Corruption of the Heart (The Corruption Series Book 1)

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Corruption of the Heart (The Corruption Series Book 1) Page 5

by Jessica Manson

  Cutting me off he said, “I want to be with you. You want to be with me. I am sorry that asshole did what he did to you, but I would never hurt you. I am here for you. I know we don’t know that much about each other, but I feel like we were destined to be together.” He grabbed my chin and pulled my face up to look at him, “I also know that when we touch something happens. Electricity rushes through my body. Tell me you don’t feel it. I know you do. And when I’m not touching you it’s all I can think about. You are all I can think about and I was hoping you felt the same way about me.”

  “Odin, I do long to be with you all the time. When we aren’t together you are all I can think about. I feel the same electricity as you do but I can’t allow myself to get hurt again. Maybe in time I will change my mind, but right now I am just not ready,” I said, as I felt my heart drop. I wanted him so bad, but I am too damaged. I have been betrayed in the worst kind of way possible.

  Odin let go of my chin and took a step back away from me, “I guess I better go then,” he said with hurt in his eyes.

  Tears burned at the rim of my eyes as I heard the front door open then close behind him. I felt heavy hearted as I realized what I had just done. I instantly regretted my decision. I drove away a guy that actually wanted to be with me. I then became unglued and tears no longer burned at the rim but overflowed and spilled onto my cheeks leaving a stream of warmth behind them. Not only did I push away a guy that wanted to actually be with me, but I also pushed away the only friend I have made since I moved here.

  After blindly staring into my cup of coffee for what seemed like forever, I wiped the tears away from my eyes and decided to go up to my room and work on some homework. I needed a distraction from the recent occurrence. I laid across my bed and arranged my books in front of me trying to divert my attention to the homework, but quickly found myself getting lost in my thoughts of Odin.

  I wanted to be with him so badly it hurt. I needed his touch. How could I have been so stupid to think he would have hurt me? It wasn’t fair to him for me to compare him to my previous “relationship”. I know now that I have one hundred-percent made the wrong choice. I wanted to call him and make things right, but I couldn’t. I didn’t have his phone number. Remembering he lived two houses down, I decided to walk to his house. With excitement fueling me I ran instead. Once I reached his house I stopped in the driveway to try and control the nervousness that was starting to rise from the pit of my stomach. I knocked on the door but there was no answer. I knocked one more time and leaned in closer to the door to listen for any movement. There was none. Disappointment took over, but I knew there was still hope. I would just have to wait until Monday to confess my feelings to him. This was going to be the longest weekend of my life.

  Feeling excited about my new revelations I finally got some homework done before realizing the sun had gone down and it was nearly ten o’clock. Looking out of my window I noticed my aunt hadn’t made it home yet. I grabbed my phone to call her, but it just went to voicemail.

  Since she wasn’t home yet, and I hadn’t eaten all day, I decided to go into town to get me something to eat from the Snack Shack. Pulling into the parking lot I quickly realized this is where all of the kids from school hang out on the weekends. I quickly searched through the sea of people hoping Odin would be here among them. My heart fell, and disappointment filled the pit of my stomach as I realized he wasn’t here.

  After finding a parking spot, as quick as I could, I made my way up to the window of the Snack Shack and placed my order. While I waited on my order to be made I stepped aside to read over the menu when I heard her say, “Well, well. Look who we have here.” A chill ran down my spine as I recognized her voice.

  “What do you want Ambi?” I asked with attitude.

  “Where’s lover boy?”

  “Obviously not with me,” I snapped back.

  “And it better stays that way if you know what’s best for you. I have warned you once and I will not warn you again. Mess with him again and you will regret it. And that’s a promise I intend to make good on.”

