Corruption of the Heart (The Corruption Series Book 1)

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Corruption of the Heart (The Corruption Series Book 1) Page 12

by Jessica Manson

  “If I choose to change and I pick one of you what happens then?”

  “Well the Luminaries will send someone for you on your birthday before it is time for you to change. They will want to monitor your transformation. Then once you have fully changed they will hold the Sacrament for you and your mate.”

  “You’re not scared to be married off so young?”

  “If it is with you, no. I already love you Lilith and nothing will change that. If you don’t pick me, I mean I just don’t know. There would be nothing left for me.”

  “What will happen to the one I don’t choose?”

  “The Luminaries will find another mate for him. It is usually someone that is widowed.”

  “Why do they marry the females off at eighteen?”

  “You want the truth?”


  “To populate. The younger you start having babies, the more you can have, and they are trying to build our numbers. Plus, females are few and far between, so they marry them off, so they will always be protected.”

  “So, there is hardly ever a female born?”

  “I think the ratio is ten to one. Ten males to one female.” We lay in silence enjoying being in each other’s arms. I ran my fingernails along the hard muscles on his stomach while he traced a finger up and down my arm. I lay there, contempt until the lack of sleep caught up with me and took me under.


  Once the sleep took over I was yet again back at the bridge. The man in black clothing was standing at the other end waiting on me to run. He loved the thrill of playing cat and mouse. I was no longer going to play his game. “What do you want?” I screamed.


  “What do you want from me?”

  “I want you to die.”


  “Because you are the only thing stopping me from getting out.”

  “Getting out of what?”

  “Hell, my dear.”

  “Who are you?”

  “Ah, but you already know that don’t you?”


  “Oh, she does know,” he said with an evil laugh. “You my child are more powerful than they all know. And you are the key to my freedom.” Before I could ask another question, he was right behind me pulling me closer to him. He jerked my head so far to the side I thought he was going to break my neck. He dug his sharp teeth into my exposed neck causing a scream to escape my throat. My vision turned red and then there was nothing but blackness.

  I jolted awake so hard I almost knocked Odin out of the bed. “What the hell Lilith?”

  “Sorry Odin.” After catching my breath, I explained every dream I had before this one. When I got to this one and told him everything Slaaneth said his face went pale. “What does it mean?”

  “This can’t be. It’s not possible.”

  “What’s not? Odin you are scaring me. What’s wrong?”

  “Can you call Parker and have him and Bristol come over? I’ll call Ambi and go get the guys.”

  “Ambi? Why her?” I said with acid to my tone.

  “Because we will need her help.”

  “Help? With what?”

  “Lilith please just trust me. Call Parker. I am going to run to my house to get a few things. I will explain everything as soon as everyone gets here. I promise. I love you Lamia Mea. Stay inside and don’t let anyone in unless it’s one of us.” He gave me a kiss on the forehead before saying, “Promise me.”

  “I promise.” Catching him before he walked out the door I yelled, “Odin, I love you too.”

  I watched Odin run from my house to his from my bedroom window before picking up the phone to call Parker.


  “Hey Parker. It’s Lilith.”

  “What’s up?”

  “Something just happened, I don’t know what, but Odin said for you and Bristol to get over here as quickly as you can.”

  “What happened Lilith?” he asked with his voice going on high alert.

  “I’m not sure really. I was telling him about a dream I had. Look I’ll explain everything when you get here.”

  “Okay give me fifteen.”

  When I hung the phone up I looked back at the window checking for Odin. He wasn’t heading back yet. I was becoming antsy when I heard the front door open then close. Confused, I stuck my head out the door. Had I missed Odin? Had he gotten past my window somehow without me seeing? I heard my aunt talking from the bottom of the stairs. I don’t think she knows I stayed home from school today.

