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Getting Lei'd

Page 14

by Ann Omasta

  “Here,” we both say in unison, then smile at each other.

  “I can move if you would prefer it,” Kai offers sweetly, “but I thought if we stayed here, we could set up an artist’s studio for you right over here.” He points to an unused corner of the resort. “It should get great light all day, and you can sell your masterpieces on the beach.”

  “Perfect,” I tell him, and I mean it. I couldn’t have conjured a better solution if I were to have a genie who would make all of my wildest dreams come true.

  “What about your job?” Mother asks. “Your real job,” she clarifies when she realizes that we have just decided on my vocation. She has never taken my art seriously, and her insinuation that it isn’t “real” proves that she still feels like it is a silly hobby.

  “I’ve never liked being an accountant, Mother,” I inform her, although I’m pretty sure she already knew that. “Painting is my calling, and I’m good at it. For perhaps the first time, I’m going to listen to my inner voice and follow my intuition. This is how I want to spend my life.”

  Not to be deterred, Mother tries another angle. “You two barely know each other,” she points out. “Have you even discussed any of the big decisions?” At our blank stare, she prompts, “How many children do you want to have?”

  “Two,” I say at the exact same time that Kai says, “Four.”

  We look at each other in surprise, before both of us say, “Three.” We beam at each other.

  Mother throws her hands up in the air as if we are completely doomed. “We’ll figure it all out, Mother,” I tell her. “We are committed to this, and we are going to make it work.”

  Her lips are still pursed, but she evidently decides that she won’t be able to change my mind tonight because she says, “Well, as long as you have a nice, long engagement to truly get to know each other, I guess we can figure it out.”

  I’m certain that she’s thinking she will be able to talk some sense into me once the euphoria of the evening settles. I know that I am meant to be with Kai, and she will never be able to change my mind about that, but I’ll wait until a more appropriate time to inform her of these facts.

  “About the length of our engagement,” Kai says. “We couldn’t ask for a more picturesque setting for our wedding, and all of our loved ones are here . . .” He smiles down at me, and I can tell where he is heading with this. “If you want more time to think it over, I’ll understand, but tonight seems to me like the perfect time to get married.”

  “Perfect,” I answer him, and I mean it.

  My mother’s glasses, which she always has perched on the tip of her nose, slide down her face. “What? Why? How?” she blusters. “You don’t even have a marriage license,” she finally tries.

  “We’ll take care of that later,” Kai shoots that argument down. “We will tie ourselves to each other forever in our hearts in front of our family and friends this evening. The paperwork is just a formality. It can wait.”

  “You’re rushing into this because you know it’s a mistake.” She glares at me.

  I don’t point out that her logic doesn’t make any sense. Instead, I say, “I’ve never been more sure of anything in my life.” Kai and I gaze at each other, and I know without a doubt that I am making the right decision.

  “Your father and I do not support this marriage.” Mother drops her trump card.

  I suck in a breath, but it’s my dad who speaks. “Stop it, Caroline.” My quiet, reserved father steps in. I have rarely seen him stand up to my mother, and I am overflowing with joy that he still has it in him. “Roxy, you are our daughter, and we love you unconditionally. If you say this is right, then we are wholeheartedly behind you.” My mother’s mouth opens and closes a few times. She looks like a hooked guppy gulping for water, but she remains silent.

  I hurl myself into my father’s arms for a big hug. “Thank you, Daddy,” I say, unsure why I reverted to calling him that. He squeezes me tight before kissing my cheek.

  “I love you, sweetheart,” he tells me before releasing me.

  When I turn to my mother, I’m surprised to see an unshed tear glistening in her eye. Behind me, I can hear Kai and my dad shaking hands initially then deciding to hug it out. “I only want what’s best for you,” Mother informs me.

  “I know,” I tell her, and I mean it. Although she almost always tries to bully me into her way of thinking, I know that her intentions are pure. We stay there for a long moment. I have stood up to her and am now knowingly going against her wishes. The anticipation of waiting to see her final reaction is unnerving.

