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MYSTERY: COZY MYSTERY: WOMEN SLEUTHS: Madeline's Secret Recipe Series (Cozy Humor Kitchen Detective Mystery) (Suspense Sweet Cove Short Story Culinary Comedy)

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by Lorrie Bannett

  Meri didn’t think she could stand any more. She was on fire between her legs where Daniel had rubbed in the oil. She started to beg him to give her relief.

  “Please,” Meri said. “Please, I can’t stand much more without some relief.”

  Daniel spread her legs as wide as he could while lifting her hips to allow him a good view. He gently placed the vibrator inside her and turned it on. Meri started groaning with pleasure when she felt that gentle vibration go to work both inside and outside of her. The heat from the oil was adding to the pressure she was feeling for release. Daniel was moving the vibrator in and out, watching Meri’s womanly canal start to convulse around it. He switched it on high and for Meri all thought was lost. Her entire body was one passionate sensation after another. She had never felt such enormous pleasure. She heard herself begging Daniel to not stop.

  “Please, I want you inside me,” Meri said. “I want to feel your cock inside of me. Please, put it in right now.”

  Daniel withdrew the vibrator and rammed his hard cock as deep inside Meri as he could possibly go. She was hot and ready, and he knew that neither of them would last long. He began pounding hard into her. He pulled open her hips in an attempt to get deeper. He could feel the warmth of the oil as his rhythm increased. Soon he felt her canal start to convulse. He pounded as hard and as fast as he possibly could as the two of them exploded in midair. He spilled his hot seed deep inside her while her juices flowed from her and dripped onto the bed.

  When Meri returned to classes on Monday, she reflected back on the weekend. Daniel had complete power over her body, but the pain of the lost pregnancy was still in her mind. She wished that she could let go of the doubts that she had about Daniel causing the accident. Somewhere deep inside of her she could not possibly believe that Daniel would do something so sinister, but she was having a hard time trusting him again.

  Soon Daniel and Meri were facing a problem of a totally different kind. Their parents wanted to get the entire family together for Christmas dinner. The thought sent shock waves through Meri. How would she sit through dinner with Daniel at the table and act like they were basically strangers? The last time she was home she had been a virgin. Surely her mother could look at her and tell that was no longer the case.

  Daniel was feeling some of the same fears as Meri. After getting off the phone with his father he wondered how he could possibly be under the same roof with Meri and not touch her. He had absolutely no control over his manhood where Meri is concerned. How could they possibly sit through dinner without either of their parents picking up on something?

  Chapter 7

  Christmas was strained, at best. They arrived separately and acted like they hadn’t seen each other since the Florida vacation. Harold looked at Meri and asked her if she remembered his son. Boy, if he only knew!

  Amanda told Meri they had left her room as it was when she left for college. She told Daniel that his room was located at the end of the hall next to the upstairs bath. Amanda asked Meri to show Daniel where his room was when she took her bags upstairs. Daniel was thinking that he could not possibly have Meri and a bed in such close proximity without making love to her.

  When Meri took her bags to her room, Daniel followed with his. At the top of the stairs she directed him to his room and the end of the hall.

  “How are you doing,” Daniel asked.

  “Probably about as well as you are, but we must not allow our parents to suspect anything,” Meri said.

  Meri went directly to her room and looked around. Her mother had left it exactly as it was when she was home. Somehow it now seemed like a room for a little girl. There was nothing in the room that belied the passion she had experienced since the last time she was here. She placed her bags on the bed and opened one to find her red sweater that she planned to wear for dinner. She threw it over her shoulder and went back downstairs to see if there was anything she could do to help her mother.

  Amanda wanted to hear all about college. They were seated around the table enjoying an elaborate Christmas dinner and so far Meri and Daniel had avoided any slip ups.

  “So how are you doing in your classes,” Amanda asked.

  “I’m keeping my grades up,” Meri said. “My roommate is Anna and we get along great. We both joined the student participation program and we have been able to make a little extra money by being guinea pigs for the medical students.”

