Corruption of the Heart (The Corruption Series Book 1)

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Corruption of the Heart (The Corruption Series Book 1) Page 14

by Jessica Manson

  Chapter Twenty-One

  Once we pulled into the driveway everyone climbed out of Latham’s jeep stretching. It was cramped in there with twelve people in it. Odin carried me up to the door. He let me down to unlock the door, but no one had a key. I could feel the power of magic building up in me and a chant formed at my lips:

  I wish to go

  I wish to fly

  Take me to the other side

  Take me there before I die

  I wish to go

  I wish to fly

  Take me to the other side

  Take me there before I die

  I could hear the groups shocked voices on the other side of the door. I unlocked the door from inside and let everyone in. “How did you do that?” they all asked in unison.

  “Honestly, I don’t know yet. Odin do you mind coming upstairs with me?”


  “Everyone else please make yourselves comfortable. There is food in the kitchen.” They all scattered, some headed toward the kitchen and some straight for the couch. I felt sorry for them. They were all probably exhausted from having to fight off the “Tainted Ones”.

  When we reached the top of the stairs I was expecting to see a pile of dead Tainted Ones from the fight that happened earlier, but they were gone. It looked like there was never even a fight there. We walked into my room and as soon as the door was closed Odin pulled me to him and wrapped me in his arms. Tears instantly fell, and I was crying uncontrollably.

  He tried to sooth me, but it didn’t help so he just rubbed my hair and let me cry until I was finished. By the time I was done crying the front of his shirt was soaked. “Are you ready to tell me what happened?”

  “Not yet. I want a shower. I need to wash them off of me”

  “Ok.” Odin got some clean clothes for me and ran me some water.

  Remembering the hot water burns from earlier I quickly said, “Not too hot, Odin. Maybe just warm for now.” He got up to leave but I asked him to stay. I pulled the lingerie off exposing my naked, injured body. He turned me examining my body and all its damage.

  “Lamia Mea what did they do to you?”

  Easing myself into the water I began to tell him about the torture they put me through. By the time I had finished, he was so angry his cheek muscles were flinching, and his hands were balled into fists. Through gritted teeth he asked, “How did you get away?”

  “I was sitting in a metal tub looking at the bloody water and my aunt was making me clean myself. It wasn’t doing any good. I was bleeding too badly. The longer I sat in the water the madder I became. It felt like something inside me popped, like a rubber band being released after being pulled too tightly, and all of a sudden, I was standing. Words came flowing out of my mouth before I even knew what I was saying. It was as if a memory of spells were released and I knew exactly which spell I wanted to use on her. I cast a binding spell on her and cuffed her up the same way they did me and I beat her with the same tool she beat me with. I beat her until she bled. I liked hearing her scream in pain. I heard the key turn in the lock and I knew Jacan was coming back in the room. I knew I would be no match for his strength. Before he even got the door open another chant came spilling out of me. I imagined the worst possible death I could think of and he began to die that death. I locked them in the room they had me chained in and I left them to die.”

  Tears streamed down my face and Odin sat on the floor in front of the tub wanting to ease my pain, but he didn’t know what to do. “It’s ok Lilith. They deserved it.”

  “I know they deserved it. I’m scared Odin. I’m scared of how much I liked causing them pain. What if I like it so much I do it again, to someone else?”

  “That won’t happen. You have me, and I will help you through anything.”

  I pulled my legs up to my chest and laid my head on my knees facing Odin. “I have another chant I want to try.” Without saying a word, he nodded and with his approval I began another chant:

  By the light of the moon

  And the path of the north

  Let the pain of my wounds be purged

  And let healing flow forth

  Let not this simple spell coerce

  Or make my situation worse

  Hear now my humble plea

  As I will it, so mote it be

  Repeating the chant once more I watched Odin as his eyes widened. “Your wounds. Lilith, they are healing.” He watched in amazement until the very last wound healed. Once the wounds were gone he took my bath rag from me, lathered some soap on it and began to wash my back. Odin looked down at his watch and disappointment filled his eyes. “As much as I love bathing you Lilith, it is almost your birthday. You will need to lay down because it will be painful for you to change.”

  I quickly finished my bath, got dressed, and headed toward the living room. As I descended from the stairs my stomach reminded me that I hadn’t eaten all day. Someone in the group had ordered pizza and the smell was leading me straight to the kitchen. “How much time do we have Odin, I’m starving.”

  “You have about five minutes.”

  “Perfect. That’s plenty of time to stuff my face,” I said, causing Odin and Calder to laugh. While stuffing my face I asked, “So how did you find where I was anyway?”

  “When that tainted vampire grabbed you and threw you in the car, Jacan wasn’t as fast as he thought he was. We followed him until he drove into the middle of nowhere. We lost him when he took the second right. We would have gotten to you sooner, but we stopped and searched some big red barn first thinking he might have taken you there. Actually, we wouldn’t have even found the barn that you were in had it not been for a careless red eyed vampire.”

  Ambi walked into the kitchen. “So, is anyone going to tell us how she can do magic and she hasn’t even changed yet?”

