Ereikat, Saeb; described; Madrid Conference and peace negotiations
Eshkol, Levi
Ethics (Aristotle)
European Union
Faisal al-Hussein (Arabian sheikh)
Fanon, Frantz
al-Farabi, Abu Nasr
el-Faraʾneh, Hamadeh
Farouk, King
Farrar, Straus and Giroux
Fatah; Al-Quds University students; as Arab acronym; Battle of Karameh; Central Committee; clashes between Hamas and; finances and corruption; the first intifada and, see intifada, first; HASHD and; Likud compared to; “militant” and “diplomatic” arms of; Sari Nusseibeh’s recruitment to; PLO compared with; suicide bombings and; Tanzim; transformation to a political party from guerrilla movement; youth movement, see Shabibah (Fatah youth movement); see also names of leaders
Fatah Higher Committee
Federation of the Union Employees in Palestinian Universities and Institutes of Higher Learning; Military Order 854 and
Fighters for the Freedom of Israel (Stern Gang)
Fisher, Lady
Fisk, Robert
Ford Foundation
Fourteen Points (first intifada)
freedom, human; Nusseibeh’s Freedom course
Free Palestine
free will; see also will, individual
Frege, Gottlob
Freij, Elias
Gandhi, Mahatma
Gaza; economy of; first intifada and, see intifada, first; military governor of; Palestinian Authority and, see Palestinian Authority (PA); Sharon’s “disengagement” from; Six-Day War and; Yassin’s activities in, see Yassin, Sheikh Ahmad
Gaza-Jericho Accord of 1994
Genet, Jean
Geneva Accord
Geneva Agreement
Geneva Conventions
Ghanim, Sheikh
Ghazzawi, Izzat; the first intifada and
Ghisi, Gianni
Ginsberg, Allen
Glock, Dr. Albert
Glubb, John Bagot (Glubb Pasha)
Goldsmith’s Souk (Suq al-Khawajat)
Goldstein, Baruch
Goldstein, Shalom
Gorbachev, Mikhail
Gordon, General Charles
Gramm, Phil
grassroots approach to the two-state solution
Greek Orthodox Church, archbishop of
Grillparzer, Franz
Guardian, The
Gulf War, 1991
Gush Emunim settler movement
Hadassah Hospital
al-Haleem, Abed
Hamad, Abd el-Rahman
Hamami, Jamil
Hamas; Al-Quds University students and; charter of 1988; clashes between Fatah and; formation of; Izzeddin al-Qassam Brigade; opposition to peace talks; Oslo Agreement and; pacifist origins of; Parliamentary elections, victory in; social services; terrorism and
Hammer, Joshua
Hanan (Sari Nusseibeh’s secretary)
Hanegbi, Tzahi
Haniyyah, Akram; Madrid Conference and
Harald V, King
Harcourt, Hugh
Hart, H.L.A.
Hartman, David
Harvard University; Arab Student Society at
HASHD; “tiger” leaders
Ha-shomer Ha-tzaír (“Young Guard”)
Hassouneh, Ali
Havel, Václav
Hazorea, Kibbutz
Hazzaʾ, Ahmad
Hebrew University; Sari Nusseibeh as teacher at; Sari Nusseibeh’s 2001 lecture at
Hebron, Goldstein massacre and riots in
Hebron Islamic College
Hegel, Georg Friedrich Wilhelm
Heidegger, Martin
Helena, mother of Constantine the Great
Hellenistic culture and philosophy
Heller, Mark A.