  “Oh really,” Amanda said. “What types of tests have you volunteered for?”

  Meri blushed. She knew that she could never tell the whole family about her and Anna volunteering for the pelvic exams. Daniel would likely have a cow. Instead, she told her mother they had given blood, had ultrasounds, allowed the students to place casts on various parts of their body, and do ekg’s.

  “Well tell me, have you met any young men while you have been in college,” Amanda asked.

  Daniel just about got choked. He was coughing and sputtering about something going down the wrong pipe while Meri was trying to figure out how to answer that question.

  “Actually, I have spent the majority of my time on my studies,” Meri said. “I know that when I start in my medical classes I will have to work even harder. I have managed to get out with Anna a few times, but I mostly stay close to the dorm.”

  Meri found herself lying with the best of them. She did actually stay fairly close to the dorm, but she neglected to tell them that Daniel’s apartment was not far from her dorm. She dared a glance at Daniel who was still trying to compose himself after his coughing spell.

  Daniel soon joined Meri in the lies when his father asked him if he had been riding lately. Meri felt a swift pain in her chest when Harold mentioned the bike. Daniel told his father the bike was currently in the shop getting a tune up and new tires. At least part of that statement was true.

  Meri was desperate to change the subject. If things kept going as they were, either she or Daniel would screw up and say something wrong. She asked her mom how things were going with her job.

  When the long dinner was finally over, Meri told her mom she would help her clean everything up. Amanda insisted that she could do it later, but Meri was not going to be put off. She started toward the kitchen with an armful of dishes that she placed in the dishwasher.

  The evening went on with Amanda and Harold giving each of them a gift. Meri held up a blue chiffon blouse that had delicate embroidery on one pocket. Daniel’s father presented him with a handmade billfold with an engraved picture of the Harley on it. After setting around the tree and chit chatting about school and Daniel’s job as investigator, it was finally time to go to bed. Meri could not wait to get into her bedroom and close the door. It was disconcerting to be this close to Daniel and not be able to acknowledge their relationship.

  The following morning they enjoyed a homemade breakfast of sausage, bacon, scrambled eggs, homemade biscuits, and gravy. Meri couldn’t wait to get out of the house and head back toward Memphis. She knew if she stayed here much longer something would slip and their parents might get suspicious.

  After breakfast Daniel told them he needed to get on the road. He had to return to work the following morning. Amanda tried to talk Meri into staying a few days since classes did not start up until after the first of the year. Meri told her that she was going to take this time to get in some extra studying, and she and Anna had plans for the New Year. She failed to mention the fact that those plans were not the two of them together.

  It was a relief to see the dorm. Meri let out a sigh of relief that the strain of the Christmas with family dinner was over. She and Daniel had somehow managed to get through it without arousing suspicion. If things had worked out differently, she and Daniel might have been telling their parents about the baby. Instead, she was still dealing with her feelings of doubt where Daniel was concerned. She really wanted to believe him when he told her it was an accident. He said he would never deliberately put her in danger.

  With the holidays finally behind her, Meri
was ready to get back to her routine. Once she got these classes behind her she would get to start actually studying medical related subjects. She was looking forward to finally getting into what she was there to study. Because her mother had been a nurse, Meri had always had a fascination with medicine.

  Daniel continued to see Meri on weekends, but things were just not right. She was still distant after losing the baby. He desperately wanted the passionate innocence back that Meri had when they first met. As hard as he tried, Meri just refused to allow him back in. He had to find a way to win her back. He simply could not picture his life without her.

  The trees were starting to put on their leaves and flowers were starting to bud. Spring was rapidly coming to the campus and it was one of Meri’s favorite times of year. It was a time of new birth. Daniel asked Meri to spend her spring break with him. He had arranged to have a week off from work and wanted him and Meri to take a trip to Florida. Meri wasn’t sure if she wanted to spend an entire week with Daniel in a romantic destination. It was Anna who finally convinced her that she should go.

