Palestinians: annexation with full rights; education system; expulsions/deportations of; imprisonment of, see prisons, Israeli; moderates, Israeli treatment of; national identity of; 1948 War and, see Israeli-Palestinian War, 1947–1948; refugees, see refugees, Palestinian; Six-Day War, see Six-Day War; tribal system of justice (Sulha); as underclass of workers; village life and culture of; Zionism and, see Zionism, rights and property of Palestinian Arabs and
Panama, U.S. invasion of
Pan-Arabism; history of; see also Arab nationalism
Park Hotel Passover Massacre
Party of Vagabonds
Patai, Ralph
Paul VI, Pope
Peace Now
People’s Campaign for Peace and Democracy, see HASHD
People’s Voice
Peres, Shimon; Government of National Unity; “Jordanian option” and; Oslo Agreement and; Sari’s meeting with; settlement movement and
Peri, Yaʾakov
Petah Tikva working paper
Piaf, Edith
Pines, Shlomo
“PLO Represents the People, Not Itself, The,”
Podhoretz, Norman
Popper, Sir Karl
Popular Democratic Front for the Liberation of Palestine (PDFLP)
Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine (PFLP)
Possessed, The (Dostoyevsky)
Powell, Colin
Presley, Elvis
Preventive Security Academy, Jericho
prisons, Israeli; first intifada and; interrogations and torture in; Sari Nusseibeh’s arrest and imprisonment; Palestinian prisoner movement; Petah Tikva working paper
Problems of Philosophy (Russell)
Protocols of the Elders of Zion
Pundak, Ron
Qaisi, Zuhair
Qassam, Sheikh Izzeddin
al-Qawukji, Fawzi
Qibya, 1953 massacre in
Queen’s College, Cambridge
Quine, W.V.O.
Qureiʾa, Ahmed, see Abu Ala
Rabbo, Hassan Abed
Rabbo, Yasser Abed
Rabin, Yitzhak; assassination of; first intifada and; Government of National Unity; Oslo Agreement and; settlements and; Six-Day War and
Radcliffe Institute at Harvard
Rajoub, Jibril; attempted assassination of; expulsion of; Higher Political Committee and Fatah Higher Committee; Palestinian security forces and; Parliamentary seat sought by; suicide bombings and
Ramadan War
Ramle, village of
el-Rayyes, Zuheir
Reagan, Ronald
Red Cross
refugee camps; first intifada and
refugees, Palestinian, see Israeli-Palestinian War, 1947–1948, Palestinian refugees; refugee camps; right of return
Remnick, David
Revolt, The (Begin)
Rice, Condoleezza
Richard the Lionheart, King
right of return; Destination Map and
roadblocks, see checkpoints and roadblocks
Rock of Golgotha
Rohan, Michael
Ross, Dennis
Rothschild, Baron Edmond de
Rothschild, Lord (Walter)
Rousseau, Jean-Jacques
Rubinstein, Danny
Rubinstein, Eliakim
Rugby (English prep school)
rule of law, constitutional
Rumsfeld, Donald
Rushdie, Jamil
Russell, Bertrand
Sabra, Abdulhamid
Sadat, Anwar; Camp David Accords; speech before the Knesset, 1977
Safadi, Mahmoud
Safieh, Afif
Safwat, Ismail
Said, Edward
al-Sakakini, Khalil
Salah, Munthir
Sarid, Yossi
“Sari Nusseibeh—Arafat’s Mouth, but Saddam’s Eyes and Ears,”
Sartawi, Issam
Saudi Arabia
el-Sayegh, Yousef
Al-Sayeh, Sheikh Abdel Hamid
Sbeihat, Samir; the first intifada and
Sbouh, Sherif
Schmidt Girls’ College
Schola Cantorum
second intifada, see intifada, second
Security Fence, Israeli; Al-Quds University campus and; as “Apartheid Wall,”; history of idea for; Sharon’s motive; violence created by
Sephronius, Bishop
Sesame Street, Palestinian-Israeli version of
settlements, Israeli; Christian fundamentalists and; “disengagement” from Gaza; in East Jerusalem, see East Jerusalem, Israeli settlements in; Gush Emunim settler movement, see Gush Emunim settler movement; Madrid Conference and; as obstacle to peace; Oslo Agreement and; terrorist attacks and; two-state solution hindered by; in the West Bank, see West Bank, Israeli settlements in
sexual freedom
Shaʾath, Nabil
Shabibah (Fatah youth movement); first intifada and
Shafi, Dr. Haidar Abdul
Shahal, Moshe
Shakaʾa, Bassam
Shamir, Yitzhak; Government of National Unity; Madrid Conference and peace talks; secret peace negotiations in 1987
“Shamir Plan,”
Sharansky, Natan
