Corruption of the Heart (The Corruption Series Book 1)

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Corruption of the Heart (The Corruption Series Book 1) Page 4

by Jessica Manson

  It pained me to let go of him, but I knew it wasn’t a good idea to go that far. Not yet anyways. Catching his disappointment, I grabbed his hand and intertwined our fingers before saying, “Enough heavy stuff for today. Would you want to go somewhere with me?”

  “Sure. Where?”

  “It’s a secret,” I said teasingly. Odin went home to shower and change while I stayed home to clean up our breakfast dishes. Once the dishes were done and my room was straightened up I headed over to pick up Odin to take him to my secret hiding spot.

  Chapter Five

  Once I picked Odin up from his house we headed off to my secret location. I don’t think anyone in this town even knows of this place. It seems so untouched by humans. I happened to stumble upon it one day while I was taking a walk through the woods. It is my secret heaven.

  When I turned onto a hidden gravel path that led deep into the woods, Odin asked, “So is this where you kill me?”

  “Actually, that’s farther in,” I said with a giggle. Once I drove as far into the woods as I could I turned to Odin, “We walk from here.” I got out of the car and grabbed a backpack from the trunk. It was filed with two water bottles, some fruit, granola bars, and a small picnic blanket. “The walk is kind of long, but it is well worth it,”

  As we finally made our way to the hidden brush that played as a door, I made sure to watch Odin’s face as I pulled the brush to the side. His face lit up with amazement. “What is this place?” he asked with such enthusiasm. I continued to watch him as he took in this place’s beauty. He looked over everything more than once, his eyes filling with more and more bewilderment as he noticed the bright colored flowers, the vibrant green trees, and the waterfall that was spilling over into the crystal blue deepness of the base. The snow or cold didn’t seem to reach inside my little oasis. Everything was still alive. The trees still had their leaves and were full of color and even the flowers remained in bloom.

  “This is my Oasis. I come here to think and clear my head. It is my private spot to just get away from the world.”

  “It is beautiful. How did you find this place?”

  “Just stumbled upon it when I was walking.” Truth being told, I fell face first through the brush when I was trying to find my way back to my car after getting lost in the woods, but that was better left unsaid. No reason for me to embarrass myself.

  “I have lived here a long time and I never knew it was here.” I pulled the blanket out of my backpack and laid in on the ground. Making myself comfortable, I sat down and laid back, I closed my eyes and listened to the sounds of the waterfall. I was becoming so relaxed I almost fell asleep until Odin broke the silence. “So, have you swam in the water before?”

  “No, I don’t swim.”

  “You mean you don’t know how?” he asked shocked.

  “No, I know how. I just don’t swim. I haven’t swam since my attack. I have too many scars to hide.”

  “Do you miss swimming?”

  “Of course, I do. I used to love it.”

  “You don’t have to hide in front of me Lilith. You want to go in?”

  “Are you crazy? It’s got to be like ten degrees if not colder.”

  “Yeah, but have you felt the water? For some reason it is warm.” That’s odd I thought. It is March in Maine and like thirty degrees, why isn’t the water freezing? Curiously, I walked over to the water and stuck my hand in and to my surprise, it was rather warm.

  “So, want to swim with me?” he asked, with a smile on his lips.

  “Sure.” I couldn’t help but watch him as he undressed. His body is so sexy. You could tell he cared a lot about his physique. His clean, hard, sharp-lined appearance looked like it was carved by Michelangelo himself. And it didn’t help that he had those damn sexy ass “v” shaped things.

  Staring up at Odin I realized I have never noticed his height before. He had to be at least 6’1”, 6’2”. His height caused him to tower over me with me standing at 5’5”. Heat flashed over me as he grabbed my hand and pulled me closer to him. I ran my fingers over his chiseled chest, causing butterflies to swarm inside of me. He slowly pulled my hoodie over my head before reaching down to unbutton my jeans. Nervousness took over and my breathing started to quicken. “You don’t have to be ashamed in front of me, lamia mea.” he whispered into my ear, as he pulled my shirt off. I almost melted into him as he brushed his lips against the side of my neck. Thank goodness I decided to wear a matching bra and panty set. It was red and black lace that stuck out like a sore thumb against my pale skin.