  Having had enough of her threats, I walked closer to her with confidence and said, “Go ahead. Do whatever you want with me, but I am not going to leave him alone. He wants to be with me and I want to be with him and there isn’t a single thing you can do to stop it from happening. And when I tell Odin about all of these so-called warnings you have threatened me with, he won’t have anything to do with you. So, if I were you, I would really watch what you say to me from now on or you will lose him forever. Your choice Ambi, but I’m done being pushed around by you.

  My name was called to let me know my order was ready. I turned away from her and made my way back to the window to pick up my food then I quickly raced to my car. After getting in and making sure the doors were locked I finally realized I was holding my breath. My heart was beating so fast I thought for sure it would beat out of my chest. I felt so exhilarated standing up to Ambi. I have never stood up to anyone before. I have always been the quiet girl that everyone always dumps on and the type to just take it. But after tonight, I knew I would never be that girl again.

  Chapter Seven

  I made my way back to my house as I realized that the bright blue light on my dash read almost eleven o’clock. Once I pulled into the driveway and turned my car off, I realized the front door was opened a little bit, but all of the lights were off inside. I sat there watching the windows of the house for any signs of movement before getting out of the car. After deciding there was no one in the house, I very cautiously made my way up the walkway. I peeked inside and listened very carefully before actually going in.

  I called out to see if anyone answered me, but there was nothing, only emptiness. I reached in and turned on the light in the foyer and made my way inside. I usually lay my keys on the table just inside the door, but something deep down told me to hang onto them. I slid my phone into my pocket, so I wouldn’t lose it just in case I had to fight off an intruder. I clutched my keys tight in my hand, leaving one key exposed between my ring finger and middle finger to use as a weapon if I had to. I called out again, but still nothing. So, with no answer, I walked through the entire downstairs turning on every light as I cleared each room.

  After searching the bottom of the house, I made my way to the stairs and followed the same routine as before, flicking on every light in every room and making sure they too were empty. As I got to the last room upstairs, my room, I nearly jumped out of my skin when I heard something fall and break from inside. After collecting myself and trying to calm myself down I called out once more, “Who’s there?” Still nothing, but I know there was someone in my room. I grabbed my phone and dialed 911.

  The dispatch lady told me to go outside and wait for the cops and I probably should have listened, but I needed to know who was inside. I gripped my keys tighter and got ready to charge at whoever was in my room. I quickly swung my door open and saw a shadow jump out of my window. The curtains were flying in the breeze and papers flew off of my desk. The contents of my dresser were scattered all over the floor. My bed had been ripped apart and everything in the closet was tattered. It was as if someone was looking for something. But what?

  As I stood there looking at everything strewn across my room, lights began to flicker back and forth between blue and red. I ran downstairs to meet the cops at the door. After leading them upstairs to my room to look around, I went downstairs to wait in the kitchen. I went over in my head what this person could have possibly wanted, but nothing came to mind. I didn’t have anything of value. Lost in my thoughts, I didn’t even realize Odin was there. He rushed in yelling my name. I let him know I was in the kitchen and he ran over and grabbed me looking me over to see if I was hurt. “What happened? Why are the cops here?” he demanded. I told him about going out to get food and coming home to this. He asked again if I was ok, and after letting him believe I was, he pulled me close to his chest cradling me in his arms.

felt so good to be in his arms again. The cozy familiar feeling of electricity came right back with his touch when I needed it the most. His touch alone could solve all of my problems. I wrapped my arms around him tighter. “Please don’t leave me,” I begged.

  “Never.” Being in his arms was the best place in the world. It is like Odin was chosen just for me, like we were meant to be together. Our bodies fit together like two pieces of a puzzle, our bodies melting into one. It was our destiny to find each other.

  After Odin made sure I was ok, he let me go so he could go upstairs to talk to the cops. I sat there in silence turning to look out the window when I noticed a movement in the bushes by the far side of the fence. Sitting up, I strained my eyes to get a better look when I noticed a man standing there. He blended into the dark so well I almost didn’t see him. He just stood there watching me with the most villainous smile I have ever seen.

