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Furever Always (Furever Series)

Page 22

by Meredith Clarke

  “What are you? Ninety! Wake up, girl!” she chastised herself out loud. Blair took another slug of wine and made the decision to shut her laptop for the night. Maybe the answer was just taking the whole night off and enjoying a movie without interruption? Yes, that’s exactly what I’ll do, she thought as she started to close her browser. But just as she did, she heard her e-mail ding at her again, and she groaned.

  “Leave me alone!” she shouted at no one in particular. Then Blair rolled her eyes and tilted the screen of her laptop back open to see who needed her now, for what. But instead of another work e-mail, or a desperate request from her boss to pick up dry cleaning despite the fact Blair wasn’t an intern or assistant, it was a marketing e-mail.

  A very interesting marketing e-mail.

  Blair squinted through the haze that was beginning to develop as a result of all the wine and read the subject line of the e-mail.

  Bear Ridge Resort: Now Matching YOU with that Special Someone!

  Blair put down her wine glass and took a moment to process what she’d just read. Bear Ridge Resort, a stunning resort on a tropical island, had been where Scarlett met Kurt, the love of her life. There had been more than a few handsome men there when they’d gone, but she’d never actually considered a bear shifter as an option for a potential partner. Blair had mainly gone with Scarlett to get her out of her horrible dating rut. Still, Scarlett seemed so happy, and if she’d found happiness there…

  Could this be the answer?

  Blair muted the TV so she could read without distraction and then opened the e-mail with nervous hands. Why are my hands shaking? She thought as the brightly colored e-mailed filled her computer screen. As she started reading, she felt herself getting more and more excited.

  Bear Ridge Resort – Could the love of your life be just a weekend away?

  The world-famous Bear Ridge Resort has now found a way to make your stay even more exciting! As part of your weekend package, resort attendees are entered into our elite Love Among the Palm Trees program…

  When you sign up for a weekend at Bear Ridge Resort, you will be sent a comprehensive dating profile to assess your personality and determine your compatibility with other people who are booked on your weekend. Then, before your arrival, our crack team of romance professionals will pair you with other guests who best fit your needs and desires!

  On the day of your arrival at Bear Ridge, you will be provided with a list of your potential matches, and then given all the information you need to set up a romantic rendezvous! Go swimming in the spectacular turquoise waters with that special someone, take a dip in our world-class pools and spas, or just have a glass of wine on one of our pristine white sand beaches… The choice is yours!

  Stay for a weekend, or stay for a week! Whatever you decide, you’ll find it’s never enough time for all of the romantic possibilities that await you at Bear Ridge Resort.

  Will you meet a bear of a man to warm your heart on those cold winter nights? Will you discover the woman of your dreams nestled among the stars on the exclusive island that is home to our five-star resort? The possibilities for love are endless, and romance is just a phone call away!

  Book your stay today at the stunning Bear Ridge Resort!

  Blair felt her eyebrows instinctively raise as she considered all of the information in the email. She’d never been one for dating sites or matchmaking, but it’s not like doing things the old-fashioned way had gotten her very far. The last guy she’d dated had been a man she’d met in a coffee shop. He asked her on a date, they went out for dinner at a romantic French bistro, and twenty minutes into dinner… his wife had stormed in and started smacking him with an umbrella.

  Needless to say, Blair had terrible luck with men.

  So, there was an undeniable appeal in the idea of having someone else try and find a match for her. It was pretty obvious she was terrible at doing it herself, so maybe this was the way to break her cycle of bad dates. She thought about how in love Scarlett was with Kurt, and how handsome Kurt was, and how committed he was to making Scarlett happy…

  Was it really possible that there was a man out there like that for her?

  Blair was still mulling over the idea when her e-mail buzzed at her again. This time, it was her boss, and she was asking her to pick up a suit from the dry cleaners that she’d forgotten before she left for her conference. Blair rolled her eyes and picked up the wine bottle, then grabbed her phone and dialed the main switchboard at the office. It was late, but someone was always at the front desk to field calls.

  “Marcus, Morgan, and Moran! This is Heather! How can I direct your call?”

  Blair sighed. Heather was the night switchboard operator, and she only worked part time. But she never remembered who Blair was, and she would disconnect whoever called about half the time.

  “Heather, this is Blair. Can you cancel all of my meetings for next week and let my clients know that I’ll reschedule with them when I get back?”

  Blair heard the snapping of gum on the other side of the phone. “I’m sorry, who? What am I doing? Who is this?”

  “For the love of… Heather, this is Blair Wilson. I work in sanctions and acquisitions department. We do this every time. Cancel my appointments for next week. Tell them I’ll reschedule when I get back into town. I’m going on vacation.”

  Blair hung up the phone, and briefly missed the satisfaction that came from slamming down a handheld phone back when they were a thing. Then she returned to her computer, went to the Bear Ridge Resort website, and began clicking until she had booked a luxury room for the week, and a few spa packages for good measure.

  If I’m going to go on vacation, I might as well go all out, right? She thought happily.

