Corruption of the Heart (The Corruption Series Book 1)

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Corruption of the Heart (The Corruption Series Book 1) Page 15

by Jessica Manson

  “I’m fine just hurry up and get me to the tub, so you can put me down.” As we got to the bathroom Ambi was leaving. She looked at me and I swear it actually looked like she was truly concerned for me. Entering the bathroom, I glanced at myself for a moment and my eyes were more sunk in than before and the already dark circles were even darker. My skin was so pale I looked like a ghost. I looked and felt like I was on the brink of death.

  Odin sat me down in the water and I instantly couldn’t breathe from the pain. It felt as if my burning nerve ending were suddenly becoming frozen. I grabbed for Odin not being able to speak. He needed to get me out but couldn’t understand what I needed. I tried to stand only to have my legs give out. My breaths started coming in short shallow pants like I was hyperventilating. I grabbed for Odin once more and finally he understood and pulled me out of the water.

  Once I was out I instantly fell to the floor crying out in pain. I was sobbing uncontrollably. “Baby tell me what I can do to help you.” There was so much pain in Odin’s voice, it broke my heart to have to watch him watch me helplessly.

  He put a towel over me then scooped me up into his arms. He ran down the stairs and whistled for everyone to follow. I was still crying uncontrollable when he took off running down the road with me in his arms. I could hear everyone’s footsteps behind us as everyone ran with us. When Odin stopped running I noticed we were at his house. He took me to his bedroom and laid me in his bed.

  “Odin please… I started to speak but was once again rendered unconscious.

  Chapter Twenty-Three


  I can’t stand to see her in pain like this. It is breaking my heart not being able to help her. I don’t even know what is wrong with her. Nothing like this has ever happened before. She should have transformed completely already and there was never supposed to be this much pain. Transforming should never be this bad for someone.

  I asked everyone to leave and I turned the big light off in my room settling for a lamp on my bedside table. I want to pull her into my arms and make everything okay for her but just my touch sends her into agonizing pain. I pulled my desk chair up to the bed where she laid unconscious. I placed my head in my hands and fought to hold back tears. I know I can’t break down now, I have to be strong for her. I fear that her transformation will kill her.

  A little knock jolts me out of my thoughts. I walk over to answer the door and Parker motions for me to step out into the hall. “I finally got in touch with the Luminaries.”

  “What did they say?” I asked, feeling hopeful that they had answers.

  “They have no clue as to why the transformation would be doing this to her.”

  “Parker, we have to help her. She will die if we don’t do something. I can’t lose her. I can’t,” I pleaded.

  “I know Odin. She means a lot to everyone here,” he said, as he patted me on the shoulder. “They want us to bring her to them, so they can examine her.”

  “We can’t take her to them. Just one little touch sends her into pain. There is no way she can make that trip.”

  “I told them that. They are going to come to her. They will also be bringing Kira. They think since she is to be part witch, it is a good idea to bring her along. Maybe she will have some answers as well.”

  “Thank you, Parker.”

  He nodded, and I went back into the room to be with my Lamia Mea. My love. My life. My future. She is my beginning and my end. My life didn’t start until I met her. I walked through this lonely immortal life waiting for the day my mate would be born. When I found out my mate finally came into existence after waiting for one hundred and twenty- two years I felt nothing. I thought knowing she would be born I would feel excited but there were no feelings.

  But when I laid my eyes on her for the first time, I knew she was meant for me. My heart fluttered, and excitement filled my body. I watched her for a few months before even making a move. She never even noticed me noticing her. She is so beautiful with her long orange, red hair and I longed to run my fingers through it. Her big radiant blue gray eyes sent desire spiraling through my body. Before I even knew her name my body longed to be with her. My heart laid desolate for years and I knew she would be the only girl that could make my heart open to love.