  “Well what else am I supposed to tell him? They have to think I am here to help her, or they will kill me where I stand.” After a pause she continued, “Well I don’t know what you want me to do. She turns eighteen tomorrow, so whatever you have planned has to happen tonight.” Another pause then she said, “Just let me know what you plan and what I have to do.” When I heard he phone snap shut as quietly as I could I closed the door.

  After trying to figure out what she was planning, I decided it was just another riddle that I couldn’t solve. I walked downstairs and made myself a sandwich, so she would know I was home. “Why aren’t you in school?” she asked, as she folded her arms across her chest.

  “I don’t feel well today,” I lied. “I think I might be coming down with something.”

  “Well, you don’t look sick to me,” she said with so much hate. I know she doesn’t like me, but I don’t know why. She never visited when we lived in Mississippi. I didn’t even know she existed until my parents died. I don’t know what I could have possibly done to make her hate me so much. I grabbed my sandwich from the counter and went up to my room to wait for Odin.

  Sitting by the window waiting, I saw Parker and Bristol pull up followed by Ambi. My heart stopped when I saw Odin and the guys running back across the road. He was so sexy it hurt to look at him. His black hair was getting long and now fell into his eyes, but it was flowing in the wind as he ran. I wanted to run my hands through his hair. I wanted to kiss him and feel his body next to mine. I blushed as I thought of the things I wanted to do to him.

  They all gathered together walking up to the house as a unified group. And Odin was their leader. He looked like he was meant to lead. He was in his rightful spot. I heard my aunt moving around downstairs. Oh God, my aunt. She would flip when she sees all of those teenagers walk through the front door. I braced myself. The door opened, “What the hell Odin?” I could hear him step on the first step ignoring her. “Oh God. She knows doesn’t she.” Still Odin said nothing.

  My door opened and they all stepped in my room staring at me. Odin, Parker, Bristol and Ambi plus the rest of Odin’s friends, all six of them, stepped in making my room feel really claustrophobic with eleven people in it. “Well I’m here. What are your other two wishes?” Cal asked as he walked over and hugged me.

  “Hi, Cal. Nice to see all of you again.”

  “You think you want to put on some clothes?” Ambi said. I heard her mumble skank under her breath and I think Odin heard her too because his fist flinched, and he gave her a threatening look. I looked down and noticed I haven’t changed from my night clothes. A tank top with no bra, letting them see every bit of my breast, and a pair of boy shorts.

  “Hey, you don’t have to change on account of us. Personally, I like your outfit. Girl if you were a fruit, you’d be a fineapple,” Cal said as he shot me a wink. Embarrassed, I ran into my closet and threw on the first pair of jeans I saw and just threw a hoodie over my tank top.

  “Wow Cal. Really?” Ambi said with total disgust.

  “What? Don’t hate cause she’s got it going on. You know jealousy isn’t a good color for you.”

  “Whatever. Why am I here?”

  Stepping out of the closet Odin walked over and kissed me on my forehead and whispered in my ear, “Donec Lamia,” his whisper sent chills down my neck and straight in between my thighs. Feeling Parkers gaze I glanced over at him
and he looked back at me with disapproving eyes. I grabbed the necklace and put it on. Maybe this wasn’t a good time to be having that kind of feelings about Odin. But why did I need to justify how I felt for him, he is after all my boyfriend.

  “Okay Odin why did we have to call everyone here?” I asked the question that was on everyone's mind.

  “Lilith if you don’t mind will you tell them about the dreams you have been having?”

  “You called me over here to listen to her tell a story about her dreams?” Ambi said with disgust in her voice.

  “Yes. And you will fall in line and you WILL listen,” Odin demanded. She swallowed her pride and said nothing else. I told everyone about my dreams starting from the beginning. By the time I finished telling them about the one from earlier today, they were all just as pale as Odin was when I told him.

  “There is no way,” Parker said.

  “Her? It’s her? Why?” Ambi spit out.

  “What is going on Odin?”