  Then, Blair spent the rest of the night filling out the dating profile that was immediately linked to her once she had booked her room. The questions were detailed, but kind of fun, and it wasn’t long before the website informed her that they had a complete profile on her, and her matches would be waiting for her when she arrived at the resort. All that was left was to buy some new underwear and a few bathing suits, pack her bags, and prepare herself for the trip of a lifetime…

  Chapter 2


  Declan O’Shea felt like the entire world was crushing down on him. He couldn’t pinpoint exactly when it had started, but it had come upon him all at once. He’d gone from a relatively well-adjusted bodyguard/bear shifter, with complete control of his grizzly, to a manic, cranky, irritable asshole. And everyone around him saw it.

  It hadn’t always been like this. Once upon a time, Declan had been happy and felt like he was going somewhere with his life. He was in the army and training for a new department where they promised they would strengthen his abilities. Not only did his skills increase, but his genetic makeup changed and he became a bear shifter.

  For some reason, Declan’s transition was easier for him than it was for other members of his clan. He loved being a shifter. He relished in the power that would course through his veins. After his time in the army, Declan had relocated to the bear clan in Colorado, and life seemed to go somewhat back to normal. He’d had a girlfriend, Lucy, and his job outside of the lodge had been stable. For five years, Declan had worked for Morrison Security Officers, a group of elite bodyguards who protected the wealthy and famous. Because of his size, and the dominant traits inherent in being a bear shifter, he’d excelled at his job. He was one of the most sought-after bodyguards at the agency, and work was good.

  Then came Lucy.

  Lucy Morrison was the boss’s daughter, and Declan knew from the start that she was trouble. Her flaming red hair and bright green eyes reminded him of a siren from a mythological fable, and her personality wasn’t far off the same. As soon as walked through the doors of MSO, every man in the office made a beeline… away from her. It was as if they all knew better. But Declan wasn’t one to follow the rules, and he gravitated toward her almost immediately.

  At the time, he
thought he had found his true mate.

  Finding a mate had never been particularly important to Declan, but the second he saw Lucy, he understood what all of the fuss was about. Something about her drew him to her, and he thought, for sure, it was because they were fated to be together. Their relationship was full of fire and wild abandon, and he couldn’t get enough of her.

  Until everything fell apart. First, Lucy became jealous and insecure. Then she became violent and paranoid. If Declan weren't home every night at precisely 6 pm, she would start calling everyone they knew until she found him, and then she would accuse him of cheating. Lucy was out of control, and nothing Declan did seemed to pacify her. Then, one night, everything came to a head.

  Declan was working a huge job, guarding a visiting dignitary while he attended meetings in town. He had told Lucy he would be out late, and not to expect him any time before she went to bed, hoping it would diffuse her paranoia. Instead, she showed up at a diplomatic ball in her pajamas at 9 pm and started screaming at him, calling him vile names in front of some of the most influential people in the world, and breaking dishes. He’d had to carry her out of the ball and send her home in a cab. The rest of the night had gone well enough considering, but nothing could have prepared him for what was waiting for him the next day.

  He’d gotten to work at MSO, and everyone had been staring at him incredulously like they couldn’t believe he was there. The next thing he knew, the boss was chewing him out for causing a scene in front of so many influential people, and assaulting Lucy. No matter what Declan said, or how hard he tried to convince his boss that he’d done nothing wrong, the man would hear none of it. So, in one fell swoop, Declan lost his (crazy) girlfriend, and his job, and he had nothing.

  His clan of brother bears had tried to be supportive, but the combination of life changes had turned Declan into a bit of a loose cannon. He began starting fights over nothing with random men in bars, sleeping with any woman who would have him, and shifting under circumstances that put everyone in danger. The only time he felt human was when he was working out or running, and his body was starting to show the signs of his rigorous workout schedule. He’d become an even bigger beast of a man; even his grizzly bear was beginning to look muscled, and it made the other bears nervous, including his Alpha, Kurt.

  Declan was the Gamma of his clan, which meant he was third in line when it came to the power structure, after Kurt and Cash. It was highly unlikely that he’d ever need to take charge, but that didn’t mean he was off the hook when it came to his rowdy behavior. As Declan sat at the bar, doing his fourth shot of whiskey, and staring at his reflection in the mirrored backsplash, he grimaced. His thick black hair and beard were starting to show signs of gray, especially around the temples, and his shirts were getting too tight thanks to his rapidly-increasing musculature. He looked older, and while that didn’t seem to decrease his appeal as far as women went, it annoyed him to no end.

  He was just about to gesture to the bartender for another shot when someone bumped into him from behind, hard, and didn’t say anything by way of an apology. Declan felt his bear start to rumble, pissed off that its space had been invaded without so much as a “sorry.” When his bear got angry, Declan’s blood started to boil. He spun around on the barstool and came face-to-face with a man only slightly smaller than him, but significantly younger.

  “When you run into someone, the polite thing to do is apologize, friend,” Declan growled. The man just rolled his eyes.

  “I’m not your friend, friend. And I barely touched you, man. Get the hell over yourself.”

  Declan felt a rumble forming deep inside of his chest. His bear was about three seconds from taking over, and it required every ounce of self-control to keep from turning right there in the bar.