  “Donec lamia,” Odin said in a whisper.

  “What language are you speaking?”


  “What are you saying?”

  “My secret lamia mea.” He ran his fingers over my scars and gently intertwined our hands. He stared at me for a few seconds causing all of my insecurities to surface. I haven’t been this naked in front of anyone since I have started self-harming. I just knew he thought my body was ugly under all of these scars. I wanted to cover myself up until Odin pulled me into him and wrapped his arms around me. “You are the most beautiful person I have ever laid eyes on Lilith. I wish you knew what you do to me.”

  Blushing, I pulled his face to mine and kissed him as gently as I could. He picked me up causing me to wrap my legs around his waist and he walked us into the water. The water was so warm against my cold body. Once we got in deep enough he let me go and I swam over to the waterfall. There was a ledge sticking out from the wall of rocks that the waterfall was spilling over. I sat there thankful it was deep enough in the water, so I wouldn’t get cold. I watched Odin as he splashed around in the water like a little kid.

  Odin swam over to me and pulled me into the water with him. He aggressively pulled me to him and kissed me hard on the lips. I wrapped my arms around his neck and leaned into his kiss. I wanted him, but I wasn’t sure I was ready for sex yet. I pulled myself away looking into his eyes. They were filled hunger and yearning, and I have never felt so wanted in all of my life. He swam us back over to the shore and carried me over to the blanket I brought with us. He climbed on top of me and I could feel the hardness of him against my leg.

  He kissed me and ran his fingers along the base of my stomach. My breathing quickened. I was ready to let him have me until the shivering took over. Odin pulled away looking disappointed when he realized I was freezing. In the heat of the moment we both had forgotten it was thirty- degrees and being in that weather wet made it only worse. The weather didn’t seem to faze Odin and I was shaking uncontrollably so bad that he had to help me dress and all the while he was acting like it was a normal sunny, warm day as he stood there in nothing but his soaking wet boxers.

  Once we were finally dressed, we made our way back to my car. Deciding that I was way too cold, I asked Odin if he would drive. With the heater blasting we drove home in silence trying to warm up. The drive home seemed short, mainly due to the fact that I didn’t want to be alone without him yet. And once we pulled into my driveway I was instantly filled with sadness. I wasn’t ready for our day to be over but considering the time, I knew we had to go our separate ways.

  Before we got out of the car Odin turned to me and asked, “What did you mean earlier when you said you have to fight for me?”

  “Well Ambi attacked me.”

  “What do you mean attacked you?” he asked, with anger in his eyes.

  “She said to stay away from you and that you are hers. Her actual words were, “Stay away from him or else.”.

  “What the fuck? I am not hers, never have been and never will be. I will be with whoever I want and right now that person is you. And I’ll be damned if she stops me. You do want to be with me, don’t you?”

  Looking into his beautiful, green eyes I could see the longing he felt but I thought I could see something else behind it. I thought I saw hurt. I couldn’t resist anymore, “Of course I want to be with you but...”

me off he said, “There is no but. I want you and you want me. I will take care of Ambi and we can figure the rest out later.” He pulled me closer to him and instant electricity surged through my body and I wondered if he felt it too. I leaned in closer to him letting him know I wanted him. He pressed his lips to mine. His lips were hard, yet soft, and the slight taste of mint sent chills through my body. The kiss was fiery, yet passionate, and filled with hunger we both had for one another.

  Finally releasing me we stepped out of the car and said our goodbyes. When Odin handed me my keys back he went in for one more small peck and leaned into me resting his forehead on mine. “I am falling hard for you Lilith and I have never fallen for anyone, ever.” I kissed him softly one more time before he let me go. I went into the house trying not to disturb my aunt. The last thing I wanted was for her to ask a bunch of questions I didn’t feel like answering and to my dismay she was sitting on the couch.