  “Slaaneth wants to escape hell. He wants to harvest humans and drain them of their blood. He wants to let the Tainted Ones run over the world. But there is only one way he can do that.” At his words they all looked over at me.

  “What? What does that have to do with me?”

  “He has to have someone from his same blood to sacrifice in order for him to escape.”

  “And let me guess, I’m that person?”

  “It seems so. He can only manipulate someone from his own bloodline. He will come for you. And it will be tonight. He has to sacrifice you before you turn, or the ritual won’t work. He only has one shot and tonight is his chance.” He turned toward the group and said, “Tonight is the night we have all been preparing for. When we were sent here we knew we had to protect her. We will have to guard her nonstop tonight and tomorrow before she changes.” He turned back to me, “Lilith are you ready to change?”

  “I don’t know yet.”

  “If you don’t change, Slaaneth will always be able to sacrifice you it will just be a matter of when. You need to change, so you will be safe.”

  Walking away to stare out my window I heard a knock at my door. Parker opened it and Tuls stepped in. “What is she doing here?” I asked with jealousy in my voice.

  “She is one of us Lilith. She is here to help,” Parker said defensively.

  “Parker, Odin, can I ask you a question in private?” When they came over to the window near me I asked, ”How old is Ambi, Bristol, and Tuls?”


  “Ok, so if the Luminaries marry off the girls why aren’t they married?” Dredd flashed over both of them making them look at each other. “What? Tell me?”

  “Bristol is married but her husband wasn’t sent on this mission,” Parker said.

  “Ok what about Ambi and Tuls?”

  “We were picked to be their mate if you don’t choose to pick one of us,” Odin said, almost in a whisper.

  “So if I choose one of you to be my mate, what happens to them?”

  “The Luminaries will pick someone else for them or they will work for the Luminaries.”

  “What do you mean work for them?”

  “They will become whatever the Luminaries need, a house maid, an assistant, or a concubine.”

  “What? A concubine? Really? They can’t do that.”

  “They can and they will if they can’t find her a mate,” Parker snapped. “Although the Luminaries usually find everyone a mate. I mean there are more men than women vampires. We men kind of need a mate.”

  “No kidding. Ten to one.” Parker looked at me shocked that I actually knew something about vampires. “Ok so what is the plan?”

  Chapter Nineteen

  Odin, Parker, and I walked back over to the group. “There is eleven of us. We will break up into groups and guard each side of the house. Slaaneth only has about twelve hours to take Lilith. We know he will attack. We just don’t know when, so we all need to be on guard. Keep your focus.” Looking at Ambi he continued, “And we all need to remember what is at stake if he is to get his hands on her. Ambi, Dex, and Gunnar take the rear of the house. Tristian, Brant, Calder, and Latham take either side of the house. Parker, Bristol, and Tuls, you three take the front.”

  Cutting Odin off Ambi said, “And where will you be?”

  “I will be guarding Lilith from inside.”

  “Of course, you will,” she snapped.

  “I will not let her out of my sight. If Jacan gets his hands-on Lilith, he will take her straight to Slaaneth. And we all know what happens if he gets her. So yes, Ambi, I will be right by her side making sure she is protected at all times.”

  “Who is Jacan?” I asked.

  “He is the guy you saw in your backyard that night. He will be the one to kidnap you. He works for Slaaneth. Slaaneth has some kind of mind control over him. He gets Jacan to do all of his dirty work.”

  “Ok, so then this is really happening?”

  “Whether we like it or not, he will come. And it will be soon. He doesn’t have much time.” Just as Odin spoke those words it sounded like something crashed into the trash cans outside. We all ran over to the windows. “Everyone, get ready. He has brought friends.”

  Looking down at my driveway I recognized the man that was standing there dressed in all black. He looked up at my window casting me the evilest smile I have ever seen. Not even paying attention to the eleven vampires I had at my sides. He headed for the front door and Odin headed for my bedroom door.

