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Feeling The Heat

Page 12

by Rhonda Nelson

  “Come on,” he said. “You can show me to my room.”

  Her stomach a ball of nerves, palms tingling, Georgia unlocked her back door and set her purse upon the counter. Stitch, Bogey and Bacall came running to inspect who’d arrived, but quickly lost interest when Georgia didn’t immediately move to feed them.

  She shot Linc a pointed look and quirked a brow. “You mean you weren’t planning on staying in mine?”

  Evidently caught, he merely grinned. “Only if I was invited.” He sidled closer and nuzzled the side of her neck, setting off a flash fire of goose bumps. “Am I invited, Trouble?” he asked roughly, his voice a decadent masculine purr.

  Funny that she could smile knowing she was damned, Georgia thought, but what the hell? In answer, she slipped her hands beneath his sweater and uttered a little gasp of pleasure when her fingers found warm, supple skin.

  Smiling, Linc found her mouth, sucked at her bottom lip. “I’ll take that as a yes.”

  “Meet me upstairs in five minutes,” Georgia told him. “My bedroom is the first door on the right.” Though it felt like she’d been waiting a lifetime for this moment, Georgia refused to let herself get so caught up—which was damned difficult when she could have been eternally happy for him to take her right here on the kitchen floor—that she didn’t make the most of it.

  The most of more.

  If she and Linc were going to do this—and thrillingly they were—then she wanted to do it right. She wanted to savor every moment. She wanted to seduce and be seduced. The blood hammering in her veins screamed now! now! now! but she wanted more than just an orgasm, Georgia thought.

  She wanted him.

  Hot and naked and needy, in her bed, desperate for her. She wanted those big strong hands sliding over her body, kneading and warm, massaging her breasts and slipping between her thighs.

  She reluctantly withdrew from his embrace and hurried upstairs. She lit a candle, freshened up, then changed into a sheer robe that barely brushed the tops of her thighs. She considered a thong, but remembering Linc’s comment this morning about naked being best, she abstained. The robe, she decided, he’d simply have to deal with. She was relatively confident in her sexual ability, but those body issues wouldn’t go away quite so easily.

  She stood in the middle of the room, waiting for him when he finally sauntered in. He’d removed his shirt and shoes, but had left his jeans on, the waist unsnapped.

  Her mouth parched.

  Linc’s hot gaze slid over the sheer robe, lingering over her nipples, sliding down her belly, the heart of her sex, then his gaze bumped back up to hers. “You’re beautiful,” he murmured thickly, unwittingly bringing a blush of pleasure to her face.

  “I know I’m not beautiful, but if I pass muster then that’s good enough for me.”

  He stared at her, that dark green gaze sharpening perceptively. “Don’t argue with me,” he told her, sidling forward. He slipped his finger into the sash and pulled, revealing her naked body to his hungry gaze. “When I say you’re beautiful, then I mean you’re beautiful.”

  He did mean it, Georgia realized, her racing heart skipping a beat of pleasure. “You’re not half-bad yourself.”

  A wicked smile hovered on his lips, he bent and pressed a kiss to her jaw, slid his hands over her sides—hot, sure and seductive—then reached around, molding his hands to her rump, and squeezed. “I know,” he said.

  Leaning toward him, Georgia chuckled. “You’re so full of—”

  Linc kissed her before she could finish the insult. His tongue darted in and out of her mouth, slowly, druggingly, his lips sliding over hers, creating a delicious friction between their joined mouths. Her bare nipples tingled and budded against his chest and a rush of warmth coated her aching folds as he pulled her even closer to him. The robe sagged open, revealing her naked body and his jeans abraded her bare skin, making her mewl with pleasure.

  She slid her hands over his chest, thumbed his male nipples, then tested the bulk of his shoulders beneath her palms. God, he felt good. Warm skin, supple muscle, sleek and perfectly formed, as though just for her pleasure.

  The mere idea made her breath leak out of her lungs in a shuddering exhale of anticipation. She smoothed her hands over his rib cage, memorizing every bump and ridge, then finally his over his taut belly.