  Everyone looked at me like I had all of the answers. I was just learning that I am going to turn into a vampire-witch hybrid. How was I supposed to know how I can use my powers?

  Ignoring her Odin said, “I think we should go to my house before the transformation starts. Just in case Slaaneth sent others to take you.”

  “That’s fine with me.” I leaned over to whisper in his ear, “I wouldn’t mind laying in your bed again.” He kissed me softly then rested his forehead on mine.

  “You don’t know what you do to me, Lamia Mea.”

  Before I could respond a pain quickly surged through my body causing me to scream out. If Odin hadn’t been holding on to me I would have fallen to the floor. Tears instantly streamed down my face from the pain. It felt like every nerve ending in my body was on fire and every muscle was being ripped apart. “Odin help me.”

  He picked me up and ran upstairs with me and laid me on my bed. Apparently, everyone decided to follow us up here to watch me writhe in pain. Odin went in full protective mode. “Cal go into the bathroom and get me a hot rag. Get it as hot as you can. Brant go get me some ice from the kitchen. Everyone else leave us. Now.” Once everyone left he looked at me with pain in his eyes. “Baby, I need you to listen to me, the pain will only last a little while. You are going to get really hot and I mean scorching hot, so I will need to undress you. Can you let me do that?” Another wave of pain surged through my body causing me to yell out again. My head felt like it was going to explode. “Lilith, I have to get you undressed.”

  I nodded my head for him to go ahead. Just as he pulled my shirt off Calder and Brant walked back into the room. The pain was too much for me to care that they would see me naked. He pulled my pants off and looked at me, “Is it okay for them to come in?”

  I nodded once more not being able to find words amongst the pain. He motioned for the guys to enter my room. I suddenly began to shake uncontrollably. I needed up, I had to get up off the bed. The pain was too much for me to lay on the bed. I needed to move around. “Guys take a side and hold her down.” As they each held me down by my shoulders Odin said to me, “Lilith
you can’t get up yet. I need you to try and stay focused baby. They will let you go only if you stay in the bed okay?”

  Nodding I said, “Odin help me. It hurts so bad.”

  “I know baby.” He wiped my forehead with the hot rag causing me to scream out in pain again from the touch.

  “What the hell Odin? Somethings wrong dude,” Cal said with concern.

  “No, it’s not. She will be fine.”

  “I have never seen someone do this when they transformed.”

  “What’s wrong Odin? What’s happening to me?” I was becoming dizzy and the pain only seemed to get stronger. “I can’t take it Odin. Please make it stop,” I begged. “My skin is on fire.”

  “Give me the ice,” Odin said to Brant. He then placed the ice cubes on my stomach. They instantly melted.

  “What the hell?” Brant said, looking over at Cal before they both looked at Odin. I saw a flash of concern flicker in his eyes for a brief second. “That isn’t supposed to happen.”

  Just as he spoke those last words the most agonizing pain I have ever felt shot through my body and pierced straight into my heart. I felt as if my heart would explode from the pain. I screamed the most ear curdling scream before my eyes rolled into the back of my head and I was whisked away to a dark abyss.


  Struggling to open my eyes I noticed the pain was gone, but the worst migraine I have ever had remained. I was clothed and lying comfortably in my bed. I reached over and felt Odin lying beside me. As I tried to sit up a wave of dizziness made me lay back down and a moan escaped from my throat.

  “How are you feeling?” Odin asked quickly.

  “Like death.”

  “Do you need anything.”

  “Something for a migraine.”

  “I’ll be right back.” As he left the room I tried once more to sit up. This time the dizziness wasn’t as bad, so I managed to walk myself to the bathroom. One glance in the mirror and I barely recognized the girl staring back at me. My hair was matted and drenched from sweat. My eyes were sunk in with dark circles under them. My skin was paler than usual. I looked like a girl that just survived hell itself. I quickly brushed the knots out of my hair and splashed water on my face.

  As I was walking back to the bedroom, Odin was topping the stairs. Our eyes met, and lust rushed through my body. I needed him near me. I needed to feel his touch. Suddenly he was coming toward me.

  “Lilith what the hell is happening?” he asked. He was coming toward me, but his feet weren’t touching the ground. Confused, I looked back up at him and met his eyes once more. Once they were locked onto what I wanted there was no stopping him from coming to my side. Realization hit, and I knew exactly what was happening to him and I couldn’t help but laugh. “Lilith this isn’t funny? What’s happening?” One of my witch powers turned out to be conjuration.

  Once he reached me he stopped floating and landed right in front of me. Before he could ask any more questions, I pulled him into me and kissed him. His velvet tongue met mine causing me to kiss him harder. He grabbed onto my hair locking my head in place. I ran my hands up his sides under his shirt causing a growl to escape him.

  He lifted me causing me to wrap my legs around his waist. He carried me into my room and closed the door behind us. He laid me down on the bed and climbed on top of me. His lips met mine again causing me to dig my nails into his shoulders. “Mmmmm Lamia mea,” he called out. I pulled his shirt over his head and ran my fingers over his hard muscles. “Are you sure you are ready to do this?” he asked.