  “This is the only man who has ever meant anything to you,” Anna said. “He obviously cares a great deal for you because he refuses to give up. You owe it to yourself to find out if he is the one for you. And who doesn’t want to go to Florida?”

  Meri finally gave in and told Daniel she would go. He was ecstatic. He secretly hoped that he could get her to the place where it all started and maybe they can start over. He was grinning from ear to ear when he picked her up early on Saturday morning.

  “Don’t forget your sunscreen,” Daniel said. “I plan on keeping the top down for most of the way.”

  Meri had figured as much and had made sure to get a fresh tube to keep in her purse.

  It was a beautiful morning. The sun was up and the morning air felt refreshing as they hit the road. Daniel wanted to wait until they got out of town before stopping for breakfast. He didn’t want to give Meri time to change her mind. He had some great plans for the week and he was very hopeful that they would be able to get past her doubts.

  Meri was starting to relax a little. It felt good to be riding down the road in a convertible and have such a handsome man behind the wheel. She had decided to take Anna’s advice and see if she could get past her doubts. She was looking forward to a week sandy beaches, moonlight strolls, and waking to the smell of the ocean. This time she and Daniel will be able to enjoy the week without the presence of their parents.

  The ride down was great, but Meri was glad to finally arrive at their destination. Daniel had rented a condo in the same complex as they had before. This one was not as large, but still beautiful. She walked out on the balcony and took a deep breath. The ocean breeze smelled wonderful. She couldn’t wait to feel her toes in the sand and the water washing it away from beneath her feet.

  Daniel came up behind her and put his arms around her. This was the place where his feelings for her began. He planned to sweep her off her feet this week and make it impossible for her to turn him down. She leaned back into him as he kissed her behind her ears before moving down her neck.

  “This scene is beautiful, but not as beautiful as you,” Daniel said. “Why don’t we move this inside before we get arrested for inappropriate public display?”

  Meri laughed as they went back inside the condo and closed the door behind them. Daniel took her hand and led her to the bedroom. He hadn’t planned to make love to her as soon as they arrived, but where Meri was concerned all reasoning went out the window. She stood still as he slowly started undressing her. Each time he revealed a part of her body he had to stop long enough to kiss it. By the time her last article of clothing hit the floor she was quivering in desire and anticipation. He quickly undressed and led her to the king-size bed.

  Daniel stood for just a minute adoring Meri’s body as she lay there looking back at him. He could see desire in her eyes as she lay there waiting for his next move. She didn’t have to wait long. Daniel leaned down and kissed Meri long and hard. His hands began roaming across her body, leaving a trail of fire everywhere they went. His mouth moved down her body, leaving a trail of hot kisses behind. He pushed her legs apart to allow his mouth access to all of her womanhood. His tongue started teasing her clitoris while his fingers entered deep within her. He looked up to find Meri had raised her head and was watching what he was doing. That simple action set his body on fire.

  Meri was already on fire. She wanted to see what Daniel was doing to her so she raised her head as far as she could. She watched as his head dipped between her legs to tease her clitoris. She found that watching what he was doing to her body somehow made it hotter. She knew it would not be long before that building sensation would start between her legs. Once it started, she could do nothing but allow it to take over her body.

  Daniel was ready to bury himself inside of that hot canal. He took Meri’s legs and placed them over his shoulders, spreading her as wide as he possibly could. He looked down as he placed his cock to enter her. He started out teasing her by only pushing it in a couple of inches, then pulling back out. He could tell that Meri was quickly coming to climax. Finally he shoved himself all of the way inside of her, ramming the head of his manhood all of the way to the end of her hot canal. He reached up and grabbed her legs in his hands, holding them wide apart as he started moving in and out of her. It turned him on to be able to watch as his manhood moved in and out. His movements quickened as he felt Meri start to convulse around him. His thrusts were fast and hard when Meri finally fell off the cliff of hot desire.