Herod’s Gate Committee
Hersh, Seymour
Herzl, Theodor
Herzliya Conferences; 2004
Herzog, Chaim
Higher Islamic Council
Higher Political Committee
Hirschfeld, Yair
Hirst, David
History and Philosophy of Logic
Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy, The (Adams)
Hitler, Adolf
Hleileh, Samir
Hockstader, Lee
Hodgkins, Teddy
Hoffman, Stanley
Holy Land Press Service
Holy Sepulcher; see also Church of the Holy Sepulcher
How to Do Things with Words (Austin)
Human Chain initiative
Hussein, King of Jordan; Arafat and; assumes power; expulsion of PLO from Jordan; relations with Israel; Six-Day War and
Hussein, Saddam
Husseini, Faisal; ancestry of; court hearings; death and funeral of; Gulf War and; imprisonment of; Madrid Conference and peace negotiations; Oslo Agreement and; secret peace negotiation of 1987 and; Sharon’s visit to the Temple Mount and
Husseini, Haj Amin, grand mufti of Jerusalem
al-Husseini, Musaa Kazim
el-Husseini, Abdel Kader
Husseini Document
Husseini family
Hyde Park, “Speakers Corner,”
Idris, Adnan
Ignatius, David
Independent, The (London)
Indyk, Martin
International Commission of Jurists
International Court of Justice in the Hague
International Herald Tribune
International Monetary Fund
intifada, first; “collaborators,” killings of; curfews during; diplomatic initiatives; financing of; Fourteen Points; the Husseini Document; Israeli public and; “the Jerusalem Document,”; provisional government, creation of a; serialized monthly leaflets; “Shamir plan,”; start of; UNC, see Unified National Leadership of the Uprising or Unified Command (UNC); violence, eruption of
intifada, second
Iraq Baath Party and; Gulf War
Iron Fist
“Iron Wall: We and the Arabs, The,”
Ishaq, Jad
Islam; rites and celebrations
Islamic Association
Islamic Brotherhood
Islamic civilization
Islamic Jihad
Islamic philosophy
Islamists; growth of the Islamic movement in 1980s; Hamas, see Hamas; Israeli support for, as foil to secular Palestinian nationalists; students at Birzeit University in 1980s; Yassin and, see Yassin, Sheikh Ahmad
Israel: Gulf War and; Lebanon invasion of 1982; Security Fence, see Security Fence, Israeli; see also individual leaders
Israel, Wilfrid
Israeli Council for Higher Education
Israeli-Palestinian conflict: the heart of; intifadas, see intifada, first; intifada, second; mutual lack of understanding; nonviolence and, see nonviolence and civil disobedience; one-state solution, see one-state solution; peace talks, see specific negotiations and individuals; shared future and mutual interests; Six-Day War, see Six-Day War; two-state solution, see two-state solution; unwritten rules of; Yom Kippur War
Israeli-Palestinian Science Organization (IPSO)
Israeli-Palestinian War, 1947–1948; Anwar Nusseibeh’s memoirs, see Nusseibeh, Anwar (father), memoirs of the 1948 War; Palestinian refugees; preparedness of opponents for
Israeli Special Forces
Israel Radio
Jaʾbari, Nabil
el-Jabbar, Abd
Jabotinsky, Zev
Jaffa Port
Jamal Pasha
Jane’s Foreign Report
Jefferson, Thomas
Jericho Conference
Jerusalem; archeological digs in; as city of three faiths; cold war atmosphere; East Jerusalem, see East Jerusalem; history of; Mea Sharim; 1948 War and; No Man’s Land; Old City, see East Jerusalem, Old City; prior to the Six-Day War; religious pilgrimage to; secret peace negotiation of 1987; Six-Day War and; tourism; UN partition plan and; see also Jerusalem; West Jerusalem, Israeli-controlled
Jerusalem Epistle, The (al-Ghazali)
Jerusalem Post
Jerusalem Report
Jewish Mind, The (Patai)
Jewish Quarter
Jewish State, The (Herzl)
Jibril, Ahmad
Jordan: Arafat and the PLO; intelligence service; Transjordan renamed; see also Hussein, King of Jordan
“Jordanian option,” Peres and
Joudeh family
Kafka, Franz
Kahane, Meir
Kamal, Zahira
Kant, Immanuel
Karʾaeen, Ibrahim
Katzav, Moshe
Kelman, Herbert
Kelman, Rose
Kennedy, John F.
Khader, Sami
Khalidi, Ahmad
al-Khalidi, Ahmad Sameh
Khalidi, Walid
al-Khalidi, Zia
Khalidi family
Khalifeh, Sahar
Khan, Zadoc
Khartoum Conference, 1967
el-Khatib, Rauhi
Khomeini, Ayatollah
Khrushchev, Nikita
Kimmerling, Baruch
King, Martin Luther, Jr.
