Corruption of the Heart (The Corruption Series Book 1)

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Corruption of the Heart (The Corruption Series Book 1) Page 11

by Jessica Manson

  “So, will a person be able to tell if someone is using dream manipulation on them?”

  “If the person is aware of how it works then I don’t see how they wouldn’t be able to figure it out.” I’ll have to research later how it works to see if I am on to something.

  “Ok so what were you saying about downfalls?”

  “One being enhanced emotions. Vampires experience emotions more powerfully than humans. Our emotions are intensified allowing us to live life more passionately.”

  “How is that a downfall? What about feeling love more intensely than a normal human? It seems like it would make a relationship more, well, intense.”

  “It is but with emotions like love you also have emotions like anger. Anger can be very bad for a vampire. It can make them do awful things. It causes us to hurt humans for no reason. It is also one of the things that fuels vampires to become the tainted.”

  “Ok so what kind of things can I do as a witch?”

  “Like I said before, I don’t know what kind of powers you will have, but some witches can do things like; channeling, conjuration, element control, mind control, mind stunning, pain infliction, precognition, spell casting, telekinesis and potion making. Every witch can do spell casting and potion making and a witch only possesses one or two more of these traits. There has never been a witch that can do all of these things. The powers will pick you.”

  “What is channeling and conjuration?”

  “Channeling is the act of enhancing or drawing other forms of energy and power by focusing on the celestial events.” I guess he could see the confusion in my face because without me asking he answered my next question. “A celestial event is an astronomical phenomenon of interest that involves one or more celestial bodies, like the various phases of the moon, a meteor shower, comets, solar and lunar eclipses, planetary oppositions, conjunctions, and occultation.”

  “What is conjuration?”

  “Conjuration is the act of calling, commanding, or summoning an element, object, person, or spirit that is already in existence.”

  “That’s a neat power to have. So, mind stunning, it is what it sounds like?”

  “Yes. It means you can render someone unconscious.”

  “I guess there is a lot to learn.”

  “Maybe that is enough for today.”

  “No. I want to know why I have to choose between you and Odin. But I am getting hungry. Let’s go downstairs and see if we can find something to eat.” We headed into the kitchen and searched through the cabinets and fridge just to end up empty handed. We decided to go into town and grab something at the Snack Shack. Once we pulled in and grabbed the closest parking spot we went up to the window and ordered our food which made me think of vampires losing their appetite when they turned. I couldn’t help but wonder if I would lose mine. “So, will I still be able to eat food?”

  After looking at me like I was a little crazy, Parker finally said with a laugh, “You can still eat. Food will actually taste better you know with the heightened senses and all. Besides you have to eat to live unless you are a tainted one. They only have to have human blood to live.”

  After walking around the parking lot while we waited, Bristol came running over, “Have you told her yet?” she asked Parker.

  “Yes. Some of it.”

  She looked at me a little confused but with a look of concern. “You are handling the news rather well.”

  With a shrug of my shoulders I said, “What am I supposed to do? Freak out? I mean it’s not like I have a choice in the matter, right? I mean I guess I will just have to accept that it is what it is.” Honestly, I have always felt different anyways. I have always known that I wasn’t like everyone else around me, but I would have never dreamed of being a vampire-witch hybrid. The lady at the window interrupted us and we walked away to collect our food. As I was getting into the car I noticed Odin standing in a dark area of the parking lot. He was there with Ambi watching me with hurt eyes. I felt so sorry for him. I had hurt him unintentionally.

  On the way home, I was constantly reminded by my own shameful thoughts of how I hurt Odin. I suddenly couldn’t wait to get home, so Parker could tell me why I had to choose between the two of them.

  Chapter Seventeen

  As soon as we got back to the house I rushed Parker upstairs. We sat quietly eating before Parker continued. I was eating so fast I nearly choked on my fried pickles. I was so anxious to find out what Odin meant by me having to choose. Parker seemed to take his time eating. It was as if he was trying to torture me. He knew I was in a hurry, yet, he was taking his sweet time.

  I began pacing the floor while I waited for him to finish eating when I heard a knock at the front door. “You expecting company?” Parker asked.

  “No.” I left him to eat while I ran to answer the door. “Odin? What are you doing here?” I asked kind of shocked to see him here.

  “Has he told you yet?”

  “Told me what?”

  “Why you have to choose.”

  “No not yet. He is just about to though. You want to come in?”

  “Where is he?”

  “In my room.”

  Anger flashed in his eyes, “Why is he in your room Lilith?”

  “Because he said it’s a good place to talk so no one can hear us.”

  “Yeah, I bet that’s why he wanted to get you up there.”

  “Odin what are you talking about? Do you want to come in or not?”

  “Only because I don’t trust him alone with you in your room.”

  “Whatever just come on,” I said a bit angry at his jealousy. I guess he had every right to be, but I still didn’t want to deal with it. We made our way upstairs to meet with Parker. He was finally done eating and had made himself a little too comfortable on my bed. He had kicked his shoes off and was laying across my bed like he had done it a hundred times. He jumped up when he saw Odin step in behind me.