  I waited a few moments before heading up to my room knowing she was going to ask a thousand questions and when I realized she was lost in her soap operas that she sets to record every day, I headed into the kitchen to make myself something to eat. After grabbing the turkey, lettuce, and mayo, I shut the door to the fridge and my aunt about caused me to jump out of my skin. She was standing there with her arms folded across her chest. “Where have you been all day?” she asked, with a stern look on her face.

  “Out with a friend,” I snapped.

  “What friend?”

  “Just a girl from school,” I lied. She didn’t need to know I was with Odin. After making my sandwich I went up to my room and locked myself inside. Worn out from the day’s events I ate my sandwich quickly, nearly choking myself to death. Once I got my breath back I flopped down onto the bed and began to think of Odin.

  There was just something about him that makes my insides flip around. He makes me smile, finally. I haven’t smiled in a very long time. And he makes me feel safe when I am with him. He makes me feel things I have never felt before.

  I could lose myself in his eyes and not even realize the time lost. They were so big and beautiful. The glowing bright green color was magical, mythical even. The slightest touch of his hand sent the most powerful surge of electricity through my body. He made me want him in ways I have never wanted anyone before. He makes my breath catch and causes my knees to go weak with just a look or a simple touch.

  I laid there thinking of the things I wanted to do to him until he was standing in front of me. Odin walked over to the bed and pulled me up to stand in front of him. He aggressively pulled my shirt off revealing my black and red lace bra once more. He unbuttoned my pants letting them fall to my feet. He pulled his shirt off letting me gaze at his ripped chest and a gasp of excitement slipped from me when my eyes landed on the particular spot where those v things were.

  Stepping out of my jeans I ran my fingers across his chest feeling his toned muscles until I reached his back. I couldn’t help myself and dug my nails into the flesh of his back just enough to show him the hunger I had for him. His breath quickened, and he threw me back onto the bed. I opened my legs up to him as he climbed on top of me. I invited him to get closer to me than anyone else ever has. Heat radiated from the both of us and traces of tingles lingered in the places on my body that he touched.

  His chest was firm and smooth and ripped in all the right places. I traced my fingers down each one of his abs until they landed on the rim of his jeans. I grabbed them and pulled on them bringing him closer to me. I wanted him. I needed him. My hunger only grew until I just about couldn’t stand it anymore.

  He ran his fingers across the bottom of my stomach causing a small tickle and a giggle to leave my throat. He pulled away and stared at me for a moment before saying, “You are more beautiful than I could have ever imagined, lamia mea.” He ran his fingers across my bra causing my nipples to perk up. A sensation took over my body causing a tingle in places I didn’t know could tingle. He unclasped my bra with one smooth flick of his thumb and traced the nips of me with his tongue. A moan escaped my throat causing him to growl into my chest.

  He kissed each breast then made his way down my stomach leaving a trail of goosebumps lingering on my skin. He then began to kiss the insides of each thigh and I thought I was going to melt into the bed. The heat from his lips caused me to open up to him even wide. He slipped my panties down and began to explore me with his tongue. Soon after ecstasy took over my body and I had to cover my face with a pillow to cover up my loud cries of euphoria. I clawed at the sheets as he took me to a place I never knew.

  Right as I was about to climax a loud ringing sounded in my ear. I was jolted awake by the ringing of my phone. The dream left me breathless. I was barely able to answer the phone, but I pulled myself together. I instantly recognized the voice on the other end and it sent chills down my spine. “Well hello sweet lips,” Ambi said with an icy tone in her voice. “Didn’t I tell you to stay away from Odin or did you forget that he is mine?” I’m now starting to understand why everyone is afraid of her at school and why I have never seen Odin with any other girls. She probably scared them all away. “Didn’t I tell you that you would regret messing with him?”

  “Yes Ambi, you made yourself perfectly clear. But I decided that I didn’t care what you say. You can threaten me all you want but you can’t make me stay away from Odin.” Without letting her respond, I hung the phone up on her and threw it across my bed. Putting Ambi and her empty threats in the back of my mind I decided to shower.