King David Hotel, 1946 bombing of
Knesset, Israeli; Sadat’s 1977 speech
Koestler, Arthur
Kol HaʾIr
Kollek, Teddy; Israeli settlements in East Jerusalem and
Kulthum, Umm
Kurtzer, Daniel
Kuttab, Daoud
Kuwait and the Gulf War
Labor Party, Israeli; elections of 2003; peace platform, 2003; Security Fence and
Landau, Uzi
“Language of Sin, The,”
Larsen, Terje
Lawrence, T. E. (Lawrence of Arabia)
Laws (Plato)
League of Arab States
Lebanon; Israeli 1982 invasion of; Israeli occupation of southern; “Kahan Report,”; massacre at Sabra and Shatila refugee camps; suicide bombings killing U.S. Marines in
Leibniz, Gottfried
Leibowitz, Yeshayahu
Lemon Tree Café, Jerusalem
Lewis, Anthony
Lewis, C. S.
Lieberman, Avigdor
Life of Brian
Likud Party, Israeli; elections and; Fatah compared with; secret peace negotiations of 1987 and; settlement movement and
Living Son of the Vigilant, The (Avicenna)
Locke, John
Macias, Enrico
Madrid Conference and peace talks; negotiations leading to; Palestinian political committees to support the; Palestinian shadow government; Ramallah rally in support of
Magnes, Judah
Mahdi, Muhsin
al-Maʾmoun, second Abbasid caliph
Mandela, Nelson
Margalit, Avishai
Masquerade (Williams)
McNamara, Robert
Meir, Golda
MEND (Middle East Nonviolence and Democracy)
Meretz Party
Meridor, Dan
Metamorphosis (Kafka)
Middle East in the World Economy, 1800–1914, The (Owen)
Middle East Peace Institute, Washington, D.C.
Military Order 752
Military Order 830
Military Order 854
Military Order 994
Military Order 1015
Military Order 1020
Military Order 1143
Military Order 1147
Miller, Arthur
Milo, Roni
Milson, Menachem
Missing Peace, The (Ross)
Mitzna, Avram
Mohammed; tale of the Night Journey
Moledet Party, Israeli
Monday Report, The
Monde, Le
Monde Diplomatique, Le
Monnet, Jean
Monticello, Jefferson’s
Moskowitz, Irving
Mount Scopus
Mount Zion
Munich Olympics, murder of Israeli athletes at
Muslim Brotherhood
Najjab, Suleiman
al Nashashibi, Fakhri
Nashashibi family
Nasir, Hanna
Nasir, Musa
Nasru, Fathiyya; the first intifada and
Nassar, Najib
Nasser, Gamal Abdul-
Nasser, Jamil
National Guidance Committee
National Review
Natsheh, Mustafa
Nazzal, Nafez
Netanyahu, Benjamin “Bibi,”; Oslo Agreement and
New Left Review
New Statesman, The
New Yorker, The
New York Review of Books, The
New York Times, The
Night Journey to Jerusalem, Mohammed’s
Nixon, Richard
Nobel Peace Prize
Noble Sanctuary, see Al-Aqsa (Noble Sanctuary) (Temple Mount)
nonviolence and civil disobedience; first intifada, see intifada, first; Palestinian prisoner movement and; Security Fence and Al-Quds University; training course; see also Nusseibeh, Sari (author), peace efforts since 2001
Noor, Queen of Jordan
No Trumpets, No Drums (Nusseibeh and Heller)
Novick, Robert
Nusaybah family, see Nusseibeh family
Nussbaum, Martha
Nusseibeh, Absal (son); education of; Sari’s arrest and prison term; Sari’s letter from prison to
Nusseibeh, Ahmad (relative)
Nusseibeh, Ahmad (uncle)
Nusseibeh, Anwar (father); after the Six-Day War; cancer, battle with; childhood of; death and funeral of; education of; as governor of Jerusalem; King Hussein and; injured in 1948 War; as Jordanian ambassador to England; as Jordanian minister of defense; Jordanian parliament and; legal career; memoirs of the 1948 War; Palestinian “government” in Cairo and; as pan-Arabist; religion and; as teacher; Zionism and
Nusseibeh, Buraq (son); education of; the first intifada and; Sari’s arrest and prison term; Sari’s letter from prison to
Nusseibeh, Hassan (uncle)
Nusseibeh, Hatem (brother)
Nusseibeh, Hazem (uncle)
Nusseibeh, Jamal (son); education of; the first intifada and; Sari’s arrest and prison term; Sari’s letter from prison to; Shin Bet threats and
Nusseibeh, Lucy Austin (wife); in Abu Dhabi; conversion to Islam; courtship; engagement; family background; the first intifada and; marriage of; nonviolence and; Sari’s arrest and prison term; Shin Bet threats and; as teacher; in the U.S.