  Unable to stand the fact that she was basically naked and he still relatively dressed, she found the zipper and sucked his tongue into her mouth as she dragged it down. Linc groaned as she slipped her hands beneath the waistband of his briefs and pushed them down over his hips. He kicked them off from around his feet and she felt the part of him she’d been craving nudge impatiently against her belly.

  She wrapped her hand around him, felt him jerk against her palm.

  “Trouble,” he growled.

  “Shh,” she said, working the hot, slippery skin against her hand. He was huge, Georgia thought, almost drunk and giddy with need. Just like the rest of him. She’d known, of course. Logic had told her to expect this part of him to be of a proportionate size, but knowing it and feeling it were two completely different things.

  And tasting it, she knew, would be another altogether. She dropped to her knees, looked up at Linc, then swirled her tongue over the head of his engorged penis.

  His eyes darkened and she thought she heard his teeth crack.

  She sucked him into her mouth, dragged the whole of him in. He felt wonderful against her tongue, hot and soft, alive and ready.

  Linc swore through gritted teeth and pushed his hands into her hair, seemingly holding her in place, afraid that she’d stop.

  She made another deep pull and sucked hard to let him know he needn’t have worried. She felt his thighs tense and played with his balls, worked the slippery skin with her hand all the while sucking him, eating him, savoring every inch of him in her mouth.

  A steady throb built between her legs, her nipples tingled and she felt her sex ripen, readying for him.

  “Enough,” Linc finally told her, dragging her to her feet and propelling her toward the bed. “It’s my turn to taste you.” That hungry gaze slid over her, leaving a scorching path in its wake as he landed on the mattress alongside of her.

  “Fine,” she said. “Eat me.”

  His eyes widened and a wicked chuckle eddied up his throat. He slid his finger under and over the curve of both breasts, tracing her before cupping her fully in hand and thumbing her aching nipple. She winced with pleasure, then moaned as his hot mouth latched upon her peak. He nibbled and sucked, laved and lingered, tasting and testing every part of her. His hands were all over her, learning every curve, every indentation, every inch of skin. It was as though she were a piece of clay, him the potter, feeling and memorizing, testing and shaping, and she got the vague idea of what it felt like to literally be putty in his hands.

  Linc kissed his way down her belly making little masculine purrs of pleasure, stopping to linger around her navel as his fingers suddenly slid over the top of her thigh, then inside to part her curls.

  The first brush of his fingers against her made her back arch off the sheet. Georgia gasped as sensation bolted through her. It was as though every hot spot in her body had been hit with a surge. Her nipples tightened even more, and her feminine muscles clenched, a silent plea for more.

  “So wet,” he murmured thickly. “God, I bet you taste good,” he said, then looked up and smiled at her. “And you told me to eat you, so…” He was suddenly there, feasting between her legs. He slipped his tongue over her hot, weeping folds.

  Unexpected pleasure bolted through her and she cried out, shocked and boneless and miserably aware of how much she’d been missing her entire life. Linc pushed a finger deep inside of her and hooked it around, hitting upon a hidden spot that made her vision blacken around the edges. He laved her clit and pressed his thumb against the tightened rosebud of her bottom, causing a firework of sensation to detonate in her loins.

  She thrashed beneath him. “Linc, I—

  He licked harder, forming a vee with his tongue that did the most amazing things to her. She could feel herself hovering on the brink of orgasm; knew it was coming.

  Evidently Linc did, too. He slowed, having primed her enough, she supposed, and retrieved a condom from his pants.

  “You were prepared,” Georgia said as he tore the package open with his teeth.

  “Hopeful,” Linc corrected. “I was hopeful.”

  For whatever reason, the comment warmed her heart and made her chest ache with an unnamed joy that had no business being there. Especially now. Georgia knew the second she allowed Linc into her body she would become just like those other girls he’d dated—disposable—and while her heart pricked with disappointment…she just couldn’t help herself. She wanted this.

  She wanted him.