  “We had better get up and shower,” Daniel said. “Otherwise we might stay in this bed the entire evening. I need food, and I imagine you are hungry also. I have a special place picked out for us for dinner.”

  Daniel had a special place picked out indeed. Jake’s Bikini Bar had a laid back atmosphere and some of the freshest seafood to be found. Meri enjoyed fresh shrimp and a refreshing mango tea while Daniel had oysters on the half shell and his favorite beer. He teased Meri by telling her oysters are an aphrodisiac, so she might want to get some for herself. She jokingly told him that he didn’t need them and he might want to stop eating them if he planned to enjoy any of the Florida climate this week.

  When they arrived back at the condo Daniel was ready to go for a walk along the beach. The sun was just starting to set and he was ready to feel the sand beneath his feet. They strolled down to the edge of the water so that Meri could get her feet wet. She loved the feel of the wet sand beneath her bare feet, and she loved the way the setting sun cast a romantic glow across the water. They spotted a pier up ahead and decided to walk out to the edge. When they reached the pier they discovered several people dishing off the pier’s side. They walked to the end and found a bench looking out over the ocean. For a while the just sat there in silence, listening to the waves and feeling the ocean breeze blow through their hair.

  The sun had completely set when they decided to head back to the condo. They held hands as they walked along the dark shore, listening to the waves crash onto the sandy beach. There was no other place on earth that Meri had rather be than here, in this romantic and peaceful place where she and Daniel had first shared intimacy.

  The following morning Daniel booted Meri out of bed early. He had a big day planned for the two of them and they needed to get up and at it. Meri protested, saying she was hoping to sleep in.

  “No time for sleeping in today,” Daniel said. “We have an adventure ahead.”

  When Meri asked what they would be doing Daniel refused to tell her. He told her it was a surprise. When they finally got dressed and left the condo, Daniel found a small breakfast café along the coast. They enjoyed pancakes and sausage before heading onto the mystery destination.

  Daniel pulled the Mustang into a marina that was filled with sailboats. He had intentionally not told Meri that he knew how to sail. He had rented a small schooner for them to enjoy today. They stopped at the office to pay for the boat and to pick
up a few snacks and drinks. There was already a cooler filled with ice waiting on the boat.

  Meri squealed with delight as the two of them headed out into the open waters. She felt the sails as they caught the wind and they were soon far from shore, surrounded by nothing but water. The ocean looked so different from this perspective. She could barely detect land, yet there were places where you could actually stand up in the water. She noticed the buildings looked like small dots on the horizon. It seemed as if she and Daniel were the only two people on earth.

  Meri saw a couple of fins in the water not far from where they were sailing. She was concerned for a minute until she discovered it was two dolphins. They were delightful as they circled the boat, diving in and out of the water. It looked like they were smiling when they stood out of the water. For a long time the dolphins just swam beside them, diving and showing out, making both Meri and Daniel laugh.

  It seemed like only minutes when it was time to return the boat to the marina. Meri couldn’t remember when she had a better time. Daniel was full of surprises. Meri never dreamed that he knew how to operate a sailboat. She couldn’t wait to see what the rest of the week had in store.

  Since they had snacks while on the boat, neither Meri nor Daniel had a real lunch. They discovered on the drive back to the condo that they were hungry. They spotted a small café that looked to be the type the typically enjoyed. When they went inside they discovered it was very busy. The hostess told them they had about a 15 minute wait. Since they were not in any hurry they decided to order something to drink and have a seat and wait.

  After a delicious meal of Mahi Mahi, both Daniel and Meri were completely satisfied. She told him how much she had enjoyed the day. In Florida, she was away from the stress of classes and she felt better about her and Daniel. He seemed so sincere, and he was certainly doing his best to show her a good time this week. Perhaps she was beginning to see things more clearly. Daniel had not been ready for a baby, but neither had she. She had simply allowed the thought to grow on her. She knew that a baby would have made things difficult for her to complete her studies, but she would never have chosen to end its life. Maybe it had turned out the way it was supposed to, but it still hurt.


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