Nusseibeh, Munira (sister)
Nusseibeh, Nuzha (daughter)
Nusseibeh, Nuzha (mother); after 1948 War; after Six-Day War; school for girls; Shin Bet threats and; street politics and; Zionism and Jews
Nusseibeh, Saedah (sister)
Nusseibeh, Saker (brother)
Nusseibeh, Salim (cousin)
Nusseibeh, Sari (author) in Abu Dhabi; Al-Quds University and, see Al-Quds University, Sari Nusseibeh as president of; arrest and prison term; attacked as “traitor,”; birth of; bodyguards; “bombshell,” equal rights within Israel; childhood of; death threats; education of; family farm in Jordan Valley; the first intifada, role in; imprisonment; Madrid Conference and shadow government; naming of; nonviolence and, see nonviolence and civil disobedience; No Trumpets, No Drums; one-state solution, see one-state solution; PA corruption, investigation of; par
able illustrating the strength of the weak; peace efforts since 2001; PLO, Jerusalem post and; secret peace negotiation of 1987; Shin Bet and, see Shin Bet (Israeli security service), Sari Nusseibeh and; Six-Day War and; as teacher; two-state solution and, see two-state solution; union for university employees and; in the U.S. in 1990s; in the U.S. studying for his Ph.D.; “What Next?,”
Nusseibeh, Zaki (brother); in Abu Dhabi; Six-Day War and
Nusseibeh, Zaki (cousin)
Nusseibeh family; Al-Kasr (“The Castle”); as doorkeepers of Church of the Holy Sepulcher; Jerusalem’s history and role of
Occupied Territories; Israeli settlements in, see settlements, Israeli; return of Arafat and PLO exiles to; see also Gaza; West Bank
Olmert, Ehud
Omar the Great, Caliph
one-state solution
Open Society Foundation
Orient House; Madrid Conference and; Palestinian shadow government, work on
Oslo peace process and Oslo Agreement; Barak and; critics of; Declaration of Principles (DOP); disenchantment with; Ross’s history of, see Missing Peace, The (Ross)
Ottoman Empire: decline of; World War I and
Owen, Roger
Oxford University; Christ Church college
Oz, Amos
Palestine al-Buraq Revolt of 1929; British administration of, see Britain, Palestine administered by; Great Rebellion of 1936–39; in late nineteenth century; mass immigration of Jews to; UN partition of, 1947; World War I and; Zionism and, see Zionism
Palestine Arab Liberation Army
Palestine Liberation Front (PLF)
Palestine Liberation Organization (PLO); Charter of 1964; competition between Islamists and; Executive Committee; first intifada and; Gulf War, support for Saddam Hussein in; Israeli warfare with; Madrid Conference and; nonviolence and; Sari Nusseibeh’s Jerusalem post; Sari Nusseibeh’s views on; Observer status at UN General Assembly; Oslo peace process and; recognition of Israel’s right to exist; regarded as terrorist organization by Israeli government; rhetoric of; union for employees of Palestinian universities and Military Order 854; Shiekh Yassin and
Palestine National Congress of 1964
Palestine National Covenant
Palestine Post
Palestinian Authority (PA); creation of a government; East Jerusalem and; elections of 1995 and; finances and corruption; ineffectual government by; Ministry of Higher Education; Oslo Agreement and creation of; security forces; Sharon’s retaking of the West Bank and destruction of the
Palestinian Center for the Study of Non-Violence
Palestinian Communist Party
Palestinian Economic Council for Development and Reconstruction (PECDAR)
Palestinian-Israeli conflict, see Israeli-Palestinian conflict
Palestinian Legislative Council
Palestinian nationalism; the countryside and; Sari’s Al-Quds article on
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