  Finally, she huffs out a breath and says, “If you really think this is what you want, then I’ll stand behind your decision.” I exhale in relief before lunging myself at her for a hug. She can’t seem to keep herself from adding in my ear, “Even if I do think it’s a monumental mistake.”

  I refuse to let the snide comment bother me. I am getting ready to marry the man of my dreams. My life is absolutely perfect right now, and I won’t let anything intrude on my happiness.

  Baggy and Ruthie aren’t here. The thought barges its way into my mind. Despite my wish not to let anything mar my perfect surprise wedding night, my absent sister and grandmother might be a dealbreaker. Should I wait until they can be here to enjoy my big day? Will they be disappointed in me? That last worrisome question is what convinces me. If there are two people on Earth who encourage me to be spontaneous, carefree, and maybe even a little reckless, it’s Baggy and Ruthie.

  I am confident that they will be delighted with my disregard for the rules and social norms by marrying Kai on a whim so soon after my planned marriage to another man. They will be convinced that they are turning me into a free spirit who lives her life as she pleases, by no one’s rules, but her own. If I’m completely honest with myself, that doesn’t sound like a bad way to live. It’s time for me to step out of my comfort zone and enjoy the life that I am meant to have.

  “Let’s do this,” I say to Kai, and the tent quickly erupts into a rambunctious roar of excitement. Even Mother is smiling.

  Chapter 37

  Tiki torches light the path to the altar where Baggy just got married, which has now become the altar for my wedding. Our ceremony is remarkably similar to Baggy’s, with the omission of the ornery shenanigans. Nana Lana blows into the pu before Kai and I exchange vows that are identical to the ones my grandmother and her new husband made earlier.

  I love the way Kai looks at me as he promises to love, honor, and cherish me. When I say those same words to him, I mean them with my whole heart. We may not have known each other for as long as most couples who marry, but I know deep inside that this is right. For the first time in my entire life, I feel like I am exactly where I am supposed to be, with exactly who I should be with, doing exactly what I should be doing.

  I feel confident in my decision and, maybe for the first time ever, utterly happy. I glance down at the pale pink bridesmaid’s dress that Baggy chose for me, which has now become my wedding gown. Even though it is not at all what I would have pictured myself getting married in, it is somehow perfect. I don't know where the simple platinum wedding bands came from, but they are perfect too. Everything about this wedding is slightly quirky and not quite what I would have envisioned, yet perfect.

  The ceremony goes by in a flash and before I know it, I am kissing Kai in front of most of our family and friends as his wife—his WIFE! Our first kiss as husband and wife is slow and luxurious and delicious, but not nearly as outlandishly long as Howie and Baggy’s had been. When our lips break apart, our foreheads remain touching as we smile at each other. The small group breaks into spontaneous applause—likely relieved that we didn’t make them endure the same type of lengthy tongue tangling we all witnessed earlier.

  The evening is a blur of hugs and well wishes. Before I know it, Kai and I are once more slow dancing in the sand—in almost the exact location where he proposed to me earlier. “Are you ready to go fool around?” I ask him, figuring
that he is probably more than ready to see what he’s been missing all these years.

  “I’ve been waiting a lifetime to be with you,” he says sweetly. “A few more hours won’t kill me. We can stay as long as you want and enjoy every moment of our wedding reception.”

  I appreciate his patience and willingness to continue to wait if it will make me happy, but I am ready. I want nothing more right now than to be with my husband. Since my new brave, carpe diem attitude has worked out quite well so far, I decide to embrace my new boldness. I get on my tiptoes to whisper huskily in Kai’s ear, “I am ready to become one with you.”

  I tip back to my heels in time to see his eyes widen in surprise at my brazen comment, just before they darken with unbridled desire. He looks like he could eat me alive as he stares down at me, his chest rising and falling with each deep breath. He doesn’t have to think about it long as he allows himself—probably for the first time in his adult life—to contemplate making love with a woman.