Sharon, General Ariel; “disengagement” from Gaza; elections of 2001; elections of 2003; Lebanon invasion of 1982; Oslo Agreement and; Qibya massacre and; retaking of the West Bank and destruction of the PA; Security Fence and, see Security Fence, Israeli; settlement movement and; the Village League and; visit to the Temple Mount and second intifada; Yom Kippur War
Shaʾth, Nabil
Shehadeh, Sameer; arrest and interrogation of; Destination Map and; the first intifada and; sons of
al-Sheikh, Hussein
Sher, Gilʾad
Shiite Muslims
Shikaki, Khalil
Shin Bet (Israeli security service); Al-Quds University’s administrative offices and; Ami Ayalon as head of; first intifada and; HASHD and; Sari Nusseibeh and; Petah Tikva Prison working paper and
Shtayyeh, Mohammed
Shuhaded, Abdul Fattah
Shukeiri, Ahmad
Sinai War of 1956
Siniora, Hanna; the first intifada and
Six-Day War; events leading to; Israeli borders after
60 Minutes
Smadi, Hamzeh; the first intifada and
“Smarter Without Violence” summer camp
Smithsonian Institution
Sneh, Efraim
Sofer, Arnon
“Son of Anwar Nusseibeh, The,”
Sontag, Susan
Soros, George
South Africa, apartheid regime in
Soviet Jews
Spaer, Arnold
speech, freedom of
Stalin, Joseph
Stern, Abraham
Stern Gang (Fighters for the Freedom of Israel)
St. George’s School
St. Hilda’s College
Strauss, Leo
Strawson, Peter
Stroumsa, Gedaliahu (“Guy”)
Stroumsa, Sarah
suicide bombings; motivation of; Park Hotel Passover Massacre
Supreme Court, Israeli
Sykes-Picot Pact
Syria; Baath Party and
Taha, Mutawakkil
Tale of Love and Darkness, A (Oz)
Tawil, Raymondah
Teitelbaum, Joel
Temple Mount, see Al-Aqsa (Noble Sanctuary) (Temple Mount)
Temple Mount Faithful
terrorism; Hamas and, see Hamas, terrorism and; Hezbollah and, see Hezbollah; Irgun; 9/11; Stern Gang (Fighters for the Freedom of Israel); suicide bombings, see suicide bombings
Thieves in the Night (Koestler)
“Thinking the Unthinkable,”
Thoreau, Henry David
Thorpe, Merle
Time for Peace document
Times of London
Tolkien, J.R.R.
Tolstoy, Leo
Truman, Harry S.
Tutu, Desmond
two-state solution; Bush and; Destination Map, see Destination Map; the first intifada and; grassroots approach to; the Husseini Document and; No Trumpets, No Drums; Anwar Nusseibeh and; opinion polls; secret peace negotiation of 1987; settlements as hindrance to
Ubadah ibn al-Samit
Um Jihad
Unified National Leadership of the Uprising or Unified Command (UNC); arrest and interrogation of members of; speculation about members of
United Arab Emirates
United Nations; emergency forces; Military Order 854 and
United Nations General Assembly; Arafat’s 1974 speech at; partition of Palestine, 1947
United Nations Relief and Works Agency (UNWRA)
United Nations Security Council Resolution 242; Resolution 338
University of Pavia, lecture at
University of Virginia
U.S. State Department
Van Leer Jerusalem Institute
Vietnam Solidarity Campaign
Village League
Vocational Training Institute
Voice of the Arabs
Voice of the Lightning Bolt
Walden (Thoreau)
Wallace, Mike
War and Peace (Tolstoy)
Warburg, Aby
Warburg Institute
Washington Post, The
Weisglass, Dov
Weizmann, Chaim
West Bank; anarchy in; economy of; first intifada and, see intifada, first; Israeli occupation of; Israeli settlements in; Jordanian control of; military governors of; nationalist mayors in, fate of; Palestinian Authority and, see Palestinian Authority (PA); Security Fence and, see Security Fence, Israeli; Sharon’s 2002 retaking of; Six-Day War and; warlordism, degeneration into
West Bank Civil Administration
Western Wall (al-Burak); al-Buraq Revolt of 1929; Six-Day War and
West Jerusalem, Israeli-controlled; see also East Jerusalem; Jerusalem
“What Next?,”
Wilfrid Israel Museum
will, free
will, individual; see also free will
Williams, Kit
Williamson, Molly
Wilson, Woodrow
Wittgenstein, Ludwig
Wolf, John
Wolfowitz, Paul
Woman of Violence: Memoirs of a Young Terrorist, 1943–1948 (Cohen)
Woman’s Determination, A
Women in Black
Woodrow Wilson Institute, Washington, D.C.