  I began to open the back door to ask him what he wanted when I heard Odin call me from the stairs. The cops had finished looking around, but didn’t see anything left behind by the intruder. Of course, they didn’t. I knew now that they never were going to find anything. To them this mystery would never be solved, but to me, it already was. Now, I have a new mystery to solve. They asked me what I assumed was their routine questions, “Do you know who might have done this?”

  “No.” YES

  “It seems as if they were looking for something specific seeing as how they only targeted your room. Do you know what they were looking for?”


  I thought about telling them everything, but honestly what would I say? “There is a creepy man stalking me. He was in my backyard and I think he is the person that was in my room, but I have no clue who he is or what he wants with me. He is dressed in all black, so I can’t really tell you what he looks like because he tends to blend into the dark. But, I can tell you that he has one hell of an evil smile.” Yeah, they will find him based on that description. They would probably just think I am crazy and try to lock me up in a loony bin somewhere. My aunt would just love that, to be able to have me locked away so she can have all access to my money. I don’t think so.

  After playing that over in my head, I just shrugged my shoulders and said, “I have no idea who could have done this or what it is they were looking for. Maybe they just didn’t have time to get to the rest of the house by the time I got here. Maybe when I came home I interrupted them and before demolishing the rest of the house, they ran scared.” Who knew lying would come this easy to me?

  After the cops decided that was a good enough explanation for them they said they would keep an eye out and then they made their way to the front door. After standing in my room looking at all of the mess in front of me, I decided I wasn’t going to clean it tonight. While Odin closed and locked my window, I grabbed my pillow and my cover from the floor and told Odin I would be sleeping on the couch.

  “Are you ok?” he asked again and at this point I was beginning to get more than frustrated with that question.

  “Yes, I am fine. I am just tired, and it is late. I just want to forget about tonight and go to sleep.”

  I guess he could sense the agitation because he said, “Ok I’ll be going then.”

  As he headed for the door fear got the best of me, “Odin?”


  “Will you stay with me again?”

  “Lilith. You can’t keep stringing me along. You want me here, but you don’t. I…”

  Cutting him off I quickly stepped up on the tip of my toes and kissed him. “I want you Odin. I want to be your girlfriend.”

  He pulled me closer to him and placed his smooth lips to mine again. Heat rushed through my body causing a moan to exit my throat. He wrapped his arms tighter around me causing me to drop my cover and pillow. He lifted me off of the floor and I wrapped my legs around his waist. He pushed me up against the wall and began to kiss me harder. His hand was slowly creeping up my shirt when we heard the front door shut.

  “Lilith?” my aunt called for me.

  Hesitantly, Odin lowered me back down the wall as I said, “Up here. I’ll be right down.” I grabbed my cover and pillow once more and we both, hand in hand, headed downstairs.

  Before she could see me she started asking, “What is going on here? Why were the cops here? What have you done, Lilith?” I could tell she was speaking with hate in her voice. Once she saw Odin with me she changed her tone saying, “Lilith dear are you alright?” she even went as far as rubbing a lock of my hair between her fingers. “What happened here sweetie.” What was her deal around Odin? Why was she only nice to me in front of him?

  For what felt like the tenth time tonight, I went through the story again of how I went out for food and came home to this. “And because I’m scared Odin has agreed to spend the night. We are going to sleep in the living room if that is ok?”

  “Of course, dear. Well, since everything is ok now I will be heading to bed. Sorry I got back so late.”

  Still shocked by her niceness I quickly said, “Ok.” before running back upstairs.

  I grabbed some night clothes from my room and closed the door behind me. I didn’t want any reminder of what I would have to face tomorrow. I went into the bathroom to change, wash my face, and brush my teeth. As I made my way back downstairs I remembered I left my food out in my car. I am one of those people that can’t stand for their car to be dirty, so with the assistance (protection) of Odin, we quickly ran out to my car to retrieve the left behind food. I was terrified that the man that was in the backyard was going to be out here. Odin noticed my hesitation and grabbed my hand. “It’s ok. I’ll protect you.”