  She is the first and last thing on my mind each and every day. It has been that way since I first laid eyes on her. She awakens my soul and makes me want to be a better person. If I ever have done anything right in my life it was giving my heart to her. She is my reason to look forward to the next day. If I lost her I would lose everything including myself. It is truly amazing how one day someone can walk into your life and you can’t remember how you ever lived without them.

  I thought I felt heartbreak when Lilith wouldn’t have anything to do with me when I betrayed her trust. Nothing compares to this. I scooted closer to Lilith and laid my head next to her ear. “Baby I don’t know if you can hear me. I know today has been one of the worst days of your life, but baby I need you to hang on. Please hang on for me. We will have answers soon.” A tear finally slipped out of my eye. I quickly wiped it away, so she wouldn’t hear me cry if she could even hear me at all. Lilith began stirring in her sleep. She finally looked peaceful.

  Another knock came from the door. “How is she doing?” Ambi asked.

  “I don’t know.”

  “How are you holding up?”

  “As good as I can be while the love of my life lays in my bed fighting for her life.”

  “Odin, she will get through this. The Luminaries will know how to help her.”

  “I hope so. I can’t lose her Ambi. She is everything to me. If she dies, I die with her.” She placed a hand on my shoulder trying to be sympathetic.

  A moan escaped Lilith’s throat pulling me back into the room. As we stand there checking on her Parker came into the room. “They are here and want to see her.”

  ‘Okay. Ambi do you mind bringing them in here.”

  “Sure,” she said before she left

  A few minutes later five men and a petite woman stood towering over Lilith. “Leave us so we can examine the child.” One of them said.

  “I’m not leaving her side. You will have to examine her with me here.”

  “Boy you will do as we say.”

  “I will not leave her alone.”

  “Odin, maybe we should step out and let them do what they came to do. We can wait right outside the door,” Parker said placing his hand on my shoulder.

  “Fine but one scream from her and I’m coming right back in here,” I said to the man making me leave.

  “Very well.”

  Reluctantly I stepped into the hall. The minutes seemed to tick by so slowly. Glancing at my watch I noticed we had only been waiting in the hallway for fifteen minutes when it felt like an hour had passed. Everyone lined the wall of the hallway showing their support. My friends may have only met Lilith once, but they have grown to love her like she is their sister. Especially Calder. The two of them clicked from the moment they met. He seemed to be taking this almost as hard as I am. Even Ambi seemed saddened for Lilith.

  When the quiet was starting to become too much for me to handle the door to the bedroom opened and Kira stuck her head out, “She is awake. Would you like to come see her?” Everyone stepped toward the room causing her to stick out her hand, “Only one of you can come in for now.”

  As I stepped into the room and saw her sitting up in bed with a smile on her face. I ran to her. “Can I touch you?” I asked cautiously. When she nodded, I didn’t hesitate. I grabbed her into my arms and buried my head in her chest. “I thought I was losing you,” I whispered to her. She grabbed my face between her hands and pulled me in for a kiss. The power that came with this kiss made everything fade away. The pain, the Luminaries and the witch, my heartache were all gone. In this moment there was only me and her.

  We stayed wrapped in each other until one of the Luminaries cleared their throat
snapping us back to reality. “Would you like to know what is wrong with her?”

  “Yes please,” I said, a little too anxious.

  “Kira,” he said, causing the lady to step forward. “Explain.”

  “Before we came here we stopped by her house first and what we found is very unsettling.”

  “What did you find?”

  “Someone placed a spell on the house.”

  “What kind of spell?”

  “One that would keep her from changing. But the unsettling part is that whoever placed this spell did it, so she would die.”

  “What do you mean?”

  “The spell was meant to keep her from changing. Any time her body would try to transform the spell would try to stop her. But her transformation was too strong, it fought back. Her body willed her to change anyway. By doing this her body was at war with the spell. The spell was literally trying to make her heart explode. Had her body not shut down when it had both times she would have been killed instantly. May I ask you a question?”


  “What made you bring her here?” she asked me.