World Bank
World Conference of Muslims, 1922
World War I
World War II
Wretched of the Earth, The (Fanon)
Wye Agreement and negotiations
Yaʾacobi, Gad
Yaari, Ehud
Yaari, Menahem
Yassin, Sheikh Ahmad; arrest of; Hamas charter of 1988 and; Israeli government’s support for Islamists and; release from prison; “Shamir plan” and
Yom Kippur War
Young Turks
Young Women’s Muslim Society
Zayed, Sheikh
Zimmerman, Fritz
Zionism; Balfour Declaration and, see Balfour Declaration; end of World War I and; history of; 1948 War and; partition of Palestine and; rights and property of Palestinian Arabs and
Zionism: Its History, Aims, and Importance (Nassar)
Zippori, Mordechai
Zuheikeh, Salah
No Trumpets, No Drums: A Two-State Settlement
of the Israeli-Palestinian Conflict (with Mark A. Heller)
About the Author
Sari Nusseibeh, a philosopher, was the Palestine Liberation Organization’s chief representative in Jerusalem from 2001 to 2002, in which role he advocated a two-state solution to the Israel-Palestine conflict. He is the president of and a professor at Al-Quds University, the Arab University of Jerusalem. Nusseibeh was educated at Oxford and Harvard, and was a Radcliffe Institute Fellow at Harvard for 2004-05. He is the author of two previous books. You can sign up for author updates here.
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Title Page
Copyright Notice
Prologue A Fairy Tale
One The Key
Two The Pan-Arab Nation
Three Promises, Promises
Four The Herod’s Gate Committee
Five The Pepper Tree
Six A Grapevine
Seven Smashing Idols
Eight Sunflower
Nine Monticello
Ten The Lemon Tree Café
Eleven The Salon
Twelve Military Order 854
Thirteen Masquerade
Fourteen Murder on the Via Dolorosa
Fifteen Faisal Husseini
Sixteen Annex Us!
Seventeen Sticks and Stones
Eighteen The Exorcism
Nineteen A Declaration of Independence
Twenty Interrogation
Twenty-one Ramle Prison
Twenty-two Madrid
Twenty-three A Shadow Government
Twenty-four Oslo
Twenty-five The Disappearance
Twenty-six Porcupines and Roosters
Twenty-seven Holy of Holies
Twenty-eight The Possessed
Twenty-nine Allies
Thirty Checkmate
Thirty-one The Iron Fist
Thirty-two “The Tigers”
Thirty-three The Perfect Crime
Epilogue A Night Journey
Also by Sari Nusseibeh
About the Author
Farrar, Straus and Giroux
19 Union Square West, New York 10003
Copyright © 2007 by Sari Nusseibeh
All rights reserved
First edition, 2007
All uncredited photographs are courtesy of the author.
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Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data Nusseibeh, Sari.
Once upon a country : a Palestinian life / Sari Nusseibeh with Anthony David.
p. cm.
Includes bibliographical references.
eISBN: 978-1-250-09875-7
1. Nusseibeh, Sari. 2. Palestinian Arabs—Biography. 3. Arab-Israeli conflict. I. David, Anthony, Ph.D. II. Title.
DS119.7.N825 2007
[B] 2006013272
Designed by Michelle McMillian
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