  “Say. You’re. Sorry.”

  The kid laughed, and that was all it took. The last thing Declan had remembered before the lights went out was letting out a ferocious growl, and wrapping his hands around the man’s terrified, trembling neck…



  Declan cringed as Kurt screamed at him, his voice echoing off the walls of the common room at the manor their clan shared in Boulder. Declan was holding a bag of frozen peas against his rapidly-swelling black eye, and the rest of clan was standing around him, scowling. Even Cash looked annoyed, and he usually cut Declan more slack than anyone else.

  Declan pulled the peas with a grimace. He could feel his advance healing taking control, and he knew he didn’t need them anymore. “I don’t know, man. I don’t remember much. One minute, some little punk was mouthing off to me, and the next, I was back here at the manor. With a black eye and a shitload of bruises. So, you tell me what I did.”

  Kurt crossed his arms over his chest and growled. “You attacked a kid. You started to shift in public. If the bartender hadn’t nailed you over the head with a baseball bat he kept behind the bar, you would have gone full grizzly in a crowded place full of regular people. What the hell is wrong with you Declan?”

  Declan didn’t have an answer for that. The anxiety and confusion and rage he’d been feeling had been manifesting in unusual ways, but this was definitely a first.

  “Listen, your guess is as good as mine, man. But no one died. That kid will be fine. And he probably learned a valuable lesson about mouthing off to strangers. Not a bad night, when you think about it.”

  Kurt stalked forward, anger clouding his face. “Not good enough, Declan. Not nearly good enough. We need to have a talk. All of us.” Kurt turned to the rest of the men in the room, then raised his voice so anyone not nearby could easily hear him. “Everyone! In the meeting room! NOW!”

  Within a few minutes, then the entirety of the Boulder clan was in the lodge's opulent meeting room, all of them looking confused, and more than a little annoyed at the late hour. Kurt stood in the center of the room, his arms crossed over his chest, his face locked in an expression of exasperation.

  “Thanks to my reckless Gamma here, it’s time we institute a new policy, and it’s going to apply to all of you. As you know, when a shifter reaches a certain age, a time comes when he has to take a mate.”

  The room filled with murmurs and Declan leaned forward in his seat, unsure where Kurt was going.

  “If a shifter doesn’t find his mate by a certain age, their inner bear will begin to become restless, agitated, lonely… And his bear will start to act out. Before long, a man runs the risk of losing himself to the bear entirely, and then, well. You all know what happens,” Kurt continued, his face dire. The room went silent again. They all remembered what happened directly after Kurt’s wedding to Scarlett. Something in the clan had shifted causing all of them to feel the effects of not having a mate.

  “The time has come to institute a new policy. All shifters over the age of thirty who begin to feel the effects of being without a mate will be required to find one. I don’t really care how you do it. I don’t care where you go. I don’t care who it is. But the minute your bear gets edgy, and you think your time has come to be mated, you do something about it.”

  No one said anything, but Declan felt his hair standing on end. He was getting angry, and the bear wasn’t too thrilled either.

  “This isn’t just for your benefit or mine. It’s for the good of the clan. If you get reckless, if you hurt people, if you shift in public spaces, you put the whole damn clan at risk, and I won’t have that. So, as soon as think your time has come, you tell me. If you need help, it will be provided. But this is the way things are now. Fall in line, or find a new clan. You’re dismissed.”

  The clan all got up from their seats and began to grumble, yawn, and complain as they made their way back to their rooms. Declan got up too, but Kurt barked, “Not you. Stay right where you are, O’Shea.”

  Declan stopped in his tracks. “What? You’ve made your point. I’ll find a damn mate. But I can’t do it in this god-forsaken room.”

  “Oh, no. You don’t get to do anythi
ng on your own. You had your chance, and you blew it.”

  Declan spun on his heel and glowered at Kurt. “What the hell, man? You think I should have stayed with Lucy? Let her spend eternity screaming at me and following me around in her nightgown with a flashlight?”

  “Of course not,” Kurt said, shaking his head and letting out a slight laugh. “But you’ve been acting like an ass ever since you broke up. Sleeping with women, then ditching them the next day. You’re never going to find a mate like that, and you’re never going to find one by starting fights in bars.”

  Declan threw up his arms. “So, what the hell do you suggest, oh, wisest sage of all things romance-related?”

  “I’ve booked you for a week at Bear Ridge Resort.”

  Declan stared at Kurt in disbelief. He opened his mouth to protest, but Kurt glared at him before he could say a word.

  “It worked for both Cash and me,” Kurt continued. “So, it can work for you. They have a new matching program, and I filled everything out for you. I tried to sand down your rougher edges. Go, have a nice vacation. Then come back with a mate, or don’t come back at all.”

  Declan’s jaw dropped as Kurt stalked out of the room. Did the clan Alpha really just give him an ultimatum? Did he really have to find the ‘love of his life’ in a week, like it was that easy, or risk losing his position in the clan?

  What the hell am I going to do? Declan thought angrily as his bear lurked angry circles in his mind. How am I supposed to fall in love in seven days?

  Chapter 3


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