  “You don’t have to tell me twice,” he proclaims as he grabs my hand, whisking me away.

  I hear chuckles from the revelers in the tent as the two of us jog away hand in hand, leaving no doubt as to what we are about to do. At least we didn’t announce it over the microphone, like Baggy would have if the helicopter hadn’t drowned out her voice.

  We decide to go to Kai’s beach house, which is now our house. I can’t even fathom that right now. Whose marvelous life have I stolen, anyway?

  His house is too far from the resort to jog the entire way. We slow to a walk that is intermittently sprinkled with pauses to kiss and grope each other. It feels so amazing knowing that tonight, finally, we won’t have to stop. As excited as I am, I can’t imagine how much anticipation Kai must be feeling.

  When we reach his property. I stop short, a sudden thought paralyzing me. “Kai,” I start. “We aren’t officially married. Should we wait until we have the license in order before we consummate the marriage?”

  As long as he has waited, I don’t want a simple matter of paperwork to make him feel guilty. I don’t want to wait, but more than that, I want Kai to have a clear conscience when we make love.

  He surprises me by looking up at the sky. “I believe my mom is smiling down on us right now.” The idea makes me slightly uncomfortable, but I don’t tell him that. “The intention of her request was to make sure that I didn’t hurt someone the way my biological father hurt her. She wanted me to wait until I was ready to commit my life to someone before we shared our bodies with each other. Tonight, you and I declared our promises to live the rest of our lives together in front of some of the most important people to us. In my heart I am married to you, and that is what matters. I don’t think some silly paperwork should stand in the way of that.”

  I nod in total agreement. “I just wanted to make sure.”

  His lips gently brush mine. “My heart and soul belong to you,” he says intently. “Mom knows that.” I nod again, seeking the heat of his lips with mine. When our lips separate slightly, he whispers, “It’s time for my body to belong to you as well.”

  The anticipation of what is about to come is so heavy that I can barely breathe as we walk—hands locked—into his yard. He’s right, I say to myself. It’s time.

  I must be channeling my inner Baggy because I break the significant tension of the moment with humor by repeating my exclamation from earlier in the evening. “Let’s do this!” I shout, and we both bust out laughing.

  “Let’s do this,” he agrees as he removes his shirt and tosses it aside.


  To my surprise, we do not go inside the house. Instead, he leads me to the open-air hydrotherapy garden. I had seen the outdoor water circuit of various showers the day of my jellyfish attack, but I hadn’t indulged in the tranquil, spalike experience.

  “Since the day you were here,” Kai reveals, “I have dreamed of taking you through the vitality showers as they are meant to be used.”

  I can’t help but wonder what he means, but I am up for pretty much anything he has been dreaming about. After closing the small distance between us, I place my hands on his chest. He shivers as I graze my palms lightly over his bare skin.

  We kiss each other hungrily. My fingers rake down his back. When he tilts his head back to hiss in air, I seize the opportunity to press light kisses down his neck and across his chest. I circle to his back to brush my lips across the red marks my fingers have just made. When I flick my tongue out to lick them, he lets out a deep, seductive growl, which spurs me on.

  Moving back around to face him, I take a step back away from him. His eyes take on a slightly panicked look until he sees me seductively reach for the zipper of my seashell-pink wedding dress. With painstaking care and deliberate slowness, I undress for my husband.

  He watches every move I make with a look that is a delicious mixture of awe and unadulterated lust. His gaze makes me feel beautiful and sexy, and I like it.

  After I twirl my panties in the air from one finger and toss them away, he quickly shucks the rest of his clothes. I just want to stare at his body. It is absolutely magnificent—rock solid and sexier than I could have even imagined. Okay, I don’t want to just stare at it. I want to touch it, too.

  He walks to the entrance of the ring of showers and points out a rock that I hadn’t noticed before. Etched into the stone is a stick figure drawing depicting a man and woman having missionary-style sex.