  “What is he doing here?” Parker asked.

  “He came to check on me. Besides he is my boyfriend you know.”

  “Yes, but I am not done telling you what you want to know.”

  “I know but if you are going to tell me why I have to choose between the two of you, then I think he can be here for that conversation too. I mean he is a vampire too.” Without another word from Parker, Odin sat beside him on the bed leaving me to sit in the chair. “Ok start.”

  Parker started to talk but Odin cut him off. “When a female vampire turns eighteen she becomes a part of what we call the Sacrament.”

  “What is that?” I asked, more scared than confused. It didn’t sound like something I wanted to be apart of.

  “We as vampires have rules that we have to follow and abide by.”

  “What happens if you don’t?”

  “We get punished such as, getting exiled from the coven, losing status, even depending on which rules got broken one can be punished to death.”

  “What are the rules?”

  “Very simple. Don’t kill humans, don’t consume too much human blood or you risk becoming a tainted one. Don’t reveal you are a vampire to humans.” Looking over at Parker, Odin said, “And always follow the rules of the Sacrament.”

  “What is the Sacrament?”

  “When a vampire becomes pregnant it gets decided who the fetus’ mate will be. So, before you were even born your mate was decided for you. And when you turn eighteen the Luminaries will hold the Sacrament for you.”

  “You’re still not telling me what the Sacrament is.”

  “It will be your wedding.”

  “What? I am not getting married. I am only seventeen.”

  “You have to Lilith. Every female has to when they turn eighteen.”

  “No, I don’t. Parker said I can leave this place and leave everything behind.”

  “No, you can’t. It doesn’t matter where you run to, they will find you. And you will still have to perform the Sacrament.

  “So, if my mate was chosen for me then why do I have to choose between the two of you?”

  “Because there was a mistake made when your mom got pregnant. Somehow, we both got chosen for you. And once a mate has been chosen it can’t be undone.”

  “How am I supposed to choose? I don’t know either one of you that well. Yes, Odin, you are my boyfriend, but you keep lying to me. I mean, I understand now why you did it but still, you lied. And I know nothing at all about you Parker.” I started pacing back and forth while the guys watched me try to take it all in. When something popped in my head, “So I have a question for you Odin.”


  “Will you finally be honest with me?”

  “Yes. I promise.”

  “Was it you those two guys were talking about that day?” The memory of how his face went pale when I told him about the two guys flashed through my mind. “Were you supposed to keep me out all day, so they could find whatever it was they were looking for?”


  “What were they looking for?”

  “A necklace.”

  “This necklace?” I asked, pulling it out of my shirt to show him.

  “Yes. Where did you find it?” he asked as he walked over to me to get a closer look at it.

  “It was the birthday gift from my parents. Why did you want it? What is special about it?”

  “Your mom put an enchantment on it to keep you from choosing. Your father didn’t follow the rules of the Sacrament and he fell in love with a woman that wasn’t a vampire. But the Luminaries let him go ahead and marry her since she was already pregnant with you, as long as she would adhere to the vampire rules. She knew you would have a mate chosen for you and she was against it, but if she wanted to stay married to your father she had to do it. When they found out two vampires were chosen for you she put the enchantment on the necklace. And as long as you wear it you will never be able to choose between us.”

  “So, the night the police were here, was that you?”


  “And the day Parker got hurt by someone that broke into the house?”

  “Yes. Please understand Lamia Mea, I only wanted you to be able to choose.”

  Looking at Parker I asked, “So you vowed to Odin that you wouldn’t want me?”

  “I did. But then I met you and I know you are who I am supposed to end up with. We are supposed to be together.”

  Taking that into consideration another question urged to be answered. “My parents told me that a lot of people would be looking for the necklace. Why?”

  The guys looked at each other and Parker shook his head, no. Odin dismissed the motion and said, “You mother put more than an enchantment to keep you from choosing she also put a spell on it to keep you from changing.”

  “You mean I don’t have to change if I don’t want to?”

  “Not with the necklace you don’t.”

  “So, if I don’t change there will be no Sacrament?”

  “No. The Sacrament can’t be held until you have transformed.”

  “Damn it, Odin. You shouldn’t have told her that,” Parker yelled.

  “Why not? She has a right to know. I will no longer lie to her or keep any secret from her.” He walked over and rubbed the back of his hand on my cheek. Traces of heat wanted to linger but they were forced back down. Without thinking about it I rubbed the necklace between my finger and thumb. “The necklace would have hidden any feelings you had for me. The love you once claimed to have for me will be locked away until you take the necklace off.”

  “So, I only have two days to choose between changing into a vampire and which one of you I’m supposed to marry?”

  “I’m afraid so Parum Noctis Monstrum.”

  “Odin,” I called his name before he could walk away from me, “What does that mean?”

  “Your mother named you Lilith for a reason,” he said with a smile. “It means little night monster just like your name.”