  He swiftly rolled the protection into place, then positioned himself at her center. He nudged, begging admittance as his heavy-lidded gaze tangled with hers. Even now, he would stop, she realized. Even now, as they hovered on the precipice of an irrevocable change, he would still give her the choice.

  She bent forward and licked his nipple, then arched her hips up beneath his, forcing him inside of her. Her breath left her in a long whoosh and she tensed around him, holding him inside as he filled her up.

  “Are you going to follow my lead or not?” Georgia asked him, throwing his line right back at him.

  Linc chuckled. He deliberately withdrew, making her wince and reach for him, then pushed back inside of her, filling her up once more.

  He bent and pulled a tingling peak deep into his mouth. She felt that tug all the way down to her womb, and a smothered, keening cry tore from her throat.

  “Sweet heaven,” Georgia muttered, her belly deflating, her neck arching away from the bed. She was rigid and boneless, mindless and euphoric.

  “You smell good,” Linc told her, laving her nipple. “Like strawberries.” He made a masculine purr of pleasure, then licked a path to her other breast and sampled it, as well, all the while pushing in and out of her, slow, steady thrusts that were gradually stoking a fire that was already burning out of control.

  Unable to help herself, Georgia upped the tempo between them. She drew her legs back and anchored them around his hips, then pushed up, gratified when she felt his balls slap at her aching flesh.

  “Mercy,” she growled through gritted teeth.

  Evidently the bold move snapped the fine line of Linc’s control and he lashed an arm around her waist, dragged her up even farther against him and pounded into her. Gone was the gentle lover, and in his place was a man who’d lost it.

  With her.

  For her.

  Georgia felt a wild laugh bubble up her throat as joy and pleasure ripped through her. He pumped harder, faster, then faster still, pushing her farther and farther toward the brass ring of release. It was hovering just out of reach, just beyond the next wonderful, mind-bending, back-clawing thrust of him deep inside of her. She loved the delicious draw and drag between their bodies. He was so big, so splendidly proportioned and something about having this man at her fingertips caused her heart to threaten to beat right out of her chest.

  “Linc, I need—I want—”

  Her breath came in little short gasps ripped from her burning lungs and her thighs tensed as she finally reached the end of the world—not to mention the mattress, Georgia thought dimly.

  He reached down between their joined bodies and massaged her clit, sending her abruptly over the edge of reason and right into the waiting arms of the most amazing release.

  The orgasm swept her under, then lifted her up. It circled in on itself, tightening and tightening until a single bright light burst behind her eyelids, momentarily blinding her. A buzzing noise rang in her ears and every nerve ending celebrated in pure, unadulterated joy.

  That was it, Georgia thought, a giddy chuckle breaking up in her throat as he continued to milk the orgasm through every lingering contraction.

  She’d just experienced the more…and didn’t know how she’d ever be able to settle for less now that she’d had it.

  Follow his lead, indeed, she thought. Right now she’d follow him to the ends of the earth.

  DARK CURLY HAIR fanned out around her head, melting chocolate eyes, lush, ripe mouth open in a soundless scream of pleasure, rosy nipples absorbing the force of his thrusts, her welcoming body clinging to his…

  If he’d ever seen anything more beautiful, more amazing, sexier in his entire life, Linc Stone couldn’t recall it.

  Georgia Hart, in the throes of a back-bending, ass-clawing, soundless screaming orgasm, was hands-down the most gorgeous woman he’d ever seen in his life, and if he lived to be a thousand, that would never change. The picture she made right now would be permanently etched on his memory.

  Initially Linc had intended to take things slow, but feeling her legs tighten around him, her greedy body sucking him in and contracting around him…Linc had simply lost control. Odd, when that had never happened before, but Georgia Hart had a way of pushing buttons he didn’t know existed. It had been foolish to think that it wouldn’t happen here, as well, and he knew that mining that little nugget of truth would result in some unhappy realizations he’d just as soon not deal with at the moment.

  So he wouldn’t.

  Instead, he would savor every inch of her, fill her up, then empty her out again, because he simply couldn’t help himself. She was the light to his dark, the yin to his yang, the answer and the prayer.