  I can feel Kai’s hand shaking slightly as we both lie down on the ground. I am pleasantly surprised to find the shower floor has soft, gel-like mats that provide a comfortable barrier from the concrete. This oasis was made for having sex. I wonder briefly who installed it. My best guess is Nana Lana, so I decide to immediately put that thought out of my head.

  Our naked bodies are stretched out beside each other. He runs a hand lightly over my skin as we kiss. Deciding the foreplay has gone on long enough, I pull Kai on top of me. We look deep into each other’s eyes as he presses into me. He stays there, deep inside me, enjoying the moment. He drops tender kisses onto my forehead, nose, cheeks, and lips, which makes me feel cherished.

  He slowly slides in and out of me a few times. It feels glorious. Something with our movement sets off the sensor and warm water begins raining down on us. We laugh in surprise, then Kai shocks me by pulling out of me.

  At my questioning look, he says, “We can’t stay at any of the stations very long or we’ll never make it around the circle tonight.”

  Understanding dawns on me. I’m dying to see what thrills the other stations hold, so I hop up and follow him to the next one.

  The rock at this shower shows one figure sitting while the other kneels in front. “We can skip this one, if you want,” Kai offers.

  Is he actually blushing? For an answer, I gently shove him down to a seated position on the gel-covered rock slab before kneeling down on the gel pad at the ground in front of him. I kiss and lick my way along his chest and down the side of his firm abs. The water spray at this pleasure station starts, and I am tickled with a fine mist along my backside.

  He tips his head back and moans in ecstasy when I take him inside my mouth. In an extreme and impressive show of willpower, he says, “We better move to the next shower right now, or I won’t make it any farther this round.”

  I like the sound of “this round.” The thought of perfecting our lovemaking technique at this circle of pleasure sends a thrill through my already excited body.

  When we look at the next suggestive etching, it is my turn to blush. “We don’t have to do this one, if you don’t want to,” I offer.

  “Are you kidding me? It’s payback time,” he teases me. “I want to bring you so much pleasure that you can’t think of anything but me for days,” he growls near my ear. I’m quite sure that is already the case, but I don’t tell him that.

  After he eases me down into a sitting position on the mat, I reach a hand out to wrap my fingers around him. He inhales sharply before tel
ling me to lie back and relax. I grab a fistful of his hair as he suckles each breast before making his way down my belly. When he nibbles on the inside of each of my thighs before gently placing my leg over his shoulder, I let out a little whimper of anticipation and delight.

  He hesitates, and I wonder if I’m not what he expected. I am splayed before him, completely open and vulnerable.

  My insecurities melt away when he looks up at me. His melted chocolate eyes are filled with a look of utter adoration. “You are so beautiful,” he murmurs before lowering his mouth to me.

  As if it somehow knows the perfect time, the water starts streaming down, pelting in glorious jets against my breasts. I cry out in pure bliss as he worships me with his magical lips and tongue.

  The tremors of pleasure are still jolting through me when we make eye contact again. “I want you inside me NOW,” I tell him.

  We don’t bother to move to the next shower as we sit up and scramble to meld out bodies together. I mount him and we both groan when I lower myself onto him, taking him all the way in. Riding him slowly, I enjoy the full feeling of having him deep inside me.

  As I start to feel the pressure building again, I pick up the pace of my hip thrusts. “Let go with me,” I order him.

  “Yes, ma’am,” he responds, likely relieved that I don’t expect him to make it all the way around the circle on our initial spin.

  The smell of fragrant flowers engulfs us as warm jets of water pelt down with delightful precision on all the right spots of our joined bodies. I pump harder over him. When he cries out in release, I again spiral into the vortex of pulsing ecstasy.

  We are both breathing hard, spent. I rest my head against his broad shoulder. The night is warm and clear. It seems like a bazillion stars are twinkling at us from above, and I have just had the most mind-blowing sex of my life.


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