  “I know Lamia Mea means my little vampire because my parents used it in the letter that was in with the necklace, but that day at my secret place you called me something else.” I had to pause a moment to remember the words he used but he cut me off.

  “Ah yes. Donec lamia. Sexy vampire.” He closed his eyes and I knew he was thinking of that day at the waterfall. I knew he was remembering me in my red and black bra and panty set. A smile played at his lips and he looked at me with lust in his eyes.

  Making myself look away from Odin, I asked, “What happens when I change?”

  Parker decided to answer this time. “Nothing really. You change at the exact same hour that you were born. It is painful. Your senses will be going into overload. Every sense becoming better all at once. By the time you are through turning you will have one of the worst headaches you have ever had until you get used to your new heightened senses.”

  “If vampires are born vampires and automatically turn when they turn eighteen, then can a vampire turn a human into a vampire by biting them?”

  “Yes and no. Vampires came to be by Slaaneth, a demon created by Satan. Slaaneth can turn humans into demons that live off of human blood therefore making vampires. It was once done by biting but one of Slaaneths daemons fell in love with a human. And instead of turning her he kept her for himself. She eventually fell in love with him too and they had a baby which then carried the vampire DNA. So now every baby born to vampires carry the gene and transform when they turn eighteen.”

  We sat in silence for a while until an idea popped into my head, “Would y’all mind if I tried something?” After both guys nodded I took off the necklace and reached for Odin. Once we touched the same heat came flooding back so hard it nearly knocked me over. He stood up from the bed and wrapped his arms around me. The familiar electricity that I thought we had lost came rushing back to the surface. I longed to be held by him forever. The love I thought was lost was still there.

  Making myself pull away from Odin I reached for Parker. The feelings I got for Parker were nothing like the feelings I had for Odin. There was heat there but not in the way there was heat between Odin and I. There was no electricity. With Parker it felt like if I chose him our marriage would be a safe, white picket fence kind of love. But with Odin it felt exciting, dangerous even. I knew there would be so much passion between the two of us if I choose him. But which would I choose? The safe love I knew I would always be able to depend on or the love full of passion and heat? I knew in this moment my decision would be easy to make between the two if I choose to turn. I let go of Parker and placed the necklace back around my neck.

  Chapter Eighteen

  Tossing and turning left me tired when I woke up this morning. I dreamt about all the things the guys had told me. I dreamed of what my wedding would be like with each guy if I decided to turn. My eighteenth birthday is tomorrow, and I had no idea what I was going to choose to do. I still had a thousand questions running through my mind.

  I was still laying in my bed staring at the ceiling when someone knocked on my door. “Come in,” I yelled. I had every intention of staying in my bed all day not caring that it was a school day. Odin popped his head around the door before stepping inside.

  “Hey. How are you feeling?” he asked, with true concern on his face.

  “Tired. I didn’t get much sleep.”

  “Me either. Want to talk about it?”

  “Sure, but I’m not going to school and if you stay you will be late.”

  “If you’re not going then neither am I. I would much rather spend my day with you.”

  Odin sat on the edge of the bed trying to give me my space. “Take your shoes off and come lay with me,” I said, as I pulled the necklace off. He kicked his shoes off and crawled up the bed to get in the covers with me. Once he was settled, I rolled over and laid my head on his chest. While he rubbed my hair, the heat returned making me snuggle in closer to him. I put my hand under his s
hirt, so I could feel the ripples of his muscles. I loved Odin and I knew I would choose him. But would I choose to turn? If I chose not to transform I wouldn’t be able to choose him.

  “I have missed you Odin. I thought something was wrong with me when I didn’t feel the same about you. The feelings were there and then they just weren’t.”

  “I have missed you too lamia mea.”

  “What will happen if I don’t choose to turn?”

  “The Luminaries will have every vampire in this area look for you and force you to turn.”

  “What if I don’t want to?”

  “They don’t care if you want to or not baby. They will make you.”

  “Are you a Vampire-Witch hybrid like me?”

  “No. Just a regular vampire.”

  “How many Vampire-Witch hybrids are there?”


  “There is only one other like me?”

  “No there is only one. You. Vampires don’t usually break the rules like your parents did.” Odin stopped rubbing my hair to place a small kiss on the top of my head. “Lilith?”

  “Yeah,” I said looking up at him. When our eyes met I knew I was right where I was supposed to be. There was no greater place than in his arms. I loved him so much it hurt. I hate myself for even thinking about Parker the way I did. I may not know a lot about Odin, but I do know I love him, and that is all that matters.

  “I love you. I will always love you no matter what you choose.” He wrapped his arms around my waist and pulled me up to him until we were eye level. He looked into my eyes once more before kissing me. His soft yet firm lips made me melt into him. The unforgettable taste of mint was there to remind me of how I loved kissing him. I could feel him tense up from the kiss. He let me go releasing me back into the bed and suddenly I was left longing for him to kiss me again. I knew that as long as I didn’t wear the necklace his touch would become something I would crave to have every day.


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