  I nodded before lacing my fingers in his hair at the nape of his neck. I arched my body into his letting him know I wanted him. I could feel the hardness of him against my inner thigh. Odin sat me up and pulled my shirt off and threw it on the floor. He was in the process of pulling my pants off when we heard a knock on the door. Odin stopped and placed his forehead on mine and was trying to control his breathing. He got up and grabbed my shirt for me and I quickly put it back on. He however didn’t care and answered the door shirtless.

  “What?” he growled to whoever was on the other side of the door.

  “I was coming to check on her. How is she doing?” Parker asked.

  “She is fine now if you will excuse us,” Odin said, as he tried to shut the door on Parker, but Parker stopped it from shutting. “What do you want?”

  “Do you think now is the time to be trying to get laid? She just had her transformation. You know she isn’t ready for that.”

  “How do you know what she is or isn’t ready for?” Odin snapped, stepping closer to Parker’s face.

  With the snap of my fingers, both guys floated over to the bed. I placed Odin on the side next to me and Parker on the other side. “What is it with you two?” I asked.

  “I’m sorry I just don’t think that in your state Odin should be taking advantage of you,” Parker stated matter-of-factly.

  “What makes you think I initiated it?” Odin said.

  I couldn’t stand their bickering, so with the flick of my wrist I sealed both of their mouths and floated Parker over to stand next to Odin, so I could see them both when I spoke. They both began to freak out. “Calm down both of you. I will open your mouths if you promise not to fight anymore.” They both nodded their heads in agreement. I snapped my fingers and released their lips.

  “Don’t do that again,” Odin said sounding angry. I looked at him and grinned. He knew what I was thinking. “Don’t Lilith,” I shrugged him off.

  “Now I need you both to listen to me. I don’t want y’all fighting with each other anymore. I love you both and I want you both in my life. But Parker I have chosen Odin to be my mate and if you can’t accept that then I understand. And Odin if Parker will have me I do want him as a friend in my life. But Parker I can’t have you fighting with Odin every time he touches me. And Odin I can’t have you fighting with Parker every time he tries to protect me. Can the both of you live with that?”

  After taking a moment they both said yes in unison.

  Chapter Twenty-Two

  Transforming made me so exhausted I could barely stand. “I know the two of you care about me and want to stay in my room with me to make sure I am okay but right now I need y’all to leave so I can sleep.

  “Are you okay?” Odin asked with a hint of concern in his voice.

  “Yeah, I think so.”

  “What do you mean you think so? You don’t look so good are you sure you are okay?”

  Suddenly the room began to spin out of control and black spots appeared in my vision. Familiar pain from the transformation started to resurface. Sweat started to form on my forehead and a loud ringing started in my ears. Pain was shooting up from my feet toward my stomach in constant waves. The pain was getting stronger. I called out for Odin and he was by my side within seconds. “Something's wrong.” I noticed him look at Parker with a hint of fright, but he quickly corrected himself.

  “It’s okay Lilith. It’s just part of the transformation,” he said to reassure me. He grabbed my hand to help me walk over to the bed, so I could lay down, but the second I moved my legs the same sharp agonizing pain shot straight to my heart. The pain caused me to throw my head back and let out a high-pitched scream until I blacked out and collapsed to the floor.

  In and out of consciousness, I could hear everyone in my room discussing what had happened to me. “What the hell was that?” someone asked

  “I don’t know,” Odin said.

  “That has never happened before.”

  “Her transformation has been completely different from any I have ever seen. When she transformed the first time and I put the ice cubes on her torso to cool the fever down, they instantly melted. I have never seen anything like it.”

  “Maybe we should call the Luminaries,” one of the female voices suggested.

  Coming all the way to the sweat had returned and I was burning up under the covers of my bed. “Odin.” I struggled to say his na

  Rushing to my side he asked, “How are you feeling?”

  “Hot. Please help me remove the covers.” I had no strength. Not even enough to lift my hands. “I can’t move,” I whispered breathlessly. He reached down and pulled the covers back. He placed his hand in mine before quickly jerking it back. “Odin what’s wrong?” I said, as tears started to form in my eyes.

  “Lilith you are burning up. We need to get you in a bath of cold water.”

  “But I can’t move.”

  “I’ll carry you baby.” He walked over and whispered something to Parker which made him walk over and place the back of his hand to my forehead. He also pulled his hand back quickly.

  “I’ll call the Luminaries while you get her in some cold water,” Parker said.

  “Ambi go run her a bath of pure cold water while I get her undressed. Everyone else please head downstairs so I can get her to the bath.” Without any arguing from Ambi everyone excited my room. Odin sat me up and began to undress me. Tears still ran down my face as Odin pulled my shirt off. Once my pants were off he unhooked my bra and removed what was left of my clothes leaving me naked in front of him. As he wiped away some of my tears he didn’t even seem to notice that I was naked. All he cared about was my wellbeing. And for that I was truly grateful. “Don’t worry Lamia Mea we will figure out what is wrong.” He placed a soft kiss to my lips that made me winch from the pain. Every nerve in my body was on fire and the slightest touch caused me so much pain. He lifted me off of the bed and his touch caused me to cry out and tears ran down harder from my eyes. “I’m sorry baby but you need to get in the cold water.”


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