  Chapter Six

  Remembering my dream about Odin a smile played across my lips. I have never had such a realistic dream like that before. And that dream alone would be enough to keep a smile on my face all day. After my shower, I headed straight for my closet and pulled on one of my favorite hoodies and a pair of jeans. As I made my way downstairs I could hear my Aunt talking to someone, but their voices were too low, and I couldn’t make out who the other person was. I rounded the corner to the kitchen and the sweet smell of cinnamon rolls made my mouth water and caused my stomach to growl.

  As soon as my eyes landed on the uninvited guest heat cascaded through my body. “Well good morning sleepy head. Your friend Odin brought us some cinnamon rolls for breakfast,” My aunt said in a sarcastic tone.

  “Suck up much?” I said with a grin on my face. As I made my way to the coffee pot to grab myself some coffee, Odin grabbed my arm and pulled me close and planted a kiss on my forehead.

  “It’s not sucking up if I did it with good intentions.”

  “Well, I say it is a nice gesture,” My aunt replied. I can’t quite make out why she is being so nice to Odin. She is never nice to anyone. Especially me.

  “Well I say pass me one, I am starving,” I said, holding out a plate. “So how long have you been here?”

  “Since about ten.”

  I looked down at my watch noticing that it was now well past twelve. “Why didn’t y’all wake me?”

  “I was going to, but Odin suggested that we let you sleep. He said you have had a rough couple of days and said you needed the rest. He said he would come back but I suggested he stay. Besides, I thought it would be a good time to get to know who my niece’s boyfriend is.” She rambled on.

  “Who said he is my boyfriend?” I said feeling torn. I wanted to be his girlfriend but I’m not sure if I’m ready for a relationship. What if he turns out to be just like Cody? My body longed for him to touch me the way he did in my dream and my lips ached for him to kiss me. I longed for him to leave the familiar taste of mint behind. Changing the subject, I said, “These cinnamon rolls are delicious.”

  “Glad you think so, I made them from scratch.”

  “No way?” I said as more of a question. “You cook? And from scratch?”

  “Yeah. Don’t seem so shocked.”

  “I’m sorry, I just don’t see you as a cook. Honestly, I don’t know what to think about you seeing as how I don’t really know that much about

  My aunt interrupted by saying, “I am going over to Mary’s for a bit and then I’m going into town. Do you want to go with me?” I’m sure she could see the shock spread across my face at her question, but she has never invited me to go anywhere with her. She doesn’t even like me. I can’t help but wonder what her deal is.

  “No that’s ok. I’m going to stick around here for a bit,” I finally managed to say.

  The room instantly filled with intensity as the two of us were left there looking at each other. I tried to ignore the feelings that were swirling around inside of me by straightening up the kitchen. As I walked by Odin, he grabbed me and pulled me into his arms stopping me just inches from his face. The sweet smell of him took my breath away and the glowing greenness of his eyes caused my insides to melt. The electricity I longed for when he touched me quickly returned and surged through my body causing me to lean into him.

  He let my ponytail down and ran his fingers through my wet hair. He then grabbed my hair just tight enough to have control of my head before pulling me closer to him and pressing his lips to mine. His velvet tongue slipped into my mouth leaving the familiar taste that I longed for behind as he pulled away. “So why did you tell your aunt that I’m not your boyfriend?” he asked.

  “Are you?” I asked, as sadness replaced the electricity I just felt. I longed to be held by him again. When he touches me, I feel a sense of completeness and when he lets me go it feels like my world just might crumble.

  “Why are you fighting this?”

  “I want to be with you Odin, I’m just not sure I am ready. And I wasn’t sure you were my boyfriend.”

  “I thought we talked about this yesterday, Lilith.”

  “We did but we never confirmed it.”

  “So, you wouldn’t call what happened yesterday confirmation?”

  With my cheeks starting to blush at the memory from my special place I said, “Well I guess we did. Look Odin…”


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