  “My hero,” I said with a giggle.

  “it’s all in a day’s work,” he said with a wink.

  After retrieving the food from the car, we made our way back inside the house. The smell of the food immediately reminded me that I haven’t eaten since Odin brought over his cinnamon rolls. After asking him if he wanted something to eat or drink, I told him to make himself comfortable and to pick us out a movie. I made my way to the kitchen and threw my burger in the microwave. While it heated up I grabbed us a couple of sodas from the fridge. With the ding of the microwave, I grabbed my food and as I turned to go back into the living room, I noticed movement from the corner of my eye. My stomach dropped from fear as I thought of the man in the backyard earlier tonight.

  To my surprise and dismay it was Ambi. She was standing there watching me. I gave her the most victorious smile I could and turned and left the kitchen. I turned off the light to leave her there staring in the darkness. I knew I had to show her no fear or she would win. I wasn’t going to let her come between Odin and me anymore. I was done playing her little games. And I was going to be happy despite if she liked it or not. She didn’t have any claim on Odin and she needs to learn how to let go.

  I finally made my way back into the living room and sat down beside Odin. I felt butterflies begin to fly around in the pit of my stomach. I suddenly felt a nervous energy take over me. I guess he could sense how awkward I was becoming because he grabbed my hand and kissed the back of it saying, “It’s going to be alright. No one will come in while I’m here.”

  A current of electricity surged through my body and I no longer felt the nervousness, but the need to feel him against me. I wanted him so bad it hurt. My veins filled with heat the longer he held my hand and I could feel myself losing control. I looked up and met his eyes that were already staring deeply at me. His eyes were so beautiful when filled with desire. They were a glowing green except I have noticed that when he gets lusty, they almost turn black. I could tell he felt the same hunger that I did. He wanted me just as bad as I wanted him.

  He scooted closer to me and the electricity intensified. He ran his finger along my cheek and left a trace of heat behind. He then grabbed my chin and pulled me into him pressing his lips against mine. The sweet taste of mint that I was accust
omed to filled my mouth and tingles rushed over my body. We began to kiss forcefully, and the passion only grew stronger the longer we kissed.

  A growl escaped his chest as he threw me back onto the couch. As he climbed on top of me, I could feel the hardness of him against my leg. Our breathing quickened as we lay there kissing each other. His hand slipped under my shirt and excitement caused my breath to catch in my throat. Heat exploded in my body from his touch to my skin. He ran his fingers slowly up my torso until he reached my bra. He slipped his hand underneath my bra cupping the underside of my breast. He traced his thumb over my bosom making me stand firm.

  Afraid my aunt would wake up, I stopped Odin before we could go any further. He backed away from me looking annoyed. Feeling regretful that I even let it get that far in the first place I said, “I’m sorry Odin. I’m not ready to go that far just yet. I still hardly know anything about you.”

  He grabbed my hand and kissed the back of it once again before saying, “You don’t have to be sorry lamia mea. However long it takes you to be ready I will wait for you.”

  “Are you ever going to tell me what that means?”

  “One day, just not today,” he said with a half grin that played on his lips and caused a dimple to form on his cheek. “Come on parum noctis monstrum, let’s find a movie to watch.”

  “I thought that was your job?”

  “I got distracted,” he said, wiggling his eyebrows.

  As I picked a movie, Odin made us a pallet on the floor. I started the movie as he got comfortable. I then slid in beside him and laid my head on his chest. He grabbed my hand and locked our fingers together while playing with my hair with his other one. I couldn’t help but smile as we lay there in silence watching the movie. I couldn’t help but think about wanting him. I could tell he was thinking the same thing. He tightened his muscles and out of the corner of my eye, I could see his hardness becoming uncomfortable for him. I ran my fingers over Odin’s chest until sleep took us both away.


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