  She was it, a little heeded voice whispered, one he chose to ignore.

  Linc winced as she tightened around him again and again, the force of her release coming dangerously close to triggering his own. Feeling his body prime for orgasm, he pumped harder and faster, harder and faster, then faster still. Her rosy nipples beckoned and he bent down and pulled one puckered bud into his mouth, the taste of her melting over his tongue. He growled low in his throat.

  So sweet, he thought. So unbearably sweet…

  He pounded into her greedy body, pushed and pushed until he was certain that he was going to take her right off the bed. They’d certainly gotten too damned close to the edge, that was for sure.

  “Linc, I—It’s happening again,” she said brokenly. She winced from the pleasure and pain of it. Made feminine mewling sounds that made his chest ache they were so damned welcome. “I don’t know if I can take—”

  He chuckled knowingly and angled deeper. “Oh, trust me. You can.”

  She whimpered, and clung to him, muttering strings of broken, nonsensical madness brought on by sheer pleasure. Pleasure that he was giving her.

  Just him.

  The mere idea made him want to pound his chest and roar. There was something so important—so right on an elemental level with that thought that Linc felt a strange kind of peace wash over him, followed by a irrational dart of unknown panic he knew better than to explore.

  Thankfully, he didn’t have to because she was hot and womanly and for the moment, his, and he wanted nothing more than to lose himself completely inside of her, to forget that she was mouthy and opinionated and believed in happily-ever-after. To forget that there was a faceless groom out there just waiting to take her from him. Bastard, Linc thought. He couldn’t have her. He wouldn’t let him.

  Because he wanted her.

  Georgia pumped and flexed harder against him, her breathing becoming increasingly ragged once more. “You’d better—I need—Oh, dammit!”

  Another scream tore from her throat and she arched violently against him, thrusting those beautiful breasts up, that sweet belly quivering. Her thighs quaked and her breath came in jagged little gasps as she clamped around him again and again.

  Without warning, he came hard.

  Another first, Linc thought dimly. The orgasm blasted from his loins with enough force to blow the end out of the condom, but at the moment he didn’t give a damn.

  He couldn’t. Cognitive thought escaped him.

  Georgia was all dewy and melting beneath him, her eyes dark and sated, her lips plump and wet. He locked his knees and nudged deep, digging his toes firmly into the mattress to keep himself as deep inside of her as possible.

  Given the choice, he believed he’d just stay right here forever, locked inside her, savoring her goodness.

  Breathing hard, he kissed her cheek and settled his forehead against hers. “God, woman, you’re going to be the death of me.”

  She chuckled, flexed around him once more. “You say that as if it were a bad thing.”

  Linc carefully withdrew, snagged a tissue from the box next to the bed and disposed of the condom. He rolled back onto his side and tugged her with him. The scent of strawberries, lemon furniture polish and sex perfumed the air, bringing a smile to his lips.

  “I’m not ready to die yet.” He traced a figure-eight on her upper arm. “Even though it would be one helluva way to go.”

  She let go a dramatic sigh and wiggled closer to him, snuggling tight. She was a perfect fit, Linc realized, curiously warmed by the thought. Her head just fit between his shoulder and chin. Ordinarily he didn’t like to linger in bed, but with Georgia it seemed like the natural segue.

  “I sure am glad you invited yourself over to spend the night.”

  He felt a tired smile roll over his lips. “I sure am glad that you let me.” He gave her a squeeze. “This is nice.”

  She leaned up on her elbow and an idea twinkled in her sweet gaze. “You know what would be even nicer?”

  He quirked a brow. “Having sex again?”

  “That, too…but I was thinking about something else.”

  “Oh, really?”

  “Really.” She pressed a kiss against his jaw, inadvertently initiating his launch sequence once more. “How does a bath sound to you?”

  An image of the two of them sinking into that claw-foot tub outside materialized all too readily in Linc’s mind. Wet rump, wet breasts and pouting nipples. Steam rising off the water. Curls and soft mewling sighs.

  He wrapped a strand of her hair around his finger and tugged her close for a kiss. “I like that idea.”


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