  “I don’t know. She was laying on the bathroom floor screaming and crying in pain and I felt so hopeless. For some reason at that moment I remembered how she thought my bed was so comfortable and without thinking I grabbed her and ran here.”

  “Interesting. She had fully developed her witch powers but the vampire part of her could not transform. She is more powerful than any of us ever suspected.”

  “What do you mean?”

  “When you brought her here what happened?”

  “Nothing. As soon as I laid her on my bed she blacked out.”

  “Lilith how do you feel dear.”

  “Great actually,” she said with excitement in her voice.

  “Let me tell you why. Odin when you suddenly remembered that she liked your bed was not a memory of yours, but of hers that she projected onto you. She subconsciously knew it was the house causing her harm. When you got her here and she blacked out her body shut down to let the transformation take place.”

  “Wait so she transformed?” I asked looking over at Lilith. Lilith nodded and smiled the biggest smile I have seen on her. My heart danced at the beauty of it.

  “She not only transformed but she is more powerful than any other witch or vampire in existence.”

  “What do you mean?”

  “She carries every single power known to witches and vampires. No one in either race has ever been blessed with every single power. Not to mention they are amplified times ten. To sum it up, she is truly spectacular.”

  “Yes she is,” I said, as I pulled her into my arms once more.

  “Odin, Lilith. I hate to interrupt but we must be going. I expect to see both of you bright and early in the morning for the Sacrament?”

  “Of course. We wouldn’t miss it,” Lilith said catching me off guard.

  We said our goodbyes and I walked the Luminaries and Kira to the door. They left taking Parker, Bristol and Tuls with them.

  Chapter Twenty-Four


  I walked back into my room to check on Lilith and found her rummaging through my dresser still naked. “Anything I can help you find?” I asked teasingly. She was so beautiful standing there. Her body was more than a guy could ask for. My mouth watered at the sight of her. Her skin looked so smooth and I longed to touch her. Hopefully, she wouldn’t notice the bulge in my pants. She had curves in all the right places and her breast had to be at least a C cup. Just the perfect size to fit perfectly in my hand. Her tiny waist was lean but not too muscly. Her hips flared out leading down into thick thighs. She is not a big girl by any means, but she, as I said before, has curves in all the right places.

  She looks as if she is an angel, in the form of the most beautiful girl on earth. Red orange hair, radiant and shining, cascaded down her back as she looked through my dresser. When she turned to look at me her blue, gray eyes were so clear I could see her soul. She wasn’t embarrassed to stand in front of me naked and I liked it. She had a confidence about her that was sexy and driving me wild. I couldn't help but wonder what it would be like to have her. I desperately needed to make her mine. Tomorrow wouldn’t get her fast enough.

  “Jesus Odin, you scared the crap out of me,” she snapped, as she hit me in the arm. “I am trying to find something of yours to wear. You wouldn’t want me walking in there in front of everyone naked, would you? Especially Cal.”

  “Of course not. Bottom drawer to the right. There should be a pair of night pants in there. I’ll grab you a normal shirt from the closet.” I took my time getting the shirt. I needed time to control my urges. I heard the drawer shut behind me and went ahead and grabbed the shirt. When I turned around she was standing right in front of me. She was so close I could smell her fruity shampoo. It took all the strength I had to keep from grabbing her and throwing her onto my bed. She ran her hand down my chest leaving a trail of heat behind. This did not help the growing bulge inside of my pants. My jeans were starting to become very uncomfortable. She stood up on her tip toes and gave me a very gentle kiss on the lips. It was so innocent, yet it sent a fire through me that I have never felt before.

  “Lamia Mea,” I whispered.

  “Odin,” she said, as she leaned closer into me. I dared not to touch her while she was naked. Once my hands landed on her smooth skin I knew there would be no turning back for me. As much as I enjoyed looking at her gorgeous body, she needed to get some clothes on before I lost all control of myself.

  “Yes?” I asked, as I pulled the shirt over her head.

  “What are you doing?” she asked, looking a little embarrassed.

