthodox; Russian Orthodox
Osman, warlord 292
Ottokar II of Bohemia 188
Ottoman Turks: and Aegean 307, 311
and Balkans 252, 253, 255, 256, 269, 277
and Byzantine empire 252–4, 311–12
as elite 320
and Janissaries 251–2
and Knights Hospitallers 200, 286, 311, 334, 335–6, 337–8, 347–8, 361
and Latin East 292, 297–8, 299, 302, 304, 308–13
and Mamluk sultanate 249–50, 255, 284, 296
and Mediterranean 351–2
and naval leagues 269–72
and Nicopolis 4, 253, 274–5, 276
and North Africa 285
rise 250–7
and Spain 282, 285, 288–9
threat to west 4–5, 284–8, 311–12, 359, 363; see also Hungary; navies; Venice
painting: crusader 140, 144–5, 148, 154, 158, 173
manuscript 148, 150–1, 153; see also icons
Palestine: conquest by Saladin 3, 100, 125, 132, 147, 293, 367
in court poetry 95
Frankish settlement 132–7
Ottoman conquest 4, 297
overland routes to 38, 68
sea routes to 38, 68; see also Holy Places; Jerusalem (city); Jerusalem, kingdom of; Latin East
papacy: and anti-Turkish crusades 277–80, 284, 287–8
nbsp; and Byzantine empire 313–14
and Catalan Company 303–4
and crusade treatises 259
and expansionism 18–19, 65
and frontier crusades 269–72
and Greek Orthodox Church 127
and Latin East 123, 294
limitations of power 47, 48
and military orders 181, 194, 202, 206, 349–50: and Knights Hospitallers 324, 325, 336, 347, 354–5, 388
and Knights Templar 209–10, 323–4
Spanish 183, 328–9, 345
and Swordbrethren 190
and Teutonic Knights 325
and penance 82
and political crusades 4, 39–40, 65, 268
and practicalities of crusade 60
and promotion of crusades 42–7
reform 26–7, 39, 87
and Spain 38–9, 284
and status of crusades 9–11, 37, 42
and taxation 57–9, 66, 262–5, 266, 267–8, 278, 284, 288
Papal (Great) Schism (1378) 4, 268–9, 274, 278, 317, 336–7
Papal State 268, 388
Paris, Matthew 10, 132
and military orders 198, 205
parlement , kingdom of Jerusalem 118–19
Paschal II, pope, and First Crusade 79–80
passagium generale 260, 270, 274, 277–8
passagium particulare 260, 267, 270–1, 276, 336
Passarowitz, Peace (1718) 310
pastorela 93, 101–2, 104
patronage: and art 141–2, 148, 158
and crusade-songs 94–5
and military orders 177, 193–4, 198, 345, 348, 353
and recruitment 87
Paul I of Russia 387
peace, domestic 73
peasants’ crusade: 1309 261; 1320 261
Pedro I of Portugal 329
Pegalotti, Francesco Balducci 294
Peirol 108
Pelagonia, battle (1259) 131, 299
penance 32–4
crusade as 70, 77–84, 88, 89
and financing of crusades 58, 194
and indulgences 46, 286
People’s Crusade 36, 47, 68
Pera, Genoese control 305, 311
personnel 47–53
Perugia Missal 151
Peter des Roches 178
Peter the Hermit 2, 36, 368
Peter I of Cyprus 295–6, 315
and capture of Alexandria 247, 270–2, 295
Peter II of Cyprus (1369–82) 175, 296
Peter of San Superan 302, 311
Philibert of Naillac 336
Philip of Aubigny 150
Philip the Bold of Burgundy, and Nicopolis crusade 274–5
Philip of Gloucester 83
Philip the Good, Feast of the Pheasant 261
Philip I of France, and financing of crusades 55
Philip of Ibelin 128
Philip II of France (1165–1223);
and conquest of Spain 107
and Latin East 125
and Richard I of England 59, 61, 107–8
and Third Crusade 38, 52, 57, 132
Philip II of Spain (1578–1621) 288–9
Philip IV ‘the Fair’ of France (1606–65);
and Knights Templar 208–10
A History of the Crusades Page 52