  “Stay here Lilith. Everyone else, let’s go.” When Odin opened my door, he was bombarded by a dozen red eyed vampires. He tried to fight, but wasn’t doing very good in the tight space of the door.

  “ODIN!” I screamed. I was so scared for him. The new group of vampires looked like they were killing him. Tears burned at the rims of my eyes. He was getting hurt all because of me. My group of vampires were trying their best to get Odin out of their grip, but it was no use. The doorway was just too tight for any of them to really help.


  Finally, Parker yelled to the group, “Back away from the door.” When everyone moved he grabbed the wrist of one of the red eyed vampires that had a hold onto Odin’s neck. I heard a snap then the vampire started screaming. Parker then grabbed the other vampire by the neck and with one swift turn of the vampire’s head, his body went limp falling to the floor.

  Once Odin was free, he began fighting beside Parker and one by one they took them all out. Watching Odin effortlessly fight the red eyed vampires sent chills down my spine. He was sexy in the way he moved, and I couldn’t take my eyes off of him. He was flawless, and his motions were effortless. Parker took out a vampire that was about to sneak up behind Odin. He grabbed the vampire bending his body backwards causing a loud popping sound to escape from the center of its body. Parker dropped him, and he lay face down on the floor with his feet over the back of his head. He didn’t seem to move as effortlessly as Odin, but he was still sexy in the way he moved as well.

  I was watching the two of them fight off as many as they could be they just seemed to keep coming. Odin and Parker looked at each other and seemed to share an idea without saying a word. Once they got a little distance between them and the other group of vampires they quickly stepped back into my room and shut the door. The other members of my group already had things in their hands to barricade the door with.

  Once the door was taken care of Odin made his way over to me, “Are you ok?” he asked.

  “Are you kidding me? I thought I was going to lose you. What were they?”

  “The Tainted Ones.” He wrapped his arms around me and suddenly I felt the urge to push him away. I grabbed the necklace around my neck and yanked it off and stuffed it in my pocket. I pulled him into me and buried my face into his chest. After almost losing him I knew I would choose him. I knew right in this moment that if we survived the night, tomorrow Odin would b
ecome my husband.

  Looking up at him he met my eyes, “I choose you Odin. It has always been you. And I will choose you over and over. Without pause. Without doubt.”

  “Are you sure?” he asked uncertain.

  “I’ve never been more sure of anything in my life.” He threaded his fingers through my hair and pulled my face close to his until our lips met. He vigorously, yet delicately, kissed me. It was the best kiss we had ever shared.

  We were on the verge of losing ourselves in each other when Parker cleared his throat reminding us that they were still in the room with us. “What do we do now?” he asked with pained eyes.

  “We need to find a way to get out of here. I am certain that Jacan has a group of vampires surrounding the house.”

  “Then how do we get out of here?” Ambi shouted.

  “Well we have two options; we go out of this room through the door or the window. Both options leave us surrounded by tainted vampires.”

  “We might have another option,” I said, causing everyone to turn and look at me.

  “What idea do you think you might have that would help us? No offence but you aren’t even a vampire yet,” Ambi spit out.

  Odin was about to say something but I cut him off, “You know what, Ambi? I am sick to death of your attitude toward me. You need to get used to the fact that I have chosen Odin. We will be married and there isn’t a damn thing you can do about it. Now, if you want to get out of here undetected and alive then you need to shut up and listen.”

  She walked toward me flashing me her fangs. I flinched. It was the first time I had seen real fangs before. “Bitch I will...

  “AMBI that is enough!” Odin snapped. Once she backed down he turned to look at me and said, “What is your plan Lilith?”

  “In the back bedroom there is a little bridge built that leads to a tree house that is built in the woods. The bridge is hidden by the trees in the backyard.”

  “Yeah great idea. The other bedroom? And just how do you suppose we get there? Are we supposed to just walk right out the door into an army of tainted vampires?” Ambi bitterly snapped.


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