  “I need you to get dressed?” Now she looked mortified and my heart sank to my stomach.

  “You don’t want me?” she asked, as she quickly pulled the night pants on.

  “No that’s not it.”

  “Then what is it. I wouldn’t say I’m a ten, but I have an okay body. Is it because I’m not as sexy as Ambi?”

  “Not a ten? Are you kidding me?” I walked across the room. I needed to step away from her before I proved to her just how wrong she is.

  “What’s wrong then?”

  I rubbed my face in my hands before speaking, “No you are not a ten, you are way more than that. You are the most beautiful, sexiest woman I have ever seen in all of my existence. And I need you to get dressed because it is taking everything I have not to have my way with you.” After letting out a deep breath I said, “And as for Ambi, you know you have nothing to worry about. I mean she is a good-looking girl, but she is nothing compared to you.”

  Lilith finally looked up at me with a huge grin on her face. “So, you think I’m sexy?”

  “Hell yes. And I’ll call Cal in here to prove it.”

  “Please, Cal thinks anything with a breast and a vagina is sexy.”

  “Then I’ll call the rest of the guys in here.” I walked over to the door and yelled for the guys to join us.

  “You better not,” she warned. I gave her my best mischievous grin before yelling again. “Odin don’t you dare embarrass me like that.” She looked so cute mad.

  “You know my clothes would look better on you. In fact, I would look better on you,” Cal said looking at Lilith. Anger boiled in me even though I knew he was messing with her.

  “So what’s up?” Gunner asked.

  I looked over at Lilith and grinned as she shot me a “Try me” look. I wasn’t going to back down. “So Lilith here…”

  Cutting me off she tried once more to keep me from speaking. “Odin, this is your last warning.”

  “As I was saying, Lilith seems to think that she isn’t…”

  “What the hell?” Cal asked.

  “Damn dude, where are your lips?” Latham asked. I leaned my head back and let out a deep breath through his nose before looking over at Lilith.

  When I looked at her she wo
re a “I’m very satisfied with myself” grin. “Are you done?” she asked.

  “Holy shit Lilith, did you do this?” Cal asked.

  “No way?” Gunner, Brant, and Dex all said in unison as they turned to look at her.

  “Remind me to not get on your bad side,” Latham said.

  Anger built up inside of me the longer I was unable to speak. I scowled at Lilith which made her say, “I’ll ask again. Are. You. Done?” she made sure to accentuate each word.

  I nodded. She finally released my lips. “Lilith doesn’t think she is sexy,” I said as fast as I could before she could take my lips again. She wasn’t going to make me be quiet. I knew she would be mad, but she would get over it. She needed to understand just how sexy she was, so she would never question me again.

  “Are you freaking kidding me?” her voice nearly screeched with anger.

  Cal walked over and put an arm around her shoulders, “You already know I think you are hot.”

  “You are quite a sight to look at,” Latham said.

  “I second that,” Gunner agreed.

  “Definitely,” Dex said.

  “You are definitely beautiful Lilith,” Tristian said, with a twinkle in his eye that made me think this might have been a bad idea. I couldn’t help but wonder how he felt about her. The look in his eye told me he felt something for her just as I do.

  “Sexy should have been your middle name,” Brant teased.

  Removing his arm from her shoulder Cal circled her before saying, “I’ll admit I have a dirty mind and right now you are running through it naked.”

  “Calder!” Lilith said, as she smacked him in the back of the head.

  “Dude why do you have to be so out there?” Brant asked.

  “What? It’s not like every one of you haven’t thought about her too. I’m just honest about it,” Cal shot back.

  “Okay, that is enough. Everyone out.” Lilith looked more than pissed. “If all of you want to keep your eyesight I suggest you leave this room now.”

  Fuck! I think I just messed up royally. She is going to have my head for this one. I tried to sneak out with everyone else. “Odin if you know what is good for you, you will not leave this room,” she snapped at me causing